View Full Version : The war has started...?

2002-11-25, 05:44 PM
Well, it started. The weird thing is that the game hasn't even come out.. Right now, people seem to be associating stereotypes about other groups. We all seem to be taking turns dissing each other's empires.

NC is full of treehuggers
TR has old people
Vanus are x-file geeks

2002-11-25, 05:46 PM
since when did tr become old ppl?

and i thought the vanu were a bunch of pansies in purple suits

2002-11-25, 06:10 PM
It's all from what we know of the back story so far....

TR are loyal to the Old Republic, and just want to keep on doing things the way they have always been done.

NC think that the Old Republic needs reforms, and should stop plundering other planets for their resources (tree hugging environmentalists)

VA are running around looking for Alien Technology to power their tin foil hats, or to get them back to the Mothership. Basically their the guys in the Bubble Wrap suits from "Dude Where's My Car?"

I think it's pretty funny myself.

2002-11-25, 06:11 PM
War is 773H!

I think alot of folks are just trying to get a bit of rivalry going so when we do enter the game, the desire to do harm to the enemy will be full-on instead of "waiting until we know what we're talkin about". Its just human nature to create 'healthy competition'.

For now, I think its pretty harmless. Once the game begins, I think you're gonna see alot of folk rethinking their positions on factions/weapons/loyalties.

personally, I've yet to decide 'tree hugger' or 'old people'.

but I aint dressing in purple and goin' into combat...thats all there is to it.

2002-11-25, 06:18 PM
So whats the most complete picture of the backstory so far?

is the old republic evil or something?
how did they end up on this planet?
stuff like that

2002-11-25, 07:12 PM
I think its all pretty ammusing myself :D

2002-11-25, 07:14 PM
From what I gather.......

The Terran Republic runs the known Galaxy, and set's up Mining Operations on other planets to get the resources they need back on Earth. They are the ones that settled the planet.

As in any good SiFi story, the worm hole they used to go back and forth from there to earth colapsed, and they were cut off from the rest of the republic.

Once the worm hole colapsed, and everyone was cut off from Earth a certian element on the planet began to fear that they were now Marroned, and that the Republic would not be able to reopen the worm hole and recue them.

They wanted to rethink the way things were being done on the planet, so that there would still be a planet in the future (insert any environmentalist retoric you have heard here).

Others were loyal to the Republic, and had faith that the worm hole would be reopened, and that things should go on "Business as Usual"

At some point their dissagreements turned violent, and the environmental faction broce off to become the NC.

Enter the Vanu.....

On this planet was disscover the remains of an advanced Alien civalization. Some felt that this new Technology should be persued, and developed. I'm not sure why the TR, or NC didn't want to persue the futuristic weapons that had been disscovered, but I suspect it's because the power hungry scum that found them broke off and formed their own empire while the TR & NC were arguing about the environment.

So that's what I know of the back story so far.

2002-11-25, 07:31 PM
For now, I think its pretty harmless. Once the game begins, I think you're gonna see alot of folk rethinking their positions on factions/weapons/loyalties.

Maybe YOUR empire suffers from dessertion and the such, but then, its little things like that which will leave you open to conquest by the Force that is the Vanu. Oh, and my outlook on the empires as i see them:

TR: These guys have a great milatary with strong leadership, good organazation, and outdated weapons and tactics. The fact that most of it is political leaves them with sevral power hungry dictators trying each trying to control the Genrals, who also each have their own agenda. Enter the fact that the Rebublics council back on earth no longer directs them, they will hold togeather i think, but there will be cracks.

NC: hippies.

VS: We have found the tecnology of a long dead race. We have found how to use this technology. Seeing the corruption in the TR, what with the rebelion and all, we knew we could not stay with them, but ourselves, common civilians with a love for this new tecnology, would not join a bunch of hippies out to keep the trees happy. We built an army and now we shall conquare. And when that worm hole reopens we shall be waiting.

2002-11-25, 07:33 PM
And then, there is Tobias. :lol:

2002-11-26, 01:32 AM
Crazy Vanu need to learn how to spell first Tobias. You uncouth savages should not be wielding advanced weapondry, it's like putting a rocket in the hands of a child. You may understand how to use the weapon, but you will only use it to gain more power. For what other reason do you have to "conquare" the world.

Please people, have faith. The wormhole will be reopened in due time. Then, NC and Vanu alike will feel the awesome might of the Republic which they feel is corrupt and unjust.

You have no chance to understand, make your time. ha ha. ha ha.

