View Full Version : Suit Modifications

2012-10-30, 10:26 AM
Anyone have a good breakdown of the various suit modifications? It's not very clear to me what the benefits and drawbacks are?

One cert allows the shield to start regenerating faster?

Another is a flak jacket that doesn't regenerate? Really, this one seems useless unless I can fully eat a grenade or tank shell and not just help with splash damage because wouldn't the shield do the same and not require repair from a third party?

Then there's a third one that just says it can absorb more, but is it like a shield that regenerates? Is it better than the regenerating shield? Does it have to be repaired by an engineer?

The regenerating shield seems superior to me in every way based on my limited understanding of these certs.

J Baley
2012-10-30, 11:08 AM
The regenerating shield is the winner in this group.

I certed the flak armor at one point to try it. Needless to say, it only suppresses the damage a small amount. Yes, I could survive 1 grenade to the body - two grenades I was dead.

The nano-weave is stronger but if you don't have an engineer at your back...

2012-10-30, 11:19 AM
Okay, that confirms that the third one doesn't regenerate, which wasn't apparent to me based on their descriptions. I couldn't tell from the description.

The shield capacitor cert isn't clear either; the descriptions, like all descriptions, leave a lot to be desired. They either are so vague to mean absolutely nothing, or have special game terms that aren't explained, either.

The shield capacitor cert is really confusing at first and the description is unclear. Is it a distinct armor or does it affect OTHER armor? I couldn't tell reading the description versus the flak or nano weave.

The regenerating shield description doesn't explicitly state it's a separate armor.

Come on Sony, clean this crap up if you want people to spend money. Quit using meaningless words and be clear and concise, especially since individual cert tabs have multiple impacts on completely different things. Group these better, separate damage mitigation abilities from extra capacity and/or make it clear that if you choose one you cannot choose or equip another.

J Baley
2012-10-30, 11:46 AM
Yes, none of the armors "stack" which really sucked for me because I wasted certs getting them only to find each could only be used on its own.

2012-10-30, 11:53 AM
Yeah, the bulk of the certs are about as clear as mud to me.

The capacitor should read:

A regenerating field suit that absorbs damage and regenerates over time. Higher levels reduce the time to regenerate. Cannot be used with other suits or extra magazine capacity.

Was that hard? The way it's described now I couldn't tell if it was a separate suit, augmented an existing suit or what.

2012-10-30, 01:08 PM
Anyone have a good breakdown of the various suit modifications? It's not very clear to me what the benefits and drawbacks are?

One cert allows the shield to start regenerating faster?

Another is a flak jacket that doesn't regenerate? Really, this one seems useless unless I can fully eat a grenade or tank shell and not just help with splash damage because wouldn't the shield do the same and not require repair from a third party?

Then there's a third one that just says it can absorb more, but is it like a shield that regenerates? Is it better than the regenerating shield? Does it have to be repaired by an engineer?

The regenerating shield seems superior to me in every way based on my limited understanding of these certs.

I like how you ask all the shit I'm thinking. Brain^5.