View Full Version : Comfortable keybinding

2012-09-10, 06:14 PM
I'm having a hard time figuring out an efficient way of controlling aircraft, and still having a sensible scheme for controlling ground vehicles. The default flight controls are very strange, but they'd be fine for ground controls...

Between "look left", "strafe left", "look down", "move backwards"...it's just...nearly impossible to have everything line up in a way that gives you a working layout.

Does anyone have the keymapping worked out in a good way, or know if we'll be getting separate tabs for flight and ground vehicles in the future? I kind of feel like I should give up on flying with the keyboard and mouse for now.

2012-09-10, 08:11 PM
I'm having a hard time figuring out an efficient way of controlling aircraft, and still having a sensible scheme for controlling ground vehicles. The default flight controls are very strange, but they'd be fine for ground controls...

Between "look left", "strafe left", "look down", "move backwards"...it's just...nearly impossible to have everything line up in a way that gives you a working layout.

Does anyone have the keymapping worked out in a good way, or know if we'll be getting separate tabs for flight and ground vehicles in the future? I kind of feel like I should give up on flying with the keyboard and mouse for now.
I'm not in beta yet and I don't know the flight mechanics, but here are my jet bindings for BF3:
Pitch up/down-S and W, respectively
ALT pitch up/down-Mouse down and up (I use this for minor aim adjustments)
Yaw left/right-A and D, respectively
Increase Throttle-Space Bar
Reduce Throttle-C
Afterburners-L Shift
Toggle between 3rd person and cockpit view-L Control
Roll left/right-Mouse left/right
Fire Weapon-LMB
Free look-RMB
Switch weapons-Mouse wheel

Try these out and modify them however you see fit :D Hope I helped! :thumbsup:

2012-09-10, 08:43 PM
I use all the default settings but this:

E = reload
R = change view
T = use/operate

The reason is pretty simple, kept ejecting myself accidentally during flights because of the proximity of W and E

2012-09-10, 09:33 PM
The reason is pretty simple, kept ejecting myself accidentally during flights because of the proximity of W and E

I had to do the same thing for the same reason:rofl:

2012-09-11, 07:01 AM
The reason is pretty simple, kept ejecting myself accidentally during flights because of the proximity of W and E

I know exactly what you're talking about. "Pressing W all the time, now need to press R- aww fudge."

Blue Sam
2012-09-11, 07:45 AM
I've got W/A/S/D and the surrounding keys set up for flying, and I/J/K/L and their surrounding keys for driving.

2012-09-11, 08:31 AM
is joystick control still bugged? (no center-)deadzones

2012-09-11, 06:42 PM
I've got W/A/S/D and the surrounding keys set up for flying, and I/J/K/L and their surrounding keys for driving.

How does that work? Vehicles share the same controls whether you're on the ground or in the sky.

Or do you mean you have both W and I for forward, A and J for left, etc.?

And if so, how does that help you with flying?

Blue Sam
2012-09-12, 10:14 AM
How does that work? Vehicles share the same controls whether you're on the ground or in the sky.

Or do you mean you have both W and I for forward, A and J for left, etc.?

And if so, how does that help you with flying?

Yes, I mean the latter, except that I have J/L bound to pitch left/right, I/K to pitch up/down, and U/O bound to accelerate/decelerate, so don't need to worry about dodging the (largely useless in the air) yaw controls.

2012-09-12, 10:20 AM
Can not use WASD & never could .....got man size hands you see :p

So it`s good old arrow keys , left side of number pad , Crtl,shift,enter & delete/end/pg down

Whether flying/steering or movement thats my key set up since 1997

WASD :rofl:


2012-09-12, 12:41 PM
It's all about being used to it, being a natural typist, my left hand always seems to be seeking for the "F" key with the little dent into it, that's how I know what button I'm touching.

There is also a lot more keys surrounding the WASD keys than there is arround arrow's.