View Full Version : Infantry Weapons

2012-11-08, 08:10 PM
After trying pretty much every gun I could get my hands on, across all empires, I would rate the following in regards to overall gun effectiveness from my personal experience. (mainly an average of light and heavy weapons):

Best to worst:

1. TR: just all around great guns. Extremely smooth and relatively easy to handle. MCG is pure win and extremely fun. The carv and carv-s are both really nice. The msw is a bit rough, feels more like an nc gun. Trac and t5 are both really smooth, at least to me.

2. VS: pretty impressive for the most part. Fast firing, almost as quick as the the TR guns, at least it feels that way. Most of these guns hip fire extremely well with no aids. Really like the Orion. I have no attachments on it and its works great all around.

3. NC: they all hit hard, but just difficult to handle, and consequently it's feast or famine. Not fun at all, borderline frustrating. The guass saw is the only good hmg, but they ALL handle like hogs and none of them hip fire well no matter what you use, my biggest gripe. The only gun from the entire empire that I actually like is the GD-7. My earlier review was prior to me trying other empires. Ignorance was bliss while it lasted.

2012-11-08, 09:41 PM
After thinking about it a bit more, I think I understand why nc weapons are so streaky and relatively poor: not only do they have a slow rof, but control is poor too. They need to negate one of those drawbacks IMO, too much going against them.

2012-11-08, 11:58 PM
I know it's hard to balance a game like this... But i still like the idea of the different empires handling slightly (but noticably) different. I mean in CS, terrorists can buy the AK and CT's the M4A1, but you can pick up enemy weapons there.

It would be interesting to see if it's currently possible to get the NC weapons to fire closer to TR weapons through mods and attachments.

BeerBeer, buy all attachments. K, GO!

2012-11-09, 12:03 AM
I have all nc attachments. Don't need many other empire attachments as I do fine without them, although I have them.

I agree, benefits/drawbacks are nice. I wasn't privy to early beta weapons, so maybe things were different back then.

2012-11-09, 05:31 AM
I think it all depends on the person, I do fine with nc but suck the big one with vs and I run around with iron sights

2012-11-09, 06:52 AM
as a NC, i will say i like the feel of a gun over a water pistol

2012-11-09, 07:12 AM
Play more as a VS and watch your shields and health drop at max range to NC weapons, while yours struggles to bring down even their shields.

Or snipe someone at huge range, only to have a medic turn around spot you and put three bullets in you before you can reload your bolt action.

I mean, i do well enough with all factions and weapons that i don't get annoyed by imbalancing issues at all anymore, and infantry combat seems pretty solid. But to suggest that the NC's weapons need the most work doesn't compute to me.

But i agree i prefered it that the factions played noticably different. I never minded dieing to the jackhammer when someone got in close, i never minded dieing to the mini chain gun because i knew the cone of fire was a bitch. But with the VS, i dont know in what situation were supposed to win? Its like our entire faction revolves around the travel versatility of the Magrider.

I say bring back our ammo switching ability, 1 for infantry and one for max's. That would be enough to keep us happy. Would go along way to balancing when the NC MAX's finally get their uber shield, and the TR can mince us with their lock down. If we can switch our ammo type to drop them quicker, i wont mind being outgunned in other situations.

2012-11-09, 07:55 AM
Let me start by saying I love the TR weapons and I am having a long term relationship with the CARV-S. But in reading the forum I have noticed a lot of "greener on the other side of the fence" comments. I myself have thought the VS weapons are OP but my loyalty would never allow me to switch to try them. In my opinion if you hate a certain faction’s weapons it could mean that it doesn’t fit your play style. In fact I’m certain that in most cases that’s the case. I was NC in PS1 but find in PS2 the NC weapons just don’t work for my play style. Sorry for the long post!

2012-11-09, 08:52 AM
I mostly play NC but have dabbled with the other empires, and in general I don't have any serious gripes about the NC weapons, especially the Engi and HA default weapons. My "must have" attachment is the forward grip; makes the recoil more predictable; at least that is what it feels like.

2012-11-09, 09:33 AM
The VS weapons are a happy middle ground between the TR and NC IMO. Each bullet seems to hit harder than TR weapons, with just a slighty lower rof. Control and barrel movement are fairly similar for the most part, although both of these empires have guns that deviate from these themes.

One thing the vs weapons have an edge over all empires is hip firing in close quarters. They just work really well, at least for me, with no attachments.

