View Full Version : I'm concerned about the popularity of the New Conglomerate...
2003-03-20, 04:45 PM
It seems like for every Vanu and Terran fan there are 5 NC fans touting their "anarchy over oppression" mentality and sporting the cool yellow and blue color scheme.
I'm concerned that this will spread too much into the gameworld, and we're going to see a large percentage of the servers with NC's population being the highest, maybe even by a large margin.
I know that the PS team has done things to encourage balancing, such as an xp boost for an empire that is more than a little outnumbered on a server, but that doesn't change the fact that it will suck if you're on a severly outnumbered faction.
Not to mention the fact that if one side is largley more popular, it creates more buzz for that side, meaning that more people that arrive to the game new will have likely heard of or have friends in the NC and want to join that faction, and the more hype there is for NC, the worse the morale will be for the Terran and Vanu sides.
Please don't turn this post into a place to simply reply and say "VANU ROCKS" or a similar tagline for the faction of your choice, we get enough of that EVERYWHERE ELSE. Just talk about why or why not you think the NC favoritism will be a malevolent factor to the game.
On a final note, isn't it ironic that the rebel, anarchanistic faction is now in fact more mainstream and in control than the group they're rebelling against?
2003-03-20, 04:49 PM
To me it's more TR then anyone.
Personally I'm going Vanu, I really like the look and design of their armor. Not to mention their history give me a lot of filming ideas. :D
2003-03-20, 04:50 PM
to me, TR and NC r about the same.. it is the Vs who r not popular because they look like barney the purple dinosaur
Camping Carl
2003-03-20, 04:51 PM
NC were last in a player poll, I wouldn't worry.
2003-03-20, 04:59 PM
2003-03-20, 05:01 PM
I wouldn't worry about it that much because some of us either haven't picked a faction yet. Vanu and TR also dont go around yelling that they themselves rule because we know we are just going to completley wipe them off the face existence.
:vsrocks: :sniper: :trrocks::ncrocks:
sorry bou stealing your sig dragon =�
2003-03-20, 05:04 PM
They aren't anarchists.
They're businessmen. :P They're America of 1776; the TR is a slightly more Fascist and more powerful US of today.
The Vanu are the REAL revolutionaries. They are truly taking a step forward. You can even see it in their design. (Actually, I'm so full of it. That's the only place you can see ANYTHING, because these empires are all design concepts anyways -- but that's good, it lets us be more creative with it).
I am an INTELLECTUAL anarchist. The NC are anarchists in name only.
2003-03-20, 05:24 PM
Actualy all the poles that I have seen say that the TR is favored. With NC in a close second and the Vanu way behind.
2003-03-20, 05:34 PM
nobody knows what side will be overpopulated untill about 1 month after release..till then..anything is just pure speculation
2003-03-20, 05:39 PM
mr_luc has it right, this NC seems to have been inpired by those who founded the United States. Perhaps that as part of why I was initially drawn to that Empire. What solidified me was in fact the design of their armor and weaponry.
I can't say as I'm partial to any of the color schemes for any of the Empires. The TR look very badass, the NC looks very noble, the VS look gayrific. So what? In Tribes 2 I don't pick bloodeagle because they look so badass, and I don't pick Starwolf because they blend in better on the Snowblind map, and I've never picket a Bioderm because they have cool voice samples. I pick whichever side is loosing or has an open slot.
Ofcourse, that's not an option in Planetside. So, I chose NC because I like how they look, I like their backstory, and I want to take out MAXs and Vehicles with my Pheonix in my puny Reinforced armor.
Don't forget, SOE will also be boosting Health and Armor for the underdog empires. Who knows, they might even reduce NTU consumption for the underdogs too. I really don't think this is going to be an issue except during off peak hours.
2003-03-20, 05:54 PM
so far i've decided on NC, i like the fast ground buggys that they have, reminds me of the fun times from Halo
2003-03-20, 06:03 PM
I think that maybe if the vanu had different colored armor they might get more people. Since you can choose your empire once you have to be satasfied with everything about it. The purple is really what made me discard them as a choice early on. By the way:trrocks:
2003-03-20, 06:06 PM
I've chosen nc at mo because of there MAX.
2003-03-20, 06:14 PM
SIZE=3]strongbad![/SIZE] :rock:
2003-03-20, 06:17 PM
I would guess the empires are pretty evened out. The only reason you might believe that the NC has a higher population count is that a lot of TR and VS are probably just not posting.
BTW, I like the way the VS look. :D
2003-03-20, 06:17 PM
NC = Rebel Rousers
They WANT you to think there are more of them than there really are. Its a mind game to fend off the enemies. If u fall for such tactics, you aren't going to last long in PS :-P
1st = TR (cool colors and order)
2nd = Vanu (energy weapons and cool armor)
3rd = NC (cool colors and anarchy)
2003-03-20, 06:20 PM
Actually, at the official site, a poll taken was more like this:
Only on these forums it's more of a:
2003-03-20, 06:21 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. The people on these forums represent a tiny fraction of the people who'll eventually play PS. Furthermore, everyone's desired faction is very much open to change until they actually get into the game. Some will be swayed at the last minute, let's say, by the sight of their desired server having their previously favoured faction as the most popular (or vice versa, with people not joining due to a weak faction).
