View Full Version : Looting Backpacks?

2012-07-14, 11:40 AM
Got a question about Looting in planetside 1.

Why do some backpacks Stay and others go?

2012-07-14, 11:50 AM
For me, it seemed like the more players in the area the greater chance that the backpack was not going to stay long.

So a way to control lag perhaps?

2012-07-14, 11:53 AM
The speed at which backpacks dissapear depends (usually) on the size of the fight. In order to prevent performance issues due to all the backpacks laying around, the game instantly deconstructs them in big fights, whereas they will stay around for quite a while in low activity areas.

2012-07-14, 11:54 AM
For me, it seemed like the more players in the area the greater chance that the backpack was not going to stay long.

So a way to control lag perhaps?

This, probably to keep rendering too many objects from lagging the place up. *Shrug*

2012-07-14, 11:55 AM
MC has it right

2012-07-14, 12:28 PM
Thanks for answering can always relie on PSU where Command Chat is full of idiots :)

Someone said this on command chat

You cant loot a CR5 they take there packbacks with them!


2012-07-14, 12:38 PM
They used to stay for a long time even in big fights but it was optimized ages ago so the bigger the fight the quicker they disappeared.

2012-07-14, 01:03 PM
also emptying out backpacks will make them disappear, I do this in smaller fights to make sure doors stay closed when in an enclosed space)

2012-07-14, 05:10 PM
Got a question about Looting in planetside 1.

Why do some backpacks Stay and others go?

it is lag control, back in 2004 they used to stay and caused people to lag so they changed it