View Full Version : NC is WEAK WEAK WEAK??????????????
2003-03-27, 07:26 AM
Author Topic: Is NC the weakiest empire!?
Station Member
Registered: Jan 2002
posted 03-25-2003 07:06 AM user search report post
Beta test journal week 5:
"Friday, the Vanu Sovereignty locked down the continent of Hossin, becoming the first Empire to do so. On Saturday, VS also locked down Forseral, while the Terran Republic locked down the continent of Oshur. The continental lock conditions had already passed our own internal testing. However, this was the first time that actual players were able to meet that goal."
Beta test journal week 3:
The epic battle of the week occurred in the central volcanic crater on the continent Searhus. The New Conglomerate had deployed two Advanced Mobile Stations in close proximity to the Pele Amp Station, which was controlled by the Vanu Sovereignty. A Vanu Sovereignty hacker equipped his stealth suit and slipped past the NC defenses to hack the more distant AMS. The VS now had a strategic vantage point behind the NC's main assault. The NC's well-planned assault on the Amp Station took an unexpected turn, as VS defenders engaged them from the front and, to the NC's surprise, hit them with an assault from behind as well. The battle raged, with the NC tirelessly defending their AMS so they could carry out their plan. Over time, the VS wore down their defenses and the NC threat was ended with the destruction of their AMS."
I get a feeling that it's always either VS or TR who wins the fights about bases or continents. I really hope they balance things out if it isn't. Either it's not balanced or those who plays in NC empire really suck. Let me join beta so I can have a feeling about the balancing issue before it's to late. Does TRs machine guns and VS laser beams deal to much damage? I know, with my own experience, it's much better to use a fast shooting machine gun than to shoot one bullet at a time with a slow shooting rate, when it's much lag. Better to hit once in a while and spray out lots of bullets, than never.
Weak you say?
Station Admin
Registered: Jan 2003 posted 03-25-2003 05:03 PM user search report post
The NC is well-balanced as compared to the other Empires. The beta journals focus on specific events and should not be considered representative of the entire week. Hopefully, they'll lock down a continent of their own soon just to prove it.
Victor Wachter
Community Relations Representative
Many questions can be answered by reading the PlanetSide Game Info and FAQ
2003-03-27, 10:57 AM
Let me join beta so I can have a feeling about the balancing issue before it's to late.
I'd just like to say that stupid people who pander for beta entries by giving false ultimatum/doom&gloom interpretations, combined with the arrogance that they are the only one who can fix a problem that they know nothing about really bug me.
That's all.
2003-03-27, 11:10 AM
2003-03-27, 12:08 PM
Maybe the NC players in the beta sucks? It is good that its still beta so the vanu and terran don't controll the planets when the real game starts.
2003-03-27, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Matuse
I'd just like to say that stupid people who pander for beta entries by giving false ultimatum/doom&gloom interpretations, combined with the arrogance that they are the only one who can fix a problem that they know nothing about really bug me.
That's all.
lol :D
I agree with you entirely Matuse.
2003-03-27, 04:47 PM
Although I am racked with jealousy...
I have faith that the present beta-testers and especially the devs will balance everything out by the time it is officially released.
The Apocalypse
2003-03-28, 05:10 AM
Just remember that what is going on in the beta testing is going to be different to what happens in the real thing because:
a)there are going to be more people in the real thing
b)there will be a multitude of player skill levels on all sides
c)this is just a test
d)if this does happen in the real thing something will probably be done about it
then again I could be wrong...
2003-03-28, 08:28 AM
NC players don't suck.
We have less men than the other empires.
We have locked down MULTIPLE continents.
Terran Chainguns are too good.
edit: Wednesday devs had us fight so they could take screenshots for press. I led my squad to capping the base thanks to some incredible teamwork while another squad laid down some fire outside. We also had the least people.
