View Full Version : PS 1 going free to play
2012-10-16, 06:13 PM
Is the this true ?? Could this be reality ?;)
2012-10-16, 07:46 PM
Looks like it , will know more down the road
2012-10-16, 11:09 PM
I like how he said it as if it wasn't an announcement and as if it was unimportant. lol... I am totally going to be playing PS1 instead of PS2.
2012-10-17, 07:45 AM
I like how he said it as if it wasn't an announcement and as if it was unimportant. lol... I am totally going to be playing PS1 instead of PS2.
Hahaha I think I will too.
2012-10-18, 09:07 AM
Sometime fairly soon is promising! Can't wait. I think PS2 has pushed a lot of minds back to PS1. Amazing
2012-10-18, 10:30 AM
Yay great news :)
2012-10-18, 04:15 PM
Yay great news :)
Its only great news if there is enough population to create fights and if they have something to combat hackers.
Personally, I'd love for them to reduce the BR again so we can't have counters to everything on the battlefield.
2012-10-18, 04:33 PM
I rekon shove everyone up to:
BR40. CR stays as they are
Rabbit ball events - Possibly the loss of tech event which was the best thing to fight for!
Old oshur events or bring back as well
Keep on top of hackers
And if its Free just about everyone will go back to it within the first few days/weeks then the die hards will live it on!
2012-10-18, 06:01 PM
When everyone is made BR 40, what will SOE use to make money on PS1?
Adding pink camouflage designs for sale won't work, because that would require additional work for the PS 1 dev team.
I guess it would be more like the Planetside Reserves, play for free to a certain BR, requiring subscription beyond that BR.
2012-10-18, 11:03 PM
Its only great news if there is enough population to create fights and if they have something to combat hackers.
Personally, I'd love for them to reduce the BR again so we can't have counters to everything on the battlefield.
Exactly. And is it really going to be F2P? Meaning they are going to add cash shop? How will that work? Or are we talking something like a trial account that's just limited in BR?
The state PS2 currently is in, I would defiantly play PS1 again if there were people to play with and there isn't blatant exploit hacking going on.
2012-10-18, 11:22 PM
YES! While hacking is gonna be crazy, think about the amount of people playing when it goes free. 2013 looking up!
2012-10-19, 02:15 AM
...the PS 1 dev team.
I don't think PS1 has had a dev team for a long time rofl. With that said, monetization does concern me a bit. They can't easily change somethings in game and make a "cash shop" or some other system because I'm not sure anyone there knows the code anymore.
My main concern is still population and hackers though.
2012-10-19, 02:36 AM
I was thinking the same, while typing that sentence^^
I doubt they are able to make any major changes to the game to the game, so that leaves us with small things like Planetside Reserves.
Maybe Exp-"Potions" or something like that, but definitely nothing more spectacular.
2012-10-19, 03:30 AM
Roll back the Battle Rank to 25 and have the same moderators that will oversee PS2 on hand to deal with the hackers. A few short appeals will highlight such cretins.
2012-10-19, 06:51 AM
do i´ve to play PS1 before i can start with PS2?
Any storylines that i need to know?
And when does the PS1 is going to be f2p?
2012-10-19, 07:47 AM
PS1 wont go back the way it was even if it is F2P. Unless they give Werner back... Even then the game is just dated, the gun play is terrible and I for one haven't missed the shear number of MAXes and the ADADADAD spam, crappy hit detection and pure lag.
I loved Planetside, but there's as a point in life when you have to realize it's had its time.
2012-10-19, 11:26 AM
PS1 wont go back the way it was even if it is F2P.
I guess we'll just have to see then. I'd imagine the populations would be pretty good actually.
2012-10-19, 03:26 PM
Yea I rekon it would be packed if it went F2P and SOE announced it through email themselves
2012-10-19, 09:21 PM
CS 1.6 is still going and is way more popular than CSGO (which is what I have been playing, instead of that abortion PS2). I'm gonna bathe you all in orbs when it opens :)
Raka Maru
2012-10-21, 06:59 AM
Will be back on PS1 when it opens. Hopefully, hackers will be controlled and a dev team assigned to it. If no one knows the code, they can hire me, I would learn it and work on it. Maybe reskin it with the forgelight engine.
2012-10-21, 02:23 PM
First. They need to acknowledge that there current hacker detection system doesn't work very well.
I recorded well over a dozen hackers who all used no reload/radar hacks. I'd record them, appeal them with a link to the video, and they'd still be playing a month later. Which is why I started making them public.
