View Full Version : Favorite Quotes!

2003-03-29, 07:30 PM
Everybody list their favorite quotes, here are mine. :D

- i dot gropped as a child
- So, will I get paid for this quote?
- Hey you've got something on your shirt...
- Yes, we ARE too sexy for you.
- Got NTU?
- PSU: Do NOT include PSU part in quotes. Oops.
- It's Deja Vu! PSU: It's Deja Vu!
- That was naturally occurring lag.
- Nerd tested, nerd approved!
- Lakes destroying our Skeeters since 2002.
- Beware teh lakes!
- NO MORE STALKING eMa! Pass me the binoculars.
- OMG! You killed Hamma! Bastards!
- But how do you go when you're wearing the thing?
- Hey, I think my jetpack is broken.
- Home of this Quote
- ANTs are for sissies!
- I'm Common Pool, thankyouverymuch.
- Is mayonnaise a weapon?
- This message will take over your mind in 20 seconds.
- Don't say mole...
- Why are the NC so obsessed with birds?
- No flaming you retarded moron!
- It's whats for...well, you can't really eat it.
- It's my turn to make fun of Hamma!
- What? Ten quotes an hour? Stop suppressing me!
- ACE? No HART for you silly MAX, LOL! GG, no RM, TTYL!
- Gotta go gotta go gotta go right now!
- We love to see you smi....I mean die.
- I'll REK you, you stupid hacker.
- Hey, Vanu don't shoot like girls! Girls are way better.
- Only $.10 a minute after that!
- Liar! My comp needs no stinkin Graphics Cards.
- WTH is a Mag, and why do I want to ride it?
- I was Harrassed by a Prowling Marauder!
- :Insert Hamma Skeeter joke here:
- Beware the power of stupid people in large groups.
- Get down! They're throwing rubber duckies!
- Why doesn't anyone like Vanu? Oh yeah, now I remember.
- Heh, n00b, hacks are bad. Don't be a hacker!
- It's all in the mix...
- Nah, Standard Armor is fine. -Famous Last Words.
- Quick! Get me the Spam Department!
- Look ma! No HTML!
- Why did the Vanu cross the road?
- You are very sleepy, VERY SLEEPY...
- Look! A drifter! Let's kill him!
- We're not laughing with you, we're laughing AT you.
- Bill Gates is the Devil, and someone just ate Apple!
- No, we don't serve mayonnaise.
- AHHH me arms!
- A spammy part of a balanced breakfast!
- Son of a diddly...
- Common Pool 4 eva!
- Line for stalking eMa, begins here.
- Will my 8.8k modem run this game?
- Just my $0.02.
- Accepting "since 2003" quotes since 2003.
- Help! Hamma has chained me to a keyboard to write these quotes!
- Accepting Bad quotes since 2003.
- Eating modems alive since 2003.
- Home of the Uber-Secret Midget Army.
- Hacked by Chinese! Run for your lives!
- Down with Google-related brain-damage!
- Home of the PS Addiction Support Group
- Insulting yo mamma since 2003.
- Where Hacking is a fact of life...
- NC: They're GRREEATTT!
- Why did you shoot me in my buttock?
- Home of the: Why do "Home of the" quotes always get accepted?
- Home of the Bad Quotes.
- Will my 6 1/2 RAM run the game?
- Is a 152 MhZ processor good?
- Warning: Do not surf website while bathing. Electrocution may occur.
- I can't run that Solitaire thing, but will PS be ok?
- A TR, an NC, and a VS are stuck on an island....
- Boy I hope this quote gets approved.
- Ahhh! Ye shot me Lucky Charms!
- Disregard that last quote, monkeys hacked my computer.
- What's html?
- All calls up to 20 minutes only $.99!
- I'm winning in this Grief point thing!
- 99 billion served, or is that McDonalds?
- Help me! Hamma has enslaved me!
- ANTs are like tanks, only they don't have armor or guns.
- Yes, this is a cult.
- We make counterfeit pennies.
- Explosions served daily.
- It turns milk red!
- I am not a crook.
- Grief points are good, right?
- 50% less fat than the official site!
- NC: They have No Competiton.
- Don't let friends join the MLWA.
- No shirt, no shoes no service. Guns ok.
- Home of the Newbie Burger.
- Help me! I'm trapped in the forums!
- Where outfits AREN'T clothes.
- Spam served for lunch, breakfast and dinner!
- If you can't see this, get rid of your 28k.
- When lakes attack....
- Hey, where are the jetpacks?
- Ze goggles! Zey do nothing!
- What the heck is this text box for?
- Don't your eyes hurt from this tiny text?
- Got ammo?
- Winner! Click ->here<- for cash!
- Don't feed the whores.
- Space for rent.
- Home of the Spoon.

