View Full Version : Astral Projection, OoBE & Lucid Dreams
2003-03-26, 08:52 PM
Do you all believe in that stuff? If so, how many have tried it, or had it happen?
*edit: Damn my grammer.
2003-03-26, 09:01 PM
I know lucid dreaming is real I've been doing it since I was a small kid.
Its fun actually! I used to practice throwing myself in a lucid dream and got pretty good at it. I'd have my way with women and other fun stuff, like stab and beat on people. :o
Bout the other stuff.....Nope(WTF is the OO thing?)
2003-03-26, 09:02 PM
i dont nkow what any of it is. its possible for me to beleive in it but i dont even know whats going on
2003-03-26, 09:17 PM
yeah, wtf are you guys talking about, explain to me what astral project is?
2003-03-26, 09:31 PM
OoBE: Out of Body Experiences
Google search it if you don't know. Too much to explain, need sleep.
2003-03-26, 09:40 PM
i...don't think i beleive in it. i know there was one time i thought i could manipulate what i did in my own dream but it was too cloudy and didnt uhh work right. nah i don't think i beleive in the stuff.
2003-03-26, 09:53 PM
Go check out and go from there you'll get full of info, or just do a web search.
Lucid dreaming=when you KNOW you are dreaming and its like conciousness being awake in a dream. Hella fun you youngins can loose yer virginity there HAHA :D (I did!)
2003-03-26, 09:58 PM
whoa shit i wanna do that! i can like fly and do crazy stuff like go hulk-mode and kick peoples ass. tell me howwwwww:)
2003-03-26, 10:03 PM
I think that insted of all this general stuff that 90% of the people can apply to their lifes, they should have very specific ones, to realy freak out those 1 or 2 that match it
Hi fred, you know that realy annoying guy george in marketing, ya, well today is the day to get your revenge. We recemend setting his files on fire at 3:23 pm, when he will be least likely to notice. Enjoy!
*On the news that night* This just in, 37 freds have set file cabnets on fire today, 37 georges are baffled at what is going on and......
2003-03-26, 10:05 PM
2003-03-26, 10:07 PM
admit it, that is funny! :lol::lol::lol:
2003-03-26, 10:08 PM
It's one of them Vulcan jokes.
2003-03-26, 10:08 PM
2003-03-26, 10:10 PM
I dont get it.
2003-03-26, 10:11 PM
me neither. laughing at the comment 'one of them Vulcan jokes '
2003-03-26, 10:13 PM
:lol: must be .... must be :lol:
the point was that insted of something like "you will have a good day" or "now is the day to take risks" You have soemthing that applies so well to someone's life that they are so shocked, they belive it, since it has to apply to them, etc
ok... here is another...
now go out and get like a 50-100 turtles
put the turtles in the way to work (like stares, parking garage, walkway, etc) at work (lots at the bottom lvl, few at top if possible)
Now, create a fake CNN web page that says that turtles climb to higher ground when a hurricane is coming....
When people start talking about the turtles, say you remember hearing something about that on the news... print the page, and there you go, instant good times :lol::lol::lol:
A hurricane s coming!!! A hurricane is coming!!! :lol:
2003-03-26, 10:26 PM
Go check out and go from there you'll get full of info, or just do a web search.
Lucid dreaming=when you KNOW you are dreaming and its like conciousness being awake in a dream. Hella fun you youngins can loose yer virginity there HAHA :D (I did!)
RELAX CHILDREN, it froze on the THANKS FOR POSTING screen and when I got back from the store I hit refreshed. And for some reason I have lost the ability to delete my posts :(
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2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
3. Hamma Hates YOU
4. eMa Hates You and disabled it do to your not returning her phone calls.
Logged in user: Revolution [logout]
2003-03-26, 10:29 PM
didn't you just post that?
2003-03-26, 10:36 PM
ya, waz up with the double post?
2003-03-26, 10:44 PM
Yes then I logged off and went up the street for a soda(lies I went for booze)....?!
Here is one for you if you want to get into psycic(Now lots of people wont believe this just like Anti -War people are so narrow minded SO IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED OR WILL NEVER EVER BE OPENMINDED DONT WASTE YOUR TIME fOO)
Me and a buddy used Remote Viewing to predict sports game winners. Then we'd go bet on em. I will try to break it down best I can to explain:
I'd get 2 objects of total dissimilarity. Then I'd label them team A and team B, then hide them where only I'd find em.