2012-10-22, 11:26 AM
2012-10-22, 12:30 PM
The guys they have employed to monitor PS2 should be assigned to oversee PS1. A few appeals will get their attention. Lets hope its 24/ 7 GMs
2012-10-22, 01:42 PM
The guys they have employed to monitor PS2 should be assigned to oversee PS1. A few appeals will get their attention. Lets hope its 24/ 7 GMs
Unless the game actually turns a profit, I don't see them giving PS1 anything. It will be a hosted by them, but thats about it. I'm sure they won't compromise the success of their new hit title to work on some old game.
2012-10-25, 11:15 PM
I rekon shove everyone up to:
BR40. CR stays as they are
Rabbit ball events - Possibly the loss of tech event which was the best thing to fight for!
Old oshur events or bring back as well
So basically you want the game to fail within the first week? I don't see what making everyone BR 40 brings to the game other than further ruining it. Rabbit ball events are horrible. Same with Old Oshur events since SOE can never seem to get their shit together when having one.
I'd like to just have the normal, vanilla, un-fucked-with game back, please and thank you.
Also, "fairly soon" isn't exactly the most reassuring thing to here from Smedly. God knows when it will go F2P.
Tinfoil hat conspiracy theory time. I wouldn't be surprised if PS going F2P is merely a bridge to get PS shut down. I'm sure PS has been deadweight on SOE's shoulders for awhile now and they finally need some excuse to shut it down.
They'll make the game go F2P then after a few months decide that it's not a profitable asset to have at SOE and then shut the game off since it's F2P and making no money for them. Especially after they lose a shitload of money after PS2 crashes and burns.
/tinfoil hat_off
2012-10-26, 06:04 AM
I new peeps wouldn't like the extreme hah!
But I would play the full extent of a Rabbit ball anyday!
2012-10-26, 06:25 AM
I new peeps wouldn't like the extreme hah!
But I would play the full extent of a Rabbit ball anyday!
I've never had good experiences with Rabbit Ball. Every single time it's ended up with one empire intently playing whilst the other two goes fuck about with their own business. If all three empires all actually went after the ball it would a pretty interesting event, unfortunately that never happens.
2012-10-26, 10:40 AM
Also, "fairly soon" isn't exactly the most reassuring thing to here from Smedly. God knows when it will go F2P.
Tinfoil hat conspiracy theory time. I wouldn't be surprised if PS going F2P is merely a bridge to get PS shut down. I'm sure PS has been deadweight on SOE's shoulders for awhile now and they finally need some excuse to shut it down.
They'll make the game go F2P then after a few months decide that it's not a profitable asset to have at SOE and then shut the game off since it's F2P and making no money for them. Especially after they lose a shitload of money after PS2 crashes and burns.
/tinfoil hat_off
I thought it costs next to nothing for them to run PS1 currently.
Also, I found this article yesturday. Here's an excerp from it I found interesting. So it seems they actually are going to put a cash shop in PS1, right?
FROM: Planetside 1 is going free-to-play (
Concerned about the form a free-to-play Planetside might take? Don’t be. Smedley has waxed complimentary recently about the payment model of League of Legends, the MOBA with the most inoffensive and respectful free-to-play system to date.
2012-10-26, 11:01 AM
I thought it costs next to nothing for them to run PS1 currently.
Also, I found this article yesturday. Here's an excerp from it I found interesting. So it seems they actually are going to put a cash shop in PS1, right?
I really don't know how a cash shop would work in PS1 and even how they'd implement it. Considering they haven't updated the game in years and whenever the idea gets presented to them they always seem to duck out of the way or make excuses that they don't have anyone that knows how to properly update it.
But knowing SOE they'll implement a cash shop that allows players to purchase BR 40 CR 5's (not that it really matters in this stage of the game).
I don't even care anymore, I just want PS1 to be decently populated again so I can forget that PS2 even exists :evil:.
2012-10-26, 11:08 AM
I don't even care anymore, I just want PS1 to be decently populated again so I can forget that PS2 even exists :evil:.
Raka Maru
2012-10-27, 07:43 AM
Maybe they will reskin the game completely and leave all the original mechanics intact. Then they can at least sell camo.
2012-10-27, 08:48 AM
Maybe they will reskin the game completely and leave all the original mechanics intact. Then they can at least sell camo.
I remember one Fan Faire they were talking about doing that. In fact, that's what they were originally intending to do. But I guess it sort of got pushed away or the idea for PS2 stemmed from that. Either way I remember being really excited when they announced they were going to give PS1 a graphical update, even though I think the old skool graphics give it a charm.
