View Full Version : TR and NC
2012-12-02, 01:10 AM
Some people may take this the wrong way, but I really have no loyalties when it comes to empires. I'm actually playing TR quite a bit lately and got him up to BR 15 (my Nc guy is BR 22).
Here are my impressions so far:
The prowler is actually a really nice tank and the HE gun on that things blows away the vanguard HE gun by a huge margin. I really like the speed, the vanguard is a sloth. I would choose the prowler over any other tank farming infantry.
Really cant tell a difference between the mosquito and reaver, although I like the needler better than the default reaver gun.
I don't play HA as NC at all, but I do as a TR. This is where the biggest disparity lies, IMO. TR HA guns blows the living crap out of NC HA guns, generally speaking. I would really question anyone who thinks otherwise.
The nighthawk is really nice. I didn't realize it was auto at first, lol. I actually like it better than the mauler, now. Other than that, there really isn't too much of a difference in regards to LA, IMO.
TR pistol is my absolute favorite. I thought the rebel was nice, but this was before i had a good chance to use it for an extended period of time. It's like a mini machine gun.
Maxes: I would take the Nc max over the Tr max any day.
Don't take this wrong, but I've run across way more immature kids on the TR than the Nc. It could just be the two servers I'm on, but the average NC player seems older than the average Tr player, at least on the servers I'm on.
I'm enjoying my TR guy a lot. Probably will play him more. Oh, and for the record, yes I'm doing better playing TR than NC.
2012-12-02, 01:19 AM
I would play NC on waterson more if they weren't getting decimating constantly. Its nice always having the warpgate next to you though when flying i reaver. Apparently totalbiscut and angryjoe told everyone who watches them they were going TR on that server, and now TR outnumber everyone.
Matheson seems more balanced faction wise. Being TR there is fine.
Basicly NC infantry so far has been a big let down. TR infantry is very nice.
2012-12-02, 01:23 AM
Yeah, doesn't matter if it's TR or NC, I'll leave the continent my empire is zerging. Too boring.
2012-12-02, 01:29 AM
I actually play TR 90% of the time, but find a few of the NC guns better.
I play VS as well and do far better than TR or NC for some reason. I would love to try dual Scatter max guns ... They pwn. Then again... so do dual Mercy DC maxes for TR.
I love the Mosquito, haven't gotten used to the Reaver yet but the Scythe is epic and totally unfair. As far as tanks go... the Prowler anchored mode has got to have an option to boost or something. Or increase fire rate without locking down.
I can't wait to see the balance once the buggies come out :D
2012-12-02, 01:41 AM
I love the Mosquito, haven't gotten used to the Reaver yet but the Scythe is epic and totally unfair. As far as tanks go... the Prowler anchored mode has got to have an option to boost or something. Or increase fire rate without locking down.
I can't wait to see the balance once the buggies come out :D
mossie feels more like an actual aircraft to me, and the scythe does have some nice handlings, but most of the best pilots agree the reaver is the best because of the thrust vectoring (your spacebar and A/S), which makes it turn faster than the others. Mossies do have a nice banking turn tho.
there is a bit of personal preference, and the best pilots can use all of them well, but the best pilots also claim the reaver is king. It helped when i put the first cert into dog fighting frame and got flares.
I still suck at flying though.
2012-12-02, 01:46 AM
I would play NC on waterson more if they weren't getting decimating constantly. Its nice always having the warpgate next to you though when flying i reaver. Apparently totalbiscut and angryjoe told everyone who watches them they were going TR on that server, and now TR outnumber everyone.
Matheson seems more balanced faction wise. Being TR there is fine.
Basicly NC infantry so far has been a big let down. TR infantry is very nice.
I didn't know AngryJoe was TR on Waterson as well as TB. That can explain a lot then as to why they seem to be so many in number.
To hell with them anyway. Im staying with NC and will enjoy the day I finally get to shoot them in the face. Better to have good opponents than farm weaklings any day.
