View Full Version : Squad/Platoon Naming Tool

2013-02-19, 08:01 PM
I noticed that a lot of people who run squad/platoon like to name their squad/platoon "102nd Indar Assualt" or just something with their Outfit name.

Here is an idea that can make the squad/platooon "official"

When creating the Squad/Platoon, have a "check box" that says "Attach Outfit Tag to Squad/Platoon name?

And it will look like this (minus the dashes '-'):


102----------Indar Assault------------9/12
--------------102nd Indar Assault------3/12

This ex shows the "official" 102nd squad, while the one without the Outfit name is unofficial and not being ran by the 102nd outfit.

There is also a "checker" so that when the Squad/Platoon Leader is no longer a member 102nd, the "Check Box" automatically unchecks, but the name can still remain. So it will look like this once the squad/platoon is no longer lead by a 102nd member.


-------------Indar Assault-------------9/12
-------------102nd Indar Assault-------3/12

So that squad/platoon leaders don't have to worry about removing their outfit name when they leave or get DC'ed.


2013-02-19, 08:08 PM
I'd have the outfit tag(s) in a separate, sortable collumn.

I'd also like there to be an alliance tag collumn, for instance: [BDX] (Brutal-Deluxe) | [NCWA] (NC Werner Alliance), so alliance squads of different outfits can easily find the others for platooning.

But my first thought was they should go to their desktop, click on "PlanetSide", open the squad window and see what that browser could do with things like colour coding, automatically assigning the continent the squad leader is on as location (with dropdown menu for changes), squad description, role description need per spot in outfit (cert need), squad leader names, double clicking showing the make up of the squad and being able to get to that list even if you're already in a squad, so you can more easily find squads to platoon up with.

2013-02-19, 08:22 PM
I'd have the outfit tag(s) in a separate, sortable collumn.

I'd also like there to be an alliance tag collumn, for instance: [BDX] (Brutal-Deluxe) | [NCWA] (NC Werner Alliance), so alliance squads of different outfits can easily find the others for platooning.

But my first thought was they should go to their desktop, click on "PlanetSide", open the squad window and see what that browser could do with things like colour coding, automatically assigning the continent the squad leader is on as location (with dropdown menu for changes), squad description, role description need per spot in outfit (cert need), squad leader names, double clicking showing the make up of the squad and being able to get to that list even if you're already in a squad, so you can more easily find squads to platoon up with.

Awesome Ideas. I like the "Role Description Need Per Spot." Making it like WoW with the LFG lol but we have the ability to play many roles(unlike PS1 where you certed into specific roles) and would be null once the guy joins. Playing specific roles should be done within outfit and not be forced to much on randoms.
Randoms are there to fill in the holes, not to fill in the roles. Leave the roles to outift members and any randoms that want to also.

2013-02-19, 10:59 PM
I gotta say, I would really love preset platoons and outfit colors.

Ex. As soon as you log in, you see a table that is your outfits platoon. Instead of creating a brand new squad, you just join a pre-existing one (whether it is populated or not). The squads can also be named. For example, TRG's Infantry Platoon is Spartan. It would be awesome to have Spartan 1-1, Spartan 1-2, Spartan 2-1, etc. When multiple platoons open, which brings me to my next point.

GIVE ME OUTFIT COLORS!! As in, let me set a color that my outfit mates will show up as when NOT in my platoon. Make them show up on the map also. Would take out so much hassle.