View Full Version : wasp guide

2012-07-16, 08:43 AM
Well watching Planetside 2 with now most aircraft having A2A missles and seing the new Scyth which is nimble but looks like the softest of targets, Ive been trying to pratice on what Planetside 1 aircraft that would more than likely be the Scyth as I play Vanu, similair features to include weak armor lock on missles, nimble handeling, weak armor well you get it.

but since it is hard to find tips on flying wasps and I find it verry hard to do sucessfully well I talk about some tips and considerations I learned while flying it and how I finnaly learned how to kill with those things after dozens of times dieing.

Some stuff goes for all aircave not just wasps but save afterburners. Never burn to a fight as you might need to burn away just to have enough time to bail and surge to the nearest tower.

Your armor is weak, so weak 1 decimator round will destroy you, AP ammo becomes your worse enemy at low altitudes, and AA Maxs will ignore the liberators and reavers because you would be such an easy kill. If a mossie sneazes on you you are dead. So if you are taking damage already, you are dogfighting WRONG. Your only defense is to NOT get hit. Charge shields every chance you have because it only takes 3 seconds but all that is is to give you another second to bail when the fight is going bad.

Don't underestiate your chain gun. I have tried an ALL missle loadout in the wasp and only to find that it is better to keep 1 box of chain gun ammo. The reason is that the Missles TTK are so slow. You can only fire a salvo of 2 then wait for a reload and odds are the AA MAX who just released several SAMs at your target will get the kill. Be patient with lining up the shots so that all your round will hit. You will be suprised what you can blast through with that short fireing chain gun. (if done properly it can also instagib a softie on the gound). Heck I even killed an AA MAX with 2 bursts from it when I came up behind.

Do not fight at odds worse that 1 on 1. IF there are more aircraft than you in the air you will lose, if you see an enemy closing in you are in trouble. Get on its side and blast away with the chaingun. Bail do not flee, nothing worse than a mossie or a reaver on your six just spamming bullets ate you and because your armor is so weak all it takes is 3 to 7 lucky hits and you are toast. Do not be suprised if you find out your wasp got shot down by a liberator. Best to stay close to lines and with other friendly aircraft so that the enemy would have other targets to keep him busy.

Your primary targets are Liberators and Vultures, If you are fighting Mossies or Wasps make sure you get the first hit. you want a mossie at less than half armor before you get engaged, als if you can get them to flee that is even better, nothing makes more of a dead pilot than an aircraft trying to run away from a wasp lock. Also if you get close or their health is real low then switch to chaingun to secure the kill. Send missles to knock the armor down as much as possible but the chaingun you will find will be what finishes them off. Pratice good leading techniques.

Ignore Galaxies, the TTK for a Mossie to kill a Galaxy is forever and for a Wasp it is even more. Those are best targets for liberators and reavers. If one is already being engaged by friendly aircraft feel free to shoot a couple of missles at a distance to help take it down faster. But if you are alone then tell you team what awful thins is on its way and forget it. the only thing you would end up doing is provide shooting pratice for the Gal's tail gunner.

Implants, some of the best implants to use with Wasp,

Surge; this is not to be a better pilot as much as a SERE tool. You take damage, you bail out before you blow up, you run to the nearest safe spawn tube be an AMS a tower or back to base before who ever shot you down relentlessly hunts you for that kill you denied him.

Adv Targeting; knowing the enemy's armor is the best thing to do. It will tell you when to switch from A2A missles to chain gun, which aircraft to go for and which ones to ignore and let the AA MAXs wittle them down a little before you finish them off. It will also tell you when you are losing, which is if you get hit before they are less than half armor.

Rang Mag; this is more of a ID tool than a dogfighting tool. It helps you find aircraft at slightly longer distances so you can close in and wait to ambush them by suprise, but thanks to the alpha blending being at such a close range do not expect to snipe A2A missles with a rang magnifier implant. Sure it may help you keep a lock at a fleeing aircraft while keeping your distance from a tail gunner or enemy AA, but it dose not increas the range of the A2A lock. Also don't switch 2 A2A unless you are sure it is an enemy aircraft, once they see the words Wasp Missle lock they know you are there and where to find you if they want to switch from Prey to Predator, you best chance for keeping on top of the food chain is to kill them before they get a chance to striek back.

2012-07-16, 10:37 AM
To be honest, there are 2 things you need to know. Stay far away and keep your crosshairs on the aircraft whilst firing. Second, if you get close, use your chaingun. Simple.

