View Full Version : I want leggo planetside

2012-07-19, 03:19 AM
I know leggos are for little kids, and planetside isn't really, but having a leggo scythe would just be the coolest thing ever.

2012-07-19, 03:20 AM
I want lego Vanu soldiers. Lol

2012-07-19, 03:25 AM
go to this site and design your own then...:wantbeta:

LEGO DESIGN (http://ldd.lego.com/en-us/Default.aspx?icmp=COUSCreateShareSL100DBM)

2012-07-19, 03:27 AM
I know leggos are for little kids
You really don't know Lego then. No offense.

Also a lot of the vehicles would be fairly easy to build. I can already think of the parts needed to put together the mosquito, reaver, and scythe.

2012-07-19, 03:30 AM
Leggo my Eggo? You're looking for Waffleside Universe.

TR Oakley
2012-07-19, 03:36 AM
I am 22 years old and I still drool over certain lego sets whenever I'm in a toys department. Especially, Technic lego.

Lego is awesome.

2012-07-19, 04:07 AM
I would absoloutly love to see that! I may be a grown man, but SOE would get a lot of money out of me if they cut a deal with LEGO, Mega Bloks, McFarlane Toys, or any other toy manufacturer for that matter.

2012-07-19, 04:08 AM
Duploside, please!

2012-07-19, 04:24 AM
I'd prefer megabloks for my Planetside construction sets. They put a lot of detail into the little people, just look at Halo. Lego would be the same, iconic flat people, and I don't think that would do Planetside justice. Outside of the people though, they both pretty much use the exact same parts.

I can only begin to imagine the machinima some people would attempt with the Planetside megabloks.

2012-07-19, 04:26 AM
LEGO will review ideas submitted at http://lego.cuusoo.com/, if it gets enough support (10,000 i believe) and LEGO approve of the sets they will get made into official lego sets. I think if SOE support the idea it could happen, already did with Minecraft

2012-07-19, 04:29 AM
I'd prefer megabloks for my Planetside construction sets. They put a lot of detail into the little people, just look at Halo. Lego would be the same, iconic flat people, and I don't think that would do Planetside justice. Outside of the people though, they both pretty much use the exact same parts.

I can only begin to imagine the machinima some people would attempt with the Planetside megabloks.

"Little people"? Whoa there, buddy. They're called minifigs, and don't you forget it.

2012-07-19, 04:29 AM

Britain ftw

2012-07-19, 04:54 AM
In college I took a class on legos. Legos are not just for kids man.

2012-07-19, 05:20 AM
Only if they have real flamethrowers, lol melted legos make lego hell.

2012-07-19, 08:51 AM
I know leggos are for little kids, and planetside isn't really, but having a leggo scythe would just be the coolest thing ever.

NO, no... don't you dare...

2012-07-19, 09:23 AM
Leggo my Eggo? You're looking for Waffleside Universe.

I cried, thats how hard i laughed

2012-07-19, 09:27 AM
EPIC idea ! I am so for this :D

P.s - where to vote :D :D