View Full Version : About IR Smoke/ Countermeasures

2013-02-07, 09:01 AM
The IR Smoke/ Countermeasures for the vehicle of your choice requires a 100 certification points to unlock at the moment. For some this might seem a lot and for others this is a quite an easy amount to acquire.

However I am bit confused at how they implement these, not so much in function but rather by making it a requirement to unlock. I feel like SOE is making the same mistake that another game made since it became quite problematic for newbies who are late comers to the said game and are often at a disadvantage (no surprise there) to others who have already unlocked lock-on weapons. The aforementioned "game" later fixed the issue of this specific unlock by applying it as a free "unlock" for anyone who hasn't unlocked the defensive item...although if I recall correctly it was only applied towards aircraft and not ground vehicles.

So how do you feel about this? Do you think that it's easily acquirable by freemium players who are interesting it just vehicle play? Or could this potentially drive away some of those new players?

2013-02-07, 09:46 AM
100 certs is doable in a good night gaming, also you get about 15 free certs for just logging on each day that accumilate over time, so even if you aren't playing every day you can still save up

2013-02-07, 06:14 PM
I agree that things such as this and flares stack the deck against new players who want to engage in primarily vehicle combat but given the entire new player experience as a whole...I feel that this isn't an insurmountable hurdle.

2013-02-07, 06:26 PM
I agree that the learning curse is rather steep for this game and I admit that I wasted a lot of certs into things I really didnt need.

One of the reasons I joined this forum was to get a better understanding of how things worked and how to improve my game.

The introduction of a training area will no doubt be a boon to new players as well.

To answer you question, as others have said, 100 certs is doable over a night or two of play. The question I routinely face is *what* to spend those 100 certs on? So many choices :)