View Full Version : What are you going to suck at?

2012-08-01, 05:29 PM
Invariably with forums to do with a game like PS2, you'll get a small googolplex of posts about "Who's the best at [insert play-style]".

However, being English and it being a stereotype of ours it's more fun to get some self depreciation out of the way early on I always feel.

I was a cruddy Mossy pilot in PS1, started off average at the beginning on the game and got worse over time, to the point that I rarely bothered dog fighting by the end of my time. I sucked at inducing warping as well. Oh and remembering not to auto-click respawn when there were Advanced Medics about. :p

In PS2 I fully expect to be an awful Scythe pilot, it looking like it's going to take the most finesse of the three airchav to pull off. Light assault will have plenty of comedic, in a bad way, moments lined up with my name on the Jet-Pac. Hmm....I'll probably suck at sniping, but won't be the way I'll play the Infil' anyhoo.

Much of what I did with a degree of stubbornness if not skill in PS1 has been cut from PS2, so will have to discover what else has my suck written all over it in due course. :D

So, anyone else want to 'fess up?

2012-08-01, 05:38 PM
I never played PS1 but from what I have a history of doing, I know I will probably crash more then a few Reavers for the NC.

Flight Sim games are great fun to me but I do have a tendency to get overconfident and start flying under bridges and all that. Most of that does not go well for me and I definitely can see that happening in PS2.

2012-08-01, 05:38 PM

Most likely i would be a below average lightning driver, but only because i would barely use it.

2012-08-01, 05:39 PM
im gonna suck at losing

2012-08-01, 05:39 PM
However, being English and it being a stereotype of ours it's more fun to get some self depreciation out of the way early on I always feel.

In PS2 I fully expect to be an awful Scythe pilot, it looking like it's going to take the most finesse of the three airchav to pull off.

Airchav...Brilliant terminology :).

For myself, i think Air-chavving will be a problem area too...The only flight game i was ever any good at was the Jump To Lightspeed SWG expansion. I was a good transport pilot in BF2142 too, but couldnt fly the gunship worth a poop. Didnt do much flying in PS as i really didnt enjoy it that much.

Basically, anything that relies on mobility/speed as a defense im generally pretty crap at (Everything from speed tanking/interceptor flying in EVE, to light Core's in Armored Core or Stealth/Agility based classes in skill based RPGs like Dark Souls), so that probably means i should stay away from fast attack aircraft x2, buggies, ATV's and Light Assault :)

2012-08-01, 05:43 PM
No way for me to answer this, I don't plan to be bad at anything. I'll probably start on the low end of the learning curve for flying, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to do substantial damage and get away when I need to.

Compared to hardcore snipers, I may not be incredible, but at least I'll be sure not to use the laser sight so enemies can't track my squad based on my laser.

Spotting enemies at a distance may be a bit of a challenge. If I see a green triangle behind a silhouette, I may mistake it for a friendly instead of an enemy with a friendly behind them. Used to happen a lot with Combat Arms, though the team colors weren't very pronounced in that game. When in doubt, mash Q.

Beyond that, I'm a beast with tanks and pretty good with infantry. Based on my experiences at E3 and PS2 Community Day, the Lightning and Magrider are obvious choices for me.

2012-08-01, 05:43 PM
Probably aircraft and CQC combat. Regarding the latter however, I'm going by PS1, which basically amounted to bring an HA weapon or die. I never really brought an HA weapon to CQC.

The former will just be spending some time getting used to flight, being aware of my surroundings without relying on 3rd person like a ninny, and still being capable in a fight.

2012-08-01, 05:48 PM
Airchav...Brilliant terminology :).

A later patch in PS1 combined certain cert's into bundle's. You could get the Mosquito and Reaver for one 5 points cert called "Air Cavalry".

I won't take credit for airchav'. :p But given the way people didn't tend to like the cheese factor of Reaver rocket spam and the insane sniper line accuracy of the Mos's 12mm nose-gun it soon took hold as a term of less than endearment for those that did nothing but fly both.