2012-11-09, 10:21 AM
NC weapons are what I expected and I kill more than I die which tells me I win more than I lose when it comes to the gun play which is just a part of an FPS. Besides it fit's the factions profile. I have not tried any other factions weapons on purpose, rather choosing to focus my time learning the NC.

2012-11-09, 12:15 PM
You should try them all out now, IMO, while it's still in beta.

Even if you end up sticking with one empire throughout, at least you can see for yourself the guns you'll be going up against and how they perform under varying situations. Knowing their capabilities first-hand can give you an advantage when you see them on the battlefield.

2012-11-09, 12:39 PM
After trying them my feeling is that the Vanu weapons are easy to use effectively. I dont like Vanu on principal but I have an easier time dealing damage with than than I do with the NC which I have played the most.

2012-11-09, 10:49 PM
Another thing occurred to me: gun balance will be hard and extremely difficult with fast ttks all around, which means, the guns with the most control will probably win more, averaged over the long run, and taking everything else equally into consideration.

Longer ttks means the empire differences will become more apparent. As it stands now, the low ttks hurt some aspects more than others and I really don't think the differences matters much now as whoever can control their gun the best has an higher chance to win no matter what.

2013-01-02, 09:22 PM
well, I actually like the low recoil of the NCs guass saw s, I have actually sniped out a few infiltrators with it with just an iron sight, right now I am saving up to put a better sight for it :P

2013-01-02, 10:03 PM
Lol, it's funny looking back at my old posts and to see how much I've switched from actually caring about infantry weapons to not giving a rat's ass today.

Even the tone and frequency of infantry gun imbalance threads, here and on Sony's forum, have all but disappeared as most of the people who cared about this aspect if the game have switched or left.

2013-01-02, 10:15 PM
I just wish the TTK was slightly higher on everything to provide for better differentiation when purchasing "sidegrades" and such. Would make the buy more appealing and also like someone said could make the empires weapons behavior more distinguishable. Oh well.

2013-01-02, 10:40 PM
Who cares about TTK when I can instantly kill things in vehicles.

2013-01-02, 10:42 PM
or noob tube with HA or underslung ;)

2013-01-02, 11:30 PM
I was just watching Buzz's Twitch stream and saw very, very little vehicle spam. I think what it boils down to in this game is just zerg with numbers and you can do whatever playstyle you feel like. You can overwhelm what anyone throws at you. Now that is a shame. I enjoyed the behind the lines sneaky effectiveness but that is all but gone.

2013-01-02, 11:31 PM
Actually, the more I think about it, the fact that weapon imbalance threads have all but disappeared speaks volumes.

One, no one cares about infantry weapons anymore, two, those that did have deserted this game for the most part, and the reason it's a freaking ghost town.

2013-01-03, 09:33 AM
At least the NC weapons look, feel and sound bad-ass. I just wish they were a tad more potent. Not that fun to use.
VS weapons look ugly imo but feel and sound rather potent. Easiest weapons to handle and fun to use.
TR weapons look rather ok but feel and sound impotent although they perform otherwise. Generally good spray fun with high ROF

2013-01-03, 12:12 PM
PS2 infantry in a nutshell:


2013-01-03, 12:52 PM
I would have to say from an VS point of view ( I havent really played other factions in PS2 yet) I dont see an large problem with weapon ballance.

The NC weapons hit hard (like they have always done). With attachments they become more controlable, and accuracy comes with that, but not by much. But its the fact that you may not hit the target all the time, but when you do it doesnt take much to bring someone down.

TR weapons are steady, dont do as much damage but are very accurate and have a steady rate of fire. Though the damage by there rounds is lowered they put more rounds on target, and there kick isnt as bad ( not to include there chain gun) simply taking a knee and aiming down the scope will put a target down in 5 hits.

VS there weapons dont do alot of damage to IMO, but there rate of fire is very high, the lasher is a energy type weapon and depending on how close i am to the target will determine how fast I drop him. Accuracy is improved with the adding of sights this helps alot, also forward grips on heavier weapons brings up the effectiveness on the weapons meter.

I mean with each faction they have advantages and disadvantages with the heavy assault weapons.
VS-high rate of fire, AOE damage
NC-slow rate of fire, hits like a truck
TR-medium rate of fire, descent damage

So I mean every one should try each factions weapons just to get a feel and to know what your up against.