2012-10-27, 08:55 AM
Guess it depends how far along they were in the reskin project. I thought there was speculation that they scrapped that project to do PS2 because PS1 coding is a mess. It would be awesome to see if they do it though! My guess, they will release F2P with cash shop and sell weapons and ammo. Probably make nades cost resources or something (bye nade spam). :) I hope they don't think about making vehicles cost resources though. I really don't like it in PS2. Vehicle timers are enough with the amount of vehicles there are in PS1.
2012-10-27, 05:40 PM
How about don't touch anything to much in game and just have
x2 XP for 100 station cash (Along those lines sort of thing) People might want to level up chars quicker and have everything they want. I certainly would like CR5's on all teams.
Maybee let clans or individuals rename or take ownership of bases just to get at their enemies. Let then know where they love the best and they will defend it at all costs to keep honour.
Nothing that makes me think, oh fuck I can't plasma nade now while running up steps. I quit sort of thing
2012-10-27, 05:44 PM
Quicker spawn for station cash. I hate having a large as hell 1 minute wait after a day of playing. The base goes down and I end up at a tower :(
2012-10-29, 03:02 AM
Is this still a thing?
Because, honestly, I think I'd rather play the Original now...
Raka Maru
2012-10-31, 08:13 AM
I doubt they will redo it with the new engine, but if the code is a mess, we won't be seeing much upgrades to classic PS1. Maybe new hats and stuff. Remember Santa hats? Those seem to be easy.
Hey, but who knows, they might surprise us.
2012-10-31, 02:03 PM
Quicker spawn for station cash. I hate having a large as hell 1 minute wait after a day of playing. The base goes down and I end up at a tower :(
Stop dying like a n00b then...
2012-10-31, 05:38 PM
x b c d
2012-11-02, 01:35 PM
Would have been nice to have had a reskin with updated shit. But we get a rifle game where the implementation of all other weapons are terrible. Its a sniper/ automatic rifle game. Shotguns and HA weapons that were so loved in the original are crap. Forget carrying a shotgun around if you leave a biolab. Even in the biolab the distance can be too far. Up close the shotgun is stupidly overpowered but nigh on useless due to the layout of the maps, which are suited for the auto rifle.
2012-11-02, 03:03 PM
Tried PS2 and found it boring, can't wait to get into PS1.
Edit: Actually, I found it insulting.
2012-11-03, 03:36 AM
We should attempt a kind of marketing push once PS1 goes F2P to get people back into the game. There's a lot of buzz around PlanetSide lately with PS2 coming up. If we organize "PlanetSide 1 days" and spread the word on PlanetSide Universe, etc. to try and get as many people back into PS1 on that day as possible and create some epic battles we might be able to jolt up the population again.
Population is really the only thing stopping us going back to the "good old days" (well that and maybe BR40). What do we need, 300 people for a poplock?
2012-11-03, 08:37 AM
^ Pretty sure it was 133vs133vs133.
2012-11-03, 11:47 AM
Theres plenty of people I know who want to play PS1 as soon as it goes free. If I already know many people wanting to go back to PS1 Im sure if we all ask a +1 to come back with us = Populated again bigtime
2012-11-04, 07:58 AM
I rekon shove everyone up to:
BR40. CR stays as they are
Rabbit ball events - Possibly the loss of tech event which was the best thing to fight for!
Are you trying to make people run away? :p
Rabbit was one of the worst designed events and the tech event ended up with massive farm and win advantages to the first empire to get mossies back. >.>
2012-11-04, 10:48 AM
The tech event brought meaning an excitement to the story line of the game. The whole game is about possessing the best technology and global domination. I'm sorry but that event was fucking relevant as fuck.
Rabbit ball creates a scoreboard which we don't have since Planetsidestats went down and it closes a continent that have been boring the arses off PS players for days/weeks
2012-11-04, 10:56 AM
The tech event brought meaning an excitement to the story line of the game. The whole game is about possessing the best technology and global domination. I'm sorry but that event was fucking relevant as fuck.
Rabbit ball creates a scoreboard which we don't have since Planetsidestats went down and it closes a continent that have been boring the arses off PS players for days/weeks
Meh, to each their own I guess.
I played PS1 specifically for the meta game, defending and capturing bases and continents. I was always pissed when SOE decided to throw a wrench in my vag with some silly event that pretty much ruined the whole day for me since no one else was playing the meta game.
2012-11-24, 06:33 PM
Cant wait to see ps1 getting free.