2012-07-16, 10:51 AM
Zulthus' Guide to Using A Wasp

1. Approach the nearest certification terminal.
2. Highlight Air Cavalry, Interceptor and uncert it.
3. Fly a mossie or reaver for A2A.

2012-07-16, 01:07 PM
What i do, is I find a lodestar and sit high above it and wait for damaged aircrafts to come in for repairs..

Always aim/look with chaingun, cause the rockets lock-on gives them a warning..

Flee when targeted, wasp is faster than mossie/reaver and just fly low when targetd by another wasp
Armor is almost none-existant on wasp

Bobby Shaftoe
2012-07-16, 03:26 PM
The Wasp is the aerial equivalent of 3rd person corner humping with the old Tri-shot Jackhammer.

Using the missiles as anything other than a rage inducer is 'doing it wrong'.

Nosegun all the way.

2012-07-17, 03:21 AM
Nose gun need bigger magazine to be much useful in air combat, 100 clip atleast

2012-07-17, 09:00 AM
Nose gun need bigger magazine to be much useful in air combat, 100 clip atleast

Nose gun works verry well in Air combat, I switched from A2A missles to nose gun against an badly striken Moss (I had fired 3 salvos at it to make it's bar red) It was running for the warpgate to saftey so I switch to chiangun because the missles fly too slow and take too long to lock on. Shot him down before he hit the bubble.

2012-07-17, 10:37 AM
Got to agree with PJ and others... Using a Wasp in PS is like a child's 2 piece puzzle.

2012-07-17, 11:46 AM
Got to agree with PJ and others... Using a Wasp in PS is like a child's 2 piece puzzle.

Why do you have one certed then!? Mr Darty dart!

Oh my bad I forgot you uncerted it to qet quasar because we didn't have enough maxes!

2012-07-17, 11:53 AM
Sounds like you're having fun with your Wasp, but let me play the role of dad for a second and remind you that the flight mechanics in PS2 are going to be way different. Not that the time you've invested in flying has been wasted, but you have to keep realistic expectations. For instance, don't assume that beating up your little brother everyday will prepare you take on Manny Pacquiao, even with the benefit of crooked judges. (And beating up your little brother may even be more honorable than piloting a Wasp, depending on the color of his hair/amount of freckles). Just keeping it real with you, I have a lot of respect for Marines and you deserve the truth.

2012-07-17, 01:08 PM
Nose gun works verry well in Air combat, I switched from A2A missles to nose gun against an badly striken Moss (I had fired 3 salvos at it to make it's bar red) It was running for the warpgate to saftey so I switch to chiangun because the missles fly too slow and take too long to lock on. Shot him down before he hit the bubble.

It takes 2 missiles to kill or atleast bring the mossie to red, where ill just switch to bullets if close
Missiles might fly slow, but they are effective
With some tactical afterburning no aircraft can escape

2012-07-18, 07:09 PM
meh, wasp is effective and fun. People who have a problem with it I highly recommend reading this article: http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-1.html/
Not as a you should do this sort of thing, but more of an understanding of other mentalities. It's like getting hate tell for a punisher using an underslung grenade, prob my most amusing hate tell ever.

2012-07-18, 08:33 PM
meh, wasp is effective and fun. People who have a problem with it I highly recommend reading this article: http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-1.html/
Not as a you should do this sort of thing, but more of an understanding of other mentalities. It's like getting hate tell for a punisher using an underslung grenade, prob my most amusing hate tell ever.

Reading this article makes me want to get PS then cert Wasp, Unimax, and SA then go to a continent with an equipment mod and stock my locker full of radiators.


Oh yeah and get flail. That'll actually take work though memorizing all the flail spots. Oh yeah, I probably should just switch to NC. Lol, look at this line of thought.

In all seriousness, I odn't think you can "win" at planetside. I mean you can't there's really no win condition, you can get kills but that's it.

2012-07-18, 09:08 PM
The Wasp is one of those pilots either deal with very well or not at all.

2012-07-18, 09:34 PM
meh, wasp is effective and fun. People who have a problem with it I highly recommend reading this article: http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-1.html/
Not as a you should do this sort of thing, but more of an understanding of other mentalities. It's like getting hate tell for a punisher using an underslung grenade, prob my most amusing hate tell ever.

The funny part is, the majority of people who cert wasp in planetside are scrubs. There are very few people who know how to fly the wasp at it's full overpowered potential. A good pilot in a wasp is essentially untouchable by anything but another wasp

2012-07-19, 02:22 PM
Hells yeah, love using the wasp :p it's awesome for xp. I'm just trying to get to 40 so it's easy to use.