2002-11-26, 08:49 AM
Take heart, you of the NC and Vanu, the republic is not cruel, your deaths will be quick and painless, orbital bombardment is in fact, one of the least painful ways to die.

On a serious note, i think all this rivalry come from the fact that everyone here, basically, wants to kill eachother.

2002-11-26, 10:37 AM
So...i cant spell big woopie. And we await the opening of the worm hole, for then we shall use this new tecnology to crush the TR and conqure their empire, showing all of Humanity the power of the Vanu. Of course if our experments prove to have the potential they seem to now, we wont need to wait for the TR to open the worm hole...at any rate we shall show the TR true power.

Of course even then they will be blind to it. Please, contunie to squabble amongst yourselves.

2002-11-26, 10:56 AM
apparently noone has informed you pitiful Vanu that once our beloved republic reopens the wormhole, you'll be down a couple billion.

2002-11-26, 11:47 AM
lol this is getting great :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2002-11-26, 03:10 PM
since when do the TR have outdated weps?

2002-11-26, 03:13 PM
By comparison to the energy weapons of the Vanu you might call them out dated, but for the known universe they are state of the art. :D

2002-11-26, 03:30 PM
Holly shit an all out geek fest. Jesus i haven't seen one of these since X-Files better days. Please gentlemen continue.........Wait,let me call all my firends and tell them to read this thread, then well all have something funny to laugh about right before we bang our ladies........the moral of this story is "GET LAID ", because if you don't you end up doing "CYBER" battle over the lamest shit in all of dorkdum. who cares what the technology of this empire or that empire is, just kill eachother already.

2002-11-26, 03:57 PM
we dont need comments like that here

shut up

2002-11-26, 04:14 PM
if you could be out getting laid then why are you posting on this forum?
Answer that smarty pants :P~

2002-11-26, 05:14 PM
Yes jamikey that post was totally uncalled for.. please refrain from starting blatent flame posts :mad:

2002-11-26, 06:00 PM
You know what i find funny, the number of losers here who think writing "I'll go have sex with my girlfriend now" actually impresses someone here.(and that's assuming it's true)


And thanks Hamma for keeping the peace! You + staff + this place = great fun :thumbsup:

2002-11-26, 07:23 PM
Death to all!

'cept for the Terran Republic!

Oh, and hot Vanu chicks!

Commander Private... get the brainwashing device.

2002-11-26, 07:33 PM
YES! WE MUST SAVE THE HOT VANU CHICKS! TO WAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :brow:

2002-11-26, 07:41 PM
Jamikey, I guess you are not used to getting sex on the regular.

Once you get used to having sex whenever you want you will realize that you don't need to obsess about it. Grow up and stop showing how inexperienced you are.

2002-11-26, 08:16 PM
methinks Jamikey is a concieted little fuck who has no sense of humor

2002-11-26, 08:18 PM
k thats about enough. We have started the wrong type of war, thats not what this thread was about :)

2002-11-26, 08:20 PM
/me goes to corner

he started it

2002-11-27, 03:26 PM
Hey lex don't get mad at me just because you never kissed a girl and you still live in your moms basement. I can still feel your resentment at missing your high school prom just to get past level20 on pac man. and as far as getting laid Lex, I've been in more poon then you could ever lie about bro. But honestly guys, I was totaly joking around. I thought you guys wouldn't take it to heart and you did. Sorry guys and i relize that having loyalties to your empire is going to be central to rivalries starting . Ic an't wait for this game to come out and to play with you all. and YEs LEX i was joking about you living in your moms basement.

2002-11-27, 03:30 PM
:rolleyes: :D

2002-11-27, 03:33 PM
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

2002-11-27, 03:41 PM

2002-11-27, 03:51 PM
Now to wait for the reply. So sit back and eat some popcorn: and drink some :cheers: !

2002-11-27, 03:53 PM
I live in my mom's basment and I get poontang all the time!
I just tell the girl that it is really the batcave and that I am batman.

Not really, but you can imagine what it would be like if I did tell them that!

Ok . . . I will just go back to the basment now. :(

2002-11-27, 04:31 PM

I dont want to lock this thread.. I hate locking threads. So chill out all :p

2002-11-27, 07:56 PM
1) I just have to throw this in before more propogond-- err facts about the Vanu.
People who think the point of life is to "get laid" think that because they never have been, or only have been once, and that was when they, and the person they "laid" were both at a party, drunk, and they dont remeber any of it except that it was cool and they want to to it again, many times. Getting giggy is a small part of life, the best part, but a small part. Unless your a hooker. Now onto the Vanu.

