View Full Version : Who's The Best?
2012-07-16, 03:20 AM
Just a generalised topic that I was thinking about today.
List someone, OTHER THAN YOURSELF, that fits. Just for fun, do all of them or just a couple and if you want a brief description of the player.
Who was the Best:
Tank Driver
Spec Ops
Lightning/Atv Driver
Spit/Mine Layer
Transport Driver
All Around Player
I choose a few players
Mirrorboy for pilot(vs)
Cavalierkilla for gunner and all around(vs)
Flargy for cloaker(tr)
ICEVIPER for Grunt(nc)
ElectricVenom/TheViper ATV (vs/tr)
Those are some of the names I can remember and associate with being very skilled in the areas I named. I know there was an NC who was great at mine placement and spit laying but I can't think of their name. Also, I kinda listed Lightning/ATV in the topic because it was a ground vehicle you drove and gunned same time, that kinda thing.
So I'm looking forward to see what others think and I hope this is a fun post for everyone.
2012-07-16, 06:01 AM
Unfortunately, there have been many of these threads, mainly ending in e-peen wars, so I don't think you'll get much of a response on this one.
2012-07-16, 06:35 AM
I have hopes, especially since a lot of people came back for the begining of july stuff so maybe it re-kindled some memories. Just seeing who wants to share their thoughts and past impressions. Just for fun not a competition
2012-07-16, 06:59 AM
I dont know whos the best, but i know im the worst :p
2012-07-16, 07:01 AM
Tank Driver
Spec Ops
Lightning/Atv Driver
Spit/Mine Layer
Transport Driver
All Around Player
2012-07-16, 08:32 AM
It's all subjective anyway.
I always think it's funny when people mention Mirror as a pilot and I've never seen Venom on an atv. Speaking of Venom I'm glad some of you still remember him as a good player. It's looking increasingly unlikely he won't be in PS2. :(
2012-07-16, 08:51 AM
I always think it's funny when people mention Mirror as a pilot
True dat. Mirror is a boss - but on the ground.
2012-07-16, 09:48 AM
I always think it's funny when people mention Mirror as a pilot and I've never seen Venom on an atv. Speaking of Venom I'm glad some of you still remember him as a good player. It's looking increasingly unlikely he won't be in PS2. :(
thats a double negative there Dart, it says he is going to play PS2,
he is unlikely to NOT be playing PS2
/grammar nazi off
2012-07-16, 10:13 AM
Maybe it wasn't so much Mirror as an individual Pilot but he would usually pick up the kills in a DT mossy swarm.
Venom I used to run with on TR and I was too slow paced at the time to make DT back when he first joined but I'd always see venom when you guys weren't doing spec ops running around on an atv making bfr's cry
I'm still waiting to see what others think as far as their opinion on which players stood out to them
2012-07-16, 10:52 AM
Maybe it wasn't so much Mirror as an individual Pilot but he would usually pick up the kills in a DT mossy swarm.
The last member that stole a kill from Mirror is in witness protection, so we tend to let him get all the killing blows these days.
Quite a few of those I don't even think you can put a name on.
I always used to drive a tank when I played full time. Boris (gunner) and his driver in their prowler always gave me trouble. Not that my gunner and I couldn't take them out, but if I was low on health and saw his name in kill spam I went the other way.
Cloaker? I have seen MightyMouser pull off some ridiculous stunts.
I cannot place one player at the top as the best player in terms of going against them 1v1 on the ground. A couple from each empire that comes to mind I could never touch are Hitman1000 and TopDawg to nothing and WeAre138. Those guys just ran circles around me :(.
2012-07-16, 01:04 PM
Let's instead play the "Guess his favorite vehicle" game:
2012-07-16, 06:48 PM
uh you guys forgot me on that list
2012-07-16, 06:54 PM
DemoMan is a monster. One of the best players I've ever played with. He deserves some love.
2012-07-16, 07:36 PM
You forgot "Most comedic"
Pilot: Fayaz
Tank Driver: me or Darkmoon
Gunner: Alienmouse, Jakaul
Cloaker: MightyMouser
Grunt(HA/Rexo): Mirroboy,Dart,Demo,Mars,Topdawg,weare138,itzMurda
Nuisance: gunnersgaymate & glitterfag, irishgunner, Basteg, espryon, me
All Around Player: Mirrorboy, Demoman
Most Comedic: AlienMouse
2012-07-16, 08:17 PM
2012-07-16, 09:03 PM
Till he was in the air.
