View Full Version : New DEV Post Thread, new format :)
2002-11-21, 03:34 PM
Hehehe, no stealing BTW :P
Hamma, quick question, is there a way that I could change the Topic Header after I start a post, to let peeps know whats new in the thread?
Topic: Battlefield Recorders
Station Member
Registered: Jul 2001 posted 11-21-2002 10:36 AM user search report post
I come from games (q3, sof2, cs) where you can record your matches with your oponent and use them for simple archival purposes, for strategy analysis and even for making promotional videos (like q3 opc promos). I may have missed any posts on this possilbe feature so let me know if this has been discussed and just ignore the rest of my post. I think it would be very benificial if people were able to record demo's of their own actions when playing...especially during major battles for review by commanders later or just for personal pleasure if you did something in the battle that you must share with your friends or view for you own pleasure later. This feature could also be good for recon missions as well. Say, team the record option up with the stealth suit to infiltrate enemy defenses and report back to your team with a video of troop counts and styles of defense setup. Yes, this can be done through just word of mouth but it would be fun to have a vid of it as well in case that person missed some HUGE detail. Don't let recon agents be able to record while in a stealth suit, but once they turn it off they can...just long enuf and dangerous enuf to get what they came for and get out. I'm sure their are many other ways this could be implemented OR NOT implemented because i'm sure their will be people who are way opposed to this for some reason or another. Hell, it could create a new posisition as a team cameraman just to promote your outfit and catalogue epic battles for others to see. Say if a player is less skilled in shooting but can frame a great shot of your teams takedown then that could be a possible option for people who are not as good at fps's as others. Let the cameraman be invincible during battles within the "bubble" of his own teamates and be able to record any action going on from a ghost perspective that is used in other fps's. That will keep a person like that from flying in to the other teams defenses and not be destroyed if he is relegated to a certain area in which he can record, or bubble, that contains combative teamates. If he breaks this area, he can be killed...simple as that. Any other ideas or concerns about this?
Station Admin
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 11-21-2002 10:47 AM user search report post
I don't think we have any plans for this currently. If we -did- explore this, I'm pretty sure the designers would want it relegated to a single point of view for fairness. Really, the problem I see with this system (and I'm basing this on my experience in other games that allowed this feature) is that a) you never turn it on due to memory constraints, or HD slowness, and b) when you wish you had it turned on, it's too late anyway. Do others agree?
2002-11-21, 03:35 PM
Author Topic: Dual-Wielding Weaponary ?
Station Member
Registered: May 2001
posted 11-21-2002 09:23 AM user search report post
Two Pistols or even Two SMG's , With a Larger "Cone of fire" or, which ever method is being used now ?
What do you guys think ?
IE's Base-Defence Leader
"...And You Will Know Me By The Trail Of Dead "
************************ DEV RESPONSE ***************
Station Admin
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 11-21-2002 10:49 AM user search report post
Okay, but how do you reload with both hands occupied?
2002-11-21, 03:36 PM
Author Topic: If you were a beta tester?
Station Member
Registered: Jun 2001 posted 11-21-2002 01:17 AM user search report post
How many hours a day on average would you spend playing PS?
Im guessing around 8-10 if its a cool as it sounds so far =D
*prays for open beta soon*
************* DEV RESPONSE *********************
Station Admin
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 11-21-2002 10:41 AM user search report post
Ouch. I wish I took your advice, Fletch. Oh wait. I do work for SOE. Heh.
2002-11-21, 03:38 PM
Author Topic: Dropships: NO 3rd person view for passengers.
Station Member
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 11-20-2002 11:10 PM user search report post
I was just thinking about this, and I realized that it would be totally awesome if the passengers could not acess a 3rd person view of the dropship.
I think this for multiple reasons, it adds to the depth of the game immensly. Imagine the intensity of seeing nothing but the inside of the dropship en route to the action. Chatting with teammates, the intensity of not knowing where you are. The comradiere (sp?) devloped in the trust of the pilot...which leads me to another point...
Pilots now become a much more valued asset, as its up to them to put you over the drop point and let you know when to drop. With the 3rd person view a pilot (as far a infantry goes) has to do nothing make a beeline to the base, the passengers just have to hit "dismount" when they see they are over the base.
Oh....and another thing i just thought of...can you imagine how intense it would be taking fire while inside a galaxy??.
*random chatter*
*what the hell was that??*
*Pilot: HEAVY FIRE!: Opens doors*
oooo boy that would be awesome =)
This game gives me the shivers!
*********** DEV RESPONSE ***********
Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 11-21-2002 09:29 AM user search report post
Because dropships are lumbering and slow, and because passengers sit inside closed compartments (except for the three gunners), we decided to assist in the Galaxy's defense by allowing passengers to see in third-person and act as additional spotters.
It gives the passengers something to do, and helps the defense of the Galaxy.
Your point about a bit of knuckle-biting due to not knowing what's going on was considered, but basically, we ruled in favor of having more to do rather than simulating reality in a literal fashion.
2002-11-22, 06:36 PM
Author Topic: Poll: Add turret to the Lightning?
