View Full Version : Issues with getting subbed to PS

2012-07-09, 11:22 AM
How come i can't make a subscription for ps1?

Can't find it in my gamelist.. so im asking how to subscribe.

all their is are a few games included ps2 but not ps1.

2012-07-09, 11:27 AM
Please don't be making threads and putting them in the wrong forum like that.

Anyway you need to actually buy the game. You can't just sub to it.

2012-07-09, 11:54 AM
Please don't be making threads and putting them in the wrong forum like that.

Anyway you need to actually buy the game. You can't just sub to it.

Well i have bought it. but somehow when i install its telling me to make a subscription but it wont let me because theirs no planetside 1 to sub to.....

i got the core combat .and im not using my old account anymore so i could had 30 days free as returning user but i lost it all.email account(they hacked it and was closed by hotmail) and couldn't reactivate it so i made a new account. but i cant make a sub. i can sub to everygame but not ps1.... its just not their.

2012-07-09, 12:02 PM
Did you register the key?

2012-07-09, 12:04 PM
Well i have bought it. but somehow when i install its telling me to make a subscription but it wont let me because theirs no planetside 1 to sub to.....

i got the core combat .and im not using my old account anymore so i could had 30 days free as returning user but i lost it all.email account(they hacked it and was closed by hotmail) and couldn't reactivate it so i made a new account. but i cant make a sub. i can sub to everygame but not ps1.... its just not their.

You only got core combat? Not aftershock or the original? Core combat is only a expansion. Doesn't give access to the game.

2012-07-09, 12:08 PM
You only got core combat? Not aftershock or the original? Core combat is only a expansion. Doesn't give access to the game.

Well i used to bought it and it came with the original ps. and all i did was going to my account then the gamepass info and subbing to ps1.it was easy because i just did it with back withdrawel automaticly.

but now it doesnt even have ps1 standing their.

i can sub to ps1 but then i have to buy the game again and im not planning to do that.

wish i had my old account lol i know my username just not the pass.and its linked to my dead email adress. and the information soe needs to make it active again i dont have lol.atleast not everything.
Had a damn TR BFR after hours of cavefighting.

2012-07-09, 02:02 PM
push "i forgot my pasword" and answear the secret question and password will get sent to ur dads e-mail

other than that i guess u just have to wait for ps2..

2012-07-09, 10:59 PM
My head hurts after reading this. If you can't access your old account that the base game is registered to then you can't play.