2012-08-01, 05:48 PM
Probably gonna suck at having a life :P

But gameplay wise I will start by sucking at most infantry weapons (as i get used to them) then later on I expect to suck at infiltrator as I will be playing it the least. I'll probably suck at driving magriders too since they have a different driving style and I won't get much practice playing NC

2012-08-01, 05:51 PM
Not taking chances. I tend to be a daredevil at heart, gets me into a whole mess of fun. I'll fail a lot, but I'll also pull off some daring feats more than those who are not so daring, because I try a lot, because I'm tenacious!

Infiltrating and Scythe flying. Here. I. Come.

Americans tend to turn weaknesses into strengths :)

2012-08-01, 05:55 PM
Well I have not played Planetside but I played BF2 and BF3.... And if BF and PS have anything in common with controlling infantry, tanks, air... I will rock with the tank be slightly above average as infantry and totally suck at fast air combat but I rock the attack chopper in BF3.

2012-08-01, 05:56 PM
I'm planning on being an awful pilot just like the op.

2012-08-01, 05:59 PM
Infiltration. I've always had a knack for being sneaky, but also have the amazing luck to always have the target in question just randomly turn and look my way. This is usually followed by a shotgun blast and my demise.

2012-08-01, 06:00 PM
Alright, I'll probably suck with my infiltrator at first until I really learn the ins and outs with him. I don't mean sniping wise. I mean, I'm gunna be that guy humming the jaws theme song as I try to approach you from behind for an assassination. It will probably be incredibly difficult but extremely rewarding.

Also, I can see myself flying a Scythe like a coked up ADD 12 year old....and we'll see how that goes.

2012-08-01, 06:02 PM
Given that I'll likely be TR and the NC were given exclusive use of the Reaver leaving us with the Mosquito as our primary Air Fighter :rolleyes: , I expect to be sucking at AirCav too despite a substantial amount of experience with Flight Sims & Flight/Space combat games.

But then again, maybe SOE might make the mosquito a 'Mustang' [World War 2 fighter with 6 forward machineguns - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_P-51_Mustang] so I can Pwn NC in their 'Dev's love you' Exclusive Reavers, it would be fitting to do it with a modernised 'antique' design given how NC are supposed about the 'New way' and all with TR about tradition/old way. Then we'd see how great NC's 'New way' really is facing a 'Proven' & so called obselete design.

Big Walrus
2012-08-01, 06:10 PM
I have always been bad at flying no matter what game it is.

2012-08-01, 06:12 PM
Not to brag but I have some killer predatory moments in FPS games. I'll probably suck at combating maxes though. Played enough flight sims and know enough about armor facing to know better with air and armor.

2012-08-01, 06:12 PM
You need to be a licensed pilot to fly in this game?

2012-08-01, 06:15 PM
is there a picture of 4 miniguns on the noes of one of the aircavs?

i plan to suck at sniping but.. i also plan on learning to become a good sniper. i play infiltrator a lot and i do not plan on changing that. so new skill set here i come.

opposite. my best skills are using anything for cover and grenades. for some reason im just good at getting the f outta the way. kinda like when i play paintball with all my top of the line yuppie gear.

2012-08-01, 06:18 PM
im gonna suck at losing

You beat me too it! :lol:

2012-08-01, 06:25 PM
To Early To Tell, but early estimates say:

[insert drum roll here]

Infiltrator. I just don't have the patience to be either a sniper or a spy. In fact, those two classes are my least played in TF2. I'd probably get better with more practice, but it's definitely what I'll be worst at.

2012-08-01, 06:26 PM

Enough said.

Just... turning your entire vehicle in order target the enemy... uuhghghghghg.

New conglomerate is my backup faction, in case if Vanu just doesn't work for me :P.

2012-08-01, 06:28 PM
The only thing I'm not good at is being not good.

