View Full Version : Propaganda
2002-11-26, 04:11 PM
2002-11-26, 04:19 PM
Very cool
2002-11-26, 04:25 PM
The Oracle of h8...
2002-11-26, 04:31 PM
Dear god... this makes my decision even more difficult. Why can't they just make two of the teams look utterly "ghey" while one looking "uberly kewl, d00d"?! Then again, I guess they want me to have 3 different accounts. :ugh:
Other than that... IT'S ABOUT TIME! At least we get the story straight from each Empire's homepage and the mysterious Vanu are finally unraveled.
*Revision Part I
Jeebus Cripes... Didn't I say the NC were gonna be crazy anarchy driven hippies?! Nigh my first goddamn post here! Feels so good to be right! :D
*Revision Part II
TR doesn't seem to deny that they deprive people of their rights, they just mask it as good. I guess a thousand years of rule will do that to people...
And the ol' Vany... seems to me they're a bit too stuck up for my tastes. The whole, "We're smarter than thou" thing is a tried and true way to get your ass kicked. By me. :twisted:
2002-11-26, 04:50 PM
i was going to choose TR, but this makes me hestitate.
they are a bunch of oppressors, goddamit.
2002-11-26, 04:59 PM
Oppression = bad
Embracing new technology and using it to kick ass = good
2002-11-26, 05:08 PM
Excellent :D
Rise up and kill the opressing bastards!
NC all the way!
dewd! is that a 4X4 in the TR site? no one told me we'd be getting pickups. cant wait to install my gunrack!
I think that may have been that 'unidentified' vehicle in the background of the buggy screenshot we debated awhile back.
unless those are like ancient concept art or some such.
" secure peace is to prepare for war"
I highly advise everyone to 'secure peace'.
2002-11-26, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by Doobz
i was going to choose TR, but this makes me hestitate.
they are a bunch of oppressors, goddamit.
Remember, one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. Don't beleave all the propaganda. Osma wants you to think the "Evil Empire" is the Oppressor, but I for one don't feel very oppressed at all.
So all you "Freedom Fighting" al Conglomorate jihadists.....I mean Sepratists can keep your rehtoric to yourselves! It's our planet, and you can either be a part of the Republic, or get out (in a body bag)!!
The Vanu are still tin foil hats wearing freaks if you ask me!!
2002-11-26, 05:25 PM
2002-11-26, 05:41 PM
I think the Vanu page looks the coolest. It almost makes me want to rethink my empire decision. Although I still like the Terran page too.
2002-11-26, 06:07 PM
Order requires law. Law is enforced through deterrence. Deterrence is based on the fear of consequences, and fear is the most powerful motivating force.
im sorry, but if that is the TRs philosophy, it makes me rethink of which faction i want.
i know i will definitely not go with the vanu. they remind me of those ppl from star trek nemesis.
so right now it is either republic, or conglomerate. i think the vehicles will be my deciding factor
hmm well my sig explains my choice
lol, fake propaganda on fake websites are making and breaking peoples decisions.
i guess propaganda wouldn't exist if it didnt' work. :lol:
more backstory is always cool tho
It is clear that non-violent solutions are doomed to failure with both of these groups despite our continuing efforts to expose them to the benefits we can offer ... It would be acceptable to simply disengage from both groups and move forward on our own, but both the New Conglomerate and the Terran Republic have dedicated themselves to our eliminationAs you can clearly see we gave you a chance, you both refused us and your primitive minds have turned to war and violence, so be it, you shall fall!
Witness the truth ( and be converted!!
Now more than ever i pledge alligiance to the Vanu Sovereignity! TR would have to have some very nice weapons and vehicles to make me switch, and forget about those NC anarchist rebels!
Evolve. Improve. Transcend! Join the Vanu Sovereignty!
2002-11-26, 06:29 PM
They're all blinded by their own lust for power if you ask me. Every single Empire has its faults about what their goal is.
If you ask me, I'll be going neutral. :rolleyes:
2002-11-26, 06:34 PM
yall be smoking too many doogies...VANU all the way babay!!! All those who oppose us VANU shall die by our hands!
right click propeganda and save as for best results.
Itl be better with sound. Just messin around.
I liked the Vany story and feel better than other 2.
Plus according to peeps here AND the votes on official sites they are the underdog! W00t!!
