View Full Version : PS1 Soundboard

2013-01-14, 09:49 AM
The other thread started stupid and I didn't want to dip my royal hairy beanbag in it.

So I realized that I never got around to bothering with the full WAV header in my PS sound extractor because umm.. I'm lazy. There were only like 2 or 3 sounds that weren't 22050hz 16bit PCM so I just re-used the header and overwrote the filesize bytes.

Felt like polishing this off because why not? This is one of hte sound files I hadn't converted before.


100 internet points to the person who finds out whose voice that is. Its obviously placeholder voice over.

Anyway, i'll upload the extractor a little later today.

Planetside stores its audio generally in one giant *.wav archive with a paired space delimited *.idx file
Its a bit of a weird one because it doesn't have multiple fmt chunks but does have multiple formats... whatever; no big deal. You will need a *.wav, and its similarly named *.idx in order to extract the data. The primary sound archive is 3dsounds.wav

2013-01-14, 11:02 AM
Sounds like Georgeson I think. And thanks for messing around with this little project.

2013-01-14, 11:18 AM
Sounds like Georgeson I think. And thanks for messing around with this little project.

E3 2012: Sony Online Entertainment's David Georgeson Shows Off SOEmote - YouTube

Certainly does :)

Also no problem, I absolutely love the PS1 voice macros.

2013-01-14, 12:40 PM

All yours.

2013-01-14, 04:31 PM
Man I almost cried :cry:

It worked great. Nice job and was fun (well almost) to hear these sounds again. Critters huh? Hmmmmm Would have been nice. Time to work on soundboard I reckon. What would be real cool is have a background app listening for VVV type keystrokes and play them through dinput straight into the game. Might be risky if they think I am injecting code but I don't see how it would. Just be playing a .wav straight into dinput and setup the game to listen over that. That's what trial accounts are for I suppose. LOL

Anyway man thanks for that. Nice job!

2013-01-14, 07:07 PM
Well, if you can do proximity chat spam with music..you should be able to do it with the voice macros. All you would have to is bind keys to play files when you have your proximity chat going. I'm pretty sure if enough people got hooked on using such a thing SOE might implement a real voice macro set ingame like 'ye olden days

2013-03-21, 11:56 PM
Was Bored.

Planetside Soundboard With Voice Macros. (http://www.soundboard.com/sb/Planetside1Sounds)

2013-03-22, 11:21 AM
Epic :lol:

2013-03-25, 07:56 PM
Was Bored.

Planetside Soundboard With Voice Macros. (http://www.soundboard.com/sb/Planetside1Sounds)

Extremely bored...

Excellent work. Endless flashbacks.

2013-03-25, 09:08 PM
So many neat sounds in there I've never heard in-game before. I wish they'd take the emotes and bring them over to PS2 somehow.

2013-03-26, 12:21 AM