View Full Version : Engineer Turrets

2012-07-18, 02:47 AM
Can someone help me understand these turrets a bit? Is the incentive to use them because they are so much stronger than your general weapon? You just seem awfully vulnerable sitting there in this thing when you could be moving, shooting and staying alive.

I'm sure I am missing something, just curious how it works so people will want to use the turrets you setup as an Engineer :)

2012-07-18, 03:15 AM
It has a shield. In a video the gunner got hit by several sniper shots (in the chest), but didn't die.

It's power should be higher than any grunt weaponry.

These would be used to hold points inside the bases.

2012-07-18, 03:17 AM
setting one up in the middle of the desert will probably not be the best idea, no. But when holding the CC to protect a hack, or if you've blown a gen and need to hold it so they don't repair.... set it up in a corner and let the fun begin.

2012-07-18, 03:20 AM
I imagine it will be a better indoor defense weapon. Which is awesome because Engineers will have something useful to deploy inside bases other than boomers and sensors.

2012-07-18, 03:21 AM
Suppressing fire in bottle necks while base defending or
just laying down suppressing fire to allow your squad to move up
very simple but when used by a Engie with a cool head they are going to be lethal.

I also think there will be different configurations (Anti vehicle, flame thrower) at
least we saw that in the E3 footage.

2012-07-18, 03:25 AM
and i'm guessing they come with infinite ammo. i wonder how many can be deployed

2012-07-18, 03:29 AM
and i'm guessing they come with infinite ammo. i wonder how many can be deployed

Is there a radius like in PS1 with spitfires? Or can you stack an area with them?

2012-07-18, 03:30 AM
all i know is if i see a manaturret,you best fear my bolt driver,cause im going to head shot you

2012-07-18, 03:33 AM
Honestly the more i read about the Engineer, the more I think thats the class I'll be defaulting to. Repairing ALL Vehicles, Turrets, boomers and sensors, and repairing MAX's, plus some others I've prolly missed. There will never be a shortage of things to do.
Set up a turret inside a base facing a choke point and tellin a squad mate to man it. then run outside to repair some vehicles. Run back in to check on everyone by the turret. Repair those MAX's that took the brunt of the attack. then get down and prepare for the next wave. I just see SOOO much use with the Engineer. Def think im gonna be playing that class.

2012-07-18, 03:42 AM
engineer was the "class" i made my char for in PS1, just to find out there were no such thing as class..

so, reading here, ppl say one can place these turrets inside?
cause in PS1 you couldnt even place it inside a SoI...

2012-07-18, 03:51 AM
Is there a radius like in PS1 with spitfires? Or can you stack an area with them?

I believe the radius is 360, Im not sure if there is a limit to how many you can have in a certain area at any given time.

2012-07-18, 03:51 AM
Engineer's seem OP. Repair tool...turrets...ammo boxes...sensors!
Nerf hammer incoming!

2012-07-18, 03:54 AM
We wont know what restrictions there will be on where and how many turrets can be placed also I think in the issue of balance I can foresee having to give something up in your load out to have a turret but this is not a hindrance its more adding a level of specialisation which means teams of engies will be required with different load outs to be effective.

Engineer is definitely the class for me but all the classes are going to be great for their intended role I just naturally gravitate to support roles as I'm much the team player

2012-07-18, 03:58 AM
Also i liked the creative use of one in hamma's walk through. It was on some sort of control panel (just an aesthetic one of course) and looked down over the center tech plant.

Assuming they keep this in (which they should) it could make for some interesting game play and defensive strategies.

TR Oakley
2012-07-18, 04:23 AM
I'm going to play an engineer and I will round up several other engineers, have everyone cert into max turret defense (if there is), then we will make a full circle of turrets and shoot everything that moves.
Let the games begin.

2012-07-18, 05:49 AM
I'm going to play an engineer and I will round up several other engineers, have everyone cert into max turret defense (if there is), then we will make a full circle of turrets and shoot everything that moves.
Let the games begin.


2012-07-18, 05:57 AM
all i know is if i see a manaturret,you best fear my bolt driver,cause im going to head shot you

True, but say in a cc defence I set it up around the corner from the door so that I can't easily be seen from outside but I can shoot anyone who enters the room.

Similar to TR max lockdown, multiple with overlapping fields of fire + engy for reps could be v. powerful.

2012-07-18, 06:08 AM
Get a good placement to cover a choke point = win.

2012-07-18, 06:35 AM
The ammo seems infinite, however the recent footage shows that they have an overheating mechanic and will stop firing when overheated.

2012-07-18, 08:32 AM
Vehicle and MAX repair would be my first choice for engineer, then weapons and AT mines because I am going to need something against vehicles when I am on foot.

2012-07-19, 05:06 AM
What happened to AA and AV turrets though? They were mentioned long ago, but we've only seen the machine guns that are supposedly AI turrets.

2012-07-19, 08:59 AM
Engineer's seem OP. Repair tool...turrets...ammo boxes...sensors!
Nerf hammer incoming!

Engineer do not have sensors.They gave them to the Infiltrator

2012-07-19, 11:30 AM
The ammo seems infinite, however the recent footage shows that they have an overheating mechanic and will stop firing when overheated.

Maybe they will be like the cave turrets then, got 100 shots that recharge over time, but instead of shots going down, you will have a bar going up (heat)