View Full Version : People at official forums don't know s**t!!!!
2002-11-19, 09:20 PM
Well... I was looking through the forums about PS at station hoping that fanatics all over would be willing to give insight on some info that they managed to find at the corners of the internet about PS. Instead I find people who don't know what they are talking about and ask dumb questions, among them being:
Where do we store our vehicles?
Deconstruct them! duh!
Will snipers be stealth?
How many people can be in a dropship?
... check the site before asking... dumb@$$!!!
find more and bring them here!!!
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
2002-11-19, 09:32 PM
Thats why many of us stay here :D
2002-11-19, 09:32 PM
You, apparently, don't know shit either, snipers cannot use stealth suits, stealths can only use pistols and knives, and you can't know how many people fit in a dropship because you don't know whether people can stay in the transported vehicle (ok, that one is stretching it but still, oh, and the insult is mildly sarcastic so don;t take it personally)
but you are right, they don't know shit on the main site's forums. it's actually kind of funny how unknowledgable they are, and painful to realize some of them will get in the beta instead of me simply because there a few years older.
(my favorites are where people ask how much stuff costs)
2002-11-19, 09:36 PM
I never stated that they can use stealth suits, you retard! I only stated that they must be stealth. So apparently, you must not know shit, and must learn to read!
2002-11-19, 09:38 PM
just kidding! anyways, station released the info on dropship space a long time ago. they give a detailed explanation of what it can hold. It's at the official site.
2002-11-19, 09:41 PM
*gets all defensive* i didn't read the thread, i didn't know if you just shaved a word, or even letter, off or something. it is incredible how some of those people have an aversion to the painfully obvious
2002-11-19, 09:43 PM
The official forum-people suck c...s in:devilwink
Its just, you are shit and he is shit and everyone is shit...i am are /nf3ri0R...i hate this kind off stuff.
Wow, i at least got my avatar working:clap: :clap:
2002-11-19, 09:58 PM
The sad thing is... I only took a glance at the forum thread names, and a little bit of the threads themselves... most of the thread starters there are new to this all and aren't bothering looking for the info like everyone else struggled to do! the sad thing was that most of the questions could be answered by searching the official site itself, which contains little to no information.
2002-11-19, 10:08 PM
Would you rather there be no official forums and those newbies come HERE to ask thier questions?
I thought not.. so STFU.
Sicne you obviously think of yourself as a notch above them, how about instead of acting just as noobish as they are (by flaming them) you take the time to help and answer thier questions. In the time it took you to write out this flame you could have quoted a few sources as an answer. Instead of being a blight on the community you could have been helpfull. Instead of fostering bad feelings between two seperate parts of the community you could have helped keep the community together.
In short.. instead of being an asshole you could have been a leader.
2002-11-19, 10:17 PM
some of us get frustrated when we realize people who haven't even read the faq are getting a spot in the beta while were left out in the cold because were not old enough. they win in the end, so whats the harm of taking a few cheap shots at them. All you really need to do is post a link or 2 to straighten them out, anyone could do that.
edit: fucking overwrite
2002-11-19, 10:28 PM
"Some of us get frustrated"
I'm glad you'd rather spend the time being part of the problem rather than the solution. Idiots.
2002-11-19, 10:35 PM
The solution- aging. Ha-ha!
Betas going to be so random, why bitch at any particular injustice of luck.
WAH! There's 13k applications! WAH!
2002-11-19, 10:36 PM
waaahh! And no Europeans:tear:
2002-11-19, 10:52 PM
It's not an issue of "the official forums are evil and should be shut down", but it's more like, "WE HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING THIS GAME FOR MONTHS AND PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW A THING ABOUT IT ARE TAKING SEATS IN BETA!!!!! WTF?!" So CrazyMike, we feel somwhat insulted because we went all over the internet to put together as much information as we can and people who don't know anything don't bother to search the obvious. One answer I saw to a question was on the official site itself, so I think that shows there is no effort toward finding this information for themselves. in short, all of the questions are obvious, not many are good ones.