2012-12-02, 02:55 AM
Just to make some corrections the Prowler is good at farming Infantry yes. But anything else, and it's far worse than the Vanguard or Magrider.
The TR pistol is better at close range. NC one is better a distance.
TR HA default gun might be better yes. NC unlock guns can be good. And before people whine remember TR Infiltrator has to buy Bolt Action, where as NC starts with it.
And yes the ScatMAX is infinitely more useful than Cycler MAX. Especially because of the Charge.
2012-12-02, 08:09 AM
I play TR and feel VS are 10x tougher to fight than NC. I actually think VS are the most powerful faction. All I do is die to magriders and their infantry weapons are no way inferior to TR's. When pops are even the VS have no problem steam rolling everyone. I think buffing the NC's heavy weapons will help balance things better.
Who do you NC feel are tougher to fight? The VS or TR?
2012-12-02, 08:15 AM
Personally feel reasonably on par with VS, but out TTKed by the TR. Really have to work on being extremely accurate even with intended to spam weapons on NC, where I feel both VS and TR have more leniant hipfire weapons.
Tankwise, Magrider is a clear winner due to being a Tank Destroyer that through strafing always keeps the strongest part on the opponent. If I can get an AP gun on the rear of a Mag though, it's two shots and the fight is over with a Vanguard. That hardly matters many times though as you'll hardly see the rear of the Mags. Need faster units for that or lower Mag turning speed. Mag is more leniant to solo drivers as it basically plays as you would infantry and don't have to worry about how your hull is oriented since you always know.
Curious to see how buggies would fare against them.
2012-12-02, 08:23 AM
Who do you NC feel are tougher to fight? The VS or TR?
For me, it's hard to say. Infantry-wise, the TR's Trac-5s and CARVs are giant pains in the arse, but the VS weapons still seem really powerful despite having less damage (which I guess is because of the accuracy they have, they hit nice and consistantly). I apparently fight VS a lot more, but despite that I get more annoyed by TR's weapons, especially when they can shoot me full auto at medium range. :doh:
Vehicle-wise though, definitely VS. Magriders are evil, Prowlers not so much (which isn't surprising, considering people say they're a bit weak and in need of a buff). I ride around in a Lightning a lot, and I get killed by more dumbfire HA rockets than I do Prowlers. Magriders on the other hand, I just run away (unless I can snipe them from a hill).
So i'd have to say it's situational, TR feel tougher to fight in an infantry battle (though it's close), VS in a ground vehicle battle. I can't speak to air, because I can't fly the aircraft very well. :p
2012-12-02, 08:32 AM
The NC6 Guass Saw (default NC HA gun) benefits a lot from the forward grip attachment.
2012-12-02, 09:56 AM
Yeah, the mag is the best all around tank, but the prowler wins farming infantry. I never realized how powerful the HE gun is, and it honestly feels like each shot is equivalent to the single vanguard HE shot. In any case, that's all most tankers do anyways is spam doors and deployed sunderers (including me sadly).
I run all of my guns with nothing at the moment, aside from the 10 round shotgun clip on the mauler and nighthawk. Really don't feel the need to get anything else for the guns I use, although I want to get the reflex for the carv.
I played with the NC HA guns heavily in beta and the saw does need attachments to even barely work, lol. Kind of sucks IMO, but I would take a naked carv over a fully kitted saw any day of the week.
That's all I can really comment on, as that's all I've tried.
Oh, 60 infantry mortar on the sunderer is kind if uninspiring. I wouldn't get it again. The vanguard AA gun kind of sucks, too. While it can at least kind hit air targets, the damage is poor IMO.
Another thing I find strange is that the default 50 cal tank/sunderer guns can't hit aircraft for crap. It almost seems like they purposely fiddled with something to make that the case since these guns otherwise shred through vehicles surprisingly fast.
2012-12-02, 10:46 AM
As it sits, TR OP, VS is balanced, and NC Is under powered.