So don't give it much thought. Chances are the favoured factions stated in polls etc will be very inaccurate when the game is actually out.
2003-03-20, 06:22 PM
I would not worry about it, the poll that was up on the official site for some time was very even when it finally closed.
2003-03-20, 06:24 PM
Besides, we'll all be different factions on different servers, it'll balance itself. :D
2003-03-20, 06:33 PM
I'm gonna be VS when the time comes along. Futuristic weapons, crazy ideals (which is always fun), and the "scales" on their armor look pretty bad-ass. And for some reason the Infiltration suit kinda reminded me of the Ninja off of Metal Gear Solid.
So woo! :cheers:
2003-03-20, 07:12 PM
The polls do seem to put TR ahead of other factions, either way, I'd rather be on the smaller side...who doesn't want more health and BEP?
By the way: Homestar Runner= Awesome
Whatever happens, happens. If one side is overpoplated not only will hte other sides get more xp but the overpopulated side will havea need for vehicles and armor and it will jsut be dang overpopulated.
"A population('empire') can only live to the extent of its resources and if the resources are fewer than what is needed, then the population will eventually diminish in size, due to the resources available"
Almost everything needs not everyone will get the power they really need in an overpopulated empire.
Also, it will be a lot harder to manage, which means less organization but more brute force, and you all know the famous quote:
"Brains over brawns."
:DMy $.02:D
EDIT: not to mention htough, im a member of the NC :cool2:
2003-03-21, 01:21 AM
They already have a plan for this ...
2003-03-21, 01:26 AM
Last I heard NC had the most, VS had the second most and TR had the least. I just don't know anymore. I'm going vanu anyways because TR has funny goggles, and NC has a LOT of idiots. Some of their clans are just... going to insult the game itself.
2003-03-21, 01:37 AM
I'm not worrying about it because of one current example; DAOC.
Almost always things are balanced there without any sort of forced balancing; indeed it's the opposite. Realms with the most people would get the most relics and therefore the most bonuses during PVE and PVP combat, and yet you still get a fairly even distribution of players.
How is this so?
When you have a large population of players and a choice of 3 equally cool factions the distribution becomes truely random.
It's also improved by having at least 3 game worlds in each server farms. For example I'd like to dabble in TR, Vanu and NC; I'll probably create a character in each world, one for each faction. I think most people will be like this.
There was a poll on the main site a month or so ago asking which side you'd join. It was split three ways just about, across the board.
I really wouldn't worry about it (again consider DAOC).
As to comparing the factions to real life factions... :rolleyes: it's a free world and your welcome too, but it gets under mah skin personally. TR are erm... TR, NC are erm... NC and Vanu are... um... the tree hugging borg. :D
2003-03-21, 03:29 AM
daoc is a terrible example. On those servers, one faction rules a server for a few months, then another one becomes more populated, so they rule server... rinse and repeat. This game will hopefully come down to more than just who has the most soldiers.
2003-03-21, 04:01 AM
Actually, although it was a LONG time since I read this, I recall reading that once you choose a faction, all other characters made have to be the same. Now I dunno if that is still in effect right now or they removed it, someone check me up on this?
2003-03-21, 04:44 AM
4 chars all the same faction per server.
I think u can make a differnt faction char on a differnt server though.
I like that since you can't really have spys on your side since they wouldn't be able to benefit from spying.
2003-03-21, 07:23 AM
I think u can make a differnt faction char on a differnt server though.
True. U can have a different faction on a different server.
I like that since you can't really have spys on your side since they wouldn't be able to benefit from spying.
Thats the idea. But u can buy a new account :)
2003-03-21, 11:31 AM
For the purely vain perspective;
I think at lot of people are influenced by the screenshots they see of each faction. The thing is at rank one the NC look great but at rank 20 all that yellow looks :lol: , meanwhile the TR at rank 20 get all evil red (royal gaurd from return of the jedi syle), and what can I say about teal? It's not as bad as purple. ;)
2003-03-21, 11:39 AM
I'm actually somewhat hoping we Vanu are outnumbered. Quickest way to gain skill is to go headlong into a challenging situation. Besides, quality/quantity.
2003-03-21, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by quiet
The thing is at rank one the NC look great but at rank 20 all that yellow looks :lol:
They do?
2003-03-21, 12:53 PM
That pic has funky colors cause that aint rubber ducky yellow it's orange. Here is recent NC shot for comparison,
Subtle tweaks can make a big difference so maybe on release it will look better to me. I do like the older, golder NC more;
It was the gamespot vids where reinforced armor looked like it was wearing thigh high yellow latex boots that really made me :lol:.
