View Full Version : I dont get it, why does everyone hate the coolest looking Empire?
2003-03-25, 03:58 AM
i mean seriously, all i see (beta versions espeualy) are pics of the NC and TR, but the Vanu looks the best, the coolest and with out a dobet the most stylish and if not sexy! So why do people hat the Vanu Sovfkajsdjasdwhatever, its long naem doesnt make it suck, it just makes it sophisticated.
First. The TR looks boring, its boring red colour scheam and thoes goofy gogles leve nothing to the imagination, and the MAX looks ugly. The NC are even worse, i mean there best armor is the female and even that is so boring, there male armor is like an exterminators suit. Then we get to the gorgious looking Vanu, its purple and green wich are cool colours, there all shiny looking, and the there suits look svauve, they look more furturistic and everything kinda alien like even, and their weapons and vehacles totaly rule. I mean, why do people hate them, they look so dam awsome, i just cant waitto get the game so i can play with my Vanu!:vsrocks: :vsrocks: :vsrocks: :trsucks: :ncsucks:
2003-03-25, 04:02 AM
TR and NC look cool NC look bad ass in light armor TR look bad ass in there medum and MAX armor VS look gay to me i dont like there look or weapons
2003-03-25, 04:09 AM
but just look at the Vanu, they look so stylish, the others look geeky like only a nerd would like them (no offence TRscpd) the vanu are so high tech and futurisic and the colours r awsome, im just repeting my slef, but its true they are awsome!
2003-03-25, 04:11 AM
they look to dumb to me i mean come on they maybe high tech but they still look gay god there hover buggy and tank god looks dumb and i dont have thing for lazers
2003-03-25, 04:49 AM
look at this i found from a PL fan webside:
Terran Republic - Enter Gallery
Screen of, you guessed it, Terran units and buildings. We all know Terran's are the best so here you will find pics of our tanks, aircraft, units and any gunfights were Terran soldiers are deemed to have the upper hand.
New Conglomerate - Enter Gallery
The lesser of two evils, I can't say that I hate the NC, but I definitely don't like. Screens of NC units and vehicles in that not too sickening yellow and blue.
Vanu Sovereignty - Enter Gallery
The scum who's colour scheme brings their sexuality into doubt.
i think hes trying to say that the Vanu are gay? hell no, all manly men these days where purple, it shows how strong and manly they are, i have no idea what this guy is going on about, Purple and Green rule!
2003-03-25, 05:52 AM
They are jealous , slapnut.. ;)
2003-03-25, 06:57 AM
i dont like VS cuz they dont apel to me
2003-03-25, 06:59 AM
Vanu look retarted. they are a good empire, but they look just plain goofy, TR MAX and NC MAX, BTW look awesome. I will have to admit tho that the vanu max is the coolest looking, but there regular reinforced agile and standard armor look horrible.
:ncrocks: :sniper: :vsrocks: :sniper: :trrocks:
Hollow Monkey
2003-03-25, 07:01 AM
Red Is Power, Black is Respect. DARK Purple is the color of royalty. Light purple is reserved for sissified, Teletubby lovin, wastes of good ammo, Only-good-for-target-practice-when-their-screamin-like-little-girls-in-a-scary-movie-Vanu. ;)
In the end, it's all really a matter of opinion..........
2003-03-25, 07:02 AM
2003-03-25, 07:02 AM
Yup, NC rocks, VS plain suxx0rs!
2003-03-25, 07:04 AM
yup VS armor dose look retarded
2003-03-25, 07:13 AM
Vanu armor = Barney in a wrinkled suit.
New Conglomerate = Shameless rip-off of Mich. Wolverines footbal team.
Terran Republic = Pure style, baybay.
:D :D
2003-03-25, 07:42 AM
Where you get the idea that Vanu armor is light purple, I have no idea...any darker and it would start to look black.
You fear the style, so you h8 on the style. It is to be expected from the humans and the terrans, they are less evolved.
Vanu = :borg:
Those other guys = :doh:
2003-03-25, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Manitou
Vanu armor = Barney in a wrinkled suit.
New Conglomerate = Shameless rip-off of Mich. Wolverines footbal team.
Terran Republic = Pure style, baybay.
:D :D
2003-03-25, 07:44 AM
VS = Borg Barneys :bouncy:
2003-03-25, 07:47 AM
This reminds me of the DAOC race issues. Everyone bashed midgard saying they were the worst of the 3. When release came a huge amount went to midgard and soon they conquered all :D
2003-03-25, 08:02 AM
in DAOC i like hib and albs the alb reaver kicked ass
2003-03-25, 08:38 AM
Right on man.
Read this thread to see EXACTLY how and why I think the Vanu will be the coolest:
2003-03-25, 09:00 AM
I don't like the Vanu for what they stand for. I am freedom and liberty all the way baby, yeah ;)
2003-03-25, 09:16 AM
Weak-willed revolutionary wannabes.
You are just conforming to the same mould our forefathers were slaves to.
Join the Vanu and free your mind.
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by mr_luc
Weak-willed revolutionary wannabes.
You are just conforming to the same mould our forefathers were slaves to.
Join the Vanu and free your mind.
Seriously though, who was the first empire to cap a continent? Say it with me now...Vanu. And after they capped that continent, they capped another ;) Just read the new beta journal and bow down to our superiority.
Don't misunderestimate the Vanu Soveriegnty! :P~
I dont know how so many people can dislike the Vanu armor. I think it's the best looking. If you look up "pimp" in the dictionary this picture can be found!
2003-03-25, 11:28 AM
Well, what I'm hoping is that the color turns enough people off of the Vanu.
I like it because it all reminds me of a beetle's carapace or something. I don't think purple is a pansy color -- I tend to think of it as more of a 'royal' color.