Read this before calling me an asshole, because all I am saying is that it's hard to cope with people who are not well informed and are stealing beta spots.
2002-11-19, 11:09 PM
I don't mind n00bs. For the most part Hamma and I have seen every question that can be asked at least twice. It's nice now because all the guys that were new a few weeks ago are the ones answering all the questions.
It's the cycle of things. You tell them stuff, and they go on to tell it ot the next crop of new players. If they all want to sign up here and ask dubm questions all day long I say go for it. The more the merrier.
Hell were not even putting a dent in Hamma's bandwith levels so we aren't trying hard enough to bring in more n00bs!!
2002-11-20, 12:39 AM
I've read your post and your argument. It's the same whiny one we've heard for two fucking years! The simple fact is people are lazy. Yes they don't check the FAQ. They never have. They never will. All bitching and flaming does is create a cesspool of a community that no one wants to be a part of. If you take the easy route and buy into that negativity then they win. They win because you let them.
So you have to ask yourself. Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution? There is no in-between.
So yes.. people that would spend thier efforts writing rants about noobies and flaming them rather than spending half the time involved posting a simple answer are assholes in my books. I feel I have that right to call you an asshole because I am one of the people who have chosen to spend thier time helping instead of hurting the community.
If all you want to do is flame noobs then go hang out in CS chatrooms and forums. I would hope that the PlanetSide community (including PSU) is more interested in building something better.
2002-11-20, 02:24 AM
I was going to write a big long reply but i'm not going to waste my breath because (first of i'm not even sure it's my battle, but your pissing me off enough that i'm going to side with the underdog and commit social suicide) i know you'll just go "I''m a condesending jackass who's been around longer then you, and your a stupid little kid, therefor i default to right." The most annoying thing in the world is your god damned condescending attitudes, you people play the high and mighty well enough that you should become teachers. I refuse to post on the official boards because of the absolutely shitty software on station, but i would assume that the question might, maybe, possibly be answered when he saw it. Now i dont agree with posting "People at official forums don't know s**t!!!!" i would have to quote afex (unfortanantly) "It's called being brutally honest." Feel free to flame my grammer or whatever else helps inflate your ego.
2002-11-20, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by Nohimn
Read this before calling me an asshole, because all I am saying is that it's hard to cope with people who are not well informed and are stealing beta spots.
Why would someone who has been following the game a bit longer, necessarily make a better beta tester?
A good portion of the people who have been following the game "forever," just want to get their hands on the game a bit early and might make poor beta testers.
Alot of them will be more concerned with making the role thay want to play (such as sniper, or pilot) uber, insead of searching for tru balance.
I am sure that, at some point, I will ask a question that has already been answered. I would rather an answer than a flame, wouldn't you?
In short, be kind to a noob (like me), someday soon they might be a member of your squad.
2002-11-20, 06:49 AM
Originally posted by Incompetent
The most annoying thing in the world is your god damned condescending attitudes, you people play the high and mighty well enough that you should become teachers.
Wow, hypocrisy reaches astonishingly high levels never before seen on the likes of PSU! :D
Your name truly describes every aspect of your existence.
2002-11-20, 08:51 AM
I will not hesitate to lock this thread, It started as a simple discussion of how newb like the official forums are, then the people who love the official forums oh so much come in and turn it sour. Would I rather there be no official forums? Yes, I would rather it be that way, leave the community to the fansites. Would it mean more newbs here? Probably, but that is why I created this site, to inform people about the game and what it has to offer. I think the official forums have too much moderation, and you have to dig far to much to find the real answers. They are just un-needed at this point IMO, any new info that is released will probably go in the form of an interview, or preview. Not through the official forum.
Bottom line is if you are an old school community member who whored those forums 6 months ago while they were open, you are going to like them.
If you like a more laid back atmosphere, or are somewhat new to the community your going to go to one of the fansites and have them bring you the worthy posts. Its all a matter of preference.. I simply dont have the time to browse those forums all day, and given the amount of peopel visiting them and posting questions, by the time i respond to one thing there will be another. And most are indeed, pointless posts. That are either covered in the official FAQ, or on the fansites.