Now after the game, one of those teams will obviously be the winner and I give my friend the object that was labeled with the winning team. THat event WILL happen no matter what he WILL get an object in his hand, the object that I labeled with the name of the winning team. Follow me? (The pen is the Raiders the watch is the Bucs, he obviously got the watch)
Now before the game a night before usually, we get together have sacraficial beer and he gets in his zone(with a candle sometimes, or just a beer) and takes pen and paper, and tries to forsee what object he WILL be given after the game, and attempts to feel or see it and draw it. Now I take the drawing and compare it to the two dissimilar objects. If its right on, we bet on it, if its not, we call it a night. But 70% of the time the drawing is of one of the objects.....! Now the drawer has NO idea what they are or anything. And the item picker has to make sure the items are totally dissimilar. Like a used condom and a hanger.......Couldnt get em confused.
Yea I know some think its nuts but I been there and done it, although I didnt draw much my drawings were right on the money when I did. But you have to have fun at it. When we tried to make it a business neither could forsee the object because it ceased to be fun, such as LUCK, but it was not mere luck, Think of the odds to be able to feel an imaginary object in your hand and draw one out of 2 chosen out of ANYTHING POSSIBLE...
2003-03-26, 11:40 PM
A test to prove stuff like this:
When your a stop light, look at someone, but make sure they cannot see you right then. Most of the time, they will look right at you as if you called their name.
2003-04-20, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by Revolution
I know lucid dreaming is real I've been doing it since I was a small kid.
Its fun actually! I used to practice throwing myself in a lucid dream and got pretty good at it. I'd have my way with women and other fun stuff, like stab and beat on people. :o
Bout the other stuff.....Nope(WTF is the OO thing?)
This guy is on crack......
2003-04-20, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Revolution
Yes then I logged off and went up the street for a soda(lies I went for booze)....?!
Here is one for you if you want to get into psycic(Now lots of people wont believe this just like Anti -War people are so narrow minded SO IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED OR WILL NEVER EVER BE OPENMINDED DONT WASTE YOUR TIME fOO)
Me and a buddy used Remote Viewing to predict sports game winners. Then we'd go bet on em. I will try to break it down best I can to explain:
I'd get 2 objects of total dissimilarity. Then I'd label them team A and team B, then hide them where only I'd find em.
Now after the game, one of those teams will obviously be the winner and I give my friend the object that was labeled with the winning team. THat event WILL happen no matter what he WILL get an object in his hand, the object that I labeled with the name of the winning team. Follow me? (The pen is the Raiders the watch is the Bucs, he obviously got the watch)
Now before the game a night before usually, we get together have sacraficial beer and he gets in his zone(with a candle sometimes, or just a beer) and takes pen and paper, and tries to forsee what object he WILL be given after the game, and attempts to feel or see it and draw it. Now I take the drawing and compare it to the two dissimilar objects. If its right on, we bet on it, if its not, we call it a night. But 70% of the time the drawing is of one of the objects.....! Now the drawer has NO idea what they are or anything. And the item picker has to make sure the items are totally dissimilar. Like a used condom and a hanger.......Couldnt get em confused.
Yea I know some think its nuts but I been there and done it, although I didnt draw much my drawings were right on the money when I did. But you have to have fun at it. When we tried to make it a business neither could forsee the object because it ceased to be fun, such as LUCK, but it was not mere luck, Think of the odds to be able to feel an imaginary object in your hand and draw one out of 2 chosen out of ANYTHING POSSIBLE...
This guy is taking LSD...I can sense it with my pyschic powers......I will blow your brains up into a ballon if you don't stop posting this bullshit......I am open minded alright......but hell.....I am not that open minded
2003-04-20, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Revolution
Go check out and go from there you'll get full of info, or just do a web search.
Lucid dreaming=when you KNOW you are dreaming and its like conciousness being awake in a dream. Hella fun you youngins can loose yer virginity there HAHA :D (I did!)
RELAX CHILDREN, it froze on the THANKS FOR POSTING screen and when I got back from the store I hit refreshed. And for some reason I have lost the ability to delete my posts :(
You do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
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2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
3. Hamma Hates YOU
4. eMa Hates You and disabled it do to your not returning her phone calls.
Logged in user: Revolution [logout]
LoL...I LOVE LUCID DREAMING ALREADY....I think i've had one before...hell...I even ejaculated when I woke up it was so "touching".....I'd give my left nut to spend a life-time in a lucid dream...
2003-04-20, 12:49 PM
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