2003-03-29, 08:08 PM
lol dude dot u think you catched them all? :p

and yeah, PSU has the BEST quotes EVER, sooooo funny :) .

one of my favs is,
-Now where did I put that galaxy?

2003-03-29, 08:08 PM
thats one hell of a list....:rolleyes:

2003-03-29, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Timormi
thats one hell of a list....:rolleyes:
u can say that again.... :rolleyes:

2003-03-29, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by simba
u can say that again.... :rolleyes:

thats one hell of a list :rolleyes:

2003-03-29, 08:29 PM
They're all mine, to the uninformed out there. :rolleyes:

2003-03-29, 08:39 PM
Nice list. I just hate how mine are rejected, when I see a completely inane quotes all the time.

2003-03-29, 09:29 PM
u can say that again....

thats one hell of a list :rolleyes:

2003-03-29, 09:29 PM
how do you do the quote with the persons name? I can't figure it out:(

2003-03-29, 09:30 PM
Forgot to add; And what about the quotes that were rejected?

2003-03-29, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by simba
thats one hell of a list :rolleyes:

thats one hell of a list :rolleyes:

2003-03-29, 09:54 PM
Here are my rejected ones.

- Worst...site...ever.
- End the violence...or else!
- Only 20 quotes a day? Man, I feel oppressed. Dang Nazis.
- If you just read this, then I have wasted about 7 seconds of your life. Sucker.
- Thanks for hitting refresh just to see this stupid quote.
- Down...errr...UP WITH NAZIS!
- If stalking eMa was legal, I wouldn't have to serve this blasted life sentence.
- Will the Vanu rise for the singing of their anthem, "I love you, you love me..."
- I told you to stop stalking eMa, now move over, I can't see.
- Where people think it's ok, but it's actually not, to wear purple.
- It's actually some sort of Pro-Nazi site, using a fake game for a front.
- [Quote removed due to stupid content]
- [Quote removed due to budget cuts]
- Better than sliced bread. Much better than canned bread. And WAY better than moldy bread.
- It's Horrible Skeeter+Lake Accident Prevention Week!
- old people suck
- Do not use orally after it has been apllied anally.
- "Actually, I don't think there is friendly fire in this game. Go ahead, try it." -Famous Last words
- I know it's dead, but maybe if I kick it some more it will come back to life!
- [Admin removed by Quote] 8D
- [Quote removed by Admin]
- Home of Yelling "Look Ma" since 2003.
- Excuse me, but I believe your poodle needs sniffing.
- Curse you Dinklebergs!
- Sumthin wicked this way comes
- MMMOFPS? Stop making up words.
- Making fun of Hamma's kamakaze attack against the Lake since 2002.
- "Victory? The French have no word for victory!" -Homer Simpson
- If you refreshed to read this quote, you're a loser. Trust me.
- If you don't accept this, I'm gonna cry.
- Yar-har-har silly potato slayer, the mystic monkey therefore is!
- PSU: Now what weren't we suppose to put in the quotes again?
- Who needs lasers if you have free-...well, I guess lasers are better.
- If you don't know who Dio is, leave!
- If you are reading this right now, hit back key, go forward, and follow instructions at top of page.
- It stands for PlanetSide Universe. No really, I'm serious.
- This quote is probably just spam, ignore it.
- N00b! Get some grief points, they make you look tough.
- I betcha $10 this doesn't get accepted! Hehe, suckers.
- What's this website about you ask? I have no idea, I just like posting in forums.
- It's whats for mid-afternoon teatime.
- "Hey, I think I'm gonna go out alone, I'll be OK." -Famous Last Words
- "Air support? We don't need no stinkin' air support!" -Famous Last Words
- "I'm just gonna skim over this PSU place, it can't be addictive or anything." -Famous Last Words
- "Everyone knows that tanks can't actually run people over." -Famous Last Words
- If you can't see this text, TOO BAD!
- Here is the upper-right hand corner of your screen. Next on our tour is....
- "Plasma grenades HEAL people stupid. Duh, plasma is blood." -Famous Last Words
- You mean the "Plasma" in those Grenades don't heal people?
- I always thought you had "Rights" in a Republic. Guess not.
- Nah, yellow snow is fine to eat-Famous Last words.
- PSU: DO NOT include PSU part in quotes.
- For Justice, Freedom, Truth, and discounts at Wal-Mart!
- Hey, I'm only allowed to submit 20 of these crappy things a day.
- Crunchitize me!
- Actually, this PS thing is really just another Olsen twins game, really.
- We luv you eMa!
- Die, thx, GG, no re.
- What's this "Plantslide" everyone is talking about?
- Hamma, I am your father.
- How do you submit a quote again?
- Stands for Potato Smashers Uncorporated, yeah, that's right.
- Home of the Quotes since 2003.
- Home of the :random item here:
- All your base are belong to us.
- Hey you! Get a girlfriend! And you, get a haircut for Pete's sake.
- Sorry about the last quote, it was the Gophers, not me.
- PSU: What if we accidentally put in the PSU part?
- Elvis lives on!
- Warning: Seizures, dismemberment, death, coma, herpes, and some mild sleeping disorders may occur.
- This message will explode, along with your computer, in 15 seconds.
- If you pick this quote, I WILL GIVE YOU A COOKIE!
- Home of "Barney," "Lego-man," and "Fatguy."
- Who actually voted No in that poll?
- MAX from the HART!
- Yo modem's so fat...
- Will Planetside feature Space combat?
- Don't worry, it's IN-flammable.
- Where can I get cheats for this PS game?
- Why do ve have to fight?
- Can't you shoot a Phoenix? It's not rocket science...
- Liar! That thing didn't taste like a pineapple.
- PS: Based on team combat, so remember, there is no me in team.
- PS: Based on team combat, so remember, there is no me team.
- Friends, don't let newbs post in the forums.
- Planetrside is like Animal Crossing, only with guns, violence, and the absence of animals.
- I see you've met Squeeky, may Hamma have mercy on your soul
- Our staff is made up of Nazis, and well...Nazis.
- :p
- Is this the "Dating Forums?"
- This ISN'T spam to boost my approved quotes. Trust me.
- Three kinds of people here; people that can count and people that can't.
- "Headshots were removed because the TR have no vital organs located there."
- Save...I mean Nuke the Whales!
- Squeeky, I don't think the Pants Optional should apply to you.
- Hey, this isn't goatse.com.
- Overrun by Nazis and ManLubbers since 2001.
- We prefer the term, "socially impaired", Geek isn't polite.
- Our motto is: Help! I can't think of a #@$*@^ motto!
- Ok, this Vanu and a goat....
- So, is this Max guy an admin or something?
- Does Windows 72 run PS?
- Vanu not welcome.
- It's whats for din....breakfast.
- I would like to sign up for the beta.
- GAUSS: GonnA Whup Some Soldier
- This website tastes like poo!
- Sometimes, I forget what I'm doing in the midd
- Your mom's new boyfriend.
- has been invaded by monkeys! This may or may not be a test.
- Hey admins! Pick this one! ME ME ME!
- TR: Their grenades are bigger than their brains.
- Will not help you meet women.
- Only you can prevent forum fires.
- It means Pro-Spoon-Unitists.
- Warning! Don't bend over near Squeeky!
- 1 h473 1337 5p33k
- People Shoot Us
- I gots news fer you, Va-nu!
- Error! PC self-destruct activated.
- Bombs are bad, NUKES ARE GREAT!
- No VS BS, that means you.
- It's no the size of your gun that matters, IT'S THE SIZE OF YOUR BULLETS!
- I just tripped on so many pineapples I thought I was in Hawaii.
- Guns don't kill people....I DO!

