View Full Version : [Suggestion]How to balance the TR
2013-01-27, 09:08 AM
The TR are overpopulated on my server and on many servers. The reason that the TR are the most popular faction is simple, they have the best starter HA, LA/Engineer and Infiltrator weapons in the game. I had to spend over 1000 certs and upgrades to get an HA weapon that is as good as the T9 Carv is out of the box. In my opinion, there is no NC or VS LA weapon that is as good as the Trac 5 for any amount of certs. Let's not forget about the TX1 Repeater. The Repeater is in a class by itself. There is no other Pistol that even comes close for any price for the VS or the NC. The Repeater is a huge advantage for TR Infiltrators (or Medic, LA or Engineer).
Yes, my main is an NC but I have played TR and VS enough to know what I am talking about. After playing TR HA for several hours, I made the following comments:
I had to spend over 1000 certs to get an NC HA weapon this strong.
This is too easy!
Everyone in my NC outfit who rolled TR characters with me agreed. In fact, we stopped playing our TR characters as an outfit (we also have a TR outfit) because we did not want to help an empire that was already overpowered and overpopulated on our server and make things worse for the NC there.
Given that TR infantry weapons are so strong right out of the box, why would anyone who is interested in being successful from day 1 in PlanetSide choose any other empire?
The solution to TR overpopulation is to nerf all 3 of their starter weapons as follows:
1. The T9 Carv, Trac 5 and TX1 Repeater should all cost at least 700 certs.
2. Players should have to spend 200 to 330 certs to bring them up to the point where they are now BR1 with no certs.
3. Replace the T9 Carv, Trac 5 and the TX1 Repeater with gimped starter versions of the same weapons that are equivalent to the gimped starter weapons that you gave the VS and the NC.
In order to get infantry weapons that are even close to the starter TR weapons, the NC have to spend over 2000 certs and the VS nearly as much. This puts the NC and VS at a permanent, unfair dis-advantage to the TR.
Make these changes SOE and the TR overpopulation problem will solve itself.
2013-01-27, 09:36 AM
I too decided what empire to play based on weapon stats. In fact I spent several days studying them before even starting to play the game.
2013-01-27, 09:42 AM
I bought a Vanu LMG from the shop that emulates an NC LMG because I like the feel of it. People do crazy shit.
2013-01-27, 09:44 AM
TR have nothing in their arsenal remotely as overpowered as the NC MAX.
If you play better with the TR, then guess what? You are more suited to TR.
There is balance, however when you learn that your choice of an empire means you are restricted AND benefited by factional leanings - you will evolve as a player and hopefully will stop whining.
The benefits of balance without mirror weapons far outweighs the negatives.
Learn to play.
2013-01-27, 09:46 AM
Wow, a "this faction is OP" thread that isn't about VS. :D Kudos.
I disagree though. I actually find TR quite hard to play (the only thing harder for me is trying to use NC defaults, which I avoid doing). Sure, they shoot a lot of bullets quite accurately.. but it's like shooting peas at people.
I'd take the Solstice over the Trac-5 any day. The only reason i'd take the Carv over the Gauss SAW is because it has a faster reload and I can actually hit things with it, but i'd still take the Orion over them both. However, 100 certs nets you the GD-22S which is by far my favourite LMG.
The Repeater is good, but I still wouldn't take it over the Mag-shot. I would take it over the Beamer though. The Beamer isn't terrible, but it's not amazing either.
Funny thing is, the general consensus is that VS is the easiest faction to play "out of the box", and not TR.
2013-01-27, 10:20 AM
There is balance, however when you learn that your choice of an empire means you are restricted AND benefited by factional leanings - you will evolve as a player and hopefully will stop whining.
TR have nothing in their arsenal remotely as overpowered as the NC MAX.
Made me smile.
To be a little more constructive: yes faction have their differences, but MaxDamage is right when he tells you to play to their strengths. NC for example, are the only faction that get a bolt action sniper by default.
2013-01-27, 10:43 AM
The reason TR are most popular is that
1 They are overall significantly better than NC.
2 Many guys dont like to wear purple.
2013-01-27, 03:35 PM
2013-01-27, 04:53 PM
^^^ Ackbar speaks the truth.
Can't believe you're trying to act like TR carbines are so great.
They have strong directional recoil; a hard trait to manage.
I prefer VS and NC carbines over TR ones.
2013-01-27, 06:50 PM
Err which servers? In my experience its even pops during prime time, then during the off hours there are significantly more VS/NC that just zerg across empty TR bases during the night. Which suggests either that more TR players have jobs an must sleep. Or that there are just more VS/NC overall, and its more noticeable during off hours.