I'm not going to list any DT (cos you said don't post yourself) so in no particular order: FelipeDeDon (VS), XFACTOR (NC), TheChain (TR). One from each Empire. Those are the best non-clan members I can think of right now.
These threads usually consist of listing off old school players who were/are good. I'm willing to bet that a few listed on here would get beat down by some of the newer names but hey, the stuff is subjective anyway right?
I'll try to name some 'newer' people for the sake of slight originality here. :)
NC: HardToBeat,
TR: SwordLord, (I think he gained notoriety a little later on)
VS: This one is tricky, I may have to default on Visigodo
And the air belongs to Elcyco of course.
I only came up with two that would qualify as newer. :( Help me out!
There is no true 'best' though, there is a top echelon of players across empires.
What the hell... I'll bite. Like Dart, I will not name any DT..
Pilot: Elcyco
Tank Driver: I really don't know..
Gunner: Smokin
Cloaker: MightyMouser
Grunt: g0ldhaze1, Gelaxus, Topdawg, Visigodo, Rizzuh.
Spec Ops: huh?
Lightning/Atv Driver: Darkmoone
Hacker: I honestly don't know how someone can be the best "Hacker".
Medic: Anyone with a med app..
Max: Every scat user.. (op? lawl)
Engineer: No clue..
Spit/Mine Layer: I think his name was HighExplosiveMine... Dude was a beast.
Transport Driver: Again you got me..
Nuisance: OutcastBladescar
All Around Player: Not gonna answer this one.. Too much to consider.
2012-07-16, 10:12 PM
jpmonroe was the best hacker.. he got away with it for what... five years?
2012-07-16, 10:53 PM
These threads usually consist of listing off old school players who were/are good. I'm willing to bet that a few listed on here would get beat down by some of the newer names but hey, the stuff is subjective anyway right?
I'll try to name some 'newer' people for the sake of slight originality here. :)
NC: HardToBeat,
TR: SwordLord, (I think he gained notoriety a little later on)
VS: This one is tricky, I may have to default on Visigodo
And the air belongs to Elcyco of course.
I only came up with two that would qualify as newer. :( Help me out!
Three out of those four you listed are pretty much old school PS players. And the reason most of these lists boil down to the old school players is because that's an accurate observation. They simply WERE (are) that good. It was a different game back then. You could measure those players with aim, situational awareness, being in right place at the right time, always having the right gear for the job and a host of other qualities these players possessed. What do you use to measure people that remain today? Number of plasma grenades thrown per minute? Duration of MAX usage on a hourly basis? Ability to exploit the netcode so badly that their opponent is dead before they round the corner? Because all of that is pretty much what the game has degenerated into.
2012-07-17, 02:28 AM
Best all around player?
I'd have to say Spart
2012-07-17, 03:34 AM
TheChain (TR).
Ohh..I forgot about him..he was pretty damn good with the McG.
2012-07-17, 04:17 AM
I'll give this a go, seen so many great players over the years hope i can remember them
Pilot - Stellerence
Tank Driver - Juggernautx, Chal
Gunner - ThePaste (hes my gunner),BigAlBNC (him and Jugs are legends in a prowler), Igster
Cloaker - Want to say me but lately loving flargy with the spiker, zumo
Grunt - Metalwolf, Korndemon, Atomycsys
Spec Ops - I'll give this one to Ini elite as an outfit
Lightning/Atv Driver there are some annoying fury drivers that always come after my prowler/flail
Hacker - xKontramarka/JannaAgurzurova ;)
Medic -
Max - ThePaste in a Burster
Engineer - Juggernautx
Spit/Mine Layer - Juggernautx
Transport Driver -
Nuisance - WaaWaa and his 5 accounts
All Around Player - Superschnecke
sorry for the blanks having a think :)
What the hell... I'll bite. Like Dart, I will not name any DT..
Pilot: Elcyco
Tank Driver: I really don't know..
Gunner: Smokin
Cloaker: MightyMouser
Grunt: g0ldhaze1, Gelaxus, Topdawg, Visigodo, Rizzuh.