2002-11-26, 07:11 PM
lol Noxx, thats cool :p
2002-11-26, 07:14 PM
I am remaining loyal to the Republic.
You must understand, it all may seem repressive, but how can you say that an empire that has lived in peace for more than a millenium is wrong? Oppression is all relative, when born into the empire and there is no other way, those within are content with their lives. Citizens may not have all the liberties that the NC and Vanu desire, but who needs them? The citizens of the Republic live content in their knowledge that they are part of a lineage that has transcended time and space.
There would be no NC or Vanu peoples without the Republic to get them "planetside". Choose the right people, stick with the Republic. Tried and true.
Qanamil Rafiki, Proud member of the Republican Armed Forces.
(on a side note, R.A.F. for the armed forces ties in with the whole British = TR theory someone was speaking about earlier)
2002-11-26, 07:26 PM
I feel compelled to campaign for the Mother Empire.
The Terran Republic has goverened its people across multiple star systems for over a thousand years. It does this by being just, cautious without destroying all innovation, and by ensuring that its people are happy, entertained, and productive.
The Mother Empire cares for her people and protects them from harm.
Now...when we finally find evidence of other civilizations in the universe (the Vanu), the wormhole collapsed and two groups decided that a thousand years of tradition and stability meant nothing. The NC scum immediately regressed to barbarism and struck out against everything that had ordered their lives. The VS insanity grasps at the new technology as a panacea to salve the ills they feel in their souls, hording that technology and using it to pervert the human experience without caution.
Given those alternatives, and given that the Republic has always done right by its people, how can you call us oppressors?
/rp_mode off. I can do this for any of the empires. ;)
2002-11-26, 07:30 PM
quanimal, thats about the equivalent of saying that slaves deserve to be slaves because they were born into it, and have never experienced life outside of slavery.
people should be able to persue a life that is better, and it seems to me, that with every year, the republic is keeping knowledge of a better life from the peolple under it, and because of this, the republic gains more power, both militarily and psychologically, while at the same time, the people lose power.
Since the wormhole has collapsed, the people on auraxis have a glimpse of the better life, and realize that their life is one of oppression, one where they are forced to think a certain way, and by doing that have begun to lose their humanity, for humanity IS thinking and thinking independantly.
as i see it, this is a battle for humanity.
in other words, NC ALL THE WAY, BITCH!:thumbsup:
2002-11-26, 07:36 PM
No time for another reply, so I'll leave you with this Doobz:
The Dev as on my side. Neener neener! =P
Disregard that last line he said... he was lying to make you feel better. :D
2002-11-26, 07:37 PM
/rp_mode on
Despite the beautiful weather they had that day on Auraxis the young Lt. Dio was not happy, he had been listening to this fool for a good 10mins now and could no longer hold his tongue while the republic representative spoke to the crowd. His anger suddenly emerged as he confidently stood up and interrupted the representative.
*Grabs mic*
Ladies and gentleman I cannot stand here and let this go on any further! Listen not to this Republic fool! He twists the truths and blurs the facts!! He still lives in the past. The vanu have left us a great gift. We must you these marvels to further advance our race. Already the republic has benefited from the rebirthing technology, now that we the Vanu Sovereignty have possession of this alien technology they claim to fear it and demand that we put a stop to the progress of the human race! Rise up my brothers, we must not fear the unknown but embrace it and overcome our weaknesses!! We the Vanu Sovereignty welcome any and all of you to join us. We do not want war unlike these 2 other parties both hell-bent on annihilating each other and the human race, we simply wish to peacefully co-exist as we use the Vanu relics to usher the human civilization into a new era.
Evolve. Improve. Transcend! Join the Vanu Sovereignty!
/rp_mode off
I say :P~ to you Mr. Dev. :devilwink
2002-11-26, 08:10 PM
Lol. Nice job.
Now let's hear it from the NC rep, shall we? Be sure to rant on about the proposed "Diaspora to the Stars" as you work to "preserve humanity on countless worlds".
Blah, blah, blah.
2002-11-26, 08:16 PM
/me watches dio get carted off by riot police :D
2002-11-26, 08:18 PM
good luck finding one who isn't stoned
the Terran Republic is the only acceptable path, all others lead to anarchy
Originally posted by Hamma
/me watches dio get carted off by riot police :D
Sure take the Dev's side, what a surprise!