And as far as weapon balance goes. VS starter gear is totally on par or better than TR kit. Especially since the stealth nerf of the Carv like a month ago. And their vehicles are significantly better. Magrider lol. NC are also underrated. Their starter gun is not so great but shines with upgrades. Their MAX is borderline hacking indoors. And the Vanguard is quite good. Only the Reaver underperforms making A2A missiles more necessary for them.
Neutral Calypso
2013-01-27, 06:52 PM
Funny, I heard my outfit complaining about how OP the NC guns are just yesterday.
2013-01-27, 06:57 PM
In the right hands NC guns are fucking brutal. That one less bullet to kill is just so game changing when someones on song, that came out really sarcastic but it is true. I don't see NC guns as UP or OP just a lot harder to use then VS and TR, mainly because you can't just full auto at mid range like you can with VS and TR. :groovy:
2013-01-27, 07:22 PM
nerf total biscuit and give him an american accent. there, done.
2013-01-27, 07:37 PM
The TR are overpopulated on my server and on many servers. The reason that the TR are the most popular faction is simple, they have the best starter HA, LA/Engineer and Infiltrator weapons in the game. I had to spend over 1000 certs and upgrades to get an HA weapon that is as good as the T9 Carv is out of the box. In my opinion, there is no NC or VS LA weapon that is as good as the Trac 5 for any amount of certs. Let's not forget about the TX1 Repeater. The Repeater is in a class by itself. There is no other Pistol that even comes close for any price for the VS or the NC. The Repeater is a huge advantage for TR Infiltrators (or Medic, LA or Engineer).
Yes, my main is an NC but I have played TR and VS enough to know what I am talking about. After playing TR HA for several hours, I made the following comments:
Everyone in my NC outfit who rolled TR characters with me agreed. In fact, we stopped playing our TR characters as an outfit (we also have a TR outfit) because we did not want to help an empire that was already overpowered and overpopulated on our server and make things worse for the NC there.
Given that TR infantry weapons are so strong right out of the box, why would anyone who is interested in being successful from day 1 in PlanetSide choose any other empire?
The solution to TR overpopulation is to nerf all 3 of their starter weapons as follows:
1. The T9 Carv, Trac 5 and TX1 Repeater should all cost at least 700 certs.
2. Players should have to spend 200 to 330 certs to bring them up to the point where they are now BR1 with no certs.
3. Replace the T9 Carv, Trac 5 and the TX1 Repeater with gimped starter versions of the same weapons that are equivalent to the gimped starter weapons that you gave the VS and the NC.
In order to get infantry weapons that are even close to the starter TR weapons, the NC have to spend over 2000 certs and the VS nearly as much. This puts the NC and VS at a permanent, unfair dis-advantage to the TR.
Make these changes SOE and the TR overpopulation problem will solve itself.
TR is heavily underpopulated on Mattherson. Argument = Invalid.
(Also, everything you said is wrong)
2013-01-27, 07:59 PM
(Also, everything you said is wrong)
Might help if you stated why he was wrong in your opinion.
Won't happen though. :rolleyes:
2013-01-27, 08:59 PM
TR is heavily underpopulated on Mattherson. Argument = Invalid.
buzzcutpsycho scared all of the normal people away
2013-01-27, 10:12 PM
I'm stuck in Mattherson. I wish premium membership would allow me to move around the different servers.
2013-01-28, 04:17 AM
I started off playing TR because I liked their color scheme, but I got very little kills and got frustrated, so I switched to NC. Now, my K/D is still crap but I'm doing a lot better than I was as NC.
I'm skeptical of the notion that TR guns are "superior", especially on the default level. People play TR because it's the manliest faction.
2013-01-28, 05:12 AM
Make these changes SOE and the TR overpopulation problem will solve itself.
Well the T9 CARV, Trac 5 and the 99SV is totally crap compared to what you can buy for those classes as a TR.
Personally I prefer the MSW-R, LC3 Jaguar and SR-7 for the HA, LA/Eng, Inf. I also prefer to use TX2 instead of TX1 on all classes except the inf.
No one in my outfit are acutally using any of the TR standard weapons for any class as there are better weapons to get.
So If nerfing the standard weapons... how will that solve the popularity of TR when only newb TR are using them again?
PS: NC inf standard weapon is allot better then the 99SV. Depends on play style of course but for me it's better at least as I like to take my time with my shots and not use rapid fire sniper rifles that needs 4-5 body shots or two head shots to kill.