Spec Ops: huh?
Lightning/Atv Driver: Darkmoone
Hacker: I honestly don't know how someone can be the best "Hacker".
Medic: Anyone with a med app..
Max: Every scat user.. (op? lawl)
Engineer: No clue..
Spit/Mine Layer: I think his name was HighExplosiveMine... Dude was a beast.
Transport Driver: Again you got me..
Nuisance: OutcastBladescar
All Around Player: Not gonna answer this one.. Too much to consider.
So many bad moments came back to me after reading that list.
2012-07-18, 04:22 AM
Pilot: BobbyShaftoe
Driver: No idea
Gunner: No idea
Cloaker: Outlawpaul
Grunt: AzK, Korndemon, Inf3rnal, Visigodo, Jadoo, Naraj Werner Produced some epic players. Remember Jadoo?
Spec Ops: no idea
Lightning: no idea
Hacker: Alexdeadly for obvious reasons
Medic: [MoX] outfit.
Max: AzK, AngelDT, JeefBeeflips, in a DC.
Spit/Mine Layer: KitoDT Seems like he has unlimited CE.
Shout out for Mohawk aswell. He was good back in the day no idea what happened to him. I think the darkside took an effect on him :P
2012-07-18, 04:50 AM
TheButler is by far the greatest vanu to of walked auraxis. As for NC id say Korndemon closely followed by azk. TR would have to be atomicsys, i remember superschnecke being badass too. Werner had some awesome players. Gave the game extra dynamics when you saw people like korndemon or atomic bail on your hack defence with 3 mins to go, good times.
Mohawk became NakataH in 1cmm and went from one of the best players on Werner to one of the best players in Emerald. Then he joined DT and briefly cemented himself as one of the most all-round players in PS. Then he got married, got complacent and really let himself go. Don't worry though, we've got him in one a strict diet and in e-training for PS2. He'll definitely be back at the top of that leaderboard.
2012-07-18, 11:49 AM
I reber when planetside Stats were out, in 2006 RAS top the stats on the Werner server. After the server merger of Gemini Planetside Stats went down.
Thanks for the shoutout Akapella, but if i have to be all honest, Dudster wins as the best overall player, with ncbedzike close behind.
Ofc people won't mention players they have hate towards. (2MUCHTRALLINGBRO)
Planetside 1 is bout who understands clientside most, nothing else.
taught TRxTerm how to throttle perfect, hes a good example. Kid goes in 100% not giving a fuark, like hes on some serious roid cycles, but guess what - hes all natural baby.
U know what lets just go ingame and dual', stfu kids and get on my lvl?
2012-07-18, 04:22 PM
Dudster..... ?
Dudster..... ?
?... :| Be honest
2012-07-18, 05:10 PM
I can't tell if you're joking.
2012-07-19, 03:45 AM
taught TRxTerm how to throttle perfect, hes a good example. Kid goes in 100% not giving a fuark, like hes on some serious roid cycles, but guess what - hes all natural baby.
U know what lets just go ingame and dual', stfu kids and get on my lvl?
Infy your crazy man. What the hell is throttle? And what is your relation to Zyzz?
2012-07-19, 06:32 AM
Hacker: Alexdeadly for obvious reasons
man iv missed these threads
Nuisance: Ozziking.. Totally forgot to mention him in my post.
2012-07-19, 11:36 AM
Clearly these people are the best. (
2012-07-19, 01:43 PM
Pilot - Fayaz or Ap0ck
Tank Driver - Baron (XBaronX/Baronx1), NinjaBlaze, Crest, Kanya
Gunner - Crest
Cloaker - Duomaxwl
Grunt - Nickp/nickptr/nickpdt, Dark44, PGxMunroe, DartDT, MirrorBoy, Ap0ck, Fayaz, wesley314
Spec Ops - PGxMunroe, wesley314, Supertroopers (outfit)
Lightning/Atv Driver - wesley314 and ltcrockett
Hacker - Jpmunroe/FreeSample (He got away with it for a while, til he got caught lol)
Spit/Mine Layer
Transport Driver - Thannis, E0tech, Opirr (Gal pilot)
Nuisance - WaaWaaWeWaGreatSuccess and his 30 alts
All Around Player: Syrupy or Kemala - two newer players i played with last year that did better than many older players overall.
