View Full Version : Kind of a big problem.

2012-11-25, 11:09 PM
- I can make a giant stack of certs throwing out ammo and repairing MAXes for the idiots letting themselves be farmed at various faction doors.

-I see people flying around in Libs earning certs like mad by bombing infantry.

-I see tanks spamming high explosives to kill infantry at spawn points earning lots of certs

But If I specialized in my cert points and work really hard to blow up various large vehicles - I hardly earn anything.

I would say the most balanced aspect right in terms of effort vrs reward is infantry killing infantry.

But powerful vehicles farming infantry should not get the same points and infantry killing infantry.
And on the other hand the rewards should be much higher all around for killing tanks and air craft.
The vehicles that mow down people should be worth more.

Particularly goofy is the whole AA craft situation - why would any rational player ever do it. The rewards are tiny for the effort. Equipping an AA item is basically sacrificing yourself for the good of the team - real fun.

Now I really like this game - its extremely fun. But the game play is going to become worse and worse as people realize that the best way to earn certs is so messed up.

2012-11-25, 11:39 PM
A 20% xp reduction for vehicle/plane to infantry kill makes sense. 1 hit kills and spawn farming isn't skill based and xp should reward skill.

2012-11-25, 11:40 PM
What are the point values for taking out a vehicle? Not knowing that is making it very hard to word a reply to this.

These numbers are most likely wrong but this is what I think they are
Sundy 200
Tank 150-200
Aircraft 100
Lightning 150?
Gal 500
Libby 250?
MANA turret 25

Not certain on the numbers, but I do know that it's under what they cost. What if the XP kills give is the same as the res cost? That should up the points for AV and AA equipped troops/MAXes.

2012-11-26, 12:01 AM
My point wasnt an AA rant.

My point was that extremely easy ways to get a bunch of kills should reward less for kills. Killing infantry with a machine shooting high explosives is kind of easy.
And killing a really dangerous machine should be worth more.

And points spammable support stuff would be better if it was linked to the people being supported actually doing something.

2012-11-26, 12:16 AM
Sadly it decided to be an MMO, and farming is part of most Mmo's. I do think it would be nice to see more perks to actually trying to cap points and sorta win, vs farming kills. It seems the system was to keep outfits from being able to fully cert out as fast.

2012-11-26, 01:17 AM
Totally agree.
Another big thing that need urgent balance is snipers [infiltrators]. Cowardliness is sooo well paid in this game... more yet: if infiltrator buy a bit of improve and they'll have an sniper pseudo-machine gun that kill soldiers very far with a single shot.. I just think that must not receive the same reward somebody killing from a hill to a base 300m far, that someone showing himself and attacking with bravery. If this is the point, they better go home and make a witchcraft vodoo attack from there.
Not enough with that, they can become invisible after the attack. This is totally ubalanced and cowardliness-encouraging I think.
And sorry for my bad english.

2012-11-26, 01:20 AM
the funniest part about this though, from what Ive seen, infiltrators make the least amount of cert/exp

2012-11-26, 04:01 AM
My point wasnt an AA rant.

My point was that extremely easy ways to get a bunch of kills should reward less for kills. Killing infantry with a machine shooting high explosives is kind of easy.
And killing a really dangerous machine should be worth more.

And points spammable support stuff would be better if it was linked to the people being supported actually doing something.

All of that sounds reasonable, I'm all for it!

Babyfark McGeez
2012-11-26, 05:03 AM
Agreed, the xp gain could use some tweaking concerning the different match-ups.

2012-11-26, 06:01 AM
It's only a big problem if everyone on your team is trying to do the same thing, and not actively trying to counter.

Ie It's only easy for them if they are not being hindered. When you have a well positioned vehicle getting many kills, are you surprised when some infantry flank to take you out, or a rocketpod aircraft comes after you. I don't see why someone who is doing well should be penalized while their enemy sits on there hands.

Use teamwork, ask for air-support, do something but asking for a point reduction is not going to stop your precious little ass's getting whacked.

2012-11-26, 06:21 AM
Use teamwork, ask for air-support, do something but asking for a point reduction is not going to stop your precious little ass's getting whacked.

That is the dumbest post I have seen today.

2012-11-26, 06:42 AM
That is the dumbest post I have seen today.

The Whole thread is im my Opinion totally useless, because i see it exactly like the other Guy, here.

Mavvvy you are right !

2012-11-26, 07:02 AM
I dont know guys, its kind of touchy on the vehicle xp and the trooper xp. I mean groups of tanks coming down the road are just as much sitting ducks. One thing that has helped me alot is flack armor. It has made the difference, I never take it off. Tanks will fire at the rock Im hiding behind and Ill take alot less damage. I really hate the libs though, there like tanks in the air, I think the rockets from the nemesis should do alot more damage. But as far as tanks farming troopers at the spawn points, I have a suggestions dont spawn there go to another spawn, and while the tank is facing the spawn point shoot it in the back you do more damage. My outfit eat tanks for lunch, I mean we take out convoys when ever we spot them coming. Also if we see that the spawn room is being camped we find alternate spawn points. But thats just how we work it.

