View Full Version : New vehicle info

2003-03-27, 12:06 AM
The official site finally updated their vehicle info with more in depth coverage of the vehicles, and *gasp* all the vehicles listed!


Some interesting info, though nothing we really didn't already know. Just thought it was worth a mention.

2003-03-27, 12:39 AM
Whoa whoa whoa........
Since when could you do this (http://planetside.station.sony.com/screenshots/Deliverer_a.jpg)?

2003-03-27, 12:43 AM
yea ofn dude

it can go across water. sort of floats across.

(ofn that its aquatic)

2003-03-27, 12:44 AM
The Deliverer has always been stated as an amphibious vehicle. We have only recently (like since a week or 2 ago) even seen the Deliverer.

Note: That's the half squad APC, not the full squad Sunderer. And that is, of course, an ability specific to the Deliverer (not counting the limited time the Vanu hover vehicles can cross water).

2003-03-27, 12:45 AM
Is it just that vehicle that can float or is it others too? Iv only seen that vehicle in the water so it seems that way.

2003-03-27, 12:45 AM
:eek: /me passes out....

2003-03-27, 12:49 AM
Deliverer can float?

Sweet, looks like I got a gun boat :twisted: :p

2003-03-27, 01:13 AM
its not even in deep water more like up to the wheels

2003-03-27, 01:58 AM
The deliverer can cross water period. It is the only vehicle that can indefinitely.

2003-03-27, 06:09 AM
All the tanks are listed as medium... cool. Might come some bigger tanks later then =)

Annyways, i love that prowler description.. heaviest armor =) Kinda surpised that the light gun on the magrider is that fixed thing in the hull.

2003-03-27, 07:31 AM
seems that vanu is paying the better than average handling plus strafing capability with turrets who cant be rotated 360� and are also limted in pivoting vertically.

Now they need to add speed descriptions.

2003-03-27, 07:35 AM

2003-03-27, 08:58 AM
The Sunder looks like a garbage truck. Still a phat ride however.

2003-03-27, 09:08 AM
Someone posted this same topic over 5 hours after this one was up...Dumb

Da King
2003-03-27, 09:16 AM
Me loves the paint on the TR planes man thats cool looking

2003-03-27, 12:59 PM
Ya the Galixy looks AWSOME in TR paint, same with the reaver :drools:

2003-03-27, 03:53 PM
that TR galaxy looks l33t :jawdrop:

2003-03-27, 03:58 PM
SOmeone said Deliverer could be a gunboat. Thats a good idea acctualy. A bit of defenses at rivers!

2003-03-27, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Peacemaker
SOmeone said Deliverer could be a gunboat. Thats a good idea acctualy. A bit of defenses at rivers!

*bows* :cool:

2003-03-27, 04:07 PM
that new heavy transport looks like it could be a tank killer... sweet:D

2003-03-27, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Zatrais
Kinda surpised that the light gun on the magrider is that fixed thing in the hull.

Yah, that magrider desciption seemed wacky. :confused:

The President
2003-03-27, 04:13 PM
Yeah the TR paint is rad as hell. The deliverer can stay on water indefinetely? Ha that's good to hear, i agree with the gunboat idea is that is so. Yeah im gonna have a Vanu shoot me with the Magriders Rail Beam to see what it does, looks killer.

-The President:sniper:

2003-03-27, 04:14 PM
It's not the light gun that's fixed, its the heavy anti-tank gun. The lighter anti-infantry gun is on the turret on top.

Heh, who needs a turret when you can circle-strafe?

2003-03-27, 04:21 PM
No the big huge gun mounted at the front of the mag is acctualy the smaller gun. The one on top is the main gun so to speak.

"The Magrider is the Vanu Sovereignty's Main Battle Tank. Built upon Vanu Alien technology, it has the ability to hover across both ground and water. This propulsion system also gives the Magrider the ability to strafe left or right. The drawback, however, is that the Sovereignty has not perfected the anti-gravitic drive yet so weight is still a critical issue. Because of this, their primary weapon, a heavy energy rail beam has a limited forward pivot. The secondary weapon system, which the pilot controls, is a light Pulsed Particle Accelerator, and >>>>is mounted on the front <<<< of the vehicle."

I rest my case

2003-03-27, 04:22 PM
Negative, the upper turret is the rail gun, the tank killer. The forward, fixed gun is the Pulsed something-or-other gun, which is assumed to be anti-infantry.

2003-03-27, 04:23 PM
only 2 MAX's can ride in a galaxy, thats new, or atleast new to me. i remember stories of beta testing where a whole squad of MAX's dropped out of one, they must have just changed this

2003-03-27, 04:23 PM
Isnt that what I just said?

2003-03-27, 04:39 PM
Yaaaay, more vehicles! Hoorah! :thumbsup:
Anyway, I did know about it. But thanks for posting!

2003-03-27, 05:19 PM
I agree that the tr paint looks awesome, but is that the real reason like 80% of the people on these forums are tr? I'm nc because I like the gauss rifle/phoenix combo, i prefer damage over rate of fire because it makes the fight less of a spray fest. I also believe gauss will be better then the cycler in larger battles because the cycler only has 10 rounds more then the gauss, and with a very fast rate of fire in a big battle, u dont want to run out of ammo that fast.

Also, I still don't understand the purpose of the ANT, the description there was a little foggy, what does giving temporary power to a silo do?