Does this thread even have a real point? Also, I like how "pilot" is one area. Skeets, Reavers, Galaxies, and Libs all fly the same way.
2012-07-19, 09:43 PM
Does this thread even have a real point? Also, I like how "pilot" is one area. Skeets, Reavers, Galaxies, and Libs all fly the same way.
I know you are just sads no mentioned you. It is okay, you are still a lovely person.
2012-07-20, 09:35 AM
Come to think of it you forgot to mention ;
-Best Ams/router placer/driver
-Best beamer hotswopper
-Best at hate tells after getting killed
and last but not least ...
-Best scatmax spawn camper
But srsly im the best player and you kids don't even lift? :|
2012-07-20, 11:01 AM
But srsly im the best player and you kids don't even lift? :|
I lifted your momma once!
2012-07-20, 11:17 AM
But srsly im the best player and you kids don't even lift? :|
i lifted your momma once!
not sure offhand
2012-07-22, 06:39 PM
Skeets, Reavers, Galaxies, and Libs all fly the same way.
I assume you meant to say the opposite?
2012-07-22, 06:58 PM
I assume you meant to say the opposite?
Its called sarcasm, welcome to the internet.
2012-07-23, 08:16 AM
not sure offhand
Give me 50
2012-07-23, 08:31 AM
Its called sarcasm, welcome to the internet.
Its called better sarcasm, welcome to the internet.
2012-07-28, 08:48 PM
I think we can all agree that GODJOEY wins every category.
2012-07-28, 09:39 PM
I think we can all agree that GODJOEY wins every category.
That's a good one, tell another.
2012-07-31, 06:26 AM
I am the best at everything
2012-07-31, 12:16 PM
Discussion over. The best has been found
2012-07-31, 07:53 PM
Sorry, you guys can't top Basteg.
Does anyone remember lllSilencerlll from Johari? That dude was a beast in the first few years of the game. On par with Dreamer.
2012-08-01, 08:31 AM
I remember him.
2012-08-06, 02:05 PM
Jadoo was p awesome although not at everything.
Cannot get the dude to resub :(
Schnecke was a genuinely excellent player. He was very, very good with almost every weapon.
2012-08-07, 02:04 AM
All Around Player: Irishgunner
2012-08-07, 12:14 PM
I will choose no one from tr to bias my picks nor will i pick ppl i think were suspect of hacks or exploits or other bullcrap
Pilot - fayez (excellent a2a and ground attack )
lancer - lysette-k, eyeclopsette ( dont miss straffing them or your dead)
bomber- ozziking, six2one
max - galse ( all that time in a max made him the best at it )
cloaker - armordeth, deviousx ( little devils )
sniper - fatalelement ( trashtalker with good positioning and aim )
mines - galactichighlander ( the guy is gone 5+ years and still he has more kills on me then anyone else )
hardest to kill - rafethe2nd ( his reaver could survive by a hair )
best cn player - windhongbaocn ( solid player )
grunt - felipededon ( very tough kill in his prime )
best connection - 12mm ( weather he was plugged right into the server or not, he was scary fast )
lightning - iceviper ( good max/grunt player as well )
some other solid players that may not be the best at any one thing but were damn good : razor851 , kazzo, mystic, cleverdonut, tyzal, noyjitat, mirrorboy.
Interesting fact - azk and I were top of our empires and servers kill boards. When the servers merged his first kill on me was with the flail and my first kill on him was with the mcg.
2012-08-07, 02:07 PM
nice, I actually remember some of the names :)
2012-08-08, 08:19 PM
Best lamer - ubermenchen by a landslide.
2012-08-11, 03:33 AM
why do you got to be like that ?
2012-08-11, 06:18 AM
This topic is called who's the best. 95% of these players you listed are terrible.
2012-08-11, 10:50 AM
ok if your going to list ppl here , try and keep your emotions out of it. Naming a friend, outfitmate ,countryman or servermate degenerates this into a popularity contest.
ok if your going to list ppl here , try and keep your emotions out of it. Naming a friend, outfitmate ,countryman or servermate degenerates this into a popularity contest.
Best Flail player - ubermenchen
Happy ;)?
