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2012-10-01, 11:01 AM

PlanetSide Universe Status Update - YouTube

2012-10-01, 11:38 AM
Will you be shooting video at SOE headquarters and SOE Live? It'd be cool to see their offices, employees, etc.

Also, hi! :wave:

2012-10-01, 11:46 AM
Dev question; if there will be some kind of tournament / battle / clanbase like system for outfits?

2012-10-01, 12:54 PM
Well how about this ...

what I want from Planetside 2 is to relive the 'feeling' of Planetside. This does not necessarily mean reproducing the elements of Planetside but it could mean reusing some elements and introducing some element so that the overall effect is that the Planetside 'feeling' is there.

To me and from what I can read the game must be multi-layered, it must cater for casual players but also for the committed.

There are quite a number of suggestions out there, but they are disorganised and incoherent.

Why not use PSU to bring order out of chaos and present the results to SOE.

Finally, I recall in a post talking vaguely about end-game, John Smedley said that he's like our ideas on what would be a suitable end-game for Planetside. - note I'm not suggesting 'rounds' or 'resets' which would be against one of the basic tenets of PS. Why not gather people's thoughts into something that is coherent for the Devs to consider?

2012-10-01, 02:00 PM
Thanks for the feedback so far guys! I may record some video haven't decided yet.

2012-10-01, 02:21 PM
I would love to know more about post launch update plans. What do they know will not make it in by that time?

As for your videos, i would love to see/hear more about various item upgrades, just what do the various items do when you test them scientifically?

2012-10-01, 02:29 PM
Welcome back and nice job on the trip down to SD! Here's some ideas I have to help out.

1. I think and video on new content before the other similar sites would be sweet to watch. Just like you did before closed beta went public.

2. Video blogging game changes is a good idea! I'm just concerned that as beta testers we aren't actually seeing all the things they have in store for the game upon release. With that said, why not? I would watch. Plus maybe you get the secret word from dev team.... juicy secrets nobody else knows!

3. Somebody already said this, but you should video capture your trip. Not the private parts hubba hubba lol j/k but the HQ walkthrough, people we have not seen yet that help make this game and of course the scenery (to, from, the sites etc..). Many people have not even seen what California looks like so, a video in a kind of documentary exclusive format would be pretty sweet. Ohhh the beaches..... and the beautiful women...ehem... sorry jenny

4. Another idea somebody also said was Planetside Universe tournament between clans for maybe crown. Keep us posted on the official PSU leader board?!

5. Also, why not feature a unique community member for doing something awesome. For instance, not many people have said much about E male artistic videographer skills outside his thread. The great thing about art is so many people see it in different ways. Maybe even promote an artist once a month with a free plug to their online portfolio and you get kick backs to help support the site if they make a sale.

6. I visited the a music thread the other day, and was blown away by some of the freshest tunes. Why not feature a song or album and of course sell it if people want to help support PS universe.

7. I'm a little shocked that you don't have a store with PS universe stuff. If people knew it helps keep this site alive, surely they would get a hat or Tshirt. You don't have to go crazy with marketing...just a casual store if they want to help out and a very small inventory.

8. (like where's waldo) Create a fake character and do a where's hamma in Beta stream. For a free plug to your u tube channel or something stupid but cool. (broken golf club, used pair of stinky socks ..of course signed..lol u get the idea)

9. Make a segment called sh*& that makes me laugh... Showing fail clips or cute cats etc... I was running with a TR outfit and the leader said to me, the only engineer, did you run out of ammo?" I was like lulz wut?

10. Make TM* slogan to sign off with... and get some DAMN sponsor's!!! lol Help pay for the site.

I got so many ideas man..i should be working in a think tank! lol I hope at least one of those helps out, and if it does, I'll shoot you my pay pal account...lmao!


2012-10-01, 05:09 PM
Content suggestions:
Interview the devs that are not so well known. There are lots of individuals working on PS2, yet we only really see/interact with Higby, Purrfectstorm, and TRay. The community will love to get a feel for the team behind PlanetSide 2. PSU will have access to the wonderful ppl at SOE in the coming month during two different occasions; that is a pretty exclusive treat which can lead to unique content.

Dev question:
Is there a plan to redesign some portions of Indar that are absolutely dull and lifeless, particularly territories in the northern region. It is fine to model the region after a typical desert, but that is not an excuse to design unmemorable territories. Compare Indar Excavation Site and Camp Connary with other multi-point, tower territoires in the other regions. Indar Bay Point and Vanu Archives are worlds of a difference in general complexity. Even Crimsom Bluff Tower is rewarding to not only attack, but also defend because of its geographical features. Indar Excavation Site and Camp Connary are just rundown bases with nothing appealing. Heck, even the territory itself is flat.

2012-10-01, 05:10 PM
I would like to request some written and filmed tutorials. Seems that most learning in PS2 is based on in-game chat rumors and trial & error. Some players are quite mis-informed about the theorey and practice of the game.

Please discuss with the devs creating a pop-up window with a tentative-manual each time the game loads up, or on the SOE loader. I think it will really help the zerglings get acquainted with how the game is supposed to work (like an explanation of the chat channels). This might also make more squad leaders comfortable making their squads public, which will in turn make it easier for zerglings to get some experience with a good squad.

Four friends of mine had a key, 2 kept playing cause they rolled with my squad and we showed them the ropes. "OMG that was epic" soon followed after taking and losing Peris. 2 quit because they just never got to have that "PS2 epic moment" within the first weekend of play (they played mid afternoon, I play late).