2012-11-26, 07:28 AM
Wouldn't it make more sense to fix the spawns so HE-carrying tanks can't camp them, rather than punishing all tank drivers (even the ones who don't carry HE) for the actions of a few?

2012-11-26, 07:51 AM
Wouldn't it make more sense to fix the spawns so HE-carrying tanks can't camp them, rather than punishing all tank drivers (even the ones who don't carry HE) for the actions of a few?

A lot of the camping happens at the outpost, they should maybe put up barriers in front of the door ways, this may help out in the long run. But What ive noticed is that right when the zerg has established a foot hold they all camp outside the spawn room. EXAMPLE the other day at TI alloys (next to the crown) they pushed us into the spawn room, we were as good as done. Well instead of spawning at TI alloys, I spawned north at the Hydroponics bays and grabed a sundy and parked it on the hill north of TI allys and we pretty much spawned there (xp was popping), and we came from behind and tapped that %@#. But I will agree barriers should be considered that way you can at least get out the door.

2012-11-26, 08:19 AM
Sort of agree with the OP in that it is all too easy to rack up infantry kills and XP at low risk by shelling or bombing. Or by adopting the role of traditional sniper, picking people off at a distance from cover.

I'm not really on favour of having differnet XP for kills by different vehicles or classes, but the rewards for destroying aircraft/vehicles needs looking at.

And control point capping should definately give more XP; it is a high risk activity and the players who put their neck on the line should get a decent reward for their efforts. The tank spammer still gets the 250-1000XP for capturing the facility, even though all they have usually done is spam shells from a distance.

Also - totally agree that HA should have more rockets.

And then we come on to the suggestion that MBTs should have separate drivers/gunners!

2012-11-26, 08:25 AM
Another big thing that need urgent balance is snipers [infiltrators]. Cowardliness is sooo well paid in this game... more yet: if infiltrator buy a bit of improve and they'll have an sniper pseudo-machine gun that kill soldiers very far with a single shot.. I just think that must not receive the same reward somebody killing from a hill to a base 300m far, that someone showing himself and attacking with bravery. If this is the point, they better go home and make a witchcraft vodoo attack from there.
Not enough with that, they can become invisible after the attack. This is totally ubalanced and cowardliness-encouraging I think.

Maybe it's just me but I get a lot more certs per minute while playing Engineer than as an infiltrator. Yes I die a lot more often but I also kill a lot more.

2012-11-26, 09:35 AM
Don't nerf the points. Aircraft go down extremely easily if you just shoot at it. If you can't get the kill, they won't sit there taking damage as quite frankly that have almost no armor or hitpoints if they dont have composite armor. Yes, I know the difference.

Frankly I really dislike 4 shooting (keep in mind, when you shoot A2G rockets you actually fire 2 at a time) I hate shooting off 8 rockets in total at 2 infantry and getting a kill while the other guy is still running around with his shields up. A2G rockets are more a waste of money now if you want to kill infantry. It takes 1 second to kill infantry with the default machine gun in any aircraft (mosquito, scythe, reaver)... compared to the A2G rockets that take easily 3 seconds or more.

Don't nerf that, it's already in a very precarious position. Aircraft is too situational atm to nerf the points.

2012-11-26, 10:21 AM
Remove ability to hover aircraft. Have to swoop in or you crash to ground.

2012-11-26, 10:23 AM
I always wonder when I shoot down a plane why do I get 100 for the kill and 75 for the plane?

I mean, the plane could be ROFLpodding my team, that's a battlefield asset that's now off the field. The person's just going to respawn in 15 seconds.

2012-11-26, 10:55 AM
So this is basically a "which class gains more Certs fastest" discussion?? What happend to PS2 should be all about "teamplay" and "taking territory and bases" and not "KD", "Rankings", and "Unlocks"? Also Exp. is only a means to gain certs and have a pretend number next to your name.....

Yes I can get more certs playing Medic & Engineer than Infiltraitor or Heavy Assault but did'nt the game just launch and is'nt it supposed to be about picking the right tool to push back the enemy and a long term fight rather than which class gets unlocks the fastest??

I guess it is human nature though to chase the carrot closest to your face first.

2012-11-26, 11:56 AM
I'm not really on favour of having differnet XP for kills by different vehicles or classes, but the rewards for destroying aircraft/vehicles needs looking at.

Thats fair.

2012-11-26, 12:05 PM
I still think that Dynamic XP gain (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/dynamic-xp-gain.8197/) would have been the better way to go.

The Messenger
2012-12-02, 12:17 AM
Remove ability to hover aircraft. Have to swoop in or you crash to ground.

If this were to happen, the first day it's implemeneted I would watch all the pilots try and land on those little pads and LOL at all the debris.