2012-08-11, 03:20 PM
lancer - eyeclopsette
This must be a joke. I was horrible with the lancer, lol. I have to agree with Goku, you were the best at f(l)ailing.
2012-08-15, 03:24 PM
i wonder how many players in the history planetside who other players see as better than average/really good are actually hackers? in those list what ppl have put here are some cheaters who have been banned YES I SAY IT CHEATERS get over it , and ppl who just exploit net code to be "leet" in adadad duel
some players like to throw some names from the past from the "golden age" of PS when grass was greener and there was old oshur and those evil BFRS wasnt there and so on and so on and..... REALITY is that in first 1-2 years all servers was full of ppl lots of poplocks= MASSIVE spam on bases where fight was, but no cheaters thou.
korpisoturi NC/mercenarys/werner/gemini. if you ever been playing either werner or in gemini i am pretty sure i have killed you;)or i have played with you. ( waitng for wawes of scatter/spawncamping related slurs). long time cheaters OR outfits who "harbour" these fxxxxs dont bother to answer cos ALL players who have played atleast 7-9years (me included) know who you are.
i hope we see these "godlike" adadwarpers with "all seeing eye" abilitys in PS2 with same name what they use in PS1 and we will see how they "skills" melt away............ untill new set of set of cheats is in the "market ??????.
2012-08-15, 06:11 PM
i wonder how many players in the history planetside who other players see as better than average/really good are actually hackers? in those list what ppl have put here are some cheaters who have been banned YES I SAY IT CHEATERS get over it , and ppl who just exploit net code to be "leet" in adadad duel
some players like to throw some names from the past from the "golden age" of PS when grass was greener and there was old oshur and those evil BFRS wasnt there and so on and so on and..... REALITY is that in first 1-2 years all servers was full of ppl lots of poplocks= MASSIVE spam on bases where fight was, but no cheaters thou.
korpisoturi NC/mercenarys/werner/gemini. if you ever been playing either werner or in gemini i am pretty sure i have killed you;)or i have played with you. ( waitng for wawes of scatter/spawncamping related slurs). long time cheaters OR outfits who "harbour" these fxxxxs dont bother to answer cos ALL players who have played atleast 7-9years (me included) know who you are.
i hope we see these "godlike" adadwarpers with "all seeing eye" abilitys in PS2 with same name what they use in PS1 and we will see how they "skills" melt away............ untill new set of set of cheats is in the "market ??????.
2012-08-18, 01:43 PM
i wonder how many players in the history planetside who other players see as better than average/really good are actually hackers? in those list what ppl have put here are some cheaters who have been banned YES I SAY IT CHEATERS get over it , and ppl who just exploit net code to be "leet" in adadad duel
some players like to throw some names from the past from the "golden age" of PS when grass was greener and there was old oshur and those evil BFRS wasnt there and so on and so on and..... REALITY is that in first 1-2 years all servers was full of ppl lots of poplocks= MASSIVE spam on bases where fight was, but no cheaters thou.
korpisoturi NC/mercenarys/werner/gemini. if you ever been playing either werner or in gemini i am pretty sure i have killed you;)or i have played with you. ( waitng for wawes of scatter/spawncamping related slurs). long time cheaters OR outfits who "harbour" these fxxxxs dont bother to answer cos ALL players who have played atleast 7-9years (me included) know who you are.
i hope we see these "godlike" adadwarpers with "all seeing eye" abilitys in PS2 with same name what they use in PS1 and we will see how they "skills" melt away............ untill new set of set of cheats is in the "market ??????.
A fine example of a terrible player.
2012-08-18, 02:07 PM
i wonder how many players in the history planetside who other players see as better than average/really good are actually hackers? in those list what ppl have put here are some cheaters who have been banned YES I SAY IT CHEATERS get over it , and ppl who just exploit net code to be "leet" in adadad duel
some players like to throw some names from the past from the "golden age" of PS when grass was greener and there was old oshur and those evil BFRS wasnt there and so on and so on and..... REALITY is that in first 1-2 years all servers was full of ppl lots of poplocks= MASSIVE spam on bases where fight was, but no cheaters thou.
korpisoturi NC/mercenarys/werner/gemini. if you ever been playing either werner or in gemini i am pretty sure i have killed you;)or i have played with you. ( waitng for wawes of scatter/spawncamping related slurs). long time cheaters OR outfits who "harbour" these fxxxxs dont bother to answer cos ALL players who have played atleast 7-9years (me included) know who you are.
i hope we see these "godlike" adadwarpers with "all seeing eye" abilitys in PS2 with same name what they use in PS1 and we will see how they "skills" melt away............ untill new set of set of cheats is in the "market ??????.