The problem with the NC is, you need to spend 700 sc, then 300 certs on the em6 to even be close to par with the stock carv.
2012-12-03, 01:17 AM
Coming back from another frustrating session of constantly dying to magriders and vs instant kill weapons. I really believe they are the OP faction when you take into account the whole arsenal. No way VS are the balanced faction with that tank.
NC seriously need a buff because fighting them is easy mode compared to fighting the VS.
2012-12-03, 02:13 AM
Some people may take this the wrong way, but I really have no loyalties when it comes to empires. I'm actually playing TR quite a bit lately and got him up to BR 15 (my Nc guy is BR 22).
Here are my impressions so far:
The prowler is actually a really nice tank and the HE gun on that things blows away the vanguard HE gun by a huge margin. I really like the speed, the vanguard is a sloth. I would choose the prowler over any other tank farming infantry.
Really cant tell a difference between the mosquito and reaver, although I like the needler better than the default reaver gun.
I don't play HA as NC at all, but I do as a TR. This is where the biggest disparity lies, IMO. TR HA guns blows the living crap out of NC HA guns, generally speaking. I would really question anyone who thinks otherwise.
The nighthawk is really nice. I didn't realize it was auto at first, lol. I actually like it better than the mauler, now. Other than that, there really isn't too much of a difference in regards to LA, IMO.
TR pistol is my absolute favorite. I thought the rebel was nice, but this was before i had a good chance to use it for an extended period of time. It's like a mini machine gun.
Maxes: I would take the Nc max over the Tr max any day.
Don't take this wrong, but I've run across way more immature kids on the TR than the Nc. It could just be the two servers I'm on, but the average NC player seems older than the average Tr player, at least on the servers I'm on.
I'm enjoying my TR guy a lot. Probably will play him more. Oh, and for the record, yes I'm doing better playing TR than NC.
I agree with most of what you say but I like to add this.
Re: Mosquito Vs Reaver
I think there is a destinked fealing between the two. The Mosquito is allot more unstabil in it's flight, makint it allot easier to hover with the reaver. This means it is allot easier to hit with A2G rockets from a further distance with the Reaver.
Re: Heavy assult
Well the TR HA weapons have a bigger recoil making it harder to kill at long range compared to NC as TR needs more bullets to hit to kill the target. But if we are talking close quarters I agree.
For the record I have a TR BR:27 NC: BR:8 VS BR:10. But the in beta I had a TR: BR:25 VS at BR:17 and a NC at BR: 12
2012-12-03, 02:18 AM
Just to make some corrections the Prowler is good at farming Infantry yes. But anything else, and it's far worse than the Vanguard or Magrider.
Jup the Prowler has a hard time against any other time and I think the main reason for this is because the Prowler accuracy sucks. Not to mention the bullet drop. Or should I say shell drop?
2012-12-03, 09:28 AM
I play TR and feel VS are 10x tougher to fight than NC. I actually think VS are the most powerful faction. All I do is die to magriders and their infantry weapons are no way inferior to TR's. When pops are even the VS have no problem steam rolling everyone. I think buffing the NC's heavy weapons will help balance things better.
Who do you NC feel are tougher to fight? The VS or TR?
I find there is nothing wrong with the NC weapon damage. The prob is people do too much spray and pray when they are meant to be burst fired (3-5 round burst at range). Then again it’s the same thing with the TR weapons up close I can just blaze but at medium to long I have to burst or most my rounds don’t land. The reason the VS feel so powerful is because they are middle of the road as far as balance. They have good fire rate and little to no drop off at range; all their bullets go extremely straight.
2012-12-03, 10:33 AM
The prob is people do too much spray and pray when they are meant to be burst fired (3-5 round burst at range).
Actually the best thing to do at medium range with NC weapons is to just not bother, unless you've sidegraded to something with a bit more accuracy or just switched out entirely to something else (tip: if you're playing an NC heavy/engineer, the Warden is amazing). But burst fire doesn't cut it if your target doesn't have to burst fire.
