View Full Version : Austrlia playing on US server

2012-11-25, 10:55 AM
Well I am in Taiwan..but I am wondering since launch..how is the lag? As far as I know there is no latency meter and I am currently playing on Briggs which I believe is an Australia server (wonder if it is actually located in Australia)...so how is it?

2012-11-25, 11:17 AM
A lot of the Briggs guys have been complaining of lag and the President of SOE, John Smedley, has admitted that they're having some issues out of the Australian data center they're using.

I'm a WAN tech, wish it was something on my network so I could help. :(

They'll get it sorted out sooner or later though. As I understand, they've already made some progress.

2012-11-25, 05:54 PM
You will see players lag on any server, some may do so selectively.

I dont mind playing on Connery and the lag doesnt seem to bother me too much and it's a fair trade off for the larger scale fights on a regular basis.

Briggs will have a large battle going during its prime time when everyone gets on and it can keep you entertained.
With Briggs its a little quieter overall and I have yet to see a fight on Amerish, maybe I get on at the wrong times.
And by fight I dont mean chasing solo cappers around the continent.

There are plenty of quiet spots where you could organise with some mates (or other accounts) to pull up and AMS and farm them for hours and never be disturbed.

Briggs had been shite for the first few days but seems to be improving and should be fine from now on.

Try both and see what you prefer.

2012-11-25, 06:30 PM
You should try Miller.

Its down about 30% of the time.

Restarts at least once every 30 mins in prime-time without warning.