Someone needs an hug! :rolleyes:
2012-08-20, 04:25 AM
hmmm. cheater,defender of well known cheaters, and has been from past, nice start.
2012-08-20, 07:39 AM
hmmm. cheater,defender of well known cheaters, and has been from past, nice start.
I've never cheated, though I appreciate the compliments.
2012-08-21, 10:34 PM
hmmm. cheater,defender of well known cheaters, and has been from past, nice start.
I think cheaters/ hackers are not nearly as common as you would have us think. The majority of WTF moments are due to network related issues. Players that seem to have an abundance of WTF moments are more than likely good players that are blessed by geography.
2012-08-23, 08:05 AM
That's pretty much where the list ends. Although Korp is a terrible noob he's right you all are listing off players that played when the server had tons more people to shoot. The real good players played in 08-10 when the server was dead and players still managed to net a good amount of kills.
2012-08-23, 12:42 PM
That's pretty much where the list ends. Although Korp is a terrible noob he's right you all are listing off players that played when the server had tons more people to shoot. The real good players played in 08-10 when the server was dead and players still managed to net a good amount of kills.
You forget to mention that people have had 10,000 fps computers since 07. Anyone can get a high kill day playing with 500 fps in a zerg battle. The game takes very little skill, let alone with 8 million fps. I remember getting red fps in sanctuary back in 03 and still making the leaderboard, I remember wetting myself getting 100 fps the first time in sanctuary. Based on what I saw when playing recently, the players back then despite having much worser fps I think were a bit better at least in 05/06. There are some now who could win 1v1 vs some of them, but there were guys getting 1k kills with so little fps and actually had to use some skill, and only had about a year or two experience. There were 70k subscribers in 03, 50k 04, 25+k in 05, the rest of the way its just gotten very low. Now theres about 1.5k I think, which also means despite there being lower numbers theres also much less competition. Mid way through 07 there were even less densely populated servers, because there was more servers. I remember when I quit in Feb 07, I came back late in the year on a trial account to see the pops, they weren't even breaking 100+ pops on continents. In 06 emeralds pops were close to what they were in 11' and at times in 2012, often there wasn't even pop locks. Anyone can play half a decade with flawless fps in this game and do well. Anyone who boasts about their skill in this game having the kind of fps you can get now is completely full of themselves. You should of seen the fps we use to get back in the day, yet most of the elite players I see now have 10x the framerates and yet I think most aren't as good as the best back then, and the best back then had 1 or 2 years experience while this current generation had half a decade if not more, of 8,000 fps no lag, in a game where you move 2 mph, and the aiming system itself is extremely easy. The only reason it's not the easiest fps game is because of ADAD warp, Halo 1 on the PC is the only fps game I can think of off the top of my head thats easier.
Back in 05 you had good fps if you had over 30 in big battles, now you can shell out $500 and build a computer that will run this game flawlessly. Back in the day if you wanted an even remotely good CPU you had to shell out over $300. If they hadn't nerfed default infantry run speed many years ago the game would take a lot more skill now, this game is even easier then call of duty because of how slowly the infantry move. Back in the day you would lag so badly, you literally had to move your character differently to even land your hits. I remember I use to lag so badly, I had to close the distance with the mcg, even against jackhammer users, because of how difficult it was to aim the mcg with 10 fps. I have a serious eye condition in my left eye right now, and the last time I played this July, I killed 5 with a reaver, bailed out and killed 9 in a row with mcg reloading only once and never healed myself, did it all in seconds. Thats 1 short of half a platoon, and all the nc in the tower were dead, if some had still been alive I could have killed more. Keep in mind I can't even drive a car right now because of it, and can't hit the broad side of a barn either. The people who played in 06-12 had it easier then any generation before them 10 fold because of absolutely insane fps. I remember playing this game with a pci x4 graphics card, all this makes me laugh, considering people playing those years sometimes had literally 90 times the fps.
