View Full Version : Questions About PSU PS2 Stat Tracker

2012-12-21, 04:36 PM
Hey guys sorry if this isn't in the appropriate subforum, couldn't find one that was help for this matter.

EDIT: Actually if this could be moved to the Site Feedback/Support subforum that would be great.

First question is, if I can't find a particular character through searching for it with the stat tracker, can it be definitively concluded that this character does not exist? I've been having an issue with a reserved character name that apparently was never reserved and has actually been taken, but does not appear on the stat tracker when searched for. The character name does not contain any numbers or other non-alphabet characters.

Secondly, my main character's (JayGee) stats haven't been updated since I was battle rank 23, and am now BR40.

I heard that Briggs has been having issues with stats, I wasn't entirely sure it was true; but I've seen other Briggs players with a lot more up to date stats for the their accounts. e.g. Lolilovefart, is in the same outfit as me and is listed as BR41.

EDIT: Having read the appropriate subforum the second question is pretty much answered.

2012-12-21, 05:00 PM
Your best bet on the reserved character thing is to submit a support ticket.

The Briggs server character stats haven't been updated since late November, we've notified SOE and they are aware of it but no info on when they will be updated.

2012-12-21, 05:13 PM
Thanks for the response.

I've already submitted a support ticket for the matter of the reserved name and received a response.

It's how I found out that my name was never reserved in the first place (even though I clearly saw the confirmation message while logged into the correct account). I basically gave up on the issue until I searched for the name on the PSU database and saw that it didn't exist.

2012-12-22, 02:03 PM
I think what probably happened is you hit the name reservation form before they figured out the issues with it :( They wiped it and started over at least once.