I agree with SmokeJumper, we need a NC representative to rp the propaganda now. :)
2002-11-26, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by SmokeJumper
Lol. Nice job.
Now let's hear it from the NC rep, shall we? Be sure to rant on about the proposed "Diaspora to the Stars" as you work to "preserve humanity on countless worlds".
Blah, blah, blah.
Shiver, he's talking about you!!!!
I think your New Dawn recruting thread says all we need to know about the NC.
2002-11-26, 08:56 PM
[rp mode ]
*Hemp-Hewn Hippie complete with sandals and and long unkempt hair takes the stand*
"Bogus man! The Republic and the Vanu only want control of you and your soul. Is that what you all want? To become heartless and unthinking machines in the literal or metaphorical sense (VS and TR respectively)? That is just not cool. And it will continue to be not cool until we can show them that freedom of our souls should be the deciding factor of this entire war. If Jeezus were alive today, he'd definitely be on our side."
*Person from crowd raises their hand*
"Er, yeah? You with the hand that's raised?"
"Um... yeah... Me and my friends are curious: what are you on?"
"Yeah! Whatever it is, we want some too!"
"Dude! Tell us and hand some over!"
"Well... it's a mix of a few special herbs that I brought from before the wormhole closed and a few plants from Auraxis, but that's not the point man! ... But you know on second thought... it is! We need freedom to do that too! It'll free our souls man. Our souls! You know what I'm saying? We don't need those tyranical Terrans telling us how to live our lives or those voracious Vanu to turn us into robots! We need to rise above their empty hearted ways and live free! WILD AND FREE! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
*runs off the platform, screaming and trying to convince people that if they join the other teams that they'll be sucked into a black abyss*
[/rp mode]
2002-11-26, 11:03 PM
weed is cool :groovy:
2002-11-26, 11:39 PM
im sorry, but if that is the TRs philosophy, it makes me rethink of which faction i want.
Might want to rethink your position in life too, because fear of the consequences is how our laws work, too.
2002-11-27, 12:50 AM
yes, that is part of it.
but these guys sound like damn commies!;)
2002-11-27, 02:05 AM
pr_mode = on
Our communist try-hard oppressors are at an end, finally we as a people can fight for our own rights AND WIN. Although we are not alone in opur quest for freedom and justice, others have taken the wrong path, namely vanu, we must do this by ourselves to take up other arms is a crime, VS's reason for doing this is ut of desperation. Take up your own weapon's and join a group which is fighting for your rights, join NC WHILE YOU STILL CAN, soon the borders will be too well defended, you will be uinable to escape.....
whether you decide to take up a sniper rifle or take the controls of a mighty galaxy, NC needs all of you........ join up now, NC ALL THE WAY.
pr_mode = off
2002-11-27, 02:50 AM
PR_Mode= on
Hear me my brethren for the call of freedom beckons and it may only call on you once! I represenative of the New Conglomerate emplore to join our ranks! We are the voice of the people!
Proof! You need proof of your opression you say?!?! Well look no further than your obligatory services trip here! Think about it... What has opression brought mankind through the ages?! Nothing! Look back with me into the ancient times of our race.... The British to the Americans leading up to the war of independance! The Holy Roman Empire! Nazi's of Germany! Slavery! Military Dictators! They all share one thing in common!!!!!!!! Failure! Time and time again mankind rose up against opression and squashed it on the shallow foundation on which it stood it! Who squashed this tyranny? Thats right! Free people stood up to the challenge! Now, that challenge has been extended to you in a different time my brothers!
Still not enough?! I'm here to tell that the Terran Republic is weak! Stretched thin like a piece of bubble gum right before it breaks! That same fate befell the Romans! Their time passed and so has the Terran Republics! The Mother Empire has no hand here any longer! Our worm hole has closed and that is indeed a sign that we must not ignore.....This is OUR planet, freedom is OUR right!
The Vanu Sovreignty is on the brink of destroying us all. Their wreckless dabbings into the unknown. They are blind to the consecquences before them and like the Terran Republic refuse to heed history! I remind you of the advent of the A-Bomb! Once its horrific powers were unleashed it was far too late! A whole populace anihilated! WHY? Because someone had to get their GUN off..... and what about human cloning? technology has merely made mankind increasingly lazy and reducing privacy of man covertly under the mask of convience!