2013-01-28, 05:33 AM
I honestly think the TR are the most popular because everyone wants to be the bad guys (especially so in PvP). In WoW, PvP servers are Horde heavy. In SWTOR, the Empire out numbered pubs near 2-1. Black and red in games have come to mean "badass" and everyone want to be a badass.
The NC are the "good guys" that would stereotypically attract kids and people over 30 (may or may not be true). The core audience is in their twenties and tends to flock to the main force opposed to this one.
The VS are much more niche with their energy weapons. Most people want bullets (or mass drivers that feel similar) and don't want plasma guns. Look at halo, most people still used the human weapons. Now we have the COD era and everyone is used to, and wants, bullets.
To fix this problem... I don't know. SOE, if you figure it out, spread the word. Game devs are really trying to crack this one. The only solution I can think of is a 4th faction that would siphon players from the TR be being just as badass. This is of course not an option as it would fundamentally change the game.
2013-01-28, 10:54 AM
Pops generally seem very balanced on Cobalt [EU]. Is this a problem on specific servers, or is it an EU vs US thing?
Incidentally, seeing people argue about the various starter guns, etc. makes me wish we had a bit more discussion about which particular guns/upgrades/etc. are useful and in which roles - not in a "nerf this!" or "x faction is overpowered!" way, but just from a PoV of swapping playing tips.
Sometimes it feels like everyone on the forum has already decided which things are OP/UP and has equipped themselves accordingly, without me ever seeing those threads ;)
So yeah, I have no idea. I like the Flare (VS LMG), it has a lot more character somehow than the Orion, which (like all the VS starter guns) is rather bland somehow.
2013-01-28, 12:29 PM
I main on TR because that was who my bro's were running with. I have noticed that at all times on Helios, we are underpopulated. At best, we can match the VS and NC, but rarely to never, at any given time of the day, do the TR outnumber the other 2 factions.
YMMV of course.
2013-01-28, 12:29 PM
Any faction that is not my faction is OP.
News at 11.
2013-01-28, 01:13 PM
Sometimes it feels like everyone on the forum has already decided which things are OP/UP and has equipped themselves accordingly, without me ever seeing those threads ;)
As a TR on Mattherson, I generally don't get too upset about deaths to NC outside of ScatMAX. Sometimes I will see a guy at about the same time, and he will get a headshot with Gauss SAW and I will die without even getting through his shield. I respect that because it is the benefit of using a high-damage, low-RoF weapon. I was beaten fair and square. Hacksaw MAXes, on the other hand, are just stupid to try and fight against and if organized NC outfits had a dual Hacksaw requirement, they would never lose a single base. Thankfully, the NC on our server are not that organized.
The VS -- there are many times where I have just been completely wrecked by Solstice. I don't know what it is about that weapon, because the stats seem very pedestrian and nothing special, but that is probably the #1 VS weapon I die to and is responsible for the most "what the hell just happened" deaths. Many people in my outfit feel the same way. Just seems like every engy/LA uses the thing and you almost never see other VS carbines. Serpent I see sometimes, but Pulsar C and VX6-7? What the hell are those? I have never seen them. Looking at the stats, you'd think you'd see Serpent all the time due to 845 rpm, but nope. It's pretty rare. Orion is also pretty strong, and it has some WTF factor as well, but nothing like Solstice; I tend to see a decent amount of variety with VS LMGs.
2013-01-28, 01:55 PM
I play all factions and the only standard weapons I generally don't like are the NC ones, except for the bolt action sniper rifle. I just prefer lower damage, lower recoil, higher ROF weapons.
TR stock weapons are nowhere near being OP though. Most people have traded them in for other guns since they got nerved. Certainly not a reason for any TR overpopulation.
VS stock weapons I like the most actually, especially the Solstice. I can get insane kills with this carbine over distances.
2013-01-28, 02:02 PM
I honestly think the TR are the most popular because everyone wants to be the bad guys (especially so in PvP).
What the hell are you talking about? TR are the good guys its the VS that are the evil faction and the NC are just redneck idiots that believe the propaganda the big corps spreading.
2013-01-28, 02:06 PM
Why would big corps spread propoganda? That would hurt them more than it would hurt the NC, since the big corps are, in fact, "part of the establishment".
2013-01-28, 02:06 PM
TR are the most popular, because everything looks better in Black and red. Also, NC are libertarian manchilds, and the VS are EMO/WEBOO technophiles.
What side would you join?
Also, Nurf rock, Paper is fine. Sincerely, Scissors.
