View Full Version : Can the galaxies....
2003-03-29, 09:01 PM
carry ANTs in their docking bay, and, can you drop it in mid flight?
2003-03-29, 09:05 PM
Yes to both. U can drop stuff outa Gals but if u drop an ANT and it hits a wall it will explode! I mean like KAAAAABOOOOOOOM (LoL carpet bombing!)
2003-03-29, 09:09 PM
actaully they wont explode the dampers som eon automaticly same thing for humans so you could do paratrooping or drop and ant from a warpgate to a place that needs supplies makes it alot faster
Originally posted by zenthor
actaully they wont explode the dampers som eon automaticly same thing for humans so you could do paratrooping or drop and ant from a warpgate to a place that needs supplies makes it alot faster
actually even if you drop is high enough up the momentum of it being dropped while moving might carry it into a wall
2003-03-29, 09:31 PM
or you can do this drop it out of the drop ship.. jump out of ANT :) ANT falls and its a nice bomb
2003-03-29, 09:34 PM
or after you drop it you could have a followin reaver shoot it with a couple of missles...
big KABOOM :drools:
2003-03-29, 09:52 PM
I think you're over estimating just how big the ANT explosion will be.
2003-03-29, 09:56 PM
Wat, there only comes like a spec of steam from the ANT?:rolleyes:
2003-03-29, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by BUGGER33
Wat, there only comes like a spec of steam from the ANT?:rolleyes:
No, but you people are acting like you'll be able to kill dozens of people with an ANT. The PS team obviously isn't a fan of indirect, no-real-risk kills (as bombers and artillery would lend itself toward) so ANT-bombing obviously isn't going to be very viable. Sure, there's a chance it could work, but unless you're a terrible player, you'd do far more damage if you ejected as a soldier and used your weapon to kill instead of a vehicle's explosion.
Camping Carl
2003-03-29, 10:07 PM
No, but you people are acting like you'll be able to kill dozens of people with an ANT.
Nobody said that, but think of other uses for a powerfull explosion like that. Park it next to a generator, and boom! It probably wouldn't destroy it, but it should help quite a bit.
2003-03-29, 10:12 PM
There's a pic of one exploding here:
not that it really matters. And I agree with warborn.
2003-03-29, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Camping Carl
Nobody said that, but think of other uses for a powerfull explosion like that. Park it next to a generator, and boom! It probably wouldn't destroy it, but it should help quite a bit.
A generator? Pretty sure that the generator isn't going to be outside. Generators are usually located in the basement of buildings, which as we both know is completely off limits to vehicles. Also, as for bombing, vehicles show up on radar. You'd be able to see and hear the Galaxy coming well before it gets within dropping range. And obviously if you see an ANT coming down, you'd move back before you blow it away. At most, I'd only expect one or two guys to ever die to an ANT blast, and that'd be because they're AFK or simply not paying attention.
2003-03-29, 10:15 PM
2003-03-29, 11:00 PM
2 guys would die atleast. The driver, and the dude defending its ass.
And if your lucky (I mean REALLY lucky), you could shoot it out of the galxy when the rear opens......then you would probly kill everybody inside as well as the galaxy itself!
Tho as I said, if your lucky...and if the blast is strong enough...
Camping Carl
2003-03-29, 11:18 PM
Forget infantry. What about tanks? Or a group of max armors? Just use your imagination. You send a galaxy in with reaver(s) for escort, it drops the ANT on/near the target. If the target moves, the ANT stays with it. Meanwhile the reavers make it and the target go boom. This'd take some team coordination, but it's doable.
And what are they MAX armors/tanks gonna do? Blow it up? That's what the ANT driver wants anyways. I'd attempt to move away, but that's just me.
Although I don't claim to know how much damage an ANT does when it explodes, so you could always make it two or three ANTs. ;)
I'd consider an ANT or two a to eliminate a pesky group of Max armors gaurding a base entrance a decent trade.
Don't disregard this idea so easily. Be creative guys, surely someone else can think of a good way to use ANT's explosions.
There's just no love here for kamakazi tactics... :(
2003-03-29, 11:38 PM
Well my idea was, since the ACE can be used as a remote charge... If you can slap it on to things, y not clamp alot to an ANT, have someone else drive it into a crowd and then set it off.
I don't know how bad the explosion is, or if u can clamp the charges to things, but that would be fun if the explosion was big enough.
2003-03-30, 12:05 AM
Forget infantry. What about tanks? Or a group of max armors? Just use your imagination. You send a galaxy in with reaver(s) for escort, it drops the ANT on/near the target. If the target moves, the ANT stays with it. Meanwhile the reavers make it and the target go boom. This'd take some team coordination, but it's doable.