I'm also on board with the people saying it's not so much the recoil that's the problem with NC weapons, it's the cone of fire.
2012-12-08, 02:18 PM
Both of my characters are about br23 now and the stats are almost identical, down to my damage done VS damage taken and K/D ratio. I mean, percentage-wise, they are extremely close.
However, the caveat is that I play HA as TR a lot, but I don't as NC because I don't like the saw in stock form, at all. So, I have to limit my play style as NC, while I can do everything, comfortably, as TR. In other words, I don't have to constantly try to flank as a TR grunt (although I still try) and I can simply run with the foot zerg and mow people down as an HA player. I don't feel comfortable doing this as an NC HA, at least not with stock guns, which is what I usually run with.
1. NC shotguns seem better, across the board, after playing them more. I guess this makes sense. I unlocked two TR shotguns, the nighthawk and barrage. The nighthawk is nice because it's auto; the barrage is nice because it's semi auto with lower pellet spread (i.e., it hits harder IMO). I still like the mauler better as it seems more consistent.
2. I like the mosquito more than the reaver now after playing in it for a long time. The base needler gun rocks, especially after you buff the crap out of it. I really don't like maximizing towards air or ground targets with this gun, as the needler works fairly well against everything and I don't feel exposed if I find myself in an engagement it wasn't designed for. It will take out infantry almost as quickly as rockets if you're close and can aim well. Same goes for armor, although the base NC gun seems to damage ground vehicles quicker, although I could just be imagining it. Anyways, the single point of fire has big advantages IMO, easier to hit and stay on target.
3. The 50 shot TR HA weapon (forgot the name) is actually damn nice and how NC HA guns should perform IMO. In fact, it's better at following the NC theme than any NC HA gun. It hits hard with a low rof, but doesn't have that outlandish horizontal and vertical recoil the saw and others are plagued with. I can use it just fine stock and can actually go full auto. Not as smooth or easy to keep on target as the carv, but that's expected.
2012-12-08, 03:20 PM
Im fairly sure all shotguns are the same.
That said I havent used TR shotguns since beta.
I bought the mauler in the starter pack the first or second day and its pretty much the only gun I use.
2012-12-08, 03:22 PM
Well, that could be the case, and per pellet damage is probably the same, but I think some shotguns have different spreads at different ranges, which makes a big difference, but is hard to quantify.
2012-12-08, 03:54 PM
Thanks to the OP, that's a well written post trying to be fair.
Who do you NC feel are tougher to fight? The VS or TR?
Actually, it feels like an uphill battle either way. ;)
But I guess the VS feel tougher because of the vehicles.
What probably makes most of a difference is that VS on Miller seem to love their Scythes. I have no idea wether they are really that much better, or if it's just a fancy, but I see the sky more often dominated by VS planes than TR crafts. Besides the unique design, I would guess that it's the Scythes ability to quickly switch from hovering to evasion, which makes the farming of ground units quite newbie friendly. (And once enough EFTs are in the air, Liberators are having a field day.)
And the Magrider is probably the best anti-tank tank. It shoots really straight and is probably the easiest tank to hit with at a distance. And the low profile and the strafing ability make quite a bit harder to hit than a Prowler. But to be honest: I wouldn't want to trade my Vanguard with a Magrider.
2012-12-08, 04:34 PM
Just started playing my nc guy again and I never really noticed this before, but the reaver rocket pods have a slower rof than the mosquito. So use to playing the mosquito for the past week that the reaver feels awkward while podding. I'm sure I'll get use to it again soon enough.
2012-12-08, 05:13 PM
Thanks to the OP, that's a well written post trying to be fair.
Actually, it feels like an uphill battle either way. ;)
But I guess the VS feel tougher because of the vehicles.