I wanna play planetside, not planetfield.
2012-11-26, 07:07 AM
The tech event brought meaning an excitement to the story line of the game. The whole game is about possessing the best technology and global domination. I'm sorry but that event was fucking relevant as fuck.
If it had been properly designed and not horribly biased to the the empire that could skeetfarm first and didn't revolve around caves which are biased to TR due to Flak, maybe.
Instead, it was an unfair event and largely ignored because people hated fighting in the caves.
Rabbit ball creates a scoreboard which we don't have since Planetsidestats went down and it closes a continent that have been boring the arses off PS players for days/weeks
Rabbit ball's "scoreboard" was not only irrelevant, it was a waste of development time.
Only one empire would be chasing the rabbits after a small point difference as it would be biased to certain empires with spawn locations deep into their territory. It was absolutely boring and anyone without aircav couldn't even partake.
It was utterly horrible designed to the point people LEFT the continent's fight that had been going for days (triggering the rabbit to occur). A lot of players even just logged whenever a rabbit spawned. Much like when Black Ops arrived on a continent: the fast majority of people hated it.
2012-11-27, 06:17 AM
I wasn't either, the devs would invariably ruin what they considered boring tedious gameplay and replace it with obnoxious bullshit.
2012-11-27, 11:55 AM
I rekon shove everyone up to:
BR40. CR stays as they are
Rabbit ball events - Possibly the loss of tech event which was the best thing to fight for!
Old oshur events or bring back as well
Keep on top of hackers
And if its Free just about everyone will go back to it within the first few days/weeks then the die hards will live it on!
Doubt they will tackle your suggestions w/ no income to justify it.
2012-11-27, 12:34 PM
Played PS1 in 07 & 08. Been playing PS2 since it came out and just uninstalled today. Simply too many things I don't like and it never really felt like it had something to do with the game I used to play, let alone improved.
So I'm really excited to hear PS1 is coming back, cause I definitely will.
2012-11-28, 10:21 AM
Doubt they will tackle your suggestions w/ no income to justify it.
You know what's the dumbest thing in that quote?
"Shove everyone up to BR40".
BR40 ruined the late state of the game completely and broke all the balancing systems and this guy wants to make everyone BR40?
Any cert points over a total amount of 26 should be removed from players! If they whine that they can't have everything... THAT WAS THE BLOODY POINT OF THE CERT SYSTEM. If they still whine. BAN THEM.
I'm not angry about BR40 at all. :evil: I'm completely furious about them ever implementing it.
2012-11-28, 07:53 PM
They should go back to BR 25 as the cap.
2012-11-28, 08:07 PM
They should go back to BR 25 as the cap.
BR 20*! And get rid of all the cert bundles! And all the veteran rewards! And nerf Reaver armor, and plasma/frag nade damage, and have grenades only come in stacks of 1, and have MAX timers start upon death, and remove flails and a whole mess of other things that were severely over looked/necessarily tampered with.
I would really love for PS1 to just get a sprinkle of dev support once it goes F2P. I think there's a lot of little tweaks they could implement that would really appease the veteran community and maybe even the newer players that will come and check it out.
2012-11-30, 05:14 AM
BR 20*! And get rid of all the cert bundles! And all the veteran rewards! And nerf Reaver armor, and plasma/frag nade damage, and have grenades only come in stacks of 1, and have MAX timers start upon death, and remove flails and a whole mess of other things that were severely over looked/necessarily tampered with.
I would really love for PS1 to just get a sprinkle of dev support once it goes F2P. I think there's a lot of little tweaks they could implement that would really appease the veteran community and maybe even the newer players that will come and check it out.
That and:
Remove capital shields (prevents a lot of fights and abused for Flail camping).
Remove capital capture rules (open up more diverse routes cross-continent).
Remove cave locks (make module raiding possible and attractive, make module transport have clear benefits).
Slightly buff Skyguard armour by 5-10%.
Implement spawn shield around Redoubt's spawn center.
Limit virals numerically and over time per player
Do not allow virals to be replaced by other virals for a longer period of time (5 mins duration and 2 mins cool down on all virals)
Increase safe period of Main Terminal after it's been cleared by a REK (5 min anti-virus?).
Allow Hacking, Advanced Hacking to clear virals very slowly (1 min and 40 seconds respectively).
Limit number of vehicles, turrets and AI turrets a T-REK can infect to 3, 3 and 5 respectively.
Split up the Battle Islands into separate continents.
Remove special rules from Battle Islands.