I agree Luc, the purple does look good; it's sleek. I also hope the color keeps all the homophobes from playing Vanu. I dont want those insecure twats on my team :D
2003-03-25, 11:36 AM
Why stop there?
Maybe if we act gay enough, no one will want to play on our team.
. . .
I like the Vanu because they have big, sweaty, throbbing purple penises.
They don't call it a "purple-helmeted warrior" for nothing.
2003-03-25, 11:40 AM
reasons i dont like vanu:
1) i hate purple, its just a bad color
2) give me bullets over lazers anyday
3) hopping max = a fly to be swatted
4) they're fighting for the extinction of humanity for christs sake!
5) who could pass up the chance to use a 3-barreled shotgun (nc) or a max with lazer sighted superfast bulletthrowin machine guns on their arms (tr) for a hovering tank (<~wtf??)
2003-03-25, 11:45 AM
Well you make significant points.
But the TR MAX looks like a baby with a Full Metal Diaper, and the NC MAX looks like a boxy floatation device, whereas our MAX is a fukkin mack.
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by mr_luc
and the NC MAX looks like a boxy floatation device
The first step in aquatic warfare. At least those rebels always think ahead.
did u not see this pic?
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 12:50 PM
Two words...frag grenade ;)
They do look pretty badass though, but the Vanu will prevail!
:vsrocks: > :ncrocks: > :trsucks:
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 01:26 PM
You should throw that in your sig Dio, you use it enough :p But in all respect, there is no bad or good empire. It all comes down to the skill of the player, and the skill of the others he is fighting. I bet there will be several instances where i die to a TR in standard armor, simply because he knew what he was doing, and kept his cool (and maybe used a grenade or three). I chose Vanu because i'm a fan of mobility, but for awhile i was going NC. I've played first person shooters from the original Doom and Quake to MOH and beyond, so i think i shall dish out a fair amount of pwnage, but i know that there will always be someone out there as skilled as or better than me. Unlike some people, I check my ego. ;)
2003-03-25, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Mold
did u not see this pic?
Well, I don't blame them for cowering in fear and turning on one another -- if I was a TR soldier I might do that same thing when faced with the Vanu onslaught.
Guess I missed the point?
It's too big to be in my sig.(which is already pretty big) :D
And VS and NC both rock in my opinion, VS is my main empire and i like it more than NC but NC has some cool stuff(vehicle,weapon and story wise) TR though doesn't appeal to me at all (oddly enough since it apprently appeals to everybody else :p) i don't like their backstory nor their weapons nor their vehicles.
But that's just my personal preference. In the end we all know there is no better empire.
Well except maybe the vanu. ;)
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 01:46 PM
I think the TR are pretty cool, the only thing i don't like about them is their backstory and those goggles...looks like they're either going scuba diving or preparing for chem warfare during the Cold War. :D
2003-03-25, 02:14 PM
OMG I just got accepted into beta and logged in and THE VANU SUCK HORRIBLY they are all queer and purple DO NOT PLAY THEM DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT and the only people that played the Vanu were GAY and asked me for mansekz DON'T PLAY VANU.
There, I just built a llama-proof fence around the entire Vanu Sovereignty. :D
Yeah i think i'm gonna ask Dave to include a counter in PS that's counts how many times a n00b says the vanu are gay. :D
2003-03-25, 02:40 PM
Now that's what I call stat-tracking -- on an Epic Scale.
2003-03-25, 03:40 PM
Vanu infiltrator and MAX look uber... however, i am just not down with the teal colors at higher BR, I think the deep purple is better. TR reinforced is where it's at though >:)
2003-03-25, 03:47 PM
I agree the infil and max armor looks cool, but NC all the way :D
2003-03-25, 03:53 PM
1st reason why the VS sucks:
I went on one of their forums and the two main topics of disccusion was A. porn, B.pen n paper RPG, and finally(and i must say the worst in my book)Final Fantasy in other words, they are the apitame(sp) of geekdome and perversion
2nd reason why the VS sucks:
Every one knows(atleast the smarter ones do) that balistics KICK LASERS AZZ out of the WAzoo. I mean come on!!! would you be more frighten of a MAX with gatling guns/missles on them, or of some giant metalic pogo stick with a little laser pee shooter. I must say that the VS MAX does look good, but i dont think it will perform better than the others.
3rd reason why VS sucks:
Their jeep looks like a mutha fucking hovering convertable from the 50's with rocket boosters and a laser...Now why would anyone want to go around in that? Another thing, their tank has a a big o'l ram on the front of it...WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!!?! a ram!!!!! and thats no 150 mm cannon its carring...its, yup youguested it! A LASER...a lil insignifigant laser....
4th reason why VS sucks:
After I read this topic Ive found out that the VS care a lot on style...Well answer me this...which would win.... A big ugly mutha fucka from alabama that eats his meat raw and drinks the blood of the inosecnes(sp), or that anal lover named Fabio?!?!?!?!?! huh huh!!! Apparently fabio and all his so called "style" would be torn limb from limb!!! What im trying to say is, WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT STLYE!!!! Its all about death, mayhem, and destruction....
Final Reason why vanu sucks:
Their fire power is all mediocore... They have no bfg that will blast the shit out of you...nooooo they use "lasers" to buffet "beams of heated light" at you at a rally fast speed....WTF?!?!?! SO? while their doing that we'll just blast em with a rocket....jesus christ...Vanu... hahahha Fuck you :love:
2003-03-25, 04:22 PM
You're kind of missing the point.
The point is, we're just plain . . . better.
You know those short little bald crackers that have a little pudge on them, and spend all their time learning "Constipated Swan Kung Fu" or something, and never get in a fight in their life, but have neatly trimmed little goatees and walk around looking super tough and always mention that they have a black belt or something, and they can break boards and stuff? And they drive a Lexus and have day jobs as programmers and they are sometimes vegetarians? -- ok, that's the NC.
