View Full Version : Should Engineers ACE have a walling option

2012-07-12, 03:10 PM
Watch 1:59

Empires Mod EPIC vs Consortium g1 p1/4 - YouTube

Should engineers, one day, be able to place walls something similar to that? Albit, with a few tweaks?

2012-07-12, 03:18 PM
I'd say a force-field, less wide, but yeah, could be interesting.

2012-07-12, 03:20 PM
Yes to help make fights more unpredictable, entrenching the open layouts if people hold a base long enough, it can give defenders more of a chance against the SL spawn anywhere mechanic.

More CE is a very good idea, and thank you for giving a video of it in action.

+ On a lesser note, it looks cool for engineers and bases to grow :)

2012-07-12, 03:28 PM
Im pretty sure medics can put down force field barriers.

2012-07-12, 03:28 PM
Hazzah the idea is solid!

Beta now!

Ivam Akorahil
2012-07-12, 03:36 PM
i like the idea, dislike forcefields alot, prefer solid walls, but it has to be a slow time to build, it should be deployed prior to combat not in combat

2012-07-12, 03:41 PM
I think engineers working tigether should be able to build a giant robot with lazerz and rockets shooting out of its ass.

2012-07-12, 03:41 PM
i like the idea, dislike forcefields alot, prefer solid walls, but it has to be a slow time to build, it should be deployed prior to combat not in combat

ya that's what I'm thinking as well

2012-07-12, 03:42 PM
Nice idea. I think the process of placing should be channeled though, not insta-placement. And, of cource, engi must sacrifice some other utility in order to have barriers.

2012-07-12, 03:49 PM
My vote is no. As an alternative I think they should be able to deploy tank traps to root down large vehicles.

2012-07-12, 04:02 PM
We know engineers have access to some sort of deployable cover. I am, indeed, crossing my fingers that said cover will be a physical barrier, as well. I'll echo Ivam Akorahil and Goldeh that I'd prefer nanite-constructed physical objects rather than force fields.

Also, Sledgecrushr, I'm pretty sure tank traps are on the table, too.

2012-07-12, 04:10 PM
I don't think you guys are considering the major griefing potential for something like this. It sounds great when you're going to use it responsibly and maybe if you're one out of 3 engineers on your faction. But you have to consider what if there's 600 engineers and they're just placing walls all over the place? It could get ridiculous and game-breaking in a real hurry.

Anything that can be placed down should not block movement and should be very temporary and/or easy to destroy. Forcefields would be good for this.

2012-07-12, 04:26 PM
I don't think you guys are considering the major griefing potential for something like this. It sounds great when you're going to use it responsibly and maybe if you're one out of 3 engineers on your faction. But you have to consider what if there's 600 engineers and they're just placing walls all over the place? It could get ridiculous and game-breaking in a real hurry.

Anything that can be placed down should not block movement and should be very temporary and/or easy to destroy. Forcefields would be good for this.

Well hold on here

3 empires

600x3 = 1800

max pop is 2000

600 engineer would be most if not all of a pop faction?

Pretty postive most of the faction will not go engineer because they can place a wall. As depicted in the video shown, some were engineer, some were not. In additon, in the video (a game I've played mind) engineer got a limit on how many walls he/she could place down.

2012-07-12, 04:32 PM
I hugely support giving Engineers the ability to deploy cover of some sort. Empires-style walls might be a bit overboard though (very big; how realistic is that?). For a long time people have been suggesting that Engineers should be able to dig trenches or deploy sandbag cover (adding deployable sandbags shouldn't be too hard).

As an alternative I think they should be able to deploy tank traps to root down large vehicles.

I think this is a great idea.

2012-07-12, 04:34 PM
I'd enjoy placing walls but I'm more interested in jump pads for engineers to place honestly!

2012-07-12, 04:40 PM
My vote is no. As an alternative I think they should be able to deploy tank traps to root down large vehicles.

If it doubles as useful hard cover for infantry, that could be exactly what we need for a truly dynamic battlefield.

2012-07-12, 04:46 PM
I remember this game! It had a pretty solid concept, it just didn't quite reach enough popularity to really test it's limits, in my opinion. Something similar in PS2 could work if given the right limitations, like only 2-3 sections per engineer or something.

2012-07-12, 04:53 PM
Given the scale of PS2, if "wall building" were to work, they'd have to severly limit how much wall a single engineer could lay down. Like just 1 segment per Engineer, so they'd have to coordinate in order to build anything effective.

That does make for good teamplay though.

2012-07-12, 04:56 PM
I would like to see TRAPs return, but with slightly less PS1 restrictions.

2012-07-12, 04:57 PM
if wall builds have x,y,z type coords of how they want to place the wall , we could perhaps see some very interesting craftsmanship, esspecially on a team wide level.

make shift bunkers/forward base
make shift bridges (incase primary bridge is too hot to pass over to )

Ivam Akorahil
2012-07-12, 05:02 PM
if wall builds have x,y,z type coords of how they want to place the wall , we could perhaps see some very interesting craftsmanship, esspecially on a team wide level.

make shift bunkers/forward base
make shift bridges (incase primary bridge is too hot to pass over to )

yeh id use some simply snap in mechanic, like you can turn them by 90 degrees to make U or square forms, to build defense lines, but apart from that and auto align i would limit deployable structures to prerendered stuff like a complete bunker

could be balanced wiht using up empire resources but the advantage of deploying a defnesive bunker with deployed mg and maybe AT potential might make up for it
and ofc only one active bunker per engineer at any given time,

2012-07-12, 05:11 PM
yeh id use some simply snap in mechanic, like you can turn them by 90 degrees to make U or square forms, to build defense lines, but apart from that and auto align i would limit deployable structures to prerendered stuff like a complete bunker

could be balanced wiht using up empire resources but the advantage of deploying a defnesive bunker with deployed mg and maybe AT potential might make up for it
and ofc only one active bunker per engineer at any given time,

Or just build up a bunker using wall sections stacked on each other