By the Time the wormhole opens we will have crushed the TR and NC. The TR on the outside will have us outnumber bout 1 billion to one, but we have matricxing tech, they dont, so we cant die, they can. We can teleport, they cant, we have lasers and weapons greater then they know, and hover buggs that look bad ass. They have pickups and machine guns. Who do you really think is gonna win. Oh and we are in the process of turning ourselves into Gods.

2002-11-27, 08:00 PM
We can blow you up from orbit, it doesn't matter how much cool shit you can field on the ground. And i think you need to consider volume of fire here. Sure when a loyal terran soldier dies he doesn;t come back, but your base will be overrun with the sheer number of them. Then they will have rebirthing technology.

2002-11-27, 08:05 PM
What makes you think you will get near the world? We will have our fleet up and running by then, with the power to wipe out anything you throw at us. Can you say beam bannon, and as for your ships weaposn we have energy matrixs we are working on that should protect us if the experments go right, if only petri had not gone mad we would be done....but thats not important, the TR will fall, for We are the Vanu, we are Gods!

(if only our hot Vanu girls would stop going out with those outlaw biker NC guys just cause they sell drugs and come back to us!)

2002-11-27, 08:08 PM
what makes you think you have enough raw material to build a fleet, i would imagine that much of the material suitable for ship construction was used up the original Vanu

2002-11-27, 08:14 PM
Wrong. How little the TR knows. We can synthesis any material we need by remaking the very atoms of say, dirt, into those of iron, we made the crystal foci for our laser weapons for instance out of coal, just realigned the carbon atoms to make the coal
into diamonds. It�s amazing what we can do and the TR cant. We might just build out fleet from the ruined hulk of your capital city here on Aurxius.

2002-11-27, 08:18 PM
You'll probably destroy yourselves in the process. You do not understand any of the technology you possess, but you constantly experiment with it.

2002-11-27, 08:21 PM
We understand more then you know terran.
And though experimentation comes innovation and understanding. Of course an empire that has been unchanged in 1000 years wouldn�t know about change.

2002-11-27, 08:22 PM
WE CHANGED, we outlawed torture 100 years ago, maybe you should think of doing that yourselves.

p.s. this was more of a joke then defense/counter, i couldn't resist

2002-11-27, 08:28 PM
Outlawed torture? So those pain educing devices combined with sense enhancing drugs to extract the confessions were not torture, but merely an acceptable interrogation tool? Mutilating scientists whose only crime was the pursuit of knowledge was only to "teach them a lesson" I suppose. No torture in the last 100 years eh?

2002-11-27, 08:32 PM
Scientists whose only crime was endangering existence, they deservered to be tortured, but were given a clean death as the law demands. What about the captured soldiers and the "volunteers" you experiment on, if i asked them, do you really think they would sing your praises for the pain, deformity and death you brought upon them.

2002-11-27, 08:37 PM
They are Vanu now, and if you ask them they would tell you how much better this existence is. Unfortunately they for the most part were all so thrilled to be enlightened that they requested tasks that have taken them...far away, and can not be spoken to right now. Experimentation only took place on willing volunteers, and we know of no captured soldiers. And there is was torture of scientists, we have long memories, and if you are foolish enough to believe your own lies so be it.

2002-11-27, 09:07 PM
/RP mode on

Yeah, thoes hot vanu chicks only like the NC bikers cause of their dam forearm tatoos.

/RP mode off

Dammit, I suck at RP. What the hell did the vanu hot chicks have to do with anything.:(

2002-11-27, 09:13 PM
Vanu corpses, i pity the unfortanate ones who lived

2002-11-27, 09:15 PM
And I pitty those who will never know what life truely is.

2002-11-27, 09:21 PM
Pity yourselves, for in your arrogance you have forgotten the most basic parts of life.

2002-11-27, 09:22 PM
we left behind and cut off what we no longer need.

2002-11-27, 09:23 PM
There is more to life then simple needs.

2002-11-27, 09:43 PM
we left behind and cut off what we no longer need.


u know since u guys are all immortal and stuff, u have no need to reproduce right? so does that mean.....

2002-11-27, 09:45 PM

It does not mean you can have the Vanu hot chicks!

2002-11-27, 09:46 PM
u totally missed it......

but i wouldnt mind the hot vanu chicks ;)

2002-11-27, 09:48 PM
Oh, i get it now . . .

Yes, we still have huge tools, only now they are enhanced by vane technology!

And you still cant have the vanu hot chicks.

If that wasnt it then i am completely lost.

2002-11-27, 09:58 PM
well, u know, u guys said u cut off and left behind what wasnt needed, and since u guys are immortal, reproduction is not needed, so that would lead one to think....

