View Full Version : new patch 2/5/ to address stuttering

2013-02-05, 03:28 PM

Patch is over 60mb. No word on if it is a complete fix or just part of the fix. Just went up.

2013-02-05, 03:30 PM
I hope it works, but really I am most interested in knowing exactly what was causing it. I'd put my money on PhysX + vehicles.

2013-02-05, 03:32 PM
My money is on some sort of LOD bug caused by the base/outpost modifications.

2013-02-05, 03:33 PM
Matthew Higby @mhigby
We just put up a new @planetside2 client that should resolve the major framerate "stuttering" issue many players have reported since GU02.

2013-02-05, 03:34 PM
I'd say something to do with bases too. I'm not an expert on this stuff, but it seemed to be localised on certain areas/bases from what i've experienced.

2013-02-05, 03:55 PM
Testing this now but first observation (am in WG):-

1. Laser sights are X3 or X4 as long now.... like running around with lightsabers.
2. Stuttering seems to have been removed (hooray).
3. LOCK bug where when a LOCK was achieved it disapeared off screen has been fixed (LOCK now remains)
4. Medkit bug still an issue

(Will edit this post with anything else)

2013-02-05, 04:05 PM
Keep those updates coming thunderhawk.

2013-02-05, 04:20 PM
Keep those updates coming thunderhawk.

Nothing really to add yet, been playing for 30 mins now.... no issues, no stutter, framerates seem to have increased by 10 or so (running at 60-70FPS atm, 40-50 in Big battles)

Not noticed anymore bugs Apart form the Laser attachment being ridiculously long

2013-02-05, 04:24 PM
yay, i still need to check if the stuttering is gone for me, but this is good news.

2013-02-05, 04:29 PM
Not noticed anymore bugs Apart form the Laser attachment being ridiculously long

That's there for you to aim at the eyes with. As Vanu, you should be accustomed to long beams of light that do not drop and goo for a ridiculous distance with next to no damage.

2013-02-05, 04:39 PM
That's there for you to aim at the eyes with. As Vanu, you should be accustomed to long beams of light that do not drop and goo for a ridiculous distance with next to no damage.


Medpack resupply still bugged

2013-02-05, 04:44 PM

Medpack resupply still bugged

Magrider seems fixed so far :O


edit: nvm, still unable to move up hills lol.

2013-02-05, 05:17 PM
k two big bugs that need to be fixed IMO, if someone can pass this along to some important dev guy. Yes I reported these already.

1.) All explosions seem to be going through all walls. Grenades, HE shells, everything seem to be doing damage through walls.

2.) Touching a vehicle from the top seems to do an insane amount of damage if you're an infantry. I just attempted to run up behind a Prowler(success), and place C4 on it. He never moved, never saw me, as soon as I landed on top of the Prowler I instantly died(Skull and Crossbones death). I've had the same thing happen with the Sunderer's when I try to C4 them.

2013-02-05, 05:24 PM
[LOCK] appears and can stay there even when you're obviously not under lock.

2013-02-05, 05:25 PM
k two big bugs that need to be fixed IMO, if someone can pass this along to some important dev guy. Yes I reported these already.

1.) All explosions seem to be going through all walls. Grenades, HE shells, everything seem to be doing damage through walls.

2.) Touching a vehicle from the top seems to do an insane amount of damage if you're an infantry. I just attempted to run up behind a Prowler(success), and place C4 on it. He never moved, never saw me, as soon as I landed on top of the Prowler I instantly died(Skull and Crossbones death). I've had the same thing happen with the Sunderer's when I try to C4 them.I haven't experienced #1 but touching an enemy vehicle is insta death now. I caught a Reaver hovering way low, jump packed over to him, about to C4, oops touched him. DEAD.

2013-02-05, 06:53 PM
Also I am not sure if its just me, but I cannot see infantry names when I am in vehicles, even when I try to spot.

2013-02-05, 07:04 PM
I logged on for about 2 hours tonight, after about 5 minutes I had two massive stutter attacks (like stuttering leading up to pretty much total freeze up, which cleared after about 10 seconds), then nothing for the rest of the time I was playing.

Had me worried since it was the worst i'd seen since the patch, but it only did it twice and then never again the whole time I was playing. No lag or slowdown after that at all. Very odd, but hopefully that means it's totally fixed and it was just having a fit after the hotfix to get its shit in order.

2013-02-05, 07:25 PM
I haven't experienced #1 but touching an enemy vehicle is insta death now. I caught a Reaver hovering way low, jump packed over to him, about to C4, oops touched him. DEAD.

Shouldn't be like that in my opinion. If a LA or engie has the balls to jump on top of a tank they should be able to T-bag the bastard. That's how I get around armor cluster fucks when trying to keep things repaired. Jump on top of a friendly and go over crap instead of taking time to go around and getting ran over.

It also makes for epic trollings. Find a sitting tank and put your ass in his LOS. Mooning defender spawn campers with a MAXes works wonders as well. I even got to do a tango with another MAX in front a spawn door.

Hell I moon everyone when Im a MAX. Snipers most of all. Turn around, bend over, and SHAKE IT BABY!

2013-02-05, 07:27 PM
My FPS isn't any better, if anything it's a bit worse than pre-patch. But the hotfix did remove the stuttering for me. So, they broke the game for me, then fixed it, but it's still not as good as it was before it was broken!

idk, more I sit back and look at this patch the more im really annoyed :|

2013-02-05, 07:30 PM
I doubt the vehicle thing is intentional. At least, I doubt they would make it like that for no reason, it doesn't make any sense. :p Especially with allied vehicles, since the owner gets grief for it.

2013-02-05, 07:43 PM
2.) Touching a vehicle from the top seems to do an insane amount of damage if you're an infantry. I just attempted to run up behind a Prowler(success), and place C4 on it. He never moved, never saw me, as soon as I landed on top of the Prowler I instantly died(Skull and Crossbones death). I've had the same thing happen with the Sunderer's when I try to C4 them.

this bug is old, once i tried to jetpack sloooowwwlllyyyy on top of my parked flash before the 4gb patch, and it drained all of my shields..... yeah, vehicle-to-infantry physics is kinda broken atm...