2012-07-19, 03:02 PM
meh, wasp is effective and fun. People who have a problem with it I highly recommend reading this article: http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-1.html/
Not as a you should do this sort of thing, but more of an understanding of other mentalities. It's like getting hate tell for a punisher using an underslung grenade, prob my most amusing hate tell ever.

I guess dumbing the game down to level the playing field qualifies as fun for those that were unable to compete in the previous environment. The sad part is that developers often listen to the vocal minority who think everything in the game should dumbed down to the point that THEY can be as successful in the game as they want to be. Games shouldn't let everyone be successful, IMO. Skill SHOULD matter.

2012-07-19, 06:28 PM
if you're that good with a mosquito, you should be untouchable in a wasp by that logic. Why aren't you using it?

2012-07-19, 07:49 PM
Real Pilots only use the Reaver and 20mm.

2012-07-19, 08:34 PM
just wanted to put in a bit of a reality check here....
this is a computer game....

you aren't a real pilot!!! :lol:

real pretend pilots do it with 20mm is much better :cool:

2012-07-19, 11:58 PM
if you're that good with a mosquito, you should be untouchable in a wasp by that logic. Why aren't you using it?

Because a reaver is a better killing machine for 2 certs.

2012-07-20, 10:30 AM
just wanted to put in a bit of a reality check here....
this is a computer game....

you aren't a real pilot!!! :lol:

real pretend pilots do it with 20mm is much better :cool:

No, I said it the way I intended.


2012-07-22, 05:11 AM
meh, wasp is effective and fun. People who have a problem with it I highly recommend reading this article: http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-1.html/
Not as a you should do this sort of thing, but more of an understanding of other mentalities. It's like getting hate tell for a punisher using an underslung grenade, prob my most amusing hate tell ever.

That article and PS1 don't quite relate. Partly because the people saying "cheap" in PS aren't the scrubs and newbs but the people who want to have fun in a bit more of an e-sport type environment and kill each other on closer to even footing. In PS1 "cheap" are the skill-less kill you with no counter stuff.

here is a thread that describes it very clearly what cheap versus fun is and why it is complained about. I've bitched about it in command chat plenty (months ago when hardly anyone was playing but meh) I'd rather play a shooter to SHOOT people, if all I wanted to do was change the colors of maps/circles i'd just open up MS paint and click on the paint bucket. Sadly there are just a lot of people who want to WIN and WIN easy in a game that allows that as some kind of accomplishment and I guess seems to be the goal... but isn't really what makes the game fun OR the point of playing.

Bobby Shaftoe
2012-07-22, 09:38 AM
That article and PS1 don't quite relate. Partly because the people saying "cheap" in PS aren't the scrubs and newbs but the people who want to have fun in a bit more of an e-sport type environment and kill each other on closer to even footing.

Except a scrub is someone who plays by their own artificial constraints.

Most of these people have no problem bailuring on a tower, 3rd person audio camping and exploiting ADAD strafing. Even more of them spend 90% of their time outside of bases in Reavers, you know, the single seat vehicle thats 2nd fastest (combat aircraft) in the game with the heaviest armour and most powerful weapons against ALL target types. Also that's fucking hilarious, 'e-sport type on an even footing', like I said above, they spend 90% of their time outside of bases in Reavers farming everything on the ground, sure sounds like they're trying for 'gud fites' right?

They're absolutely fine doing all that but the instant someone uses a Wasp against them... They are scrubs.

Also your 'play PS to shoot people' doesn't really hold either, since almost everyone says the shooting aspect is terrible/clunky etc, when if that's all you want to do, all the 'modern' FPS do that far better.

I've always wondered why people liked ToD'ing, farming kills in the same 10x20 metre layout hour after hour (in a game of PS1 scale, ie paying a subscription to play the PS equivalent of fy-iceworld.), saying they're helping the empire, the only problem with that is they're only 'helping' because of the stupidity of the enemy.

2012-07-22, 12:25 PM
Except a scrub is someone who plays by their own artificial constraints.

I thought a scrub was a guy that couldn't get no love

sorry it had to be done =P

2012-07-23, 05:40 PM
I don't blame any player for using the wasp. I do blame the developers for putting such a piece of annoying shit in the game.

2012-07-23, 06:02 PM
wasps are cancer of the sky