View Full Version : A lil disappointed with the NC GD-7F

2013-02-26, 04:51 PM
Saw the GD-7F was on weekly sale with the LA bundle and pulled the trigger after hearing so much about it's legendary CQC ownage. Immediately certed
adv laser and 1x reflex (still mulling SPA) and coming from over 1k kills with the Lynx on my TR alt, this thing blows, should have spent the extra 100sc minus the camo and swag that came with the bundle and bought the Blitz instead.

The gun chews thru ammo way too fast and doesn't do enough damage per shot to justify a 30 round clip and mediocre reload times. Maybe I'm just not used to the insane ROF and will get better with practice, but so far landing all my shots is damn near impossible at the rate this thing spews lead, gonna get an auraxian medal on my pistol before this gun with the amount of times I need an extra bullet or two to finish someone off

I'm probably just spoiled by the TR's 40 round mags, now I know first hand what they mean when people say NC is the skilled class. Gonna have to work really hard on burst control and headshots if I plan on ever surviving any 3 vs 1 like I routinely do with the Lynx/Emperor.

2013-02-26, 05:22 PM
I'd imagine that burst and proper trigger control is much more essential to NC weapons than TR or VS small arms. But fuck 'em! They're NC! :D

2013-02-26, 05:46 PM
I'd imagine that burst and proper trigger control is much more essential to NC weapons than TR or VS small arms. But fuck 'em! They're NC! :D

Right, NC has the 100round Gauss Saw which is possibly the best well rounded weapon in game when certed with adv grip/compensator. The TMR-50 is probably the best all around LMG for TR, but overall feels like a gimped Saw Jr. The thing is even with 25 less rounds and less damage per bullet, it still owns and its not a life or death deal breaker in most situations. But for an LA, 10 bullets is a big deal, especially when its gone in 2 blinks of an eye.

I know my fellow TR will hate me for this (I really only play NC just to gain intel on their weapons and mating habits ;) ) but gun needs a buff, we can't have Infils outshooting us LA's in cqc now, thats just all kinds of wrong right there. The new NC SMG is a bullet hose, even without the extra clip.

2013-02-26, 06:31 PM
Right, NC has the 100round Gauss Saw which is possibly the best well rounded weapon in game when certed with adv grip/compensator. The TMR-50 is probably the best all around LMG for TR, but overall feels like a gimped Saw Jr. The thing is even with 25 less rounds and less damage per bullet, it still owns and its not a life or death deal breaker in most situations. But for an LA, 10 bullets is a big deal, especially when its gone in 2 blinks of an eye.

I know my fellow TR will hate me for this (I really only play NC just to gain intel on their weapons and mating habits ;) ) but gun needs a buff, we can't have Infils outshooting us LA's in cqc now, thats just all kinds of wrong right there. The new NC SMG is a bullet hose, even without the extra clip.

That actually put a smile on my face :p :lol:

Buuut youre kind of putting me off the GD-7 now :p was contemplating buying it as I have come to love the GR22.

2013-02-26, 07:05 PM
I play NC 99% of the time. But I made a TR LA and lought the Lynx just to try it.

The 40 round clip is huge.
And pretty much for that reason it Lynx is better(the difference is dps is small).

That said the GD-7F is still a good gun and the best NC gun. Once you get used to it, you can do great stuff with it.

2013-02-26, 08:45 PM
Get the SPA, it helps and there is no down side as the damage falloff doesn't matter for CQC LA types anyway.

2013-02-26, 08:49 PM
You're not supposed to land every shot with the high RoF carbines/ARs, you just spit so much lead at people they fall over dead faster than they could even react to you.

Like a shotgun but slightly less damage and longer range.

2013-02-26, 09:50 PM
The GD-7F is a magic weapon for the LA
You can land 1/2 a clip in a burst and the other 1/2 on the next one. With the Adv Laser the bloom is almost nothing at the ranges you'll want to engage and the time it takes to get back to normal is just as fast as the gun itself.

Does it use ammo like crazy, hell yeah. Does it sometimes take a clip to put someone down, yup. Would I like extra ammo, You better believe it. Will I stop using it even with the Auraxium medal in it...not unless something better comes along - I'm seriously looking at the new SMG, it's a close(er) quarters version of the GD-7F that us a true bullet hose.

If you're at range or don't like being in the thick of it, this isn't the gun for you. The Gauss Compact S is what you're looking for, or the ACX-11.

2013-02-27, 03:55 AM
I play LA most of my time and majority of my kills are from the GD-7F w/ SPA, Adv. laser, x1 red-dot, and suppressor. From what I've experienced you can kill someone with 10 bullets thus theoretically kill 3 people before reload if you land all hits but life sucks. In CQC it can outgun anyone and with burst fire its decent at medium range, bullet spread stays nicely grouped at full auto. The full potential of the gun comes once you load it up and learn to control the recoil. Use hip-fire in fast bursts/auto and ads when need be.
It is in my opinion that this gun is great as an surprise/ambush gun especially with an suppressor. My tactics are typically what I've viewed LA to be which is as an sabotage, ambush, cause all types of hell. My favorite tactic is to sit in tree branches above large groups of enemies and simple have my way with them because no one ever LOOKS UP!!! seriously...lol

2013-02-27, 05:38 AM
It's the best of a bad bunch of NC choices.

So often it feels like it just doesn't quite have enough ammo in a clip for whatever it is I'm trying to do... maybe I'm just not a good enough shot, but I'm not a huge fan.

2013-02-27, 07:06 AM
I have the gd, the razor and the AC 11, and default ofc.

Nc carbines are defo lacking in accuracy, I'd happily take a power drop for some accuracy.

even the razor which is supposed to be accurate has weird firing mechanics and I have more success hitting from a distance with the GD.

I have used GD to great success and I have forward grip and 1x laser and softpoint. gotta be pretty close though.

I'm gunna try laser too.

2013-02-27, 06:06 PM
Bought the SPA like someone suggested and lowered my dpi by 200 which has helped me land more headshots and also helps reduce overcompensation against bunny hoppers, but I still find myself coming up short even when I land most of my shots against HA's are times where I really wish it had 35 rounds. But I did find the perfect role for this gun, spawn room camping, soon as they peak out of the force field, I pepper them so fast they die before having time to retreat back to safety :lol:

It's a challenging gun that can be fun yet frustrating at times, which has me completely rethinking my role as an NC LA. As a result I'm starting to take a liking the ACX-11 with grip/compensator/HVA, it's a sniping monster from trees and rooftops. I've gotten so good with it I find myself running out of ammo so much I'm considering certing into extra clips for my LA. The gun hits hard as hell and is pretty accurate at long ranges. If I ever want to play front line flanking ninja assasin, I'll stick to my TR LA Lynx, but I have much more fun as NC LA playing rooftop infil and spotting people for my squad while picking off high priority targets. I also started using the GD-7F with my engi, works good for catching people trying to sneak up on you while repairing stuff and take out suicide sundy runners before they can drop theyr explosives.

2013-02-27, 11:21 PM
GD-7F is a good gun if you get used to it, however, it is still weak compare to other faction's 1000 cert carbine
Really hope that GD-7F gets faster reload