View Full Version : para droping?
2003-03-18, 08:36 PM
dose anyone have any info on para droping?
also dose anyone know were i can get my hands on that 5 min fileplanet vid?
2003-03-18, 08:38 PM
I know as much as you about it but u may find something on lines of a video on gamespot
2003-03-18, 08:41 PM
All characters in the game come with kinetic danpmner which is basically a auto deploy rocket shoes (i dont think u can see them) they prevent you from taking a lot of damage from falling. I think they are on vehicles as well. Also i remember reading somewhere that you have to be a certain height above the ground for them to work.
2003-03-18, 08:43 PM
Well "para dropping" as you put it would be the work of kinetic dampeners. They are devices that all armors have that decrease how fast you fall depending on your height. If you are really high up, then they have more time to activate, so you won't take any damage. But if you are somewhat close to the ground when you drop, and they don't have time to kick in, then you will take some fall damage. They are like the parachutes of the future! :D
2003-03-18, 08:45 PM
awww man sweet.i can just see it now, the squad jumping out of the back of the galaxy followd by me droping down in an enforcer as i scream LOOK OUT BELOW*drools*
huh *looks around* uhh o sorry about that
2003-03-18, 08:47 PM
Heres a good SS of paras in action
you can see the little globes at the peoples feet adn here is a closers pic of it
2003-03-18, 08:49 PM
awsome thanks alot, and dose anyone know were i can get that vid
2003-03-18, 09:14 PM
You can get the video from Fileplanet.
2003-03-18, 09:16 PM
i dont have an account
2003-03-18, 10:33 PM
Ya gota be subscribed?? I thought it would be just the normal acount thing.......well yea could someone suply their own d/l?
god kenetic dampeners are cool. But tehy're bitg and blue. it's like a beacon: "SHOOT ME IM PARADROPPING ON YOUR FACE!" hahaha, i can see it now: a squad trying to paradrop in, and on they're way down get nailed by a shitload of AI MAXes....hahaha
2003-03-18, 11:40 PM
Terran Elite Airborne Regiment
All you do is wait for the pilot to get a high enough altitude and jump out the back. Ken Damp will activate and save ur butt from squishing!
-Dark- CO [TEAR]
2003-03-19, 12:08 AM
I like the idea of Kinetic dampeners. It lets us get out of a Galaxy if a Galaxy has an asshole pilot who won't stop for us . . . heck, you could do high-speed, maximum-altitude MAX drops, no way to stop 'em. Or 14 infantry dropped in one pass, directly into the enemy base . . . mmmm, speed.
2003-03-19, 12:55 AM
In an intentional para drop situation the pilot (and passengers) would be best advised to drop in an area the enemy will not be expecting. For instance, if you're main force is attacking a base from the south, the drop should take place to the north, east or west. Whichever direction the enemy is not being reinforced from. They should also be done out of view of the enemy base.
A drop over the top of an enemy held base is a plain waste of equipment....and squadmates.
One of the primary reasons I played the Havok pilot a lot in Tribes 2 was because my teamates were freaking idiots, taking us directly over the enemy turrets straight into the lions den. I always prefered to follow the canyons to a position behind or to the side of the base to let off my heavies. They cause some real trouble that way with 5 mortors going, and me heading back for another load of heavies.
My question is this:
When can you jump out of your aircraft that you are piloting? If you can jump out mid-air, then... ah.... I just see suicide ramming runs or something happening.
2003-03-19, 02:50 AM
Sort of highjacking this thread somewhat, but don't individuals have a build timer on vehicles? If I destroy my own vehicle I need to wait X time to get another? That should stop the lame ramming taking place.
30 minutes, as I read, yes. I believe this will also help lessen ramming.
2003-03-19, 07:56 AM
Where did this 30 min thing come from? Someone got anny proof of it?
2003-03-19, 09:38 AM
I don't see why you think a drop directly into an enemy base is a waste of teammates. :P
How many people does it take to win a base? Could 14 do it in a pinch? I think so, if there were fewer defenders than that. Heck 2 Galaxy drops at once, for a nice cozy 26 people (assuming the pilots don't drop) -- BOOM, instant death from above, instantly you're inside the compound, no need to fight a slow and bloody battle up through the main gate area (by which time the word is out and reenforcements are already arriving) . . . I think it's a killer idea. :D
2003-03-19, 11:02 AM
I think it's more than 30 minutes. A few hours at least.
In fact, from what I've read, there are two timers. You grab an... AMS... and everyone else has to wait about 2 hours. You however, have to wait 4 hours to get another AMS. Or something like that.