Station Member
Registered: Aug 2002
posted 11-21-2002 01:56 PM user search report post
I might be asking to much, but I'd like to see other peoples opinions.
Do you think that the Lightning light tank should have a turret? Examples:
Entire turret is seperate from the chassis and has a small degree of turning.
Chaingun is placed on the top to the tank and can be manned by an optional 2nd character -OR- swtiched between the cannon on the HUD.
These are just ideas, but I'd be perfectly satisfied if they were not implemented.
~Aryous "AJ" Joh
************ DEV REPLY ***************************
Station Admin
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 11-21-2002 02:54 PM user search report post
It's got the speed to make up for its lack of a fully rotatable turret. I definitely find that the Lightning lives up to its namesake, though.
2002-11-22, 06:38 PM
Author Topic: flying over water...
Station Member
Registered: Sep 2002 posted 11-22-2002 03:14 AM user search report post
Can we use the multiple types of aircraft to fly over the bodies of water separating continents or do we HAVE to use the warp gates/drop pods?
************** DEV REPLY**************************
Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 11-22-2002 07:54 AM user search report post
You can't fly between continents.
Game design reason: We want the chokepoints on the maps and the tactical strategies involved with moving through and controlling warp gates.
Fictional explanation: The human/vanu hybrid tech is very efficent, but it relies on power emanations broadcast from the warpgates themselves. If you move too far from the warpgates, then you lose power.
So basically, if you go too far from a continent, your vehicle will lose power and coast to a stop, stranding you out on the ocean. You'll have warnings in time to turn around and avoid that fate, but if you're stubborn, were warned.
2002-11-24, 06:22 PM
Topic: Vehicle List! This is all the officially announced ones.
Station Member
Registered: Jul 2001 posted 11-21-2002 06:28 PM user search report post
The following vehicles are going to be in Planetside as of right now. Any others are "possible" but highly unlikely.
(CP)=Common Pool
(NC)=New Conglomerate
(TR)=Terran Republic
(CP) Galaxy- troop transport aircraft.
(CP) Mosquito- Scout Aircraft
(CP) Reaver- Ground Attack Gunship
(CP) Basilisk- Quad Bike
(CP) Harasser- Attack Buggy
(CP) Lightning- Light Attack Tank
(CP) AMS- Advanced Mobile station
(CP) Deliverer- Medium APC
(CP) Sunderer- Full Squad APC
(VS) Magrider- Main Battle Hovertank
(VS) Thresher- Assault Hoverbuggy
(NC) Vanguard- Main Battle Tank
(NC) Enforcer- Assault Buggy
(TR) Prowler- Main Battle Tank
(TR) Marauder- Assault Buggy
If your "special" idea for a vehicle isn't on here already- get over it. There's a 99.9% chance it won't be in the release, with that last .1% created by the chance that they already have your vehicle implemented and haven't told us yet.
Likewise, all equip, armor, and weapons are in. Chances of adding new stuff, espcially before beta is slim to nil unless a dev states otherwise.
****** DEV RESPONSE ********
Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 11-22-2002 08:00 PM user search report post
Fungeneer: Just an update on the Galaxy...
Three gunners now (we added a tailgunner).
And the original loadout was reported to you all incorrectly. The full complement of a Galaxy is:
- pilot
- two wing gunners (with 20mm chainguns now...not 75mm cannons)
- tailgunner (with 20mm chaingun)
- six regular passengers
- two MAX passengers
- a light assault vehicle in the vehicle bay (either Lightning, Harasser, or the empire-specific "heavy buggy")
- the vehicle in the back can have passengers, so up to three more passengers can ride in that vehicle.
Total = 13-15 total (depending on if the vehicle is a 1-, 2-, or 3-person vehicle), and a light assault vehicle.
2002-11-24, 06:23 PM
Topic: Stealth suits... can friendlies see you?
Station Member
Registered: Aug 2001 posted 11-22-2002 05:27 AM user search report post
I was wondering about the stealth suits, specifically if friendlies could see you or at least a marker to represent you.
What really interests me is if you get a small group of infiltrators with stealth suits to coordinate a stealthy assault on a position, in order for you to know where the others are so that you can attack multiple sentries at the same time.
I guess you'll probably just have to depend on communication and make your plans and select your targets ahead of time... "stealth 3 here,i'm in position behind target alpha". ....arrgh!!!! (knife in the back).
It would certainly help to be able to track your fellow stealthers so that you can at least follow them if your plans have to change on the fly.
***** DEV RESPONSE *****
Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 11-22-2002 10:25 PM user search report post
Friendly folks in infiltration suits are pretty easy to see because they have those green names floating over their heads (like all other friendlies).
Answering the other question, you can see infiltration suits when they are moving, but they are pretty much invisible when not moving at all.
2002-11-25, 08:14 PM
Topic: For the love of the Well-Oiled Midget, why BB, why?!
Station Member
Registered: Nov 2000
posted 11-25-2002 11:33 AM user search report post
Why did you all take out the JAWA (for you n00bs, the flamethrower)? I've had to cry myself to sleep every night since hearing the news. I'm so distressed that even my gnomes are no longer tinkering and creating new weapons for my armies.
