View Full Version : Sitrep Ticker

2013-02-16, 03:02 AM
People find it difficult to coordinate their entire faction because it's difficult to get a good sense of what's going on on the map from so many unrelated sources. A sitrep channel would be helpful, but any kind of global chat is going to be messy, and likely to be abused for simply talking to people, rather than using it for what it is intended to be.

So I had the following idea:

Sitrep Ticker

The Sitrep Ticker is a menu you can access through the map that shows you tweet sized situation reports that people make from the front, and a map overlay that allows you to correspond their messages to the map.

Players can make a Sitrep in this window by typing it into a small box that can take about 200 characters. Sitreps must be kept short and concise, like a tweet. You can submit a sitrep every 10 minutes. This prevents people from having a conversation through the sitrep ticker, but should be enough to keep your faction in the loop if enough people are reporting.

Sitreps stay in the system for only 10 minutes, so you'll never just see a giant backlog of old information in there. Every player can have exactly one sitrep posted at any given point in time.

The window also shows you the latest sitreps that have been made in a list. A sitrep breaks down like this:

Player Name, Reliability rating
Location, minutes since report was made

You will see the players name, and a reliability rating next to it. The region the player was in when they made the report and how many minutes ago it was made is indicated underneath, and then the 200 character message they typed out.

Underneath you have buttons for upvote, downvote, and report. Up and downvote set the players reliability rating, which could range from 0-10 maybe, with 0 being absolute poppycock and 10 being iron clad info. Players start with a neutral reliability rating of 5. The report feature lets you report sitreps that are just flat out abuse.

Next to the sitrep ticker which you can scroll up and down in is a map of the continent. If you hover over a sitrep in the ticker it will highlight the region on the continent it was made in, if you click a region on the continent it will change the ticker to display only sitreps made from that region.

Posting a sitrep rewards 10 * your reliability rating in XP.

2013-02-16, 06:46 AM
People find it difficult to coordinate their entire faction because it's difficult to get a good sense of what's going on on the map from so many unrelated sources. A sitrep channel would be helpful, but any kind of global chat is going to be messy, and likely to be abused for simply talking to people, rather than using it for what it is intended to be.

So I had the following idea:

Sitrep Ticker

The Sitrep Ticker is a menu you can access through the map that shows you tweet sized situation reports that people make from the front, and a map overlay that allows you to correspond their messages to the map.

Players can make a Sitrep in this window by typing it into a small box that can take about 200 characters. Sitreps must be kept short and concise, like a tweet. You can submit a sitrep every 10 minutes. This prevents people from having a conversation through the sitrep ticker, but should be enough to keep your faction in the loop if enough people are reporting.

Sitreps stay in the system for only 10 minutes, so you'll never just see a giant backlog of old information in there. Every player can have exactly one sitrep posted at any given point in time.

The window also shows you the latest sitreps that have been made in a list. A sitrep breaks down like this:

Player Name, Reliability rating
Location, minutes since report was made

You will see the players name, and a reliability rating next to it. The region the player was in when they made the report and how many minutes ago it was made is indicated underneath, and then the 200 character message they typed out.

Underneath you have buttons for upvote, downvote, and report. Up and downvote set the players reliability rating, which could range from 0-10 maybe, with 0 being absolute poppycock and 10 being iron clad info. Players start with a neutral reliability rating of 5. The report feature lets you report sitreps that are just flat out abuse.

Next to the sitrep ticker which you can scroll up and down in is a map of the continent. If you hover over a sitrep in the ticker it will highlight the region on the continent it was made in, if you click a region on the continent it will change the ticker to display only sitreps made from that region.

Posting a sitrep rewards 10 * your reliability rating in XP.

It's a good idea, right up to the "type in sitrep" part.
I'd rather have an automated system or a set of premade reports that can be chosen from (XYZ attacking, XX enemy forces, etc).

Else you will get a bunch of upvoted penis jokes.

2013-02-16, 04:03 PM
I don't think the majority of players are going to sabotage their own faction. Sure, there are always trolls, but I don't think they would have much of an impact.

2013-02-16, 05:24 PM
Love it and don't think potential for misuse is ever a reason not to do something unless you implement it so that people don't have a means of overcoming that misuse.

2013-02-16, 06:15 PM
In PS1 certain Command Ranks were able to make a sitrep message that others could see. It wasn't used as much once everyone became CR5 and had cool kids' chat.

It could be neat if certed Squad Leaders could post a notice that's available to other squad leaders when hovering that hex or proximity.

Perhaps even pick a spot that the message pops up from so you can say something like "Sunderer here, huge AA nest." etc.