2012-08-01, 10:15 AM
Just starting a topic on the one of the not too glamorous aspects of leading a squad/outfit but almost necessary, and how to make it easy, effective and pratical.
Now in the old squad managment things were hard to control, it was dificult to keep track of what your squad is doing other than ther location on the map and if they are alive or not. But you couldn't tell if they were on foot, in a vehicle or otherwise. (A lack of a armor bar could indicate that they were a cloaker)
You could restrict squad members by rolls in the squad management window by requiring certian certifications, but most people wouldn't do that because it decrease the pool of players you could fit in that squad (even if they wanted to) Mabey a Max certification or medium weapons is the only requirements and that was that. The mission part of the squad was useually used for the outfit name for the squad. For most missions they were used by either the CR1 WPs or on a rare ocasion a CR3 paint spam. Rarely did anyone use the Main Terminal or Cud Commands for recalling and everything.
Outfits were even more archaic, you couldn't even view the certificates of each member to be able to tell what they could do or not. You can see their name, when they were last online, their billet or title, and how many outfit points they have earned. There was the outfit chat, but no message to post on a buliten board, no calander many outfits use off account websites to suplement their orginizations.
Some sugestion for improvment on squad menues.
Squad posistions have either recommended (what you want) or required (what you demand) of squad openings. Also include and/or feature. For example you could Require Medic Class and resurection to keep a spot open in your squad or you could require some firepower then you would use recomend MAX or HA in the list.
Squad lists should include outfit names. Also the squad leader could set the precedence of outfit membership or squad ownership. For example you could have outfit exclusive in which only outfit members can join, or outfit ownership in which you can invite other mebers of your empire from other outfits however if the squad leader leaves (or goes LD) the squad leader will transfer over to a squad member of the same outfit first. And of course there is the standard open squad for everyone to jump in and have fun.
Outfit windows need to have more long term information on them. Mabey a calander or popup message so founders/officers can keep outfit members informed of any events or missions taking place. Also to promote cooperation between outfits mabye have an alliance tab in which outfits can name other freindly outfits as aliies in which to platoon, merge or intermengal with in times of low population. Also why not have an intel section on which outfits can list rival outfits from other empires and keep a tab on their tactics perferd battle formation/vehicle/class and ectera.
Now I know someone is going to say "THIS 1stPersonShooter we don't need to be punching keys like a bunch of pen pushers. You just need to grab a gun find an enemy and KILL him!" However I would like to point out that this is a Team Based MMO 1st Person shooter, and the best squads in the game are the ones with the most orginization. If the squad plan is already laid out and messages are left to direct you where to go. Administration should take to long to set up so you can focus on running and gunning. However it will make things easier for those who just got in and need to get their bearings as the persistant world will change on them. no one can live in Araxus 24/7 now. Unless their Tech Support.
Now in the old squad managment things were hard to control, it was dificult to keep track of what your squad is doing other than ther location on the map and if they are alive or not. But you couldn't tell if they were on foot, in a vehicle or otherwise. (A lack of a armor bar could indicate that they were a cloaker)
You could restrict squad members by rolls in the squad management window by requiring certian certifications, but most people wouldn't do that because it decrease the pool of players you could fit in that squad (even if they wanted to) Mabey a Max certification or medium weapons is the only requirements and that was that. The mission part of the squad was useually used for the outfit name for the squad. For most missions they were used by either the CR1 WPs or on a rare ocasion a CR3 paint spam. Rarely did anyone use the Main Terminal or Cud Commands for recalling and everything.
Outfits were even more archaic, you couldn't even view the certificates of each member to be able to tell what they could do or not. You can see their name, when they were last online, their billet or title, and how many outfit points they have earned. There was the outfit chat, but no message to post on a buliten board, no calander many outfits use off account websites to suplement their orginizations.
Some sugestion for improvment on squad menues.
Squad posistions have either recommended (what you want) or required (what you demand) of squad openings. Also include and/or feature. For example you could Require Medic Class and resurection to keep a spot open in your squad or you could require some firepower then you would use recomend MAX or HA in the list.
Squad lists should include outfit names. Also the squad leader could set the precedence of outfit membership or squad ownership. For example you could have outfit exclusive in which only outfit members can join, or outfit ownership in which you can invite other mebers of your empire from other outfits however if the squad leader leaves (or goes LD) the squad leader will transfer over to a squad member of the same outfit first. And of course there is the standard open squad for everyone to jump in and have fun.
Outfit windows need to have more long term information on them. Mabey a calander or popup message so founders/officers can keep outfit members informed of any events or missions taking place. Also to promote cooperation between outfits mabye have an alliance tab in which outfits can name other freindly outfits as aliies in which to platoon, merge or intermengal with in times of low population. Also why not have an intel section on which outfits can list rival outfits from other empires and keep a tab on their tactics perferd battle formation/vehicle/class and ectera.
Now I know someone is going to say "THIS 1stPersonShooter we don't need to be punching keys like a bunch of pen pushers. You just need to grab a gun find an enemy and KILL him!" However I would like to point out that this is a Team Based MMO 1st Person shooter, and the best squads in the game are the ones with the most orginization. If the squad plan is already laid out and messages are left to direct you where to go. Administration should take to long to set up so you can focus on running and gunning. However it will make things easier for those who just got in and need to get their bearings as the persistant world will change on them. no one can live in Araxus 24/7 now. Unless their Tech Support.