Speaking of epic moments, Id love to see PSU do some "remember when" videos showcasing narratives of epic battles with some FRAPS footage to show in-game just how massive it is when your gal-AMS on the biolab gets attacked by a a reaver/lib swarm. Or when your lib took out an entire tank column. Or when you held the Tawrich point from waves of TR until you ran out of ammo. Or when your Gal barely defeated that Mosquito wing (Re-Create the Star Wars: IV, Millenium Falcon v Tie wing battle) etc etc. etc.

2012-10-01, 05:13 PM
I like the idea of holding "Crown Rounds", maybe on Friday nights. Have some FRAPS'ers from all the outfits record and submit footage to PSU, and then have some volunteers make a sports-style commentary while showing game footage. Get some announcers Super-MNC style. Higby & T-Ray could guest-announce from time to time. You could hold a "Crown Round" and then film/record and post the episode on PSU in about 7 days, so long as the volunteers and outfits were dedicated to the project.

I think it would make for great advertising, not only of the game but the community as well.

2012-10-01, 05:14 PM
Some thoughts real quick-like as I have to make dinner in a few....

I think you have a winning personality, like TB, to be interesting when discussing patch notes. I would watch that show.

Some things you could do in "The Hamma Show":
Patch Note Comments Mailbox commentary "My Concerns" - Long term or short term, just pick one topic per show. "Something I discovered" - Tell us about something in or about the game that you recently learned or tried for the first time.

Community wise, I like the AGN format enough to watch the whole show. It's a pretty good round table on current events and concerns. Not much I would change there actually, if anything. Might make it available as an audio stream only as well, just in case folks can listen on a mobile, but can't access the video.

It would be great if SOE gave you regular access to its staff, so that perhaps you and Jenny could do a monthly interview about specific topics with the folks who handle those topics at SOE. For instance, one month you might hook up with Rodney Gates while he shows us how they go about making and testing sound effects for the game. Basically, stuff that would help the community feel more connected to (and appreciative of) the developers. If this isn't possible (or is way too much work!) in video format, then even a co-op Q/A blog format along these lines would be interesting.

Gotta go!

2012-10-01, 06:30 PM
I think you should capitalize on what you already have, before we all got into Beta, this was the place the PS1 Vets to discuss and get info on PS2. While Planetside Veterans are definitely not of a single mind on all things Planetside there are some areas of general consensus, PS:U and AGN should remain the voice of PS1 Vets.

Interviews with Devs and PS2 discussions: Tailor them to the informed viewer, getting into the detail and delving into complex issues with the game. There's plenty out there already with broad general information and there will be more and more of that type of stuff as the game gets closer to release.

Regarding guests, I think all your guests I've seen are informed, but not all are that great at communicating in these formats, try to stick with people that are good at communicating and actively discussing the topics. Exceptions being specific Devs that we want to hear from that aren't as media savvy as Higby and T-ray, then it's down to you or whomever is interviewing them to help get them comfortable and talking on topic.

Topics to discuss major issues and events in beta, heated debates about gameplay on the beta forums or PS:U etc. Also when you get to speak to Devs I really want to hear their opinions/thoughts on these sorts of things and often you'll have to press them, because typically they don't like giving definitive answers on controversial issues.

The biggest commonly held issue among PS1 Vets atm is the general lack of strategic gameplay and a sense of winning as a faction in PS2. If that's still an issue by the time you're ready for another AGN community Panel, maybe make that the principle topic of discussion, and have guests brainstorm practical solutions.

2012-10-01, 09:34 PM
The good shit! Give us the good shit!
Seriously, this site has been around as long, if not longer, than the official PS1 site and has usually hosted better info. I love the roundtable discussions, both with and without the devs and it's always fun to see the folks on the show.
You could consider a small segment called 'forumside' where you (and perhaps a rep or two from each faction) discuss some of the more well thought out forum topics/beta changes but it's just an idea.
Just keep it commin baby!

2012-10-03, 07:54 PM
After seeing the various users on the PS2 official forums with the PSU avatar I kinda thought you had merged into the official forums.
I came in here and there was sweet F.A. happening so that just helped reaffirm what I thought had happened.

But, looks like I assumed wrong.

I'd like to see short clips like this talking about patch updates and maybe add anything you think that patch might change significantly or just you own opinion on the changes.

I like the ideas put forward by Getembees (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showpost.php?p=841219&postcount=9) and Tatwi (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showpost.php?p=841222&postcount=11) as well.

Raka Maru
2012-10-03, 10:28 PM
Hamma, I'm big on video tutorials. Would like to see tutorials on how to use your class, how to effectively capture bases, how to fly, etc...

There is so much depth in each class and mechanic that there could literally be dozens of them for just playing your infiltraitor, light assault or whatever.

Not just "how to pawn" videos, tho those are helpful too. Some examples:

Life of a Sunderer driver.
Hotspots r us
Flying without crashing
Sniper perches
How not to play your lightning

And the list goes on... It should include recommended cert layout for that activity, etc...

2012-10-07, 03:11 PM
Hey Hamma, I was thinking the other day that you could do a unique show called something like, "Heat Maps with Higby and Hamma", where you guys take a popular topic and look at it from the perspective of how it actually plays out in the game (by use of SOE's "heat maps" for data). Topics could range from the obvious stuff, like where does the most "tank spam" happen, to more fine tuned concepts, like how the 2x Reflex scope was the most used (thus most desirable) scope, which caused SOE to decide to lock it behind an AX/SC purchased weapon. Lots of great points of conversation could be expanded upon in a unique, interesting way by discussing the actual data generated by player actions (and how SOE uses it to shape the game).

2012-10-07, 04:16 PM
Not a bad idea! I will mention this when I am in San Diego.