View Full Version : Population is still a major issue.

2012-11-23, 02:25 PM
If you don't play during peak hours of the server the fights are tiny so it isn't fun. During peak hours you have 3 zergs from each faction, all on different conts and they always avoid each other. It's so boring because a losing faction will just switch cont to one they're winning so this happens. What they need to do is make some sort of linear progression like Planetside so it encourages people fight in the same battle. There are too many servers during non peak times so it spreads everyone out even more.

They've failed to fix the server problem Planetside had and with only 3 conts everyone is far too spread out. I thought we'd be having a fun battle on Indar, however everyone has left but the TR and we're owning with little resistance.

I hate the capture mechanic too, stand around until you get full influence........ what is the point? Get rid of Outposts and just have towers and bases and make it linear like Planetside, force people together instead of spreading everyone out.

I really have tried with this game, none of my friends like it even though they liked the first, so it makes it even harder to get into when you're not with friends. The game just isn't fun because the whole base capture and population spread is broken....

2012-11-23, 03:27 PM
I'm on Woodman and it seems pretty even there. Lots of big battles that go backwards and forwards. Amerish is the only continent that's been taken so far I think, first by vanu then TR.

2012-11-23, 04:54 PM
I have never had this problem. Push M, and find a hot spot. Join an outfit with people who know what they're doing - like I did, to find fights and feel engaged. If you can't find the enemy because you're just too damn good, split up into a smaller squad or platoon to capture outlining bases, or switch continents. Also, I'm sorry that you hate everything - all of the time, no matter what.

2012-11-23, 05:01 PM
I play during the day and evening (on Miller) .. and not this problem. Fights during the afternoon seem fine.

2012-11-23, 06:43 PM
I'm on Waterson and I'm never on until after midnight and I'm still involved in several hundred man fights for 2am...