The redneck analogy works fine for the TR, except that in real life rednecks are considerably more fun. The TR are like the anal, gun-nut empire -- they're dangerous, and heavily armed, and all they talk about are their guns and blah blah PSI blah blah foot per second blah blah hand-milled 20-grain powder, and they go to gun shows, and they're very serious about supporting their President, and going hunting, and polishing their guns in a homoerotic manner.
Now the Vanu.
The Vanu are Jimi Hendrix.
I think that wraps it up pretty fairly . . .
2003-03-25, 04:35 PM
i respect your opions and all, like the one about the Tr... that was pretty good and all, but would you want to be in a society who was responseible for genticly ultering a person into the tenticle monster? haha sorry i dont know why i said that... Im just saying that the vanu are deifently not the win all beat all force...i just dont see them being on top
2003-03-25, 04:46 PM
NC is fully capable of backing up it's threats. as for Vanu and TR, i maintain a quiet respect for my foes until we duel on the field of honor. i shall not underestimate my opponents, nor shall i overestimate my allies. this is my way, the way of the free, the proud, the honorable.
(dang i feel poetic now...)
The Eternal
2003-03-25, 04:48 PM
Green? Its Dark Purple and Teal/Cyan
2003-03-25, 05:20 PM
Just so you know (in case you don't know how reasonable etc I am) all of my mindlessly biased statements are written firmly tongue-in-cheek. I have decided to like the Vanu and no one else, and that's that, because I have never been a zealot before and it looks so FUN.
That said -- genetic alterations are the future, bitch. Your breed of weak-kneed pansies are the same kind that was against the creation of the condom, or breast implants, or plastic surgery, or genetically engineered foods. Get out the way, weak-kneed crackers -- genetic alterations are what make us stronger, better, and damn it all -- cooler.
Keep riding that horse-drawn plow, Ezekiel. (Or as we like to call him, 'Eazy E'). Keep building up your armies of heavy steel and composites and clumsy titanium, and gears and foolish combustion engines. When the Vanu come full circle, such things will be as effective as the Great Trench was for the French in halting the German onslaught at the onset of World War 2. We will have leapfrogged lesser 'men' to such an extent that you will be as a lesser, and completely separate, race.
You are afraid of change. We are not.
That is why we will win.
2003-03-25, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by mr_luc
The redneck analogy works fine for the TR, except that in real life rednecks are considerably more fun. The TR are like the anal, gun-nut empire -- they're dangerous, and heavily armed, and all they talk about are their guns and blah blah PSI blah blah foot per second blah blah hand-milled 20-grain powder, and they go to gun shows, and they're very serious about supporting their President, and going hunting, and polishing their guns in a homoerotic manner.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The Vanu are fast and our vehicles can strafe, and every Vanu-specific equivelent to any weapon has some kind of unorthodox-but-effective advantage.
Lancer = fast projectile rocket launcher
Lasher = rapid-fire shotgun without diminished strength at long-range
Pulsar = near-zero recoil machinegun
And we don't need to carry seperate AP ammo.
And anyone who doesn't want to join Vanu because we're purple (which is purely for taunting purposes) only has to get strong enough, then they're teal.
2003-03-25, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by mr_luc
When the Vanu come full circle, such things will be as effective as the Great Trench was for the French in halting the German onslaught at the onset of World War 2.
And the Maginot Line? :D
2003-03-25, 05:27 PM
i like how the vanu look reminds me kind of halo and if you don't like lasers then don't pick up our weapon both kinds of guns have their advantages
2003-03-25, 05:28 PM
Manly men these days wear purple? Yeah, the men at gay bars. And the geeks are the ones that like the Vanu. I bet all these Vanu fans also like StarTrek, the Sci-fi channel, and stuff like that. I think their weapons, armor, vehicles, etc. are just too typical for the modern geek.
2003-03-25, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
And the Maginot Line? :D
ARGH yes that's it, I was thinking Mersenne for some reason, and I knew that wasn't right lol.
The Great Trench was something totally different . . . a proposed French waterway project of the early 1900s/late 1800s.
2003-03-25, 05:30 PM
That might all be true, but it is all down graded in fire so it would take more fire power to destroy less targets and so forth, so when you think about it their strength is deminished by their weakness, as along with every other force. So I really think its going to be all about whos on which side, how many are on each side, and how well the stragies are inorder to conquer the planet.
2003-03-25, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by |3e0_Wu|f
That might all be true, but it is all down graded in fire so it would take more fire power to destroy less targets and so forth, so when you think about it their strength is deminished by their weakness, as along with every other force. So I really think its going to be all about whos on which side, how many are on each side, and how well the stragies are inorder to conquer the planet.
stfu reality.
I == zealot; // don't try to take that away from me bitch!
2003-03-25, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
:lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The Vanu are fast and our vehicles can strafe, and every Vanu-specific equivelent to any weapon has some kind of unorthodox-but-effective advantage.
Lancer = fast projectile rocket launcher
Lasher = rapid-fire shotgun without diminished strength at long-range
Pulsar = near-zero recoil machinegun
And we don't need to carry seperate AP ammo.
And anyone who doesn't want to join Vanu because we're purple (which is purely for taunting purposes) only has to get strong enough, then they're teal.
this is what i was using for my last post... :eek:
2003-03-25, 05:33 PM
I'm a TR nut, but still can't argue with the Vanu's fighting potential. After all, they took 2 continents in the most recent beta journal. TR scored 1 continent - while the New Cubscouts of Auraxis scored 0. Of course, this doesn't set anything in stone as far as balance issues... not yet anyway. :blowup:
2003-03-25, 05:44 PM
New Cubscouts. :lol:
I like that. I think that's grounds for a photoshop right there.
2003-03-25, 05:48 PM
Considering the colors are prrrrrfect. :thumbsup:
people hate them cuz there purple.....worst color ever
2003-03-25, 06:57 PM
I got kicked out of the cub scouts for eatting a brownie.