I like it here :]
Originally posted by Hamma
I like it here :]
2002-11-20, 10:35 AM
It started as a simple discussion of how newb like the official forums are, then the people who love the official forums oh so much come in and turn it sour. If you really believe that, Hamma, I'm truly disappointed in you :o
If you like a more laid back atmosphere, or are somewhat new to the community your going to go to one of the fansites and have them bring you the worthy posts. gg propaganda. This is such a flawed statement, I won't even take the time to show you how false it is out of courtesy, since I do respect you. I'll let this slide as some momentary lapse of judgement, because I really don't think you are so foolish :)
2002-11-20, 11:01 AM
I like it here, its safe and warm, but there is les flame then in the offical forums, thats what happens when you give fools Napalm.
and Lexington_Steele is a newbie? i always thoguht you were like a Gurou of planetside or something, not a High gurou like the Grand command over at PSI, but you seem to know alot and make good arguments towards what you believe, unlike some people here who just say things like "The Vanu are going to win because they R0x0r and your team is suX0r n00bz!", withour giveing any reason or siting any sorces to back up their statements, people like me that is (the Vanu are going to win by hte way). I would like most of the 12 year olds who found crack and porn at too young an age to stay at the offical forums, but some who have a sliver of maturity, should come here and not have to be trapped in the flaming hell of the OF. Also no one reads the FAQ...i still havent, looked at the Vehicles and weapons a bit pictures.
2002-11-20, 12:14 PM
Like I said, the people who like the official forums will disagree with me. So we can agree to disagree because that is not a flawed statement ;) btw I am not referring to JUST PSU :|
2002-11-20, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Tobias
I like it here, its safe and warm, but there is les flame then in the offical forums, thats what happens when you give fools Napalm.
What are you trying to say, man!? :mad:
2002-11-20, 12:36 PM
The point that Mike was trying to make was that they're going to stay perpetually newbs if everyone just sits around criticizing them instead of answering their questions and addressing their issues. Everyone here probably asked a stupid question or two when they joined the community, and most (hopefully) have moved beyond that stage. It's one thing to poke fun at nubbishness, but to be genuinely condescending and mean to people who have honest questions is just pathetic.
And Hamma, people posting to defend the official forums did not sour this thread. This thread started off sour, because some jackasses with hardly two neurons to rub together decided to pump up their egos by noob bashing.
2002-11-20, 12:50 PM
Oh, but I guess agreeing with AC's rational explanation means I'm still turning things sour and I'm biased. I still can't comprehend how you can possibly call this place more "laid back" and HONESTLY say it has better discussion :P The official forums have been open what.. a week? Give it some time to cool down (may take longer considering beta is upon us) before you go making unfair blanket judgements. We've had more good discussion in general chat alone on that forum than I'd expect to see in this place after 5 years :rolleyes:
But I guess since you're too opinionated to admit that the official forums have a use and serve a purpose you'll never see that ;(
Ignorance is sad :(
2002-11-20, 12:59 PM
I want people tro stay newbies so i can kill them and get BEP's easy!
We talk about the important things here, like strip clubs
2002-11-20, 03:38 PM
People that know me also know that I have never had much toleration for this kind of noobie bashing. Not on the old official forums, not on PSI, not here or anywhere. It hurts the community and I will always speak out about it.
If it makes you feel better to disregard my opinion because of the length of time I've been around, then so be it. I make no appologies. I am what I am. Ultimately if you don't like what I have to say you can do what I suggest you folks do when it comes to the official forums you detest so much..
Don't read them. No one is forcing you.
2002-11-20, 03:56 PM
Well this is all a matter of opinion. I have the utmost respect for both of you, but the fact of the matter is we just arent going to agree on some things. So rather than getting all worked up about it, I am not going to continue. :)
2002-11-20, 05:33 PM
I'm appalled at all of you (except for Hamma). CrazyMike, RocketFodder, where's teh :love:? Having a fun romp with hypocrisy, eh? Flaming the n00bs is only counter-productive? You guys have been following PS since before I and nigh the entire community were born. You are flaming them. Don't try to twist words around either - you are vets flaming newbs. Calling them an "asshole" and telling them to "STFU" is flaming. So, be kind you crazy knowledgable hypocrites you.