2003-03-19, 11:09 AM
Any links to the vehicle timings from the devs? Sounds interesting. :D
2003-03-19, 11:41 AM
A few hours? That seems way long to me, some players wont play 4 hours at a time. An hour seems more then long enough to me. I think 30-40mins for a new buggy sounds ok.
2003-03-19, 11:42 AM
If fourteen people take a base, THEY ARE GODS! If they can kill the defenders (doesn't really matter how many, as I'm about to explain), hack the base, AND HOLD OFF THE DEFENDERS' FRIENDS for fifteen minutes, they will be worshipped.:D
2003-03-19, 11:45 AM
Warm up the prayer mats!
<cracks his knuckles>
2003-03-19, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Madfish
Warm up the prayer mats!
<cracks his knuckles>
^^ I like the way this man thinks.
2003-03-19, 01:19 PM
Yeah so back to this 30 minute wait time between vehicles and multiple hours for AMS. I need to see some proof. I don't like the idea of ramming, but man 30 minutes is pretty high especially if your player is a pilot.
Although, in general a 30 minute timer would probably help keep the sky clear of swarms of reavers and the like.
2003-03-19, 02:09 PM
I wouldn't mind as much if it were 30 minutes after you FIRST hopped in the vehicle. Heck, if you can't stay alive in your vehicle for good 20 minutes, why be a pilot?
Although . . . maybe 15 or even 10 minutes would be better. I hate hate hate HATE the idea of those kinds of restrictions on player actions . . . after all, how much griefing are you going to see if a guy can try to ram someone once every 10 minutes? Heh.
2003-03-19, 02:15 PM
A 30 minute wait from your last vehicle build is fair. I guess I was under the assumption that the wait would be between you losing your vehicle and your ability to create the next, but now that I think about it, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
2003-03-19, 02:18 PM
The wait time is probably different for every vehicle. Like, say, a Wraith would have a 5 minute rebuild timer, while a bigger vehicle would take even longer. You know, all relative to the durability and potency of the vehicle.
2003-03-19, 02:47 PM
Hmm, good point. Otherwise, people would be just balls-to-the-wall-ing enemies in Galaxies -- "everyone in the galaxy we're going in!" galaxy zips to objective, lands in the middle of compound just as it gets demolished, everyone bails and fight hard but get mowed down -- repeat until it works -- that might be a tad unfair to the poor defenders.
And particularly bases that have vehicles and are under attack! It would be a constant stream of tanks and reavers pouring out, lol. Vehicle timer == good.
But still . . . I don't think the system should be quite so limiting; I would like to see a 15 minute timer . . .
2003-03-19, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
The wait time is probably different for every vehicle. Like, say, a Wraith would have a 5 minute rebuild timer, while a bigger vehicle would take even longer. You know, all relative to the durability and potency of the vehicle.
^^ This is known Dev confirmed information. Every vehicle has a respawn timer, and it varies from vehicle to vehicle
2003-03-19, 04:10 PM
Ah, any pointers to the thread where they confirmed it?
In any case, if, say a 3 man tank has a 15 minute wait time, I hope the wait time gets applied to all the occupants. Otherwise, a 3 man tank team - all of whom are certified in that tank - basically only have a wait time of 5 minutes each.
On the other hand, perhaps that's just their advantage for working together and each having the cert. Just as long as the devs take it into consideration for play balance.
2003-03-19, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by OmnipotentKiwi
^^ This is known Dev confirmed information. Every vehicle has a respawn timer, and it varies from vehicle to vehicle
Ah...thanks. I was wanting confirmation. Do they have a link you could point us too like Chanfan asked? Do they have a breakdown on which vehicles have which timers? For instance does the Galaxies have a 30 min timer and the Reavers a 20 min timer kind of thing? Just curious.:cool:
p.s. Sorry this is off the subject of paradropping :p This timer issue came up and I would like to know more if possible. Thanks
2003-03-19, 05:25 PM
It's in a dev chat or interview, not a thread. Not sure which one, but it's relatively recent (past few months).
if you have win mx or kazaa you can try d/l it....but itll take a while
2003-03-19, 06:25 PM
Thanks guys. I will look into it.
2003-03-19, 07:43 PM
ya know the 30 mintue thing is gona kill off all the pilots, and/or soldiers.
See this ( , its an old pic but where the hell did that all come from? 30 minutes a piece? If so, then thoughs beta peeps got absoulutly no real lives....deng...
I mean weapons lock (Im fine with), but weapons lock (uhh...k...), I dont wana be locked for 3 days!!!! I mean I just entered the game and I cant even move??? BULL SHIT!
ehem...sorry for me rudeness...but the locks are just dumb...and if there where any build time...amajine all the people whos wating should be like T2. Honestly, all the locking vehicles, there should be a certain amount of a vehicle in a field allong with the small vehicle build time. Or else its gona kill any and most pilots/drivers......and dont start yellin at me that then they could just run in the fields cause I know some who are devoted pilots that cant even shoot a gun.