What probably makes most of a difference is that VS on Miller seem to love their Scythes. I have no idea wether they are really that much better, or if it's just a fancy, but I see the sky more often dominated by VS planes than TR crafts. Besides the unique design, I would guess that it's the Scythes ability to quickly switch from hovering to evasion, which makes the farming of ground units quite newbie friendly. (And once enough EFTs are in the air, Liberators are having a field day.)
I think that air superiority is based on Pop.
TR usually have the highest pop on my server, so they can all pull mosquitoes, down other aircraft because they have a 3 to 1 advantage, and rocket pod the shit out of ground troops.
2012-12-08, 05:49 PM
The walker on my vanguard works better than before.
I miss the prowler's speed and I actually like the double barrel guns better than the vanguard's gun. One thing that bothers me between the two tanks is the gun drift. For some reason the barrel on the vanguard will drift while attempting to hold it stationary. I don't believe the prowler has as much of this effect than the vanguard. I seem to be able to hit targets, especially infantry, easier in the prowler than the vanguard. Vanguard is definitely tougher, though, just harder to shoot tiny infantry at distances compared to the prowler IMO.
This is with the HE gun on both, btw.
2012-12-08, 06:04 PM
The Guass Saw is actually very rewarding. Apparently it's just hard to use for most people.
2012-12-08, 06:58 PM
The Guass Saw is actually very rewarding. Apparently it's just hard to use for most people.
But you can barely hit the broad side of a barn
2012-12-08, 07:29 PM
Yeah, I admit, I'm not very good with a stock saw or the em6.
I can play just fine with the two stock TR guns, though.
I suggested this earlier: make the em1 the default NC HA gun and move the saw to an unlock. I bet a lot if the complaints would disappear.
2012-12-08, 08:20 PM
Yeah, the problem with the Gauss SAW isn't that it's a bad weapon as such (although it does seem to suffer from NC's cone of fire problems more than the rest), it's more that it's not a very newb-friendly weapon.
In the hands of a skilled FPS player it's probably really good, but for the rest of us it's a bit of a terrible introduction to the class.
The only upside is you can get away from it relatively cheaply (the GD-22S is only 100 certs).
2012-12-08, 08:25 PM
I play TR and feel VS are 10x tougher to fight than NC. I actually think VS are the most powerful faction. All I do is die to magriders and their infantry weapons are no way inferior to TR's. When pops are even the VS have no problem steam rolling everyone. I think buffing the NC's heavy weapons will help balance things better.
Who do you NC feel are tougher to fight? The VS or TR?
TR by a country mile, the carv is just crazy good, and their esf is just smh. I feel with the the TR so many times i'm on target first the guy turns around and booms kills me in half a sec with his carv. There default weapons are just to good
2012-12-08, 09:47 PM
60 mm sunderer mortar sucks really bad now. Just tried to use it on my nc sunderer. However, I guess I can understand since it's so spammable.
Should eliminate all tank HE guns IMO. Or redesign the bases.
2012-12-08, 10:07 PM
Yeah, the problem with the Gauss SAW isn't that it's a bad weapon as such (although it does seem to suffer from NC's cone of fire problems more than the rest), it's more that it's not a very newb-friendly weapon.
In the hands of a skilled FPS player it's probably really good, but for the rest of us it's a bit of a terrible introduction to the class.
I've actually gotten quite good at using it now. With forward grip and compensator, it's very manageable. And it's great for laying down sustained repressive fire on an area to allow your troops to move in closer.
2012-12-08, 10:29 PM
Attachments are overrated, except for the nc I guess.
Lol, it's cool running into fellow psu people. I ran into graywolves a few minutes ago.
2012-12-08, 11:06 PM
Attachments are overrated, except for the nc I guess.
Lol, it's cool running into fellow psu people. I ran into graywolves a few minutes ago.
