View Full Version : Naming system per server

2012-09-27, 12:55 PM
This is a repost from the planetside 2 forums but thought I'd share here because those forums don't get as much love.

I was in the beginning of beta when you were able to have the same name on each server, but since they changed it without much promise of bringing it back... I was wanting to point out the fact that as of about a month ago the same names cannot exist over different servers. I understand that in Planetside 1 this was possible, but because of the server merges that are inevitable in the future that maybe the Planetside 2 team decided this would be the way to go. I've come up with two points I'd like to argue:

1. The PS1 vets who might want to maintain the same name and ownership of that handle or ID just for namesake (My name has already been taken just after this last character wipe within the beta, the one i've been using since May of 2003 in Planetside 1)

and 2. Is it really that big of a deal to have a (-K) for Konried for example, at the end of your name to show that you came from a different server if they do happen to merge servers in the future.

Just wondering if the developers have said anything about vets getting to claim their names and what not and if they will do anything about other players trying to grief them so they can't. Forgive me if they have posted an update to this that I have not seen, but I know this question is on a lot of peoples mind.

2012-09-27, 01:25 PM
I think it's not a great thing to have the developers focus on username issues, they have a lot of map glitches/game balance issues to address already, you should simply make a light variation of your name in some way.

2012-09-29, 10:46 AM
I'm uncertain what their long term plans are with unique usernames. They were added in a while back for one reason or another. I'm sure they have a good reason for it and I doubt it will go away.