View Full Version : Outfit tab needs a buff ):

Brutal Magikarp
2012-12-22, 10:45 AM
There is no way to alphabetize, or categorize the memberlist.

Finding a specific person to change their rank in a large outfit takes a hot minute since the members are in no particular order.

There is no "Player last logged in X amount of days ago" so keeping track of inactive members in game is nonexistent.

If the Outfit message of the day displayed upon logging in, it'd be a great help actually conveying that message. (As it goes ignored I feel)


What would you like to see changed that would help your Outfit?

2012-12-22, 10:52 AM
As an officer of WASP I can only say that the outfit functionality is a joke in its current form. We had to do a "purge" and re-invite due to the interface just failing so hard. If even basic functionality like sorting from A - Z is missing why do they keep pushing for larger outfits? It just doesn't make sense.

2012-12-22, 11:01 AM
I would also like to see more Outfit features in the future.

2012-12-22, 04:08 PM
Yep, I also agree.

2012-12-22, 04:20 PM
Hear, hear!

And while they're at it, how about letting us select multiple names at once and perform bulk tasks.
Like ok, i want this, this, this, and that one. Invite to squad!

2012-12-25, 05:42 AM
And please for us lowly members, a "request to join squad" button!

2012-12-25, 10:40 AM
For a game that is primarily about "massive outfits" it blows my mind that they have not done anything useful with outfit tools.

Wish list below:

sort by rank
see when members have been online last
see how many hours a member has played
mass change rank
mass remove
set more than 5 ranks
export member list to a text file (unless it's added to the PS2 API)
event calendar

2012-12-25, 02:09 PM
+500 Miir

The data will be in the API though, we actually found it last week but it's heavily out of date.

The MOTD is also exposed via the API.

2012-12-25, 08:43 PM
Made a big thread about the outfit window during beta, I hope it's been reserved internally, since I forgot to copy it. Trying to remember what was all in it. Think I had made a list of what, 40 crits and suggestions. Anyway, some of the things I can recall of the top of my head. :/

Some things that are either missing or I would like to see, are:

General information towards members:
- General information window next to daily message thing.
- Forum/website/Steam group information window
- TS3/Vent/Mumble information window
- Outfit event schedule (calender)

Outfit management tools:
- Rank creation bugged (frequently resets names, etc.)
- More information and confirmation on the effects of changes, ranks etc.
- More specific rank traits (can promote to what other ranks, etc.)
- New Rank creation (should be in eventually from what we were told)
- General number of members online time bar (to check when outfit activity is highest in relation to organising outfit events)
- Outfit event organisation tools
- Alliance organisation (befriended outfits): share events, etc.
- Outfit application management (a way to apply to an outfit, rather than just be invited and the ability for officers to accept or dismiss requests, including a log of who accepted and denied who)
- View a player's previous outfits (if made public by player!) and a request to privately view a player's previous outfits, primarily for application reasons
- Sending in game messages to all players of the outfit.

Member list:
- Sorting features for every list section
- Current battle ranks
- Member join date
- Member offline time (last logins)
- Ability to directly open a profile of your members with certification lists, ranking, performance, etc by clicking on their name anywhere.
- Alternative contact information (if made public to outfit by player!)

Note that privacy sensitive information from performance to contact details to player history, should at all times be private unless individually made public by the player. Only the outfit leader and highest officer rank may be the exception to this.

2012-12-26, 09:33 AM
that a awesome list you have there but you left out the whole outfit platoon can't see each other

2012-12-26, 11:36 AM
that a awesome list you have there but you left out the whole outfit platoon can't see each other

This is the most annoying thing about platoons for me. Running Bravo squad and I have to drill down into the menu system just to see who Green 2 is to ask them for intel or help? Annoying.

Oh, and only having one waypoint? At least let us cert a few more waypoints to use... or maybe different colored ones for a platoon leader (being able to set Bravo waypoint here, and alpha waypoint there, etc.)

2012-12-26, 08:52 PM
that a awesome list you have there but you left out the whole outfit platoon can't see each other

That is more of a HUD thing. Quite crucial IMO.

And yeah, we had four waypoints per squadleader (12 total) that all squadmembers could see. Waypoints also provided ways to set routs. The destination is trivial. It is the route which determines your success more than often.

I heard we will get mapdrawing back soon? (Hooray for dragons, pies and phallic symbols that will soon be all over everyone's screen again. Oh and the occasional battleplans too, of course. ;)).

2012-12-27, 01:46 PM
I am hoping that the next patch has a lot of improvements like this. So hard to keep things organized when there is no functionality for the Outfit and very limited functionality with the squad/platoon.