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 06:59 PM
Does color really matter when you make that NC MAX eat a Lancer bolt? Does it matter when you and a couple friends cut down a group of TR with Pulsars? No, it doesn't. So when we Vanu cut down your friends in a hail of energized death, with you still be thinking "Purple is gay?"
2003-03-25, 07:13 PM
Why yes... yes I will. :thumbsup:
Planetside--where color is more important than life.
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 07:17 PM
Well, yours anyway. :p
I'm gonna be the first to join the 4th empire and 0wn all j00 f00ls! :D
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 07:22 PM
Dammit Dio, that was a secret. Now i have to take you out back and "punish" you like last night...why must you always make me hurt you so? :tear:
2003-03-25, 07:25 PM
Things are getting kinky over here... :twisted::whip:
Just because the vanu took over a continent or two, doesn't mean that they will "pwn j00 all!!!1 h4x0r d00d 4 lif3." There are only like 500+ people playing in the server, and all the continents are mostly empty so it shouldn't be too hard too control a few. Plus these beta testers are all the website runners, game designers/creators, and network geeks (PSU staff are not geeks in anyway shape or form ;)) so they don't play games as much because of the time spent doing important things. They aren't the hardcore gamming freaks (like myself) so they tend to *suck* a little more because of the time not playing games as much as gammers. Just give it time, and things will begin to change.
2003-03-25, 07:52 PM
the only reason i like NC and TR is they have the wepons i want but you got to admit pruple is a gay colour
2003-03-25, 07:55 PM
I didn't know most gamers had sexuality issues concerning what colors their online names are attributed to. :groovy:
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 07:56 PM
Ahh, making excuses for your empires lack of skillz i see ;) But seriously, I kinda hope the Vanu become grossly outnumbered...then i have more people to "p\/\/n \/\/17|-| /\/\y 1337 g34r"
vanu are ugly.
EDIT: fact: purple is actaully the official color of the gay community. Saw it on TV. This secures the fact that i'll NEVER turn gay. Girls are sexy.
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 08:02 PM
If the TV told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it? WOULD YOU?!
2003-03-25, 08:03 PM
What? Are you telling me that TV LIES???? :O_O:
2003-03-25, 08:10 PM
I'm fairly sure they got it wrong . . .
As far as I remember, the gay community used pink because that was the color they were assigned as an identifier (a pink triangle) in the concentration camps under the Nazis.
Purple was the Earnest Bible Students -- now known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. :rofl:
2003-03-25, 08:11 PM
When did their official color ever stop being a rainbow?
2003-03-25, 08:16 PM
purple=gay color used to represent themselves in parades and such...
i took a modern color theory class and this was a topic
anyways on to a better thing...
The Vanu are Jimi Hendrix.
meaning they hump amplifiers, dont know which hand to hold a guitar with, dont know how to put a neck tie on, and when they die choking on their own vomit over 36 species of lice will be discovered in their fros
2003-03-25, 08:18 PM
Well, I'm glad that was clarified. :p
2003-03-25, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by mr_luc
As far as I remember, the gay community used pink because that was the color they were assigned as an identifier (a pink triangle) in the concentration camps under the Nazis.
Purple was the Earnest Bible Students -- now known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. :rofl:
The Vanu are going to come knocking on your door when you least expect it. Boom.
And, dude. No one can touch Hendrix. Vomiting to death may not have become cool when he did it -- but it didn't make him any LESS cool. Lice either. Our color may not become instantly cool when it is applied to a Vanu armor and texture -- but it certainly doesn't make us any less cool.
2003-03-25, 08:29 PM
Hey, it could have been worse... the Vanu armor could have been pink. Now that's a disturbing image.
Of course, had the Vanu been black (or some closely related shade)... I probably would have considered choosing them. :cool2:
2003-03-25, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by The Eternal
Green? Its Dark Purple and Teal/Cyan
Huh ? Someone saied my name ? Ah nevermind *goes and stands in a corner*...
Yes the vanu are gay. We are happy cuz it will be so easy killing all you homo-fobical, inferiour homo sapiens.
TR = Spray & Pray noob empire.
NC = "I like big guns" guess they have to make up for something down south :rolleyes:
2003-03-25, 08:31 PM
ACtually one of the main reasons I don't mind the color is that I live in Minnesota.
You know.
. . .
Football comparisons do not help the Vanu out here. :)
Sniper Jack
2003-03-25, 08:34 PM
Purple, pink, it doesn't the enemy will die laughing, but at least they're dead . Then we shall see who has the last laugh!!!
2003-03-25, 08:38 PM
Vanu-Sexually secure enough to wear purple uniforms.
Translation for the ladies-You won't be disappointed in tha sack
The NC on the other hand..well, those big guns gotta be compensation for something :D ;)
2003-03-25, 08:40 PM
What does that mean for Vanguard pilots? :o
2003-03-25, 08:44 PM
No one can touch Hendrix.
i could name 20 better guitarists off the top of my head but for the sake of not turning this thread into something complettly different i wont.
my point was, that if u wanna compair the vanu to a "cool" person, pick someone worth it, otherwise ur message is lost.
as for me, i continue to believe that lazers are pathetic weapons to have for everything. if it was just one or two different lazers in the vanu weapons id respect them more but thats all they use. i know all the empires sort of do the same thing but u can vary machine guns and shot guns, a lazers a lazer
2003-03-25, 08:46 PM
Deadlock, What's your problem with Jimmy Hendrix? You said he doesn't know which hand to hold a guitar with. That might be cuase he was one of the few left-handed guitarist of his time. But I agree with you on the lasers.
2003-03-25, 08:53 PM
Stevie Ray Vaughan.
The two best guitarists ever.
Other guys *may* have been able to pick faster. Other guys *may* have been able to switch chords faster. Other guys *may* be more technically proficient in an extremely linear test.