Change the global lattice to the system I suggested years ago where each link and base is used. :P
Ideally add more ground cover.
New bases already! Just use the existing holes for stairs and corridors to come up with different underground and top floor!
Make pie the official PS1 mascot pastry.
Do that and aside from BFRs existing, the game would be perfect. :p
2012-11-30, 11:20 AM
^ Figs, what do you think about them changing the static capture time of 15 minutes in PS1? Perhaps try the tug-o-war mechanic currently being used in PS2 (without hex adjacency rules).
2012-11-30, 02:39 PM
^ Figs, what do you think about them changing the static capture time of 15 minutes in PS1? Perhaps try the tug-o-war mechanic currently being used in PS2 (without hex adjacency rules).
That'd be the end of infiltration, meaning I'd uninstall every PS game and walk away right now.
2012-11-30, 04:05 PM
That'd be the end of infiltration, meaning I'd uninstall every PS game and walk away right now.
Well, it doesn't have to be exactly the same. Just keep hack requirement while allowing the hack to go faster IF you have, let's say, 20 people defending the hack. The quicker timer would be negated if the empire that owns the base is present to attempt a resecure. IDK, I'm sure something could be worked out. My main issue with PS1 was the long ass hack timers and nothing in place to make them go faster when no one was around. I suppose it could get hairy trying to do that though.
2012-11-30, 06:57 PM
Well, it doesn't have to be exactly the same. Just keep hack requirement while allowing the hack to go faster IF you have, let's say, 20 people defending the hack. The quicker timer would be negated if the empire that owns the base is present to attempt a resecure. IDK, I'm sure something could be worked out. My main issue with PS1 was the long ass hack timers and nothing in place to make them go faster when no one was around. I suppose it could get hairy trying to do that though.
The hack timers NEED to be long in order to give the defending empire a chance to respond to it. That's one of the main issues with PS2 is how fast you capture everything. The other empire has no chance to respond and it's just a constant ring a round the rosey.
The long hack timers made the game so much more intense. Typically a (organized) base hack went down like this. You picked your target, went to the base, set up your CE/AMS for defensive purposes, set up viruses etc., got into your positions then started the hack. I always relished the calm before the storm, before the other empire's CR5's noticed. You would almost nervously sit around for a few minutes until you heard that Mossy fly over head. Then shit got serious.
The base hacks were awkwardly long and it made holding off a hack just that more intense and enjoyable. For me anyways. But then again, I'm not a 15 year old with ADD that's jacked up on Monster energy drinks and has the attention span of a lima bean. And I'm sure faster hack timers are more realistic or something :rolleyes:
2012-12-01, 05:29 AM
If the hack time changes the moment one person of your empire is in the base, all it would trigger is Dark Light everywhere.
IF there was a reduction in hack timers, it'd have to be something like this:
1 link: 15 mins standard hack and hold
2 links: 14 mins hack and hold
3 links: 13 mins hack and hold
4 links: 12 mins hack and hold
Why? Because it takes more time to respond to a new threat than to a threat you know is there.
But if I can't insta-resecure, but have to hold a point as an infil there's no point in having infiltration skills to bypass 20 people in the room, it won't do a thing. Tug-o-war is not good for infiltration nor infil resecure, that's only good for zerging outfits, IMO.
Note also that any tug-o-war makes last ditch Galaxy drops unattractive, because a Galaxy drop does not have the endurance to last an entire hold: it's a resecure mechanic due to being one single strong wave of concentrated force on a pressure point. It doesn't last.
That's one reason why Galaxies are so underused in PS2, they only work on the insta-flip outposts of main bases.
2012-12-01, 09:34 AM
^ I agree with that Figs. I was thinking hex adjacency yesterday to speed up hack but your lattice link example makes more sense due to the fact that the lattice exists in PS1. I totally agree about needing to hack the CC term, not just stand by it and watch a progress bar. I don't like that in PS2, and wish they would make the CC term hack required in PS2 as well.
2012-12-01, 11:14 AM
You know, I think it would be good if the moment of hacking determined the time it takes.
In PS1, if you hacked an LLU base without a friendly linked, unhacked base available, it would not spawn a LLU, but a hack and hold. I mean, it's quite possible the amount of links changes and you wouldn't want that to affect the timer (would upset any planning which is on a tight schedule already and that is frustrating for the attacker/resecure team and feels like a cheap "oh we got it already?" for the holder). Kinda like how the PS2 influence system was experienced at first (external influence suddenly changed the entire fight).