Edit, added pic links :)
2003-03-21, 01:03 PM
I think the NC look really good at higher ranks. Not as cool as the loyalists, of course, but still good for sure.
2003-03-21, 01:23 PM
I like the Vanu for a lot of reasons.
First, they're different. Even if you think the design is ugly, even if you think purple is gay, even if you think that energy-based weapons aren't as cool as 'normal guns' -- that difference plays right into my court. I'm different, and you can't understand me. I'm the unexplained quantity, the idea that you can't put your finger on, the opponent whose motives you just don't get.
And then there are the other things.
Their MAX -- hell, with those jumpjets, if I get you your base you can bet your ass I'm staying a while. I can get out of danger, jet to places you can't reach (or it would take you a while to reach). You can't keep me out, and if I'm getting my ass kicked, you can't keep me in. Even if I can do less damage than a comparable armor in another faction, those things make me powerful.
Plus, I like the design. Their MAX actually looks COOL, sexy, not just a big ol' chunk of metal with legs.
And purple can be really, really cool -- look at HALO. Same for energy weapons.
But the biggest thing is that they have an alien vibe, whereas the other two are basically "same old, same old". :D Go Vanu!
2003-03-21, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by mr_luc
I'm different, and you can't understand me. I'm the unexplained quantity, the idea that you can't put your finger on, the opponent whose motives you just don't get.
You mean your one of those so called artist/non-conformists that all shop at second hand stores and wear clothes left over from the 70's? :)
What is the color change on Vanu when they rank up? They already start out purple so do the eventually turn into a mostly aquamarine soldier?
The most recent screencaps from Planetside Shuttle made me like the Vanu a little more. The last few pics show the energy ricochettes off of walls. Very very dope indeed.
Pic1 (
Pic2 (
Having that come off the walls is going to be very dissorienting in a battle and will serve as an asset to the Vanu.
BTW: Hamma...for the next batch of beta screen shots. If you can pull it off I'd love to see a BR20 soldier in reinforced armor from each faction. (I find it doubtful anybody has gotten that high yet except the Devs)
2003-03-21, 02:55 PM
The press demo on the weekend of the 12-8 let everybody start at rank 20 so if you look in the previews section the first 4 are of mostly rank 20 folks.
Some quick picks;
evil TR babe
vanu reinforced:
vanu max:
I couldn't find any NC pics :( but the gamespot complete vids show alot of NC.
2003-03-21, 03:07 PM
man br20 TR look sweet. I'm wondering about the BR20 TR MAX though, at first I thought the NC MAX was pretty lame, but the more I look at it, the TR MAX looks bunk. I'm hoping by BR20 it would look better.
2003-03-21, 03:35 PM
The Vanu Reinforced looks pretty sweet at BR20. Much better than I thought it would look. I can't say as I'm partial to the MAX, but it's not like I'll be playing as a Vanu MAX anyway....just shooting my Pheonix at them. :)
The only MAX I like is the TR one. That design is stinking dope! The Vanu one comes in a far off second place, but it's mostly just aesthetics. The NC MAX is fairly boring, but I never planned on playing in MAX armor anyway.
"You can please all of the people some of the time..." and I don't really expect SOE to cater to my personal tastes specificially.
2003-03-23, 09:36 PM
TR DOMINATES ALL :rock: the TR colors look kinda like assassin colors, since they got black and there armor looks rad. Vanu's colors suck but the armor looks pretty cool, NC's armor is cool looking but the yellow looks too bright, over all TR will have best camoflauge
2003-03-24, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Mauser101
You mean your one of those so called artist/non-conformists that all shop at second hand stores and wear clothes left over from the 70's? :)
Those people are fucking conformists. By and large, they don't understand a goddamn thing about the world around them. If you go up to one and push him, and say "What?!? Wanna fight about it, bitch???" he will almost never take you up on it. Whereas I'll fight anyone, even if they outweigh me by a Nelly or two. (me == concussion boy, so its prolly not the best policy, but its a lot of fun).
Those are the kind of people I would dedicate my life to 0wning, if there was anything worth dedicating one's life to (besides perhaps mathematics).
I know you were kidding, but DAAAAAMN, you play mean man. ;)
2003-03-24, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by ShadowLurk
TR DOMINATES ALL :rock: the TR colors look kinda like assassin colors, since they got black and there armor looks rad. Vanu's colors suck but the armor looks pretty cool, NC's armor is cool looking but the yellow looks too bright, over all TR will have best camoflauge
Don't be too sure about that.
You might mistake us for a floral arrangement, and then *POW!*
2003-03-24, 09:54 AM
We Vanu use Pansy Detectors our to make sure that it is indeed an N C and not a flower.
2003-03-24, 09:56 AM
1) Ima be a Vanu.
2) Nice glows.
2003-03-24, 09:57 AM
Oks my glows did not work, big deal, I changed it to colors.
*sniff* I want my glows.....
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