2003-03-28, 09:32 PM
The NC took Amerish and then held it against TR aggression for a number of hours this afternoon
2003-03-29, 01:04 AM
im not a NC fan in anyway but still just give them a chance some things take time like ugly girls getting hot(ps. it dont always happen but i can dream can't i?) and im jealous that the beta testers get 2 play but all i can say is have fun and make it the best it can be for the public and 2 the devs 2 :) :cheers: :vsrocks:
2003-03-29, 04:34 PM
With the amount of people playing now, the majority of continents are usually empty, and it's easy to lock a continent. That beta log just shows that VS is a bunch of ninja hackers. VS has never even gotten close to locking down the continent where all the fighting is taking place, while NC has. TR probably has too
2003-03-29, 11:25 PM
The thing about the NC is they don't have good long range weapons like the TR and the VS in a fire fight. It could be the cone of fire not being tight enough to do some good damage at longer ranges. The NC have to be a little more planned and ambush there foes cause the NC firepower is up close and personal with the Jackhammer. A lot of the players are using the empire specific weapons over the common pool ones too so that could have a lot to do with it.
2003-03-30, 02:00 PM
DUHH!!! The phoenix!
2003-03-30, 02:26 PM
the phonenix is just made for anti-vehicular combat have u tried 2 to hit infantry from with distance with a rocket when they can run and shoot u (ps srry bout spelling im tired as hell) :vsrocks:
2003-03-30, 02:40 PM
They are long range though. You control them in flight.
2003-03-30, 05:30 PM
Ranger I want to correct you a little bit. The Gauss is a long ranged assult rifle, although it does not have the anti-recoil of the vanu's ar or the scope of the terran's ar it makes up for it with its high damage. It has pretty good range as compared to the other factions weapons.
Yeah but more than likely cone of fire/accuracy isn't as good as the other empire rifles.
Btw Saint is it just me or have you not posted much lately? Maybe i just didn't notice your posts but seems to me this is the first in a while. :)
2003-03-31, 09:21 PM
From what I hear, NC is only like 25% of the beta population of the time of those beta logs. And the VS was at like 40%+ of the population. So I think its just getting overwhelmed by numbers more than any balance issue.
Originally posted by �io
Yeah but more than likely cone of fire/accuracy isn't as good as the other empire rifles.
I don't know... I think a railgun/rifle weapon would seem to be a bit more accurate than a gun that has a drum of ammo. Usually when guns have drums of ammo, they have low accuracy because of the ammout of lead they spit out.
2003-04-05, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Prefect
From what I hear, NC is only like 25% of the beta population of the time of those beta logs. And the VS was at like 40%+ of the population. So I think its just getting overwhelmed by numbers more than any balance issue.
VS has barely any
2003-04-06, 11:14 AM
Hey, it's pretty easy to hit infantry with it if you can aim =P
I wouldn't say Vanu's long-ranged weaponry is any better then NC's.
2003-04-06, 03:40 PM
NC are weak just because of thge lack of members. Also I fing the Phoenix to be the cheapest weapon in the game. I mean as long as a couple of ppl have 'em no one can make any good air strafing runs. Also the Cycler is definately the best rounded weapon in the game. Followed closely by the Gauss and lasher.
:trrocks: I love 'em.
2003-04-06, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by BlakkyZ8
NC are weak just because of thge lack of members. Also I fing the Phoenix to be the cheapest weapon in the game. I mean as long as a couple of ppl have 'em no one can make any good air strafing runs. Also the Cycler is definately the best rounded weapon in the game. Followed closely by the Gauss and lasher.
:trrocks: I love 'em.
Weak = not strong
Few members does not = weak
VS = weak according to your rules
2003-04-06, 05:05 PM
As someone pointed out earlier the VS are all hackers. Also I'm not ragging on the NC as you seem to think I am and whats the point of your "weak = not strong" everyone knows what it means.
Stop trying to act cool.
2003-04-07, 06:23 AM
I thought we already agreed that the VS and NC suck?