2002-11-27, 10:02 PM
We cut off emotion, we still eat and drink, well some of us do that have not attained the higher levels, and thus need ways to dispose of waste, and some of us still lust after the presuits of the flesh, such as *sigh* hot Vanu chicks. And no those arnt implants, they are all real. I swear.

2002-11-27, 10:04 PM
right :eek:

2002-11-27, 10:16 PM
This has nothing to do with Planetside but where this thread seems to be going it seems to belong :

2002-11-27, 11:47 PM

2002-11-28, 12:39 AM
Terrans, Vanu, have fun, the NC "Hippies" are just "mellow" with our gauss rifles.

In all reality, NC is more of the militia movement. Hippies were for peace and the enviroment, the NC is for individual freedom and BFGs.

2002-11-28, 02:32 AM
heh...I'm a rebel myself..I'll probably go with NC just by nature of wanting change...

kinda like AC2...I joined the shadow kingdom cuz I figured I wanted to be evil and kill people for no reason...but then I saw a buncha shadows tearing a newbie to shreds...since then I've been a part of the dominion kingdom and hunt down shadows :D

yeh...enough blab AC2 time

2002-11-28, 09:48 AM
Yea if I don't get into PS beta I'll prob have to convince my parents to let me get AC2...

2002-11-28, 11:03 AM
planetside pwnz AC2

2002-11-28, 01:46 PM
That's exactly why I want to get into PS beta...

2002-11-28, 01:48 PM
im gonna try for the open beta, else everything they change in closed beta if i was in i would decry as a nerf.

2002-11-28, 08:05 PM
I think Tobias and Incompetent should STFU!!! You two only talk about the deaths of Vanus and TR and argue who would win!!! You two disregard the New Conglomerate!! Well you are all being outnumbered according to the poll taken at Station!!! You will be crushed! AS SOON AS WE HIPPIES ARE DONE SMOKING OUR POT, WE WILL SMOKE YOU UP (and steal the hot vanu chicks, because we weren't dumb enough to chop our dicks off)!!!!!!!!!!!!! The wormhole WILL NOT OPEN!!! That would take a few thousand years and by then, the NC would own the local galaxy there! SO HA!!!! Vanu weapons suck, because they need Duracel! TR weapons are OLD!!! We have the Jackhammer and the pistol shotgun! YOU AREN'T MAKING IT OUT ALIVE!!!

(The thing about the hippies was sarcastic, we are rebels, and hippies preserved peace, not blast old peoples heads off)

2002-11-28, 08:38 PM
Well i have but one word for all of you...


2002-11-29, 06:56 AM
Nohimn, thats because the NC weren't able to field a half decent role player. It's not our fault you guys were so high you didn't notice the thread until it was effectively dead.

2002-11-29, 07:36 AM
You guys aren't rolelaying, you need an actual role to play first. The only thing you guys are doing is insulting each other empires.


2002-11-29, 08:20 AM
true dat true dat. And as for the NC shot guns, i might point out that you have to get real close to use those, and you will be dead lon before you get that close, or i will be gone =p

2002-11-29, 01:29 PM
Ah, but you forget about the Gauss rifle, its gonna be great for burst fire.

2002-11-29, 01:48 PM
Ahh but you forgot the Lasher; it's gonna kill you.

2002-11-29, 06:44 PM
My PC was being upgraded, and you can't say that I didn't know that this thread existed because I started it. Besides, pot is good.

2002-11-29, 10:31 PM
its like the world was transformed to a tyrany with no individualism, led by the terran republic. The NC want it restored to a democracy with individualizm and the Vanu just wanna play with the new space toys.

2002-11-30, 10:57 AM
I couldn't have said it better.:thumbsup:

2002-11-30, 11:15 AM
If you want a world with no individualism, look no further then the Vanu, the seek to destroy individualism in all its forms to establish a hive mind, and those new space toys, they have the potential to destroy the universe if someone hits the wrong button. The Terran Republic wishes order to prevent anarchy and to keep the peace, the Vanu seek only to establish power. So you tell me rebel, who is the bigger danger to your individuality, the one who will assimilate yo into a hive mind, or the one who merely takes steps to ensure that no one ends up dying on a street corner because someone wanted a new watch.

2002-11-30, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Incompetent
if someone hits the wrong button.

The Vanu don't make mistakes.

We are Vanu, you will be assimilated, resistence is futile.

2002-11-30, 11:41 AM
How can you say you don't make mistakes when you don't understand what your doing, the dimensional trasport technology is beyond us all, and your reckless tinkerings will destroy us all if you are not stopped.