I can't drive a car right now and can't hit the broad side of a barn, but if you give me a remotely good computer, well I take that back, I was using a graphics card that came out half a decade ago. I cleared out the entire tower at that point, if there was more I could of kept killing, though I was near dead at that point. :)
2012-08-25, 03:33 PM
That's pretty much where the list ends. Although Korp is a terrible noob he's right you all are listing off players that played when the server had tons more people to shoot. The real good players played in 08-10 when the server was dead and players still managed to net a good amount of kills.
2012-08-25, 06:28 PM
I forgot 12mm. But it's been a long time since i've fought him.
2012-10-26, 03:49 PM
Heavygain. Father of reverse reaver piloting.
2012-11-19, 07:06 PM
Best all around - TheChain, 12mm (spart), Me, Gunuko (bluetiger), and TopDawg.
Best Pilot - Elcyco
edit: Visigodo, weare138, Voide, Taynin, Kingg, DarkHiren and Mohawk/Nakatah are some other players that come to mind.
2012-11-19, 08:55 PM
i wonder how many players in the history planetside who other players see as better than average/really good are actually hackers? in those list what ppl have put here are some cheaters who have been banned YES I SAY IT CHEATERS get over it , and ppl who just exploit net code to be "leet" in adadad duel
some players like to throw some names from the past from the "golden age" of PS when grass was greener and there was old oshur and those evil BFRS wasnt there and so on and so on and..... REALITY is that in first 1-2 years all servers was full of ppl lots of poplocks= MASSIVE spam on bases where fight was, but no cheaters thou.
korpisoturi NC/mercenarys/werner/gemini. if you ever been playing either werner or in gemini i am pretty sure i have killed you;)or i have played with you. ( waitng for wawes of scatter/spawncamping related slurs). long time cheaters OR outfits who "harbour" these fxxxxs dont bother to answer cos ALL players who have played atleast 7-9years (me included) know who you are.
i hope we see these "godlike" adadwarpers with "all seeing eye" abilitys in PS2 with same name what they use in PS1 and we will see how they "skills" melt away............ untill new set of set of cheats is in the "market ??????.
Cool post, loved the use of tears to convey your emotions.
2012-11-20, 07:33 AM
I always stayed on the ground but imo the best players I ever saw were
OrgeX and Dreamer
2012-11-30, 09:59 AM
2012-12-24, 07:17 PM
Come on guys, Malibu.
2012-12-24, 08:32 PM
Come on guys, Malibu.
2012-12-24, 10:03 PM
fun fact: I had a hand in getting the original malibu permanently banned. Not those xmalibu posers, but the original one.
2012-12-25, 02:14 PM
fun fact number two: I still have a Malibu Edition Pulsar in my locker, never fired. :P
2012-12-25, 11:34 PM
This type of response is exactly why I posted that :D.
fun fact: I had a hand in getting the original malibu permanently banned. Not those xmalibu posers, but the original one.
I honestly have no idea which Malibu was the one I interacted with. What year did the original Malibu get banned?
2012-12-27, 12:10 PM
i am the best :D
2012-12-28, 11:29 AM
This type of response is exactly why I posted that :D.
I honestly have no idea which Malibu was the one I interacted with. What year did the original Malibu get banned?
2005-2006ish? it was shortly before i got my backpack. you'd also know by the fact he didn't have numbers or x's in his name. it was malibu and malibutr and malibuvs
2013-01-14, 03:08 AM
This must be a joke. I was horrible with the lancer, lol. I have to agree with Goku, you were the best at f(l)ailing.
You just must of been lucky at last hitting me alot
2013-03-29, 09:01 AM
It's all subjective anyway.
+1, i agree
2013-04-02, 10:19 AM
there are only a few names i remember from early ps1 times.
korpisoturi is one of them. and prode.
whenever i saw one of them, i tried to support them to leech some support xp from their kills ;)
(same for the whole mercenarys outfit. i loved supporting their squads in big fights)
and the only name i remember in fear is superschnecke!
i mostly fought him in the caves and when he showed up, a hard fight was guaranteed, no matter how big our squad was.
but i can only talk about werner. almost never played on other servers.
2013-04-02, 10:32 AM
If you scroll back far enough you can see him calling other people cheaters! good times.
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