********* DEV RESPONSE ************
Station Admin
Registered: Nov 2000 posted 11-25-2002 11:55 AM user search report post
It was a painful decision, Jawa. It truly was.
2002-11-25, 08:16 PM
Topic: CEP Cheating Issue
Station Member
Registered: Dec 2001 posted 11-23-2002 09:33 PM user search report post
Ok so I'm sure there's a simple answer for this that may or may not have already been given, but what stops a couple friends in opposing empires from finding an empty base somewhere and simply swapping it back and forth (i.e. Terran guy captures base and then lets Vanu guy capture base and repeat) in order to rack up CEPs?
I'm not looking for speculation on this, so if you have an idea of how they COULD do it (and I have a few myself) please dont bother posting. I only want to know if they have mentioned something related to this, and if not, then hopefully a dev can answer.
*********** DEV RESPONSE ****************
Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 11-25-2002 08:02 AM user search report post
There's lots of reasons why this would be incredibly dull or difficult to do (not impossible...just requiring LOTS of patience):
1) XP is diminished if there is no threat value in the area. Threat value goes up if there's lots of enemies in the area. If there are no enemies, then there is no XP. If there ARE enemies, then good luck having a nice peacable area to do your swap back and forth.
2) There's a timer that has to expire in order to capture a building. After hacking a building, you have to defend it for at least 15 minutes (that time is current...may change during beta) before you get any CEP for capping the base. Therefore, swaps like you describe would be very slow.
3) You have to be the commander of a Squad and Claim a facility in order to get CEP for that building. Therefore, since you can't be a Squad of just one person, you'd have to rope in at least one other person into your scheme, and he'd have to be willing to get nothing out of your swaps. Of course, he could be a mule account, but that requires another system, another retail copy, and another monthly fee. I see no problem with allowing that. (That last sentence was sort of a joke, but you'll probably agree that it at least cuts way down on the number of folks willing to do it.)
And, if somehow, it STILL manages to be an issue, we'll stop it. Never fear.
2002-11-25, 08:18 PM
Topic: What can SOE possibly give us that's worth over 120$ a year?
Station Member
Registered: Nov 2002 posted 11-24-2002 08:16 PM user search report post
A few more vehicles? they can't add new maps or anything like that. in the first year we have the game, it will cost us a minimun of 170$, assuming the price of the original is 50 and monthly fee is 10. im a poor college student, and i need to know im getting my money's worth. im not bashing this game or anything, i just want to know what they plan on adding in the future.
********** DEV REPSONSE ***************
Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 11-25-2002 07:40 AM user search report post
Here's my point of a player, not a developer...on subscription fees.
I played UO, EQ, and DAoC extensively. (And by extensively, I mean over a year each and way too many hours a week.)
Here's how it breaks down for me at $10 a month.
1) I can't go to a movie and buy popcorn for $10. And that's if I go by myself. God forbid, I bring a date and double those prices. Movies last two hours. $10 for a month of MMO gaming means I'm probably getting somewhere between 50 and 100 hours of entertainment for my $10. That seems like a good comparative cost to me.
2) The MMO games are constantly revved, reinforced, and made better over time for my $10 a month. Non-subscription games do not do this. You buy a regular retail box, you play it for 10-20 hours or so, and then it becomes a coaster. This is not true of MMO games.
I don't need any other reasons than those two reasons for me, personally, to be convinced that MMOs are great and worth the cash. But if I needed a third reason, it would certainly be that there are no other games that have communities like these games. Meeting other folks, coordinating with them on attacks, or just shooting the breeze with folks you've gamed with for months in a single context makes the game well worth a measly $10 a me.
Everyone has their own opinions. That one's mine. And it's just an opinion. But it makes sense to me
2002-11-25, 08:19 PM
Topic: So What About Those Offline Training Camps
Station Member
Registered: Dec 2001 posted 11-25-2002 07:13 AM user search report post
Mysteriously Vanished when Speaking About slight momentary loss of constant profit....
Area offline to train, or maybe use the weapons and equipment in a simulated environment.
When you can't play, or are perhaps dissapointed with the game, you've already payed $50 shouldn't you get something in return?
As I stated before, even your normal, run of the mill multiplayer games that are made for practically online only have some sort of shallow offline area. UT2003 has an offline plot that holds little or no replay value, but it was meant to be put there incase you don't want to go online.
In this game not being able to afford playing online for awhile, or even just practicing to see what you'd LIKE to be, maybe give you a character with full certs, I don't know.
Just suggesting then my thread dissaprears withouth even a reason why. That's kinda rude Dontcha Think?
Of course I'm gonna repost.
Is this topic so Illegal it can't even be discussed?
************ DEV RESPONSE ****************
Station Admin
Registered: Sep 2001 posted 11-25-2002 07:56 AM user search report post
There is no offline component of this game.
However, there are Virtual Reality shooting, driving, and combat ranges that you can practice in without fear of being annihilated by veterans, and in which you can gain some battle experience, as well as practice doing things like piloting a Galaxy.
Your objectives will be met, despite the fact that it's not off-line.
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