2003-04-07, 11:47 AM
Well, all i know is that everytime i log into my NC character and go into battle i get slaughtered. Maybe its because im a noobie and maybe is because i only have the 2nd level armor, but then again it was 5 of us vs 2 TR MAXs and we got owned ... ... :(
Im not sure if its really unbalanced from my testing, maybe when the real game comes out and we have massive wars everything will be fine.
Happy lil Elf
2003-04-08, 03:34 PM
Re: the original title: No.
Jim Raynor
2003-04-08, 04:38 PM
NC is good i on TR in beta and they are not weak there have weak point but they good.
-there max is like a rock me vs them with out say 9 guys we die easy so NC max is cool now 2 we need like 21 guy to take them down.
-if the NC plan on how to take a base they win like 80% of the time it works if they have 2 mx and 13 guys we can't win will that not right it we had more it like 50% any thing go.
TR are great . TR forever.
2003-04-08, 06:56 PM
wow jim you message was pretty hard to understand. Can u make it a little harder to understand plz? oh and if you don't understand im bein sarcastic :vsrock:
Jim Raynor
2003-04-08, 07:45 PM
ok lol it me i was making point about the /NC that all
2003-04-08, 10:02 PM
Why was this thread dug up? Doesnt matter, NC own. That is all.
Happy lil Elf
2003-04-09, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Jim Raynor
NC is good i on TR in beta and they are not weak there have weak point but they good.
-there max is like a rock me vs them with out say 9 guys we die easy so NC max is cool now 2 we need like 21 guy to take them down.
-if the NC plan on how to take a base they win like 80% of the time it works if they have 2 mx and 13 guys we can't win will that not right it we had more it like 50% any thing go.
TR are great . TR forever.
I will now translate this into English:
NC is good. I'm on TR in beta and they(NC, I assume) are not weak. They have weak points but they good.
Their (NC) max is like a rock. Against a NC MAX without say 9 other guys I die easy. Now make that two MAXs and we need like 21 guys to take them down.
If the NC plans out how to take a base they win like 80% of the time. It works if they have 2 MAX and 13 guys we can't win will that not right it we had more it like 50% any thing go (He lost me here, no idea what he's trying ot say).
NC is great. NC forever.
(Sorry, editorial rights /nod :p )
2003-04-09, 09:49 PM
Wow, that's a pretty good translation, Elf. :) Think I can get what you missed though ;).
If the NC plans out how to take a base they win like 80% of the time. It works if they have 2 MAX and 13 guys we can't win will that not right it we had more it like 50% any thing go (He lost me here, no idea what he's trying ot say).
It works if they have 2 MAX and 13 guys. We can't win. Well that's not right. If we had more men, it's like 50%, anything goes. (meaning the result of the battle is a toss up, totally up to skill)
:D :love:
2003-04-09, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Jim Raynor
NC is good i on TR in beta and they are not weak there have weak point but they good.
-there max is like a rock me vs them with out say 9 guys we die easy so NC max is cool now 2 we need like 21 guy to take them down.
-if the NC plan on how to take a base they win like 80% of the time it works if they have 2 mx and 13 guys we can't win will that not right it we had more it like 50% any thing go.
TR are great . TR forever.
Proper Translation:
NC is good. I am on TR's side in beta and they are not weak either. They have their weak points but they are good too.
NC's MAX is like a rock. If we battle them without at least 9 guys we die easy, so NC MAX is cool. We need at least 21 guys to take them down.
If NC plans on how to take a base they will win 80% of the time. It works if they have 2 MAX's and 13 guys, then we (TR) can't win. Well, actually that is not right. If we had more they would win 50% of the time, anything goes.
TR is great. TR forever.
2003-04-10, 12:56 AM
Even translated it still gives me a headache to read.
Jim Raynor
2003-04-10, 08:02 AM
thanks you for fix me
2003-04-10, 01:15 PM
let's get Jim fixed permenantly.
2003-04-10, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by balab
let's get Jim fixed permenantly. i fully agree and lets all chip in so it gets done right and everyones gonna chip in
The Apocalypse
2003-04-15, 07:48 AM
hell yeah I'm in!!!