Come to think of it, in PS2, the moment of hacking could reflect the amount of influence you have at that point. That'd make the timers more predictable. But that'd only go for single CC bases really.
2012-12-02, 08:40 PM
Any further news on this? I don't feel like playing BF2142.
2012-12-04, 04:52 AM
Rhhh I can't wait for this. Ive stopped playing PS2 unless friends want to play but it doesn't last long whatsoever
2012-12-06, 11:26 AM
I wouldnt hold your breath...
2012-12-06, 11:48 AM
Well its kinda obvious to me now that Smed talks absolute bullshit.
2012-12-06, 05:20 PM
...has been answered today: hopefully people will move on and we can stop the silliness in the forum.
2012-12-06, 05:22 PM
good point
2012-12-06, 05:50 PM
...has been answered today: hopefully people will move on and we can stop the silliness in the forum.
Who in their right mind would play PS1? It wasn't even a good fps when it originally came out.
2012-12-06, 05:54 PM
2012-12-06, 06:16 PM
They would need to give PS1 a new engine, fix all the bugs + come up with a proper way to monetize its after its F2P.
In other words, dont hold your breath. Nothing is going to happen.
2012-12-06, 07:11 PM
They would need to give PS1 a new engine, fix all the bugs + come up with a proper way to monetize its after its F2P.
In other words, dont hold your breath. Nothing is going to happen.
From what I hear it doesn't cost much for them to run the server anymore. I think mainly because the server runs off of technology from 2003.
2012-12-06, 07:44 PM
The servers are STILL up. Smedly's words: "no one plays the game anymore." So why are the servers still up if they're not making money? Because it probably costs little to nothing to keep them up. There's literally no reason not to make PS1 F2P. Smedly said "no time soon" which to me means it's happening, just not any time soon. They probably don't want to risk taking any steam away from PS2 so the logical choice would be to release it after PS2 has been out for some time.
2012-12-06, 09:22 PM
Saw that coming. PS2 is what we got when SOE decided to make PS1 f2p after all.
2012-12-07, 02:09 AM
the only reason few are playing PS1 is the fact that Free > 14.99
make it ftp, and the OLD players would come play. I know, I'm one of em.
PS2 is a stinking hot mess, and it's got more in common with the BF3 series than the original.
2012-12-08, 07:41 PM
the only reason few are playing PS1 is the fact that Free > 14.99
make it ftp, and the OLD players would come play. I know, I'm one of em.
PS2 is a stinking hot mess, and it's got more in common with the BF3 series than the original.
Pretty much this. I don't care about PS2 at all. It's just not Planetside anymore to me.
Planetside would be my main game if I didn't have to pay $15 a month to run around a ghost town by myself.
2012-12-08, 11:32 PM
Pretty much this. I don't care about PS2 at all. It's just not Planetside anymore to me.
Planetside would be my main game if I didn't have to pay $15 a month to run around a ghost town by myself.
Alright, I have an idea. Everyone, send messages to smedley on twitter asking him to make it free to play. Tell him that hundreds of ppl are waiting for it to be free to play!
2012-12-15, 11:38 PM
smedly answered a new tweet about ps1!!!
David Reali @RealAzK
@j_smedley is ps1 still going f2p? ..please?
John Smedley @j_smedley
@RealAzK yes but we aren't in a hurry. No one is playing it.
2012-12-16, 12:47 PM
Lol people would be playing it, if they had the confidence that others would be subbing up. But we arnt confident that we will get a fight now unless it goes F2P.
FP2 asap then we will be confident to play the game hardcore again
2012-12-16, 12:51 PM
Yep. I'd be willing to PAY to play that game if it had a LEAST one pop lock a night. Remember when there were consistently 3 simultaneous pop locks? Remember that? This game could be so much.
2012-12-21, 10:40 PM
Sign this if you care about PS1 at all. SOE needs to see signatures.
2012-12-22, 02:42 AM
Yep. I'd be willing to PAY to play that game if it had a LEAST one pop lock a night. Remember when there were consistently 3 simultaneous pop locks? Remember that? This game could be so much.
Even half a cont would be enough. Hehe if it went F2P and many of the PS2 players came over to have a look it would be a massacre on levels not seen since, oh wait last summer when it was free for a month or so before beta launch. Oh yes nooby PS2 players I can't wait to farm you like the nublets you are. You will witness first hand the level of skill we vets have next to your pathetic abilities. I dare you to zerg on foot. meet my skeet hahaha
2012-12-22, 11:49 PM
I write some shit when I have been drinking. lol
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