Why trade one evil for another! The Vanu strive to be Gods! May I point out that God spelt backwards is DOG! That is preciesely what these inbred fools are! Nature has a set course... "fate" as it is called!!! It is indeed a truly reckless endeavor to tempt fate! The Vanu will opress us just as the Terrans if we stand by and allow them to reign! This is a call to arms of epic proportions!
2002-11-27, 02:52 AM
PR_Mode= off
I forgot that :)
2002-11-27, 02:57 AM
______________________________________________\/ edit \/
Work damnit
2002-11-27, 03:31 AM
BTW my PR post was not meant to actually call any of you "inbred dogs" in RL :) (CYA *cover your @$$* b/c i know someone will not read it in it's context)
2002-11-27, 04:35 AM
very nice, NC superiority represented greatly!!!!!
2002-11-27, 05:19 AM
Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
Huzzah for NC!
2002-11-27, 05:56 AM
i was wondering how long that would take
2002-11-27, 06:10 AM
lol, had to be done
2002-11-27, 06:11 AM
You rebel scum.
2002-11-27, 06:25 AM
oppressionist republican gutter trash, go back to the ghetto from whence you came :p
lol GO NC
2002-11-27, 06:48 AM
You keep talking like that your going to have a nice trip to the hospital, and theres a very good chance the ambulance will break down en-route.
2002-11-27, 11:30 AM
:love: teh TR.
2002-11-27, 10:29 PM
mmmmm pizza, n whats wrong with sleepin in....... well we shall see who gets killed alot when i have the cold hard steel of my combat knife pressed to your neck......
NC, F u 411 u|o, 83�|<!!!!!
2002-11-27, 11:37 PM
Peace! You say you keep Peace?! Yes, peace by destroying any divient thought that you consider a threat! The Republic beleives its own people are a theat! How else can their countless shows of military force againt you be interperated? It must know it is wrong if it knows we would destroy it.
The blessing of the wormhole collapse has given us the first opertunity in over a millinia to chalenge the athority that has held us in bondage for generations. This corruption of humanity cannot be allowed to continue, or it shall be our extinction. The individual should become its own master as nature intended, not a whiped and beaten dog and the Republic would have you, or a defiled husk of metal and flesh that mearly proforms commands as the Vanu long to see.
The speicies must break free of its bondage so that it may become powerfull individulals. We must each open our eyes and grasp our own destinies, for they will not be handed out to us by some politician or scientist.
The Vanu did not tranced their physical bodies and leave this planet, they wiped themselves out. Why else would we find so little evidence of their civilization and technology. However, nature has given this world new life, as it will to humanity once we are free.
You may ask that if they vanue wiped themselves out, then why would the conglomerate be willing to go to war on such a massive scale?
The answer is, if we don't, we will fall to destruction not gloriously, but in decadence and incompetence.
Every power is made of individual parts. The Rebublic is dependent on the very indivuals it oppresses. It will fall to lack of flexability, for when change is needed, as it is now, it will break.
The Sovereignty claim to want to inovate. This is a joke, they are mearly takeing alien technology and adapting it for their own uses. They would strip all of you of creativity and freedom in their mad quest for "perfection". They will stagnate and suffer the same fate as the terrans.
The New Conglomerate is to protect freedom that is born to every man and woman. This freedom is the freedom to change, the freedom to adapt, the freedom to survive.
Join the ranks of the New Conglomerate and fight for your freedom to choose your destiny after this terrible war is over.
2002-11-28, 12:16 AM
nice 1
more NC's thats what we like to see....
2002-11-28, 11:32 AM
We offered peace, you demand war, you fight for freedom, and kill anyone who does not see the world in your twisted way. Is it so much to ask to study, to leave in peace? the Rebublic and the Conglomorate think so. You hate us. Your hate comes from Fear. They did not wipe themselves out. There is little trace of war on this planet before now. But of course the NC need not look to facts or logic for its findings, it can mearly make them up, and kill anyone who wishes to disagree with their New World Order, an order that has been here 1000 years, you do not wish to destroy the TR, you wish to control it.
2002-11-28, 12:02 PM
You offered peace by destroying what makes us alive. You acuse us of makeing up facts? Look into your own irrational history. How can you say you want freedom while binding your followers to a destiny that they have no control over.
