View Full Version : First PC build any advice with parts.

2012-08-08, 09:26 PM

About time i got my self a new Pc been looking around for a few days and i came up with this build.

Magpie's Build:

Asus P8P67 Pro R3 P67 Socket 1155 8 Channel HD Audio ATX Motherboard -> LINK (http://www.ebuyer.com/391776-exdisplay-asus-p8p67-pro-r3-p67-socket-1155-8-channel-hd-audio-ebr2-p8p67-pro-r3)

Intel Core i5 2500K 3.3GHz Socket 1155 6MB Cache Retail Boxed Processor -> LINK (http://www.ebuyer.com/251596-intel-core-i5-2500k-3-3ghz-socket-1155-6mb-cache-retail-boxed-processor-bx80623i52500k)

Graphics Card
Gigabyte GTX 670 Windforce 3X 2GB GDDR5 Dual DVI HDMI DisplayPort PCI-E Graphics Card -> LINK (http://www.ebuyer.com/368520-gigabyte-gv-n670oc-2gd-gv-n670oc-2gd)

Kingston 16GB DDR3 2133MHz HyperX XMP Memory -> Link (http://www.ebuyer.com/319616-kingston-16gb-ddr3-2133mhz-hyperx-xmp-memory-khx2133c11d3k4-16gx)

Still looking for a case and power supply, and any little bits and bobs. So far that build: £700.36 Tops is £1000 ( was gonna buy a new macbook but planetside 2 changed that lol )
So i got around £300 left been Looking at a few maybe upgrades on the build. The Same motherboard but the Z chip-set, also maybe a i7 processor?

Asus P8Z68-V PRO/GEN3 Socket 1155 DVI VGA HDMI 8 Channel Audio ATX Motherboard -> LINK (http://www.ebuyer.com/291654-asus-p8z68-v-pro-gen3-socket-1155-dvi-vga-hdmi-8-channel-audio-atx-p8z68-v-pro-gen3)
Intel Core i7 2600k 3.4GHz Socket 1155 8MB Cache Retail Boxed Processor -> LINK (http://www.ebuyer.com/252535-intel-core-i7-2600k-3-4ghz-socket-1155-8mb-cache-retail-boxed-processor-bx80623i72600k)

Any advice would be Great never build a pc befor so i hope i matched them up all right :D

Many Thanks!

2012-08-08, 10:00 PM
2133 mhz ram is useless for gaming, iirc you don't see much gaming performance increase past 1333mhz so paying for more that speed is wasteful.

for gaming getting an i7 vs i5 is a waste of $$$. If you're getting the 2500k you should get an aftermarket cooler. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103065 is good, cheap if you're not terribly ambitious about your OC. I can get to 4.3 ghz stable during the 95F summer with a similar cooler.

2012-08-08, 10:14 PM
Don't spend so much on ram. Stick with 1333 on a sandy bridge i5 (2xxx) and 1600 on an Ivy bridge (3xxx). Also only get 2 4gb sticks, you don't need the extra 8 now and it'll be cheaper in the future when you do.

Don't bother with an i7...but think about a third generation i5 like the 3550. Especially if you're not super exited by overclocking.
Get a Z77 or Z75 motherboard. Don't worry about crossfire or SLI support, IMO. ASRock makes a fairly cheap one that's good. Asus, Gigabyte and MSI are OK too. They all offer boards that are basically the same at the heart with different levels of extra features. You don't need to get the fancy version unless you have a need for the extras...and few actually do.

I think those changes should be cost-neutral or even save you some money.

Remember to factor in a hard disk and Win7 costs (win 7 runs ~100 USD not sure how they convert for you) besides the case and PSU. And a DVD drive...but you can get around that these days with a USB key and another computer.

2012-08-09, 07:11 AM
Don't spend so much on ram. Stick with 1333 on a sandy bridge i5 (2xxx) and 1600 on an Ivy bridge (3xxx). Also only get 2 4gb sticks, you don't need the extra 8 now and it'll be cheaper in the future when you do.

Don't bother with an i7...but think about a third generation i5 like the 3550. Especially if you're not super exited by overclocking.
Get a Z77 or Z75 motherboard. Don't worry about crossfire or SLI support, IMO. ASRock makes a fairly cheap one that's good. Asus, Gigabyte and MSI are OK too. They all offer boards that are basically the same at the heart with different levels of extra features. You don't need to get the fancy version unless you have a need for the extras...and few actually do.

I think those changes should be cost-neutral or even save you some money.

Remember to factor in a hard disk and Win7 costs (win 7 runs ~100 USD not sure how they convert for you) besides the case and PSU. And a DVD drive...but you can get around that these days with a USB key and another computer.

Many thanks too all,

Kingston 8GB DDR3 1333Mhz HyperX Blu Memory Kit ( 2x4gb ) £40.03
Intel Core i5 3570K 3.4GHz Socket 1155 6MB Cache Retail Boxed Processor £177.76
Already got a copy of Windows 7, Reusing the 250GB Harddrive and dvd Rw from my old PC, Gonna stick with the standard cooler that comes in the box for now probly not gonna overclock right away. Still looking for a case and power supply, i like the look of them ones with the cable mod, where you just plug in what you need. motherboard need a bit more reading time of it i think frying my brain lol. overall the ram gonna save me 45quid

Many thanks all!