2012-08-01, 06:37 PM
Not to brag but here im going to brag right now. :D

2012-08-01, 06:51 PM
Hitting a barn door.

2012-08-01, 06:55 PM
I will suck at sleeping, obviously.

Game-wise though... I honestly don't know... I'm usually good if I set my mind to whatever. It's up to show to be honest; I'll see when I get to play :)

2012-08-04, 12:22 PM
Gonna suck at infiltrator. I can do the sniper thing but I have good days and bad days when it comes to sniping. Being sneaky just wont work for me, sucked at it as a spy in TF2 and I doubt Ill do much better in this game, yea a lot more path oppertunities but also a lot more players in the area. I will also probably be below average for a bit with infantry and air assets till I get a good feel for handling and controls. The videos I have seen for air combat is showing me some mean drag when banking hard, will be interesting. And I probably will do terrible with air to air combat, but I have always been more about CAS then air to air. Im not a fantastic pilot, I can hold my own in BF3 but I cant take on pilots that do nothing but fly and Im more about the armor / vehicles and infantry play then air play.

2012-08-04, 12:23 PM
I asked my wife where she was going to suck on to.:lol:

2012-08-04, 12:54 PM
Looks like a whole lot of sucking at humility in this thread ;)

I tend to be a pretty sub-par pilot against anything in the air. Ground attack I can usually manage without killing myself. Usually.

2012-08-04, 12:55 PM

2012-08-04, 12:57 PM
air. mossie, reaver, galaxy, liberator. I have a tendency to forget AA exists.

2012-08-04, 01:08 PM
I'm gonna suck at sniping.

2012-08-04, 01:08 PM
Not taking chances. I tend to be a daredevil at heart, gets me into a whole mess of fun. I'll fail a lot, but I'll also pull off some daring feats more than those who are not so daring, because I try a lot, because I'm tenacious!

Infiltrating and Scythe flying. Here. I. Come.

Americans tend to turn weaknesses into strengths :)

The USA is a country:mad: America is a continent:cry:

2012-08-04, 01:14 PM
Airchav...Brilliant terminology :).
Well it's the established technical term. ^^

I'll suck at landing headshots. The only games I've played in the last 12 years that have them (before that there was CS, but that's so long ago it hardly counts) were L4D1/2, neither of which I've played a whole lot. PS1 and Global Agenda on the other hand have ingrained aiming for center-of-mass into my hands heavily, and it's gonna be a pain to shake that habit off.

I'll also have my sweet hard time to get used to flying in PS2. Took me long enough to become a half-decent pilot in PS1, but PS1's flight model hardly compares to any other, and I don't do any flying in other games.

fb III IX ca IV
2012-08-04, 01:41 PM
I will suck at dying XD

2012-08-04, 01:43 PM
I can see myself being horrible at tanks and the Reaver.

2012-08-04, 01:48 PM
I can see myself being horrible at tanks and the Reaver.

me to if its true and the flying is as the same as in BF3 then im totally screw up alot of planes for sure.

2012-08-04, 01:49 PM
I'll most likely suck at ground pounding, because tanks and air will taking all my effort.

2012-08-04, 02:07 PM
I know from experience, that I absolutely suck at being a medic. If I am ever playing as a medic, it's because I like the class specific weapon. I barely remember to heal myself, let alone other people.

2012-08-04, 02:12 PM
I love healing people :D

I imagine them going all ragequity and then I come and rev them and it's like "Thanks bro!"

2012-08-04, 02:45 PM
I wasn't wasn't bad at anything at PS1, but I wasn't great at anything either. Something that I wish I were better at was CQB though. Bullet lag always made that overly difficult for me.

In PS2, I'll most likely be the worst at being an engineer- finding good strategic points for deployables of all sorts is a skill in itself.

2012-08-04, 02:47 PM
I'm gun b a terribad infiltrator.

2012-08-04, 02:50 PM
Probbibly going to be repeatedly pwned by flying LA swarms as 3-5 jump in and pwn me as I eng or HA.