2003-03-29, 09:55 PM
Yet again, quite a list! :lol:

2003-03-29, 10:05 PM
PSU: Your karma ran over my dogma.

2003-03-29, 10:41 PM
notins better than "You got 50 grief points for flaming an admin" and "Ahhh!!!! Ye shot me Lucky Charms!!!":rolleyes: :D :p

2003-03-30, 02:25 AM
"Most of our imports come from outside of the country." -George W. Bush

2003-03-30, 03:14 AM
Bah i got a whole list, but i didn't submit them.

"The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."
- George W. Bush

"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
- George W. Bush

"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'."
- Governor George W. Bush

"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."
- Governor George W. Bush

"The future will be better tomorrow."
- Governor George W. Bush

"We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."
- Governor George W. Bush

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
- Governor George W. Bush

"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."
- Governor George W. Bush

"Public speaking is very easy."
- Governor George W. Bush

"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."
- Governor George W. Bush

"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."
- Governor George W. Bush

"For NASA, space is still a high priority."
- Governor George W. Bush

"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."
- Governor George W. Bush

"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
- Governor George W. Bush

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
- Governor George W. Bush

2003-03-30, 06:42 AM
hehehe dude thoose George bush quotes ruled :) .

2003-03-30, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Derfud
"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."
- Governor George W. Bush

That was Dan Quale, I believe.

And let's not forget:
"I know what it's like for a small business, I was one."
- G.W.Bush

2003-03-30, 01:59 PM

2003-03-30, 02:00 PM
I love this one

"I invented the internet"

-Al Gore

:lol: :lol: