View Full Version : Physical Fitness

2012-08-29, 10:34 PM
I figured I'd start a thread about this. I'm an avid fitness kind of guy.

For strength, I focus on Olympic Lifting, a little bit of traditional weightlifting, and circuit routines. For Cardio I currently focus on Rowing, Swimming, and Running. I currently don't have my bike anywhere near me so I can't use it. I ran a Triathlon Half about 2 years ago and I want to get back into it.

I'm not sure what I'd do if I couldn't workout. It's become a big part of my life. After graduating college, I really got into running and ended up losing about 40lbs (18kg for you metric folks). this was many years ago. After a while I realized that I needed to do more. I tried Crossfit for a little while but just never made gains, and always seemed to be sore and always tired. A couple years ago I met a bunch of trainers (majority with masters in Exercise Science) and they started to educate me on functional fitness, I ended up getting certified and working as a trainer in my spare time (extra cash is always welcome).

I currently keep a blog of my daily fitness. It's mainly for me so I can keep track but if you want, check it out (http://mattrubinunlimited.blogspot.com/).

So what kind of fitness do you enjoy?