2012-08-04, 02:53 PM
Infiltrator. I was never a good one and never will be. I don't really have the patience for it in a fast-paced game.

2012-08-04, 02:56 PM
Probably flying.

2012-08-04, 03:14 PM
I will suck at dying XD

You know that can be interpreted as we will hear every 5 sec from you: God damn [name] use aim bot. Or some thing else every sore looser yell when they dye. :p

2012-08-04, 03:30 PM
I forgot what I said I'ma suck at. Probably generic ground pounding. I love to specialize.

2012-08-04, 03:35 PM

Yeah this gets a plus 1 from me as well. I will probably crash every vehicle 42 times.

2012-08-04, 03:40 PM
Land veh cant drive a tank to save my life

2012-08-04, 03:55 PM
... your mom ;)

2012-08-04, 04:08 PM
I will be the worst infiltrator because I will refuse to play as one.

2012-08-04, 04:26 PM
I will be the worst infiltrator because I will refuse to play as one.

lol, never cloaked but when I try to "infiltrate" call this oxymoronic but I always used REXO because of the inventory space I carry. Give me a REK with adv hack and REXO for some ACE and I could sabatoge anything. Also it is kind of funny to see the look on a player face as he runs through the hallways of a friendly base only to find he runs right pass the enemy.

2012-08-04, 04:29 PM
Well, PS1 had mechanics very different from what I'm used to, so I generally was mediocre to below average across the board. I started out with a kill rate probably in the vicinity of 1-to-20, but after a week, ten days, I had it up to about 1-to-1.

The PS2 environment is much more like what I'm used to... Hard to say though. I expect to be mediocre to fair with vehicles and air. My specialty has always been offering supporting fire, so it is circumstantial. If the situation allows me to fight according to my preference I'm devastating, but AV weapons are usually abundant in PlanetSide and I've never dealt well with them. I'm generally a foot zergling :)

2012-08-04, 04:33 PM
Flying, for whatever reason I am bad at flying when something is shooting at me, don't think that will work out in this game.

2012-08-04, 04:35 PM
Im gonna suck at Maxes and tanks because I like being fast and sneaky. I tend to be alot better at getting kills from a distance and from the shadows then I am running in guns blazing.

2012-08-04, 04:44 PM
I suck at Aircav in PS1, with the new flight model i should do really well in PS2.

I'll probably suck at playing a MAX as i also did in PS1. I love the idea but you move to damn slow, never really fell into the roll of a Juggernaut very well.

2012-08-04, 04:57 PM
What I'm awesome at is directly related to what I suck at: I'm awesome at getting shot to death ten seconds after reaching a battle, so I suck at... life? No no no, that's not worded well at all. I suck at staying alive. That sounds better.

2012-08-04, 04:57 PM
Getting those specks of light coming out of the device I'm holding into the guys in front of me.

2012-08-04, 05:02 PM
Getting those specks of light coming out of the device I'm holding into the guys in front of me.

Given infinite time and infinite specks of light I'm sure you'd do fine. It's just those other inconsiderate people that insist on sharing their specks of light first that makes hard.

2012-08-04, 05:11 PM
TBH I'm going to suck at anything that requires high FPS lol. Can't afford a new PC, come on lowest GFX settings!

2012-08-04, 05:14 PM
TBH I'm going to suck at anything that requires high FPS lol. Can't afford a new PC, come on lowest GFX settings!

Low render distance? Eat some BOOM HEADSHOT! /troll

2012-08-04, 05:14 PM
Being useful with tanks. If the tanks are like any game I've played before I'm going to suck at using them.

2012-08-04, 06:45 PM
I'll probably be horrible in a MAX. It looks really slow and when I'm slow I feel like I have to always go forward to compensate. This tends to make me run into deathtraps.