But the fact is, Hendrix and SRV both could start with NOTHING and turn it into something. They both could pull chords out of thin air (and don't fool yourself by claiming Hendrix was all about the noise and the feedback and less about the guitar). They could take an ordinary song, and really, TRULY CREATE with it.
Other guitarists might be able to play a certain rehearsed sequence better. No one in the world comes close to Hendrix or SRV when it comes to REAL guitar playing, for the same reason that Robin Williams is funnier and more talented than Drew Carey: one creates, one reads lines.
2003-03-25, 08:53 PM
I, personally, will go either TR or NC. I really like the VS armor, personally I think that all of their armor beats all of everybody elses armor hands down. I don't really mind their colors (if you wonder why, it is becasue I am color blind, thought they where blue till I read this post). But what makes my go elswhere is the weapons. I don't want to be sending out little rays of purple stuff even if it kills the same. It is like in Halo, whenever possible I would avoid those alien weapons and stick with things that flings stuff though the air at high speeds :) At the top of my list of proritys is long range, mabe if it turns out that VS energy weapons have longer ranges then their TR and NC counterparts then.....
EDIT: Mr_luc, you are a man after my own heart :)
/em gives Mr_luc a highfive
:rock: :usa: :rock:
2003-03-25, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by MilitantB0B
I don't really mind their colors (if you wonder why, it is becasue I am color blind, thought they where blue till I read this post). But what makes my go elswhere is the weapons. I don't want to be sending out little rays of purple stuff even if it kills the same.
Don't you mean "little rays of blue stuff"?
2003-03-25, 09:10 PM
Not to burst your bubble but... your avatar is a druggie, Ozzie Ozbourne personally i never liked him to me he is the same as manson, he is just gay VS is nice but i still like TR cause TR is the shiz, i go with them because their sign and they are loyal and remind me of Midgard cause so many are playing them so the zerg will be them, if in a game you could be Korea, US, or Iraq/middle East and you put the ppl in the suits of the game like ps, Iraq=VS US=TR Korea= NC what would you pick? this might be out of topic but who cares i just wanna see ): D
-Stupidty makes you look like a coward
-Stupidty hurts your mind, Same with drugs. Smoking sux!!!!:o
2003-03-25, 09:15 PM
Uh . . .
You'd better hope not.
They're winning in Beta. :rofl:
Actually I think the TR is based on a slightly more fascist US of today, the NC is based on the US of around 1776, and the VS don't have much of a historical parallel. There has never been a theocratic technocracy on a large scale.
2003-03-25, 09:24 PM
if you ask me, TR is based more on a socialist ideal: all are equal but have few personal freedoms. NC is more of a 1776-1946 United States, before everyone was afraid of Commies and Terrorists.
2003-03-25, 09:33 PM
I think the TR is actually considerably more fascist.
It is ironic that fascism and communism should seem so alike when taken to extremes.
But I think that in this case, it is extremely fascist instead of extremely communist. In communism, for instance, no emphasis at all is placed on self, or on a person's special skills. It provides no impetus, no PERSONAL driving force behind a need for success -- you are supposed to be motivated to be successful for the love of ALL OF YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS collectively. In fascism, rewards and real incentives are in place -- be a good businessman and make money, be a good soldier and get promoted -- and harsh penalties for failure. Now, the difference is that A) fascism allows those kinds of rewards and selfish incentives, it is not against its basic ideology, and B) however, everything one does in fascism is supposed to be motivated by a love of the Fatherland, the government.
The difference in motivation is important -- communism is about the group, fascism is about the leadership. Communism exalts the collective, fascism exalts only the very best and most powerful.
And if you wanted to be anal you could say that's why the TR lets you choose your certs -- it's not communist. :)
2003-03-25, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by mr_luc
Stevie Ray Vaughan.
The two best guitarists ever.
Other guys *may* have been able to pick faster. Other guys *may* have been able to switch chords faster. Other guys *may* be more technically proficient in an extremely linear test.
But the fact is, Hendrix and SRV both could start with NOTHING and turn it into something. They both could pull chords out of thin air (and don't fool yourself by claiming Hendrix was all about the noise and the feedback and less about the guitar). They could take an ordinary song, and really, TRULY CREATE with it.
Other guitarists might be able to play a certain rehearsed sequence better. No one in the world comes close to Hendrix or SRV when it comes to REAL guitar playing, for the same reason that Robin Williams is funnier and more talented than Drew Carey: one creates, one reads lines.
Rock on man!
2003-03-25, 10:36 PM
Hey, how does this jingle sound? Im gonna make it into a flash movie
2 vanus are hugging and dancing and singing "I love you, you love me, were a happy sovreanty"
then the scene changes to a TR sniper saying "With a bolt in the head as a gift from me to you, this will say I love you too"
Sound good? Oh and Vanu look very gay :p
Imagin this scene
"Come on you big silly gooses! Those naughty little TRs are gaining on us! Lets show them our love!"
Farther off muffled girley shreeks die off into a echo in the vally...
Originally posted by Sniper Jack
If the TV told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it? WOULD YOU?!
depends on how high the cliff is
Originally posted by Deadlock
purple=gay color used to represent themselves in parades and such...
i took a modern color theory class and this was a topic
anyways on to a better thing...
The Vanu are Jimi Hendrix.
meaning they hump amplifiers, dont know which hand to hold a guitar with, dont know how to put a neck tie on, and when they die choking on their own vomit over 36 species of lice will be discovered in their fros
Stevie Ray and HEndrix are the 2 best guiarists EVER!!!!
2003-03-25, 10:54 PM
You're in good company with that opinion. :lol:
2003-03-25, 11:20 PM
I don't mind purple because of Eva Unit 01 (look at the sig). Anyone who has seen Evangelion would agree that U-1 almost makes purple replace black as the color of the badass.