2003-03-19, 07:49 PM
ya know the 30 mintue thing is gona kill off all the pilots, and/or soldiers.
Not really. With a lot of the vehicles with a long reconstruction time, you shouldn't be getting killed within the 30 minutes. The reconstruction time is mainly to stop the enemy from cranking out tank after tank after Reaver from a base under siege.
I mean weapons lock (Im fine with), but weapons lock (uhh...k...), I dont wana be locked for 3 days!!!! I mean I just entered the game and I cant even move??? BULL SHIT!
You get weapon locked from getting too many grief points. You get grief points from shooting non-squaded allies. So exactly why are you upset over someone who shoots his allies a lot getting weapon locked? Do you plan to be a professional team killer or something?
and dont start yellin at me that then they could just run in the fields cause I know some who are devoted pilots that cant even shoot a gun.
The reconstruction timer begins as soon as you build the vehicle in the first place. So the minute that vehicle is built and sitting on the pad, the timer starts. If a pilot gets killed in his vehicle before that timer runs down then, tough luck, but he's either having a bad day, or being very careless, and he's going to pay for it by having to wait a few minutes for the timer to run down. Simple as that.
2003-03-19, 07:54 PM
That SS is a rather old one. I think it might even be pre-internal beta. It was mostly a promotional shot for the magazines. I don't think you'll be seeing many (if any) outfits fielding a force like that. Not even the Sturmgrenadiers.
Not to mention, all it would take was several stealth minelayers to do some real damage to those tanks. A couple of decimator equiped players hidden in some trees would also probably wax those tanks pretty fast.
2003-03-19, 08:00 PM
heyy im ok with it aslong as i can have my quad:D
2003-03-19, 08:06 PM
The timer is fine as long as it starts right away, not when the vehicle gets destroyed.
2003-03-19, 08:08 PM
this may sound realy noobyish of a question but can you switch to 3rd person wile in combat?
2003-03-19, 08:15 PM
Remember that that reconstruction time starts when you first get the vehicle out. Some of it is taken up by your travel time, then however long you can survive. Bail when the thing has <10% armor left, and continue your fight on foot as best you can. And if you STILL have some time left, sit in the Sanctuary and make yourself a sandwich.
2003-03-19, 08:23 PM
2003-03-19, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
Not really. With a lot of the vehicles with a long reconstruction time, you shouldn't be getting killed within the 30 minutes. The reconstruction time is mainly to stop the enemy from cranking out tank after tank after Reaver from a base under siege. First I know that, but I really dont wana run a woopin 1000 miles..
wait i will add soon..
2003-03-19, 09:37 PM
I think some people are misunderstanding (and I may be as well) -- but as I understand it, the timer is on a PER-PERSON basis. So a facility won't have to wait 30 minutes to crank out another Mosquito, but if you get shot down after 15 minutes of flying, you will have to wait for another 15 minutes to fly one.
That's one thing I don't really like -- I really, REALLY think the devs are overdoing it with 30 minutes. I mean, an agressive, great pilot, who has sunk his certs into, say, piloting and repairing (so he can repair his vehicle) -- he might get lagged and run into a freaking TREE. This might be 2 minutes after he got his vehicle -- do you know how long 28 minutes is if you're just sitting around??
In DAoC, you had to take a horse to a portal area waaay up north just to get INTO another realm (and the walk to the enemy-infested portions of YOUR frontier was even longer -- a good 15 minutes PAST the portal gate. When you died in the frontier and couldn't get resurrected in time, you had to respawn a a town way south of the gate, get on a horse and ride for 5 minutes, and then (depending on your luck) wait up to ten minutes for these little AI guys to come out and portal everyone.
That 10-minute wait was the most irritating thing . . .geez. Ten minutes is freaking forever when your character is standing around, just watching people wak around, dressed like **** . . .
I would go insane waiting 28 minutes for my next chance to fly a plane. I mean, a HALF HOUR?!? If you fly and die four times -- FOUR TIMES -- as a pilot, that's 2 hours. Some might say "well, that promotes not being wasteful with vehicles blah blah" -- very true. But it might also promote pansies -- little wankers that fly off and don't play for the team, looking only for the occasional person in the open field. I mean, what Galaxy-certed pilot is going to want to try a daring drop over an enemy base if he has to wait 2 hours or something?? It encourages pilots to be pussies . . . I mean, it's better than encouraging them to be plane-ramming dicks . . um, metaphor, hehehe, oh sorry -- but still.
