View Full Version : Will large scale Battles Be common? Why?

2003-03-20, 07:55 PM
When i first heard about planetsdie, i dream of taking part in enourmous battles of over 30 players vs over 30 players at LEAST, hoping for somewhere around over 50 for each side. I was wondering with the planet being so big will there be many large scale battles, or will there just be areas where there is incredibly long lasting battles until one side wins?

2003-03-20, 08:00 PM

2003-03-20, 08:10 PM
Large battles will develop easily, the maps show where the top battles are to bring more reinforcements. While there are ten continents, i only see about 4 being under heavy attack at all times(sanc's and sanc backdoors locked by empire). Combined with commanders and easy transport, battles will be easy to find.

Constant battles? Dropship centers will be under seige almost constantly id say. One per cont, with such a great bonus, who wouldnt attack it? Plus, i dont doubt there will be a area that the empires just deem as team deathmatch. Some part of a continent that we could just fight over without needing an objective.

2003-03-20, 08:16 PM
I feel that they will be common, but maybe not at first when the game is released because people won't be fully organized. They will probably get more organized as the game matures though. Then we'll probably see some epic battles :cool:

2003-03-20, 08:54 PM
They'll be very common, though there will be little skirmished EVERYWHERE. Well...atleast in a lot of places.

2003-03-20, 09:03 PM
As common as people take over buildings. As soon as that warning comes up expect flocks of people soon. :p

2003-03-20, 09:06 PM
Hotspot system people know where all the big fights are, and go to make them bigger. You respawn and there are lots of people so they will be long.

Camping Carl
2003-03-20, 09:09 PM
My guess would be that when there is a battle, reinforcements from both sides will start pouring in. I picture large battles (100+ people) taking place at maybe 2 or 3 key points on a continent, with smaller skirmishes around the rest of the continent.

2003-03-20, 09:32 PM
A massive 100+ player war would be so awesome. I hope to see at least a few.

2003-03-20, 09:39 PM
What's large scale? 100+? If it's 100+ then no, I don't think that'll be too common, partly because most people probably won't want to get involved in such a huge, chaotic fight. Not only will they not get many kills, but they'll likely end up tagging one of their own guys by accident now and then because of how jumbled up everything is.

Most battles will probably be fairly limited. Obviously there'll be a few battles that can be really huge, like a battle designed to prevent a side from getting one continent locked in their favour. But more often than not I think battles will be in the range of 20 - 30 people on either side. It'll still be a very intense battle, but it'll also be much more controlled and coherent. Overall, more enjoyable I think.

2003-03-20, 10:01 PM
Hopefully during huge fights like that grief points will be cushioned.

2003-03-20, 10:04 PM
The ability to have large scale battles is dependent on the planning and marshalling skills of the different empire command structures. Outfits working together will be key.

Of cource my idea of large scale battles is an empire attacking several bases in a coordinated fashion. Others may define large scale battles as 100+ players fighting over a single base.

2003-03-20, 11:41 PM
If there are people who played any of the C&C series, if you are lucky, both sides will merg with their 100+ troops and battle it out in a grusom battle.....why do i think this? becuase in every C&C I play, the only way to defeate the enemy is with 50 of each substance.....mainly infantry....

And long battles will take place if there is a huge fire fight within the continent.

2003-03-21, 08:23 AM
Hard to say how the game will be played once it goes live.

2003-03-21, 07:03 PM
Oops, didn't see your second post there Spnsr.