It will be a silent spring...
:domotwak: :blowup: :evil: :hitit:
2003-04-17, 11:29 AM
Wellllll im actually currently making a weapons faq heres some raw NC weapons info:(ofcourse not tested based on there stats)
The NC have possibly the worst handgun of them all (well as long as yur indoors wont matter, and its compared to a glockish looking TR repeater) But there is always common pool wich will give you the AMP wich is basically a mac10(to my understanding it will be able to use armor piercing ammo)
Mag cutter just aknifey no biggey
The gauss... Ahhh the gaus god i want this gun look at her in all her glory:
Empire: New Conglomerate
Type: Assault Rifle
Damage: High
Maximum Range: Long
Refire Rate: Fast
Using magnetic field technology, the Gauss assault rifle combines standard combustion-based ammunition with a magnetic field that boosts the actual projectile speed when fired. This allows the Gauss to use standard ammunition more effectively than other assault rifles.
This means she has a very fast shooting bullet (Not a fast rate of fire) and means extra damage will be dealt and shes like an AK can be used at distances the NC have a badass goddam rifle.. Accuracy before speed!The only other ingame rifle that can take the gaus is probaly the TR cycler wich also looks badass but ill get into it when my actual guide comes out (this is about NC)
The jackhammer will be a shotgun death to all in CQB it will be for indoor ass whooping...and im retty sure it owns (but i will still rather have a gauss)
Nothing special just a rocket launcher (named Phoenix)
If forsome reason i am wrong with the gauss or jackhammer there is still some nice looking CP guns: Punisher, AMP,Flecthete rifle...this is still a little bit raw like a said but ill post a link when im done with the weapons guide wich will give info on NC,TR(the commy bastards),VS(the tree hugging hippies)...and if anyone likes my guide ill make one for armor and vehicles
But in all respects my advice is try and get out of the range of tho's commy bastards full autos remember when u fire alot it affects your accuracy (kick) when u fire burst u keep killin and u have minimal kick with the gauss i would fire maybe 5 shots then pause for 1 sec and put my crosshairs back on then shoot again do this behind cover and kick some hippy/commy ass! GO NC!
2003-04-17, 11:32 AM
oh and just wondering how is the gauss/cycler/repeater/AMP? and how many shots does it generally take to kill with a knife/assault rifle/shotgun/pistol/bolt driver? im assuming bolt driver and shotgun are one shot stop?
2003-04-17, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by SaviorJadakiss
im assuming bolt driver and shotgun are one shot stop?
grrr to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllll NEWBIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!
2003-04-17, 03:12 PM
Uhhh so what i didnt make it into beta quit bein an a55
2003-04-17, 03:13 PM
and the faq doesnt tell u damage of weapons u numbnutz
2003-04-17, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Zanzibar
grrr to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllll NEWBIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!
Short version:
*clears throat*
Read the FAQs.
Grrr to all newbies.
2003-04-17, 04:59 PM
As it is right now in the beta, it seems to me that the vanu are getting disorginized, the terran are actaully the opposite thing is they arent very strong, and the nc are slightly orginized but they have REALLY strong guns... its kinda unbalanced actaully.
2003-04-18, 02:33 AM
im in it man i wanted to group with ya. Anyways the 3 factions are equal just skill in each may not be. People in NC need to think about hackers and such b4 they do that. Big thing about this game is thinking ahead and predicting whats going to happen.
2003-04-18, 02:38 AM
if yall have any questions to ask me ive been in closed beta also i know good deal about game just ask me. k?
2003-05-08, 11:46 PM
Ya, I was in exclusive beta, you can ask me, I'm an NC player too.
AIM: Starpoe2
[email protected]
[email protected]
2003-05-14, 09:07 AM
I think anyone on ANY side think that what the other sides have are cheap. >_> I, as a VS, find the TR MAXes and the NC Phoenix or Vangard to be overwhelmingly good, but I'm sure any TR or NC would think the Lancer or Lasher are too good. I think it's a no-win situation. :P
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