I think we should all just have a group hug and forget about it. n00bs will be n00bs. They will flame, they will ask dumb questions, and they be just over-all and generally stupid. Let us rise above these qualities ourselves. Seek peace within, and thy will suddenly find thee n00bs much less annoying. :cool2:
2002-11-20, 05:47 PM
Zarpachior, I am not sure that all of the aforementioned PSU users were flaming noobs.
I could be wrong tho.
2002-11-20, 05:54 PM
hmm, I need to add the flamethrower smily :D
2002-11-20, 06:03 PM
As I read this I am again distraught on how things can get out of hand, as I respect many of you and have gotten to know alot of you over the years. I for one believe that we have to have a good community that will help spread the word, and not kill anyone that asks a simple question. Yes there is going to be people that will ask "is there going to be jumppacks, as those would be cool", or any numerous thread that has been flamed since the inception of the forums. All I have to say people is that even being a dev on the project, I still do not know all that there is to know about Planetside. And I for one ask that we set aside any differences and help give answers without stating who is superior in knowledge, or which site is better or whatever. Save it for the game. :)
2002-11-20, 06:05 PM
:love: Briley
We all have our differences. It happens :(
2002-11-20, 06:44 PM
Great... Briley, you just had to read this thread, didn't you? :P~
We get along. Well, we get along most of the time... I think? Anywho, try not to judge us crazees too harshly. Mostly, these posts only turn into flame wars 1/3 of the time. ;)
BTW, if you didn't know - I'm anxious for PS to come out. :thumbsup:
2002-11-20, 07:47 PM
Fine, I do admit I'm not helping at all, and yes, people are lazy. I just want to make this clear, because I didn't before: I'm dissing the questions they ask, not the noobs. sry about the title of this post, I know that it kind of declares noobs as simple minded people. But in reality, we were all noobs at one point, it's just that the questions are so commonly repeated, it's becoming annoying. I am a bit ticked that people don't bother to read the FAQ, like I did, but I guess I have to take the point about uninformed doesn't necessarily mean bad beta tester, I never said that. What I meant was that I (and lots of other people) have been following the game forever. I know I'm not getting in because I didn't have the proper requirements for the game yet, so I'm taking a few cheap shots at noobs, because I know one of them is taking the spot I'm not getting. This is just a way to vent my anger. I'm just trying to cope with my loss (not getting into beta which I already know). This was just meant to be a list of stupid questions that were asked several thousand times. We pretty much have the answers stuck in our long-term memory by now, so I was pointing out the questions. Sorry about the title and about my attitude towards noobs, I'm just getting carried away like I always do. We all want to get into beta and we have all been taking jabs at each other. I just took a jabs at noobs, which is my mistake.
In short, sorry for not making myself clear earlier, and sorry about my attitude.
2002-11-20, 08:19 PM
much better.
A shame hamma doesn't share your sentiments :o
2002-11-20, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by RocketFodder
A shame hamma doesn't share your sentiments :o
:confused: RF, is there something personal with Hamma? I know the guy personally and he is a class act.
Let's press on. :love:
2002-11-20, 08:52 PM
I found my new target:
:nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi: :nazi:
2002-11-20, 10:17 PM
I wasnt saying noobs are bad either.. i was pretty much saying what he did about the posts, how uninformed they are. etc :p
2002-11-22, 11:12 AM
I wish i new Shit (thats his name without the asterks) he is a cool guy from what i hear, bad name choice though. And of course the people at the OF dont know him, he does not post there.
2002-11-22, 11:28 AM
I like new people posting. It's what keeps the forum fun.
2002-11-22, 11:48 AM
I like all the new people that are with the Vanu, they are almost all cool!
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