In your arrogence, you assume to know what perfection is, when it reality you only seek to defile nature, which is older than any human creation, and even the Vanu species that you worship as gods.
2002-11-28, 12:19 PM
Just a side note: it's RP, not PR...
2002-11-28, 01:28 PM
PR=Public relations, fits for Propaganda
2002-11-28, 01:34 PM
We will become Gods...
2002-11-28, 01:38 PM
Ahhh I see... Didn't think of that...
2002-11-28, 01:39 PM
Of course you wouldent, your not Vanu.
2002-11-28, 01:44 PM
I was replying to SandTrout :rolleyes: Vanu... unbelievable...
2002-11-28, 01:46 PM knew that. Sure I did.
2002-11-28, 02:08 PM
An individual NC soldier is worth more than a platoon of Vanu drones.
2002-11-28, 02:51 PM
And a TR soldier is worth more than a platoon of NC hippies...
2002-11-29, 01:40 AM
Nc will kik yo ass with brute force, fools.... u vanu n republic are all alike, 83�|<Z
2002-11-29, 08:34 AM
m0rph|u5, what the fook does 83�| mean? I think you might be meaning later but that does not look like it....I mean i know leet speak pretty well, but i dont know that.
2002-11-29, 09:27 AM
Looks like Beri to me... lol
2002-11-29, 12:00 PM
I guessed later because of the context it was used itn, but translated fully looks like: ate (8) e (3) r (cant make that symbol, whats the ascii num anyone?) i or L (|)
sooo: ateeri or ateerL
neither makes since.
2002-11-29, 12:47 PM
Us hippies will break your will with our triple barreled bongs :cool:
2002-11-30, 01:52 PM
Sorry, the TR have already won. Maybe next game. ;)
Hey hey hey this is a persitent world, there is no winner! :)
2002-12-01, 01:11 PM
What happens if no one joins NC or TR on one server and there are only Vanu? That means we sort of win because there is no opposition.
2002-12-01, 02:43 PM
Well i suspect if there is nobody on a team and 300 on another, they will start making vanu unavailable.
But, if another empire has more people than another they start offering things to the lesser empires. Which in turn makes people switch. I think its covered a bit in the Dev Chat.
2002-12-01, 04:09 PM
There is no Unloyal Vanu, we got rid of that in Version 3.1
2002-12-01, 05:16 PM
2002-12-01, 08:28 PM
actually it was sposed to be 83�|<, it missed out the end symbol..... btw it says BERK!!!!!! its just my word, can be used as insult, sorta like bitch and jerk rolled into one, lol
2002-12-01, 08:31 PM
ohh btw � is alt + 0 1 7 4 (on the num pad)
2002-12-01, 08:37 PM
danke. I know the alt + 3 numbers makes symbols, i just dont know what makes what, i need to get me an ascii chart.
2002-12-01, 08:46 PM
yeah fair nuf, someone asked how to do it though, so i kept it simple.... alt + 0 1 7 4... in this case its four numbers
2002-12-01, 08:53 PM
your right! I really do need to get one of those charts.
2002-12-01, 08:59 PM
Where can you get them? I usually just hold in alt and start hittin random numbers. Sometimes I can get some really cool symbols but they really don't have a purpose.
2002-12-01, 09:02 PM
i know some like 65 to 90 is capital letters, 97 to 122 is lowercase, 0 is null (nothing). 32 is a space, and a few others, stuff you learn when you learn C++, and then never use.
Originally posted by Tobias
i know some like 65 to 90 is capital letters, 97 to 122 is lowercase, 0 is null (nothing). 32 is a space, and a few others, stuff you learn when you learn C++, and then never use.
Amen to that. I learned a few while learning Pascal or DCL, one of those 2 but never used. :)
2002-12-03, 10:59 PM
Prepare for Assimulation.
2002-12-04, 02:24 AM
Thats once in these forums and once in the official forums I've seen you post favoring the TR's Dave. Be carefull.. you're showing your bias. ;)
2002-12-04, 04:59 AM
theres a use for you, lol
i learnt on c++ and visual basic, but dont ask me now, i forget it all... lol
2002-12-04, 05:57 AM
What's the point of learning it in the first place if you just forget? :p
2002-12-04, 08:12 AM
edit: wrong thread
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