Boom, we have a winner, for a nc gun to be good when have to spend 200-300 certs, everyone else can just roll with w/e
2012-12-09, 12:13 AM
After playing TR for a little more than a week, I'm frustrated as hell playing NC. Even the vehicles feel weaker to me. Slower rof in air between the reaver and mosquito can mean life or death.
And I confirmed the barrel drift in the vanguard, while there's none in the prowler.
The NC kind of suck outside of base shotguns IMO.
2012-12-09, 02:24 AM
I'm going VS next, as I'm bored.
But, TR >>> NC IMO.
Mag mower here I come.
One final thing, I played vehicles a lot more in TR, and did so lazily.
While my NC guy worked his ass off playing light assault shot gunning. So if you enjoy the challenge, play NC, if you want easy mode, play TR.
2012-12-09, 04:06 AM
On my server TR always holds the most territory across the 3 continents, with NC having the least, on average.
My theory is that the "easiest" faction will always have the highest population.
There seem to be more people that like the TR weapons and can achieve reasonable success with them. Perhaps it is because they are supposedly midway between the NC and VS weapons. They don't particularly shine in specific scenario's, but they are reasonably effective in ALL situations.
2012-12-09, 08:48 AM
IMO, the faction specific characteristics on the stock weapons should be removed. Make them equal. Hell, make them common pool. Everyone starts with same stock guns in each class. Then you must put attachments or get another gun that is better. This is how PS1 was and people felt it was fair and produced a feeling of progression.
I always wanted to see the empire specific differences in weapons/vehicles like there was in PS1. But the way they are doing it in PS2, isn't right.
2012-12-09, 11:24 AM
On my server TR always holds the most territory across the 3 continents, with NC having the least, on average.
My theory is that the "easiest" faction will always have the highest population.
There seem to be more people that like the TR weapons and can achieve reasonable success with them. Perhaps it is because they are supposedly midway between the NC and VS weapons. They don't particularly shine in specific scenario's, but they are reasonably effective in ALL situations.
Of course, same reason why in COD4, it was M16, AK47, and MP5. People will use the best/easiest weapons. As it sits the TR has the best weapons in nearly everything. What makes it worse is they don't even have to invest any time, as they stock weapons are some of the best weapons in the game. Its a horrible statement of balance when the TR level 30's are all running around with carv's, and tacs
2012-12-09, 11:28 AM
I was in a tech plant yesterday and seeing how it was dead, I wanted to see where I could park my sunderer. The answer: on the first floor only now.
After I gave that up, I noticed the tech plant shields show bullet spreads very, very well if you shoot at them. So I got various guns, all stock, and started shooting the shield under various conditions and ranges. Hip firing, ads, strafing, etc. I probably looked like an idiot to the occasional passerby, but the instant feedback on bullet spread was interesting and enlightening.
Some guns force recoil, horizontally, in different directions. The NC HA guns were the absolute worse. Impossible to full auto those things and hit anything beyond 50 yards in stock form and the saw has no selectable fire. The shotgun spread was also interesting.
I suggest trying this out if you're bored.
2012-12-09, 11:36 AM
^ Did the same thing on the Thebes beta server.. Me and a few squadmates got bored and decided to graffiti the VS' Tech Plant shields with bullets until the base turned over. Quite fun. The most I got out of that is that the Cycler is an amazing weapon w/ forward grip and laser sight. You can hipfire it reliably almost like a carbine at a decent range with a little doubletapping.
2012-12-20, 04:30 PM
At this point, I've kind of given up on my NC character. NC vehicles aren't very infantry farm friendly. The separation, percentage-wise, is getting bigger and bigger.
I may go VS next. I know I had a ton of success with the mag and scythe in beta, so the disparity could be even worse. Just not sure if I want to drop another fifty bills to get what I got for NC and TR right out of the box.
Anyways, the vanguard sucks killing infantry. I have better luck spamming heat rounds in the prowler than he rounds in the vanguard. The reaver is pure junk now as well IMO. Mosquito blows it away farming ground targets.
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