And what are they MAX armors/tanks gonna do? Blow it up? That's what the ANT driver wants anyways. I'd attempt to move away, but that's just me.
Although I don't claim to know how much damage an ANT does when it explodes, so you could always make it two or three ANTs
Two or three people in ANTs die to *maybe* take out a tank or a MAX? Why not just give the three guys some anti-vehicluar weapons and forget about the suicide thing? Unless your goal is to annoy the enemy by attacking in ways they can't fight back against, instead of actually winning, you're better off giving the three suiciders something more productive to do rather than just day. That's an awful waste of a soldier.
I'd consider an ANT or two a to eliminate a pesky group of Max armors gaurding a base entrance a decent trade.
Think an ANT will be able to survive the trip to a group of MAX's before said MAX's blow it apart?
There's just no love here for kamakazi tactics... :(
Suicide kills are no fun for the people getting killed. It is not enjoyable to be killed by something you cannot effectively fight back against. In fact, I consider it a very cheap way of fighting, and something that's only done in FPS games because the suicider wants to try to annoy his enemies for whatever inane reason.
So yeah, no, I don't have any love for kamakazi stuff when you could grab a rifle and fight in a way that makes the game fun for everybody.
That said though, I'd like to point out that traps are a totally different story. Killing someone with a vehicle without you dying yourself is an effective and decent way to fight. In which case, to answer your request for creative ways to use ANTs, I'd suggest filling it with energy, parking it somewhere strategic, damaging it a bit, putting a boomer under it, and then waiting for an enemy to pass within range. Then, boom. The boomer detonates the ANT, the ANT inflicts more damage on the enemy than the boomer alone would have. That sort of use of ANTs explosions I respect.
2003-03-30, 12:10 AM
just imagine this, there is an ant, and a driver inside in the galaxy, and ur getting shot en route to a base to power it, you are almost dead, shouting"GOING DOWN!! GOING DOWN!!" what does the ANT driver do? Stay in there and die and not make a difference? Or does he drop out so he can land on a few MAXes that are shooting the galaxy down? What would you do? Die a coward? Or die a hero? What would you do? If your going to die anyways, why not make a difference,
2003-03-30, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Dharkbayne
just imagine this, there is an ant, and a driver inside in the galaxy, and ur getting shot en route to a base to power it, you are almost dead, shouting"GOING DOWN!! GOING DOWN!!" what does the ANT driver do? Stay in there and die and not make a difference? Or does he drop out so he can land on a few MAXes that are shooting the galaxy down? What would you do? Die a coward? Or die a hero? What would you do? If your going to die anyways, why not make a difference,
In that highly unlikely situation, I'd bail in the ANT, then get out of the ANT and use whatever weapon I had rather than make an attempt to, assuming the ANT is anywhere near what shot me down, drive toward the enemy, and then hope the enemy is retarded and decides to blow the ANT up when it's right beside it. So, I'd die man, and I'd fight in a way that's 10x more effective than trying to convince the enemy to blow me up in an ANT when I'm right near them.
2003-03-30, 12:41 AM
sad thing is we'll probabaly see everything thats been posted here atleast once on opening day lol
Camping Carl
2003-03-30, 12:52 AM
Two or three people in ANTs die to *maybe* take out a tank or a MAX? Why not just give the three guys some anti-vehicluar weapons and forget about the suicide thing? Unless your goal is to annoy the enemy by attacking in ways they can't fight back against, instead of actually winning, you're better off giving the three suiciders something more productive to do rather than just day. That's an awful waste of a soldier.
The impression I get from the beta tests is, you don't want the outside walls of your base to be breached. It's easy to see that defenders will want to focus their efforts on the main entreance to a base. I can see defenders parking tanks and max suits in the front gate (or gates) and staying there. One well placed kamakazi attack would be a huge setback for the defense. It's likely that the attack wouldn't kill all the defenders, but it would weaken their position greatly and give the attackers a chance to breach their line.
Also, it'd be good to follow up with some decimators. But I can't see them being enough on their own.
I consider three soldiers to be worth it.
Think an ANT will be able to survive the trip to a group of MAX's before said MAX's blow it apart?
Yes, because it's a short trip to the ground. You read the part about the ANT being dropped out of the galaxy right next to the max suits right?
Suicide kills are no fun for the people getting killed. It is not enjoyable to be killed by something you cannot effectively fight back against. In fact, I consider it a very cheap way of fighting, and something that's only done in FPS games because the suicider wants to try to annoy his enemies for whatever inane reason.
I don't deny it. It's not really fair. But if it works, I'll do it.
