View Full Version : Vote - Something this game needs more of?

2013-01-24, 10:45 PM
So please write exactly what you think this game needs more of out of the list below and explain why. Put the one that is on your highest priority.

Custom Armor
Disco Balls
ES Guns
ES Vehicles
Different Objectives/Missions
Base Types

2013-01-24, 10:50 PM
ES Guns
ES Vehicles

Ignoring the current gameplay issues that I feel can't be fixed by simply adding more features, these are what I would like to see. I mean who doesn't love more distinction between the empires capabilities and all of the "X is OP blah blah" issues that arise from it.

2013-01-24, 10:55 PM
This games need more continents... And bigger continents then we have now...

2013-01-24, 11:06 PM
Real bases, that people would actually fight over to the very end.

2013-01-24, 11:17 PM
More 20x20 conts that are not squared.

2013-01-24, 11:46 PM
Squirrels. And by squirrels I, of course, mean Marauders (http://wiki.planetsidesyndicate.com/index.php?title=Marauder).

2013-01-25, 01:10 AM
Different Missions and Objectives. Capping 'Point A' can get a bit boring. I want Capture the Flag (I heard this was in PS1). Also missions I know are planned but this game needs them fast.

2013-01-25, 01:41 AM
Defensible bases
More conts
Cont lock

2013-01-25, 04:41 AM
Babes & Disco Balls.

Self explanatory.

2013-01-25, 05:09 AM
More continents with an intercontinental lattice so we can have some decent metagame and meaningful conquests.

2013-01-25, 05:47 AM
The game needs more strategy - which means more continents, so I go for that.

2013-01-25, 06:00 AM
This game needs to be able to RENDER troops in big fights

2013-01-25, 06:03 AM
It needs only one server per region but more conts and then the ability to open and close conts as the population rises and falls.

Right now there are too many conts and too many servers open at once. Until you add more conts and less servers then you cannot control the population.

2013-01-25, 06:57 AM
command capability, as a Plt leader or squad leader I think the game needs to give the more map feature. They should first start with giving them the ability to write on the map, draw lines for routes and attack points.

Faction specific missions, I think that by giving factions weekly, or daily mission (not madatory). Example would be like on Monday orders for the TR to take and hold this base, along with this base, or to lock and hold a continent before a certain day in real time. Example would be: The NC must hold Tech plant along with bio lab for a certain time period. Or they can make it Resource base were a certain amount of resources must be gathered by a certain time or day.

Faction specific events They could have like convoy events were a NPC convoy (air or ground) will be going from this base to that base and they would have to secure it. They could post the time and day it would be leaving (real time) and that faction would have to defend it till it made it to its point. The vehicles can be repaired and would have auto defence weapons but would also require the faction to help defend it along its route. Only the faction that is defending would know its route and the time its leaving. So if you see a large convoy of vehicle leaving a tech plant, its probably an event and you should try to take it out. It would require more than just a rocket or two to take it out, massive hit points (like a raid boss). It would require more than just a couple of solo guys to take it out.

I think with events like these they should have a cert pay out if missions are accomplished. I also think that it would be fun as hell assaulting convoys, and also defending them. I think the faction missions should be posted weekly, and when there complete they should be marked as complete, and at the end of the week if they are completed there should be a small cert payout.

These are just Idea's, I was going to go with the squirrel thing but there to cute to shoot. :D

2013-01-25, 07:28 AM
1. Render Distance

2. Intercontinental Vehicle Warpgates (To port with your vehicle not ditch it)

3. A Reason to fight for bases

4. A Timer to lock a base for X minutes once it's been taken over (I know Higby is always against this, but i don't care, it's needed)

2013-01-25, 07:41 AM
Continents, not more, but larger and linked together in a better way.

2013-01-25, 07:51 AM
Continentle lock system that pays: If your faction has locked INDAR then you get like 10% off of either vehicles or weapons right. Well they should make it so that if you have a continent locked then you should recieve xp bonuses across the planet. Example if you have INDAR locked your faction should get a 5% xp bonus across the glob, and if you have Amerish locked you should get maybe a 3% xp bonus across the globe. As your faction locks more continents these should add up. If both Amerish and INDAR are locked then you should get a 8% xp boost across the globe.

I think alot of these Ideas will add to the game, right now PS2 is just cert farming. I know because when I log in I dont even bother looking at the map, I just go to the crown to farm certs to unlock gear. The only time I do worry about the map is when I see that Im running low on vehicle resources to spawn a tank. I think by adding these events like Faction Mission or Convoy Missions it will give players more of a reason to log on. I particularly like the Convoy Mission I stated in a earlier post, because we call this a FPSMMO, well the convoy mission can be that raid boss in every MMO that we enjoy grouping together and killing. I hope they really consider events and missions like these to boost purpose or META as its called, because right now, its just a cert farm going on at the crown, I mean my outfit we do events on certain days like liberator and lightning events to entertain ourselves but these guys need to come up with more than just a FACTION SHOWDOWN EVENT that Im only invited to watch. I think SOE needs to step that game up or PS2 is just going to be another free MMO that falls to the waist side.

2013-01-25, 10:41 AM
Continents above all else.

Then Interlink and Drop Ship Bases, in conjunction with more defensible layouts.

Then Buggies (for the fun factor).

2013-01-25, 11:12 AM
More land is always fun IMO.

More vehicles to cert into, gives us something to do/look forward to while we Zerg out lol.

I am a big fan of "custom" stuff....It's probably just me but I love the Camos and different little pieces you can add to your vehicles. Individuality kinda spices things up for me and I'll blow SC or certs on it non stop if they keep coming out with cool looking gear. :groovy:

2013-01-25, 12:32 PM
Capture methods - LLU and 15 min hack and hold on major bases. Burning flags is silly and boring on major bases, Zerg auto wins.

Much more to primary structure to bases with objectives within them - ps1 = epic fight between bases -> epic fight for court yard -> epic fight for base. Ps2 = epic fight btw bases -> epic fight for courtyard -> no base to fight for you won. That's 33.3333333% less epicness. Even less epicness when you consider no re-secures and other epicness involved with point one.

Conts. But those are coming.

Eduard Khil
2013-01-25, 12:34 PM
Vehicles, continents and base types.

Neutral Calypso
2013-01-25, 12:51 PM
Needs more cowbell.

2013-01-25, 01:34 PM
So please write exactly what you think this game needs more of out of the list below and explain why. Put the one that is on your highest priority.


Players in general will work, though I prefer the players to be babes.

2013-01-25, 05:18 PM
Babes and darkness.

2013-01-25, 06:01 PM

In that order.

2013-01-26, 08:48 PM
Needs more cowbell.

LOL nice I think so too.