Besides, TR=high visibility, NC=Ultor wannabes (Red Faction)
Speaking of which, Geo-Mod would be awesome for this game (too much lag, though).
To Beowulf: Urrr?
2003-03-25, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
I don't mind purple because of Eva Unit 01 (look at the sig). Anyone who has seen Evangelion would agree that U-1 almost makes purple replace black as the color of the badass.
Besides, TR=high visibility, NC=Ultor wannabes (Red Faction)
Speaking of which, Geo-Mod would be awesome for this game (too much lag, though).
To Beowulf: Urrr?
Heh, I was thinking that too. The # of EVA/VS connections grows the more I thought about it: Purple suits, glowing knives, bad-ass looking mechs (not nearly as big, but still bad-ass), urge to evolve the human race, the angsty teens that will be playing...
Now all we need are some giant monsters! :D
2003-03-25, 11:45 PM
k, didnt want to make the post go this way but uve forced my hand...
k, question number one, whats the problem with hendrix?... well i think hes over rated as a guitarist, he's good but no where near the best. as far as pulling stuff out of thin air, well thats simply a load of crap. he did nothing "new" he just altered what was already there. now i agree, srv is one of the greatest, he's one of the 20 i would have posted. most of hendrix's "great" songs are done ten times better by him.
as far as hendrix playing the guitar wrong, i admit, that was a low blow. but upward struming sounds like shit thats why he needed to cover it all with the feedback. i believe that people like zack wild, dimebag derril, kurt hamit, srv, dave mustain, james hetfield, both the young brothers, and eddie vanhalen, just to name a few, all play circles around hendrix
and about the ozzy comment, u shouldnt go there, dont disrespect the godfather of metal. sure he was a druggie but so was hendrix. ozzy and his family have more moral values than the majority of american familys. u should all learn from him and his life. cause without him and blacksabbath, people'd still be listening to all that flower child crap and u wouldnt have any of the good rock bands today. cause no matter how much u might hate it, every rock song, in some way or another, can be traced back to an ozzy song. half the rock stars out there have admited to that so dont try to argue it.
2003-03-26, 12:56 AM
well i started this and i guess i should try and end it, though i cant remember everyones quotes that i need to comment on i do have this one.Originally posted by |3e0_Wu|f
[B4th reason why VS sucks:
After I read this topic Ive found out that the VS care a lot on style...Well answer me this...which would win.... A big ugly mutha fucka from alabama that eats his meat raw and drinks the blood of the inosecnes(sp), or that anal lover named Fabio?!?!?!?!?! huh huh!!! Apparently fabio and all his so called "style" would be torn limb from limb!!! What im trying to say is, WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT STLYE!!!! Its all about death, mayhem, and destruction....
STYLE RULSE! for gos sake, ugly suck dont mater how good they are.
Purple = Manly, suave, sexy, style, classy, rich, masculen, clean, so dam cool, the list goes on and on.
Red= Devil, death, blood, no style/ color scheam, black and red are boring.
Blue/yellow= try hard old school super heros, like the x-men and such. Although my favorite ausie rules footy team in blue and yellow, the colors in PL plain suck.
Purple and green is the way to go, so dam appealing if u ask me.
someone els said that vanu only has lasers, well i didnt know that, but i also prefer bullets too, but remember there are a common pool section where everyone gets to choose from guns that anyone can have. All teams are eaqual, it just comes down witch one has the best stylish and stuff. BTW someone else also said that Vanu guys r nerds, im not a nerd, i just like the looks of them. Well, see ya guys, btw the Aussie SAS are kicking ass in Iraq there better than usa.
2003-03-26, 01:29 AM
"He did nothing new, he just altered what was already there."
You've heard Stevie Ray Vaughan's "Mary Had a Little Lamb", right? :P Your statement applies just as well to SRV as it does to Hendrix.
And there isn't even any comparing those other guys to either Hendrix or SRV. For those of you who don't know, Zach Wild is a guitarist for Ozzy, Kurt Hammett is a guitarist for Metallica (and a damn good one), Mustain was the good guitarist for Metallica before going to Megadeth, the Young Brothers are the Young Brothers and Eddie VanHalen is likewise himself.
Those are all talented people, *especially* Mustain. However, he is the ONLY one that deserves to be mentioned in the same breath with Hendrix and SRV, and even then -- it's just not the same, it's not on the same level.
Mustain is probably the single most proficient guitarist in metal -- he has the mad goddamned skills.
But he could not take "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and make it worth listening to all by himself. Hendrix and SRV were that kind of players.
You want real proof of how good Hendrix was?
So now, did you ever get a chance to actually, uh, meet Jimi Hendrix?
Never did. Never did. Lots of dreams. But, uh, for a period of time, I would have dreams that we would be showing each other stuff -- sometimes unloading semis in a driveway in suburban . . . uh, housing district, you know? Sometimes in some kind of wild-looking hall. But, one morning, I remember jumpin' up and trying to go play what we were playin' in there, and I realized that we were playing on the bottom of the strings [laughs] between the strings and the neck, and I went "Naw this couldn't be right...this couldn't...this isn't it!" [laughs]
And check this out:
Hendrix and SRV are really cut from the same mould. Even if (like me) you prefer SRV to hendrix, SRV imitated Hendrix to such an extent, and had the same heroes as Hendrix to such an extent, and tried to even dress like Hendrix to such an extent that you can't listen to SRV without listening to Hendrix.
SRV's wife told a story about him waking her up in the middle of the night -- air guitaring in his sleep, so intensely that he would be crying out, and she would shake him awake and ask him what it was. And he would tell her that he had been playing with Jimi, and Jimi was showing him new chords and fingerings and transitions, and that he kept forgetting them.
I think Stevie Ray Vaughan could probably gauge Jimi's musical worth a tad better than you or I.
