View Full Version : Playing Planetside in China?

Black Creeper
2013-01-31, 08:47 PM
Didn't know where to post this so feel free to move it.

Normally I play in the US east coast but this week I'm travelling in China. From what I can tell SOE blocks the US version signon from the China IP address range because they have a partner called 'the9' that hosts the game in China/South East Asia. I have not tried to use a proxy or VLAN to bypass the Asian IP block by SOE but from what I read the response is so bad that it's not playable that way.

Using Google transalte I have come to the conclusion that the China version is in beta and the beta may be over as of Jan 28, 2013. I manged to register at the9.com but I can't read the Asian PS2 website and the flash graphics prohibit me from copy and paste the chinese characters into google translate to try and install the game.

Does anyone know of the current status of the chinese version? Mainly, could I download and play it? If so, any idea how I can do this? I sent a customer service request to the9.com in english but I'm not sure how that will work out.

2013-01-31, 10:14 PM
Well, I can tell you that the lag does not stop Chinese from using proxies or whatever to play on US servers. I play on Connery, and late night I see and play with a lot of Chinese. Many of whom I played with during the end of Planetside 1.

Lots of Japanese players late night on Connery as well.

2013-01-31, 10:23 PM
I'm headed to Korea soon, and was wondering what to expect from The9's implementation. Post back if you do ever get a chance to go hands on, would you?

2013-01-31, 10:25 PM

this is my single only suggestion to you as a Chinese myself

2013-01-31, 10:27 PM
Don't use The9's PS2 client? Or attempt to VLAN?

2013-01-31, 10:35 PM
Don't use The9's PS2 client? Or attempt to VLAN?

presently it`s just a shithole

2013-01-31, 10:38 PM
presently it`s just a shithole


well, that sucks. I'm glad that I've loaded up a bunch of single player games to run through then...

2013-01-31, 10:48 PM

well, that sucks. I'm glad that I've loaded up a bunch of single player games to run through then...

yeah...hopefully it`ll get better, good travel though:lol:

Black Creeper
2013-02-01, 12:19 AM
presently it`s just a shithole

Then what do you reccomend for a weekend in Shenzhen?

2013-02-01, 12:26 AM
Then what do you reccomend for a weekend in Shenzhen?

hmm...never been there myself, but at any city around Guangdong area I would personally just eat at as much restaurants as I can.

tip: don`t go to those huge, fancy restaurants, most of them just taste like **** and cost a lot. Instead, pick those small, simple restaurants by the conor street, just a whole lot better both in term of price and taste :cool:

2013-02-01, 12:40 AM
If you feel you must try to play in China - dont do it with your normal account.

Black Creeper
2013-02-01, 12:52 AM
If you feel you must try to play in China - dont do it with your normal account.

If I were to get hooked up with the implementation The9 is doing, the servers are totally seperate so I'd have to create a new account. If I was using a proxy, why wouldn't I use my normal account? Could my logon credentials get swiped?

2013-02-01, 09:41 AM
All I know about The9 is they use crazy over the top marketing.

Black Creeper
2013-02-03, 04:31 AM
All I know about The9 is they use crazy over the top marketing.

Here is their website for PS2. http://ps2.the9.com/index.html

It does take some getting used to.

I got my VPN going and now I'd downloading the enormous update ever so slowly. On the bright side, they should have hox fixes for all the issues by the time my download is finished.