Also, I'd load as many max suits and soldiers into the galaxies as possible and drop them out to the sides. It'd be a shame to to waste that opportunity. The defenders would simply be overwhelmed. Right after several ANT's detonate in their midst, enemy troops drop in all around them. You'd need some way to detonate the ANT's tho, personally I'd use reavers.
Only trick is getting the galaxies in alive to drop that attack force...
2003-03-30, 12:56 AM
Just think of how cool it would be, under heavy fire, the galaxy is going BEEP BEEP BOOM! CLANK! missles firing everywhere, all of the other soldiers have already bailed, its just you inside of the ANT, and the pilot, you are almost right over the enemy, not much time to make a decision, if you jump, you will die, he will live, if you don't, you both die, what do you do?
Originally posted by Warborn
I think you're over estimating just how big the ANT explosion will be.
Listen to Warborn. He's smart.
Originally posted by Fire_Monkey
There's a pic of one exploding here:
not that it really matters. And I agree with warborn.
how do you know that's an ANT exploding? Are you breaking teh NDA...? :D
Originally posted by Camping Carl
Forget infantry. What about tanks? Or a group of max armors? Just use your imagination. You send a galaxy in with reaver(s) for escort, it drops the ANT on/near the target. If the target moves, the ANT stays with it. Meanwhile the reavers make it and the target go boom. This'd take some team coordination, but it's doable.
And what are they MAX armors/tanks gonna do? Blow it up? That's what the ANT driver wants anyways. I'd attempt to move away, but that's just me.
Although I don't claim to know how much damage an ANT does when it explodes, so you could always make it two or three ANTs. ;)
I'd consider an ANT or two a to eliminate a pesky group of Max armors gaurding a base entrance a decent trade.
Don't disregard this idea so easily. Be creative guys, surely someone else can think of a good way to use ANT's explosions.
There's just no love here for kamakazi tactics... :(
Why not just get the reavers to shoot the tank and save yourself a fully loaded ANT?
originally posted by Camping Carl
The impression I get from the beta tests is, you don't want the outside walls of your base to be breached. It's easy to see that defenders will want to focus their efforts on the main entreance to a base. I can see defenders parking tanks and max suits in the front gate (or gates) and staying there. One well placed kamakazi attack would be a huge setback for the defense. It's likely that the attack wouldn't kill all the defenders, but it would weaken their position greatly and give the attackers a chance to breach their line.
How do you know this? For all we know the explosion of an ANT could be the explosion of a harrasser, which we don't know either but cmon' how much dmage can a exploding buggy do?
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Dharkbayne
Just think of how cool it would be, under heavy fire, the galaxy is going BEEP BEEP BOOM! CLANK! missles firing everywhere, all of the other soldiers have already bailed, its just you inside of the ANT, and the pilot, you are almost right over the enemy, not much time to make a decision, if you jump, you will die, he will live, if you don't, you both die, what do you do?
Callin the 1st Armored Dvision to blow the people shooting at you's ass up.
2003-03-30, 01:13 AM
Warborn I've seen pictures of an outside generator about to be blown up by some soldiers.
2003-03-30, 01:34 AM
Err, all this talk of Kamakazi ANTs is good and all, but has anyone taken the time to look at the screenshot of the ANT on the vehicle page on the official site? ( The thing has 3 big holes right around where the driver is. This means they don't have to destroy the ANT to get rid of it. Just fire a few rounds through the window and you got yourself a free, fully charged ANT. And you didn't have to go through all the trouble of charging it. :D :p ;)
2003-03-30, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by Lonehunter187
Warborn I've seen pictures of an outside generator about to be blown up by some soldiers.
How can you be sure it's a generator though?
2003-03-30, 12:57 PM
"It is not enjoyable to be killed by something you cannot effectively fight back against."
Warborn, sounds like you just described sniping.
sure you can run for cover, if the first shot doesnt kill you that is, and if your in a few types of armor it will, but you can run for cover durring a suicide attack aswell.
Infact, I would say that you have more of an oportunity to save yourself durring a kamakazi attack than you do when being hunted by a sniper...
2003-03-30, 02:00 PM
Snipers are yummy. Not much a BD can do to a Reaver.
BTW if you want to kill stuff with big explosions, use a boomer. Leave Galaxy in open field, deserted, plant Boomers, heheheheh. No more Hacker! :D
2003-03-30, 02:06 PM
oh, im gonna use that plan, muahahhahaha, yeah, hes hacking it, he gets in with a few MAXes, wait till they get way up in the air, and.... KKKKAAAAAABOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2003-03-30, 02:10 PM
this is a cool idea guys but it isn't going to be a very prevalent strategy. remember the spawn counter?
2003-03-30, 02:23 PM
I doubt that the situation is going to present itself enough to make it a useful strategy. I'd have to agree with Warborn on this one.