Btw, how did either of us get this far without mentioning Carlos Santana? There's another guitar player more talented by himself than your entire list. Also, a lesser-known but extremely talented guitarist: John Mayer, who is without a doubt the best currently performing *all-around* guitarist out there. He can make classical guitar sing, dance and cry, he can do blues, he can do a lot of insane stuff. I'd put him after Mustain but ahead of anyone else on your list. (If you have never seen Mustain play you really can't appreciate just how skilled he is. He has a very delicate touch for a metal man. ;) It's kind of a bummer that Mustain isn't more creative minded).
Aside from (arguably) Mustain, who is a very talented and, rarer, well-rounded guitar player, your list does not have "great guitar players". It has great rockers that play the guitar. There is a huge, huge difference.
And Ozzie? Please. I respect Black Sabath's musical influences, but Ozzie was just a guy that got lucky and was in the right place at the right time to get famous and get by on lots of spectacle and some good (not great, but good) music. He was in the right place at the right time to really step into an important role in defining a genre, but he was not nearly revolutionary. Not even Nirvana-level revolutionary.
Jeez I'm tired. (Just got home from work a few minutes ago :lol:.
2003-03-26, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by NeoTassadar
To Beowulf: Urrr?
Huh???? what do you want? :confused:
also about you saying NC is like ultor???why? ultor was more like TR. or vs becasue they were tryying to make a super being..i just dont see the conection
2003-03-26, 09:34 AM
Just to clear some things up, in the BETA ~46% of the people are vanu... then next highest is terran, then next is NC. :P Just some facts - Even thouh I am vanu, but I think all the races are cool
2003-03-26, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by cell.nerve
Just to clear some things up, in the BETA ~46% of the people are vanu... then next highest is terran, then next is NC. :P Just some facts - Even thouh I am vanu, but I think all the races are cool
And I'm still not in beta.
Anyways, that is still a shock -- I wouldn't have thought that the Vanu would come naturally to players. Very, very interesting.
2003-03-26, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by cell.nerve
Just to clear some things up, in the BETA ~46% of the people are vanu...
2003-03-26, 10:22 AM
Vs look liek pussies with that aluminum armor man psssh i dont likem cuz of all that weird funk on them.... thats why i will kill evey VS i seee with my Jackhammer shot gun no high power mag light is going to kill me bullets over flash lights who's with me!
VS loook like a cpoule of depressed confused guys and are in doubt with thier sexuality
TR remind me of NOD in C&Cand well they jus suck
NC jus look awsome man they could kick ur ass in an open air lock w/ the cosmonaught outfits lol
2003-03-26, 10:31 AM
Dont ask questions kid! The Vanu just suck! (now you would have been spared this if u would have holded in ur question!) The NC just are to rebelish and the TEARran are the best!
Who the hell likes purple!
-Dark- CO [TEAR]
When u feel like getting ur manhood back join [TEAR]
[TEAR] Info (
2003-03-26, 10:34 AM
I kinda like the vs. I think thweir armor looks really cool (probably because I am color blind and still see the darn thing as blue). When the game comes out, I will probably play as whatever side has the least players (unless it is NC, I like a little range and most of their weapons are shotgun types), I really want that xp modifer thing that they give to the underdog. :)
:rock: :usa: :rock:
2003-03-26, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by |3e0_Wu|f
Huh???? what do you want? :confused:
also about you saying NC is like ultor???why? ultor was more like TR. or vs becasue they were tryying to make a super being..i just dont see the conection
Look at last post that you quoted me. I repeat: Urrr?
I meant they LOOK like Ultor rip-offs (no offense to devs, well, maybe the NC ones).
2003-03-26, 12:29 PM
This thread almost got off track there.
I just find it funny how slapnuts (is that his name?) thinks the TR and NC suck because their color scheme "sucks." Of course, isn't this a matter of opinion? I personally don't think that purple is "sexy." Heh. :p
2003-03-26, 12:43 PM
ok mrluc, theres a few things i agree with. but i still say hendrix is overrated. dont get me wrong, hendrix was good, i just dont think he was great. u stated that ozzy was in the right place at the right time (horse shit but ill let it slide) the same could be said for hendrix. its not hard to be "revolutionary" with an instrument that was just starting to be experimented with. i think if hendrix was still alive today he could have become great but when he died he was still just good.
srv worshiped hendrix because he didnt realize his own talent, although id put others over srv (a whole other argument so lets leave that as a simple opinion). hendrix did good spin offs of things, but then later, someone would always come and do it better. voodo chile, better by srv, setting the guitar on fire, better by ted nugget, the famous national anthem solo, watch zack wild on ozzy's budokan dvd and see how pathetic it makes hendrix's solo look. of course he did all of this first, but that again makes him good, not great.
i think my opinion of hendrix was mistaken, im not saying he sucks im just saying he doesnt deserve the worship he gets. maybe if he had lived a little longer and evolved some he could have earned it but as it is theres many more greater than him.
i agree that dave mustain could be alot better, but he's still kickin, it might happen.
now, for the rubutel im sure ill be recieving i vote that we take it to the lounge, its just a matter of time before some staff member starts bitchin
2003-03-26, 12:50 PM
Heh yeah, I should lay off the music talk. ;)
I think our tastes vary too greatly. Rock and roll is a very, very small part of guitar playing -- it is just the one that got the most exposure in recent years. Expression-wise, rock and roll has a ways to go before it starts catching up with electric blues or classical guitar or the enormous field of traditional latin music -- it's just more limited, there's not quite as much room for expression in the guitarist. That's why I would tend not to put a pure R&R guitarist as 'the greatest ever'.
2003-03-26, 03:13 PM
Yo, here are the big problem with vs vehicles:
In the Fileplanet video, the part where the NC squad are facing off against the Thresher (which btw takes them totally off gaurd), it took 12 seconds for the damn thing to kill ONE NC, and even then it was by sitting on top of him for him for two seconds.