2012-08-04, 07:42 PM
Yeah this gets a plus 1 from me as well. I will probably crash every vehicle 42 times.

we will die....together, for the greater glory of others! :lol:

2012-08-04, 10:50 PM
Anything to do with flying, I'm a terribad pilot. As long as my feet (or my wheels) are on terrafirma I could rock out with any vehicle or gun style in the game, and could make even PS1 era Bonaparte do miracles, but asking me to pilot anything that flies with passangers in it is sending those poor guys to their deaths.

2012-08-04, 10:55 PM
Normally there is nothing I'm bad at, but there is few places I totally excel at.

While I like to stroke my ego with the word 'good'. Regardless what I do, I find my self outdone by someone somehow.

2012-08-04, 10:58 PM
Was never great at close quarters combat in PS1 but I still went Rexo with HA/Sniper anyway, though I did better in open field combat with MA/Sniper then with HA.

So chances are I'll try to avoid indoor combat. PS1 made it almost impossible but PS2 is shaping up to have some great infantry battles outside as well as inside.

2012-08-04, 11:56 PM
I straight-up suck at that point-blank bunny-hopping-while-running-circles-around-the-enemy type of combat.

I prefer combat at range, where precision is required. Maybe my reflexes just aren't that great, but rarely do I come out on top when in an evenly-matched point-blank combat scenario. I'm going to hate fighting LAs.

I do fare quite well at medium-to-long range combat, and I'm pretty decent at handling ballistic trajectories like bullet-drop and grenade launcher arcs. I used to engage people at fairly long ranges outdoors with a Thumper in PS1, arcing shots down on top of them as they attempted to find cover. I wrote a guide on sniping (http://www.geocities.ws/electr0freak/) quite a while back, which was hosted on PSU for a number of years.

However, part of my troubles in close-range combat, as well as my effectiveness in long-range combat, may be due to my use of a trackball over the years for gaming. Trackballs have a tendency to allow for very precise pointer accuracy, but seem not to perform well in some situations where reaction speed is important. I'll be trying my hand at using a gaming mouse in FPS with PS2 and we'll see if I fare any better at close combat. I may just leave both connected and move my hand over to my trackball when sniping.


2012-08-05, 09:50 AM
I'll suck at being bad.

Am praying for the Special Assault weapons to be reinvented in PS2 tho, they were quirky but fun (though the punisher underslung was competitive with the thumper grenade launcher in most cases).

2012-08-05, 09:52 AM
Hopefully not flying as that's what I want to focus a wee bit on:D

But Murphy's law being what it is, I probably will become nothing more than a glorified flying burning brick.

2012-08-05, 09:56 AM
Probably sniping it feels like so much would be going on

2012-08-05, 10:08 AM
I was a quite crappy flyboi in the original, and presume that i will most likely crash and burn whatever i fly in the sequel as well. Only thing i dared flying in PS1 was the lodestar, but only due to the support capabilities. Which is the thing i like the most about planetside, both the original and the upcoming sequel. So i will probably play a support class, pilot an equivalent to the loadster, if there is one, a lot.. When not driving a mag or a lightning.


2012-08-05, 10:10 AM
I am likely going to suck a lot at vehicle driving. I always either feel invincible or vulnerable while driving vehicles so I'm usually playing too cautious or too reckless. Hell, in PS1 I turned that weakness into my strength for driving my AMS everywhere, but unless they bring back a dedicated AMS I'm likely not going to be trucking around in a tube/term laden Sundie bus.

With that said, you probably won't find me in a Magrider too often. Maybe Lightning a bit because of the easy customization. But you'll likely see me flying around in a Scythe after I get used to it and running around with one of the various infantry set ups :)

2012-08-05, 11:41 AM
I will be a horrible pilot. Horrible. In PS1 I could barely fly a mosquito from one base to another, and usually crash-landed.

Seriously. It was terrible.

On the plus side I think I was a decent mag driver.

2012-08-05, 11:42 AM
Aside from piloting and shooting, nothing.

2012-08-05, 12:34 PM
JoeDrag0n :sniper: JoeDrag0n

Seriously, it'll probably happen.