2013-01-28, 02:35 PM
......maybe not by intent, but this is a Troll Thread.
2013-01-28, 03:48 PM
By the way everyone shat on OP on the official forum about this very subject.
2013-01-28, 04:10 PM
TR are the most popular, because everything looks better in Black and red. Also, NC are libertarian manchilds, and the VS are EMO/WEBOO technophiles.
Sadly, the colors are the exact reason I picked TR as my first faction in PS1. When I moved to Emerald a few years later, I switched to VS due to friends that played there, and stayed there due to the outfit play. Otherwise, I'd probably still be Red and Black.
Don't underestimate the Red/Black, Blue/Yellow, Purple/Teal color combos as a first impression draw on population.
I also think the libertarian/guerrilla fighting mindset of the NC's lore tend to draw the more independant players... IE, more of the solo, non-team oriented players. This causes a disparity of non-teamwork oriented players in the faction and a lot less outfit-teamwork ops... which causes problems for the faction as a whole.
Exceptions exist of course... just a stereotype that I think has carried over from PS1 into PS2.
2013-01-29, 10:36 AM
What the hell are you talking about? TR are the good guys its the VS that are the evil faction and the NC are just redneck idiots that believe the propaganda the big corps spreading.
I know. Sadly most people are misinformed. Its tragic.
2013-01-29, 11:05 AM
The TR are overpopulated on my server and on many servers. The reason that the TR are the most popular faction is simple, they have the best starter HA, LA/Engineer and Infiltrator weapons in the game. I had to spend over 1000 certs and upgrades to get an HA weapon that is as good as the T9 Carv is out of the box. In my opinion, there is no NC or VS LA weapon that is as good as the Trac 5 for any amount of certs. Let's not forget about the TX1 Repeater. The Repeater is in a class by itself. There is no other Pistol that even comes close for any price for the VS or the NC. The Repeater is a huge advantage for TR Infiltrators (or Medic, LA or Engineer).
Yes, my main is an NC but I have played TR and VS enough to know what I am talking about. After playing TR HA for several hours, I made the following comments:
Everyone in my NC outfit who rolled TR characters with me agreed. In fact, we stopped playing our TR characters as an outfit (we also have a TR outfit) because we did not want to help an empire that was already overpowered and overpopulated on our server and make things worse for the NC there.
Given that TR infantry weapons are so strong right out of the box, why would anyone who is interested in being successful from day 1 in PlanetSide choose any other empire?
The solution to TR overpopulation is to nerf all 3 of their starter weapons as follows:
1. The T9 Carv, Trac 5 and TX1 Repeater should all cost at least 700 certs.
2. Players should have to spend 200 to 330 certs to bring them up to the point where they are now BR1 with no certs.
3. Replace the T9 Carv, Trac 5 and the TX1 Repeater with gimped starter versions of the same weapons that are equivalent to the gimped starter weapons that you gave the VS and the NC.
In order to get infantry weapons that are even close to the starter TR weapons, the NC have to spend over 2000 certs and the VS nearly as much. This puts the NC and VS at a permanent, unfair dis-advantage to the TR.
Make these changes SOE and the TR overpopulation problem will solve itself.
I made an account specifically to tell you you are just another whining kid. I am super sorry you suck at this game so badly you would consider TR infantry weapons having an advantage. I understand that your aim and recoil control are beyond horrible so you need 40 round clip and low recoil to actually hit the wall in front of you. It is obvious your lack of skill impacts your ability.
Now, i have a main TR at 43 rank with 2,77 k/d ratio (that ofc includes a bunch of mossy and tank kills so my actual infantry performance is lower).
I also have a rank 26 NC with a wooping 4,43 k/d ratio. And I play absolutely only Infantry on it since i don't spend certs on vehicles upgrades. The sheer dmg output of the NC SAW for example outmatches everything IF YOU CAN AIM. Even in close combat the shield helps you survive enough to put the bullets where they should be. Same goes for that AC-X11 gun that may have 20 rounds, but it is so accurate and the dmg output is disgusting.
And how about we bring up the question about the MAX (still infantry according to the game) Hacksaw, that rips everything and no max weapon will ever match its dmg output unless they nerf it. And don't tell its ineffective at range cuz i played the shit out of my NC max and you need just need like 2 rounds more at the max range where you actually hit something.
As I explained NC weapons require more aim less spray but when you use them properly they excel above all others in terms of per round effectiveness.
It is not SOE's problem you suck at shooting.
Again, OP, you are an idiot and you should feel bad.
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