OK, the BIG problem with a tank with a battering ram is this:
shit can move in this game
:ncrocks: :sniper: :vsrocks:
:sniper: :vsrocks:
:sniper: :vsrocks:
:sniper: :vsrocks:
2003-03-26, 03:45 PM
Go ahead and ask the admins - don't talk about what you dont know about. :D
2003-03-26, 04:58 PM
sweet, we agree to disagree. rock on brotha :rock:
2003-03-26, 05:24 PM
Obnoxiousfrog, first off: skill level. Second: did they kill the thresher (didn't see that one)? Third: that is not a battering ram. It does nothing. It is just there. Like the Standard Armor. Useless. However, the laser turrets you seem to be overlooking...
Sniper Jack
2003-03-26, 05:33 PM
Just to let you all know, that thing jutting out of the front of the Mag-rider isn't a battering ram, it's a cannon that the driver may use while driving. This was brought up in a post a while ago. So while the tank strafes, the driver may line up his own target with the gun mounted to the front. Just FYI ;)
2003-03-26, 05:50 PM
Die Vanu Die
Man i really hate them GRRRRRRRR....
2003-03-26, 05:54 PM
Vanu > NC
2003-03-26, 06:05 PM
that is a big picture sure is scary
lol nice pic
Vanu < than all
2003-03-26, 06:10 PM
:sniper: :vsrocks:
2003-03-26, 06:24 PM
Our Wanguard > Your Vanguard. :cool:
I Think all the empires armors/colors are fine. So what if one empire is purple or another is red. All it comes down to is the skill of the individual and his/her team. The uniform alone will not win the war, it is the man or woman wearing that uniform.
And what is with people not wanting to join a empire just because of "teh weapons suxx0r!" the empire specific weapons aren't the only weapons you'll get to use.
2003-03-26, 06:52 PM
How many times do I have to say it:
I am being a zealot. It's a new experience for me and I want to enjoy it. So shut the fuck up with the reasonable talk! EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG EVEN PEOPLE THAT AGREE WITH ME AND ONLY I AM RIGHT! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM INVINCIBLE!!!!
Son of a bitch. Carpal tunnel.
2003-03-26, 07:36 PM
I didn't even read the rest of this thread and I already know that the guy is Vanu.
1.) his name is SlapNuts
2.) He called it the coolest looking Empire
HAIL TERRAN! (and CDL if they let me in. :D )
2003-03-26, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Jbaz
I Think all the empires armors/colors are fine. So what if one empire is purple or another is red. All it comes down to is the skill of the individual and his/her team. The uniform alone will not win the war, it is the man or woman wearing that uniform.
And what is with people not wanting to join a empire just because of "teh weapons suxx0r!" the empire specific weapons aren't the only weapons you'll get to use.
THANK YOU Jbaz!!!! finally someone agrees with my ideas..i said that back on page four but all this guys a idiots that seem to only care about what they look like... god that is really stupid...I also wonder why they think the women will like them moore becasue they have a "stlyish" puple guy in their online game...? Oh, another thing, whats with them thinking that have heavy artillery guns compensating for a so called "lack of penis size"... personally i think they have a personal isuse if they think us having more powerful guns in a game that are bigger becasue its suppose to be kind of real looking maybe? thats my feeling on this topic.
Wow this is turning out to be like the console warz... :/
2003-03-26, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by mr_luc
How many times do I have to say it:
I am being a zealot. It's a new experience for me and I want to enjoy it. So shut the fuck up with the reasonable talk! EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG EVEN PEOPLE THAT AGREE WITH ME AND ONLY I AM RIGHT! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM INVINCIBLE!!!!
Son of a bitch. Carpal tunnel.
Beowulf my man.
Not much of one for sarcasm, are we? ;)
2003-03-26, 09:56 PM
no.... im not :nono:
2003-03-27, 01:56 AM
doesnt matter what color you are, after I'm done unloading my lasher , you'll be purple too.
2003-03-27, 03:24 AM
WHAT HAVE I DONE! Sorry about this guys, i just wanted to have fun and say how i like the Vanu cos they look cool, and you have turned it into a big war, sorry.
2003-03-27, 08:29 AM
:ncrocks: :vssucks:
2003-03-27, 10:17 AM
I dont care what color you are cuz if ur not blue or yellow ur going to eat my 150mm shells. to me vanu is iraqi TR is korean and NC is american i being an american reserve the right to POP YOU FULL OF LEAD! anyone who plays vanu or terran is a ANTI AMERICAN!
2003-03-27, 11:43 AM
NC are anarchist, what are you talking about?
2003-03-27, 12:16 PM
In the end..NC and TR will bow before my outfit..and soon the VS mascot...!
2003-03-27, 01:32 PM
Vanu Alliance was an old Vanu outfit that disbanded way back when.
2003-03-27, 01:34 PM
Correction, we started a new VA. Vanu Alliance (
2003-03-27, 01:35 PM
So you have taken the name and honor from one of the Fallen Outfits of The Vanu (FOoTV for short)?
2003-03-27, 01:37 PM
We are using it, and we are not disgracing it. The previous VA might have fallen, but it is not out. Also, I don't think the last one was on the East Coast server..
2003-03-27, 03:06 PM
I'm surprised such an "official-forum" reminiscent (sp) topic has survived for this long. :rolleyes:
2003-03-27, 03:13 PM
2003-03-27, 03:15 PM
So, red is represented partly by "passion," and purple is represented partly by "passionate?" This is getting a tad strange. :p
2003-03-29, 07:26 AM
Spinneker, of course im an anti american, like all aussies and brittish and anyone else, we are alll anti american, u dont need to state the obvious. Australia and Brittain are just helping the dam USA in Iraq cos our prime-ministers love Gorge Bush, so feel free to call me an antimerican, i'd prefer that
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