2003-03-19, 09:41 PM
The reconstruction time is mainly to stop the enemy from cranking out tank after tank after Reaver from a base under siege.
See, I would prefer that this was balanced out via ANT usage, not a timer on the vehicles. I don't mind them pumping out vehicles like there's no tomorrow -- let them, it's consistent, although jeez you'd think that pumping vehicles OUT of a base under seige would be kind of tough without a high percentage of vehicle loss (smaller area to mine, lots of enemies outside, etc). But let them -- they will use up their energy. If they can keep getting ANT's in spite of the seige, more power to them -- vehicles for all!
I like open-ended situations like that. Restricting players via vehicle timers is a bad idea to me if they're longer than 15 minutes. I honestly can't see how much abuse you could muster up with one vehicle every 15 minutes. :P
2003-03-19, 11:30 PM
Seee?? mr-luc agrees with me..... As I said 30 minute will kill off many devoted pilots.....and when I mean devoted, I mean diehards....ones that can woop out a can of woopass on natrual targets....but then they may have a 56k, and suddenly a wave of lag comes and throws him into a tree (since most good pilots fly me).....just the 30 minute thing is lil too long....
And i'm guessin luc is talkin bout the armor lock, 10 minutes is it ten minutes, or 3 days, I heard both? But that is a little too the most 10-30 seconds.....or less.......while weapon lock I dont really care cause I'[m hoping you can still drive/pilot vehicles such as a transport (if the lock holds on vehicle's weapons too).
And I do know the locks are grief points....and no I wont be a serial killer.....I'm just bringing that up since the talk went to time limits...
2003-03-19, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by BUGGER33
First I know that, but I really dont wana run a woopin 1000 miles..
wait i will add soon..
Then recall to sanctuary, hitch a HART, and go to where you want to be via drop pod.
See, I would prefer that this was balanced out via ANT usage, not a timer on the vehicles. I don't mind them pumping out vehicles like there's no tomorrow -- let them, it's consistent, although jeez you'd think that pumping vehicles OUT of a base under seige would be kind of tough without a high percentage of vehicle loss (smaller area to mine, lots of enemies outside, etc). But let them -- they will use up their energy. If they can keep getting ANT's in spite of the seige, more power to them -- vehicles for all!
Given that you do not have access to quick and easy vehicle replacement, if this were the case, coupled with base defenses, the defenders would be able to destroy an equal sized attacking force rather quickly -- certainly before the energy supply is depleted. It does not take many instant reconstructions of a vehicle to defeat an enemy if you're trading tanks and aircraft on a 1 for 1 basis. Not only that, but the what you suggest over a reconstruction timer (which may or may not be 30 minutes -- don't take anyone's word for it unless they're in the Beta and fly a Mosquito/Reaver) would result in crappy pilots flying around, destroying their aircraft repeatedly, and draining base facilities in no time flat (either by accident due to their ineptitude or on purpose to sabotage their team). Having a reconstruction timer is simply better on all accounts.
2003-03-20, 12:51 AM
It may well be that while you are waiting for your own timer to expire, you can pass the time being a gunner in someone else's ship.
Or, it may be a way to force folks to run as infantry part of the time, rather than having everyone be in a tank/airship at all times�
2003-03-20, 01:20 AM
As I said somewhere, some are pilots from heaven...but they dont know how to throw a lightning bult....
Bout the HARTs, wouldn't you be strapped down if ya board it (strapped down as in gunnless....besides the handgun)? ohhhhh, ops....i was thinking about the drop pod when you enter the game.....nm, i take that back....
And the build proces is still bull as said, a sudden wind of lag may drag a ship into a tree.
And I adressed the reason why i brought up the grief stuff....:rolleyes:
2003-03-20, 05:44 AM
Uhm, where did everyone get 30 mins from? dev said it? screenshot? beta leakage?
Annyways, like warborn says the vehicle timers is to prevent llamas from spamming vehicles, draining places and to make base defence a little harder whit not having the ability to spawn hoards of vehicles.
If you have to wait 30 mins, big deal. Go do some grunt work instead pretty flyboy.
2003-03-20, 06:36 AM
i think that a big reason for vehicle timers is to make it so that there are like barely any infantry and all these sounds like people are just ruleing out the hole infantry idea of the game
2003-03-20, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Zatrais
If you have to wait 30 mins, big deal. Go do some grunt work instead pretty flyboy.
. . .
Wait a second . . . you know, I never really planned on being a pilot much anyways (besides maybe an ANT pilot) . . . wtf am I yammering about? :D
Hell, I would still probably buy the game if it was vehicle-less -- and a timer makes them a valuable commodity.
Although, yeah, I really hope the rebuild timer for things like the Mosquito and that little 4-wheeler are around 5-10 minutes.
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