2003-03-30, 04:24 PM
Terran Elite Airborne Regiment
Nice brain storming but i dont belive this is gonna happen too often. The time it takes to get the supplies and fly to the right spot, it seems to me it will most likely happen by luck.
2003-03-30, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by 2coasts
"It is not enjoyable to be killed by something you cannot effectively fight back against."
Warborn, sounds like you just described sniping.
sure you can run for cover, if the first shot doesnt kill you that is, and if your in a few types of armor it will, but you can run for cover durring a suicide attack aswell.
Infact, I would say that you have more of an oportunity to save yourself durring a kamakazi attack than you do when being hunted by a sniper...
It should come as no surprise when I say that I disdain snipers as well. However, I don't think they'll be as bad as any of us thinks. The PS team would of course realize the impact of overpowered snipers in their game, and would take measures to make sure that isn't a problem. So I believe my disdain of snipers won't carry over into PS, as they'll likely be well-balanced and not strong enough that you can't really fight back against them. And, just maybe, they'll actually require the sniper to have skill to get kills, rather than most other games where any monkey with digits can point and shoot the insta-kill gun.
Not to bring up the whole sniper crap again but i'm glad to see someone finally realized that the problem with sniping in games isn't damage level but skill level.
/me :hug: Warborn
2003-03-30, 06:21 PM
I'm with warborn on this one, you can be a creative little idiot and drop an ANT on someones head, and maybe get lucky and kill one person, or you can actually do something effective, like strafe him with a reaver, or *gasp* be an infantryman. Seriously, this is the same sort of misinterpretation that used to go around with the darklights where people thought "while reducing your visibility" meant you were invisble too.
I agree with him on the snipers to
2003-03-31, 06:09 AM
Blowing up a loaded ANT.....What are you guys a bunch of islamic militants. This isn't a Jihad.....Just get soem friends and go Kick Ass, what is up with all this suicide bomber crap
2003-03-31, 06:18 AM
Here's what you do.
Have a scout watch for a caravan on enemy troops, coming down a road or something.
Just ahead of them, park an ANT in the middle of the road, then go and hide over a hill, or behind some trees or something.
Fire off a Pheonix rocket, and keep it circling off to the side, or way way above.
Then when the enemy come to investigate the ANT.......... BOOM!
With the rocket. :D
2003-03-31, 09:19 AM
For the most part, I agree with Warborn. But, it would be a viable tactic for someone as yet unskilled in FPSs in general. Elaborate a little so I don't get flamed for that: if a really major battle is going down and the guy just isn't YET skilled enough (hasn't gotten used to it yet) to do anything more than provide free BEP to the enemy, put him in an ANT, charge it, put it in dropship, fly over some nicely clustered infantry who seem to be looking the other way (not shooting at me in the Galaxy), tell him to drop and hope I judged it right. It should be enough to AT LEAST take out infantry. I think they were overestimating the power, but I also think Warborn is underestimating.
2003-03-31, 09:51 AM
Hamma knows all about an ANT leaving a Galaxys holding bay in mid flight...
2003-03-31, 11:00 AM
If it happens it happens, I don't think it will happen often.
That being said . . . it all depends. Lol, I can just see a Galaxy-ANT-Reaver drop-shoot-BOOM combo being the ultimate llama kill. And it all depends on how serious the splash damage is -- Mine-disc, anyone? :D
It will probably happen every now and then, but for a different reason -- dropping ANT's is probably going to happen a lot to refill a facility, and occasionally there are going to be enemies attacking that facility. And the ANT might hit a wall, or the enemies might lay down smack on it -- so, it will probably happen occasionally. Whether it happenes 'often' or not, or whether it becomes a viable tactic or not, depends on a lot of gameplay specifics -- no one thought a mine-disc would be very practical for midairs, either, but on some maps it seems like that's a primary LD tactic. :P
2003-03-31, 05:55 PM
But, it would be a viable tactic for someone as yet unskilled in FPSs in general.
I'd rather they fight normally to become more skilled in a FPS. Not only that, but newbies are people too. I know that if I were new at something and someone told me to get in a vehicle and suicide into the enemy, I'd tell him to do it himself, while I grab a gun and learn how to play properly and in a way I'd actually enjoy.
I think they were overestimating the power, but I also think Warborn is underestimating.
Anybody who knows for a fact would have to break their NDA agreement to settle the matter, so I guess we've reached yet another dead end.
Mine-disc, anyone? :D
What's a mine-disc?
2003-03-31, 06:40 PM
um i dont think anyone was bringing up this topic for it to be an every day 24/7 tactic, but rather as something that may be interesting cool and fun to see and try once or twice...
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