Still looking for an outfit though, I think it'd be a bad idea to go into planetside with no one to move out with... All the cool people who don't act gay are on tr, too bad, it'll be a challenge to find a decent nc clan.

2003-03-27, 05:25 PM
The purpose of the ANT is to recharge a base's silo energy. Pretty much everything a base is used for drains energy... Just keeping it captured requiers a very small amount of energy drain.

So lets say a silo has (pulling numbers out of my ass here, just for examples) you want to spawn a vanguard tank. Vanguard costs 20.. the silo has 19 Nanites left... So you'll have to spawn a ANT to go recharge the silo before you can spawn a vanguard at that base.

Note, theres no economy in PS.... Just energy levels of bases and a friendly base can be used by annyone.

2003-03-27, 05:26 PM
I'm TR because I want to fight for the evil empire.

2003-03-27, 05:27 PM
We're not evil. We're just benevolently-challenged. :trrocks:

2003-03-27, 05:31 PM
Personnally I wouldn't put to much confidence in the Magrider description given since it seems to be contradicting itself and impliing that the (much)bigger gun is the weaker gun which defies logic.

It contradicts its self here:

"their primary weapon, a heavy energy rail beam has a limited forward pivot."

"The secondary weapon system, which the pilot controls, is a light Pulsed Particle Accelerator, and is mounted on the front of the vehicle."

For one the the bigger gun in the front far better fits the description of a "heavy energy rail beam" over the small gun on top.
Secondly it mentions that the Primary gun has a limited forward pivot which is what the big gun has. The small gun on top dosn't appear to have any pivot but merely can sway independently from the tank.
Conclusion: the bigger gun is in fact the rail beam and the Magrider summary is incorrect.

The President
2003-03-27, 05:41 PM
Yeah i most deffinetly agree that the front weapon more resembles a rail beam launcher but who knows.

And Peacemaker i assume LNS wrote that reply around the same time as you which woudl explain why he said the same thing you did. It happens.

-The President:sniper:

2003-03-27, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Peacemaker
Isnt that what I just said?

Yeah. Did you check your timestamps? :rolleyes:

2003-03-27, 06:42 PM
Does anyone else think that the Sunderer looks a little small to carry 11 people total? It does to me.

2003-03-27, 07:29 PM
Well i sorta figured that out earlyer but anyways. As to the discusion about the Magrider, im wondering about its stats. Lets just assume the description is accurate.

1.What do you think the Armour is? I cant see something light enough to fly taking more than two or three hits from say a Vangaurd (WOOOT DIE Vanu, TR you can live b/c you have been misled during your entire life and thus your vision has been skewed of right and wrong...) (TR havethe most armour, NC are in the middle and Vanu are tagging along in the rear)
2.I think that it may have the best accuracy of any of the tanks of the game (TR has worst, NC in the mid again!)
3. its reload speed is low (Ill bet my socks that NC have the slowest reload and the vanu come in second in this catagory and then TR).
4.The Shells probly have Med. hitting potental (THis is based on the TR throw out insane amounts of fire but each individual bullet is weak and the NC well the NC have a 150mm cannon).
5.It will most likly be the fastest medium moving tank in the game and the most manuverable (NC coming in 2nd for both and TR falling behind in 3rd)

After looking at this It appears that the TR and the Vanu will be a good match for each other but the NC may (other than ROF) have NO distinct disadvantages (Altho they may have the worst accuracy based on they use shotguns, but when i think High rof i think inaccurate). They almost always land in the middle. I love my NC comrads but i wanna know what I compare to. What do u guys think? It wouldnt be balanced if NC were mid RoF, Accuracy armour, speed, manuvarbility and top in damage. Or not that fair even if the accuracy was the worst which is basicaly a coin toss untill open beta.

Im gonna make a new post with this btw

2003-03-27, 09:32 PM
Limited forward pivot refers to the turret on the top of the vehicle. It means that it doesn't have 360 degree rotation like most turrets do.

Even a cursory glance at the Magrider should tell you that the front mounted gun has NO pivot. Since it is controlled by the pilot, it is aimed by moving the entire vehicle. I don't see this being a huge drawback, since it is listed as having "Good" handling. Not having to rely on wheels/treads is a pretty distinct advantage.

2003-03-27, 09:41 PM
A bit of this is new information to me. I didn't know the sunderer had 2 75mm cannons... that is just friggin sweet. There's a new reason to use the sunderer over the galaxy. :D

2003-03-27, 09:51 PM
Actually the front Gun on the Magrider DOES in fact have some limited pivot which was evident in the most earliest of screenshots right up to now simply by seeing that the cannon has a cylinder anchor where it attatchs to the tank which enables it to go up and down. But it hasn't been confirmed in my mind intill the latest screenshot where it actually shows the front gun in a lifted position thus confirming that it pivots up and down.

But all that aside everything else I said equally shows that the Magrider summary is incorrect for the "Heavy Energy Rail Beam" could logically speaking not be the small gun on top and the "Light Pulsed Particle Accelerator" gun the huge(twice the size) gun in the front like the description says it is.

2003-03-27, 10:32 PM
We know of a land vehical layer and air....but what about water? will we be seeing battleships in the near future? Going from continent to continent in an air craft carrier? And I hope that they add new aircraft and tanks as time goes on...

2003-04-04, 07:21 AM
<--- opens his mouth to say exactly how the Magrider acts in combat...

But the Beta Police (who look alot like TR) burst through the door and gag him before he can say anything...

mmMMRRFF!!! mmFFRRRR!!! rrrMMFF!