View Full Version : Rockets effectivity?
2003-04-01, 12:00 PM
My question to you is how effective with rockets be against Men, MAX Armors, light vehicles, medium Vehichles, and heavy vehicles?
PS- Please excuse my spelling :)
2003-04-01, 12:06 PM
depends which rocket you mean
Sniper Jack
2003-04-01, 12:28 PM
A Phoenix is pretty effective against practically anything. The Striker launcher, i would assume, can't lock on to infantry, or else it would be hella powerful.It can lock on to vehicles and aircraft though, and i think some people here underestimate it. The Lancer isn't even a rocket launcher, it's basically a laser cannon, and a nice, powerful, accurate one too. The Decimator is one powerful rocket, but it's dumbfire (i.e. it doesn't home in on your target) but if you can get close enough you and a couple friends can decimate some tanks (hence the name Decimator ;) ) I would think that rockets would have a decent blast radius too, but not some obcenely huge.
2003-04-01, 12:31 PM
Uh, i think he is concerned about arial rockets fired by the reaver. These look to be reasonably powerfull and fire with extreme RoF. Lots of screenis of them blowing stuff up. Im shure a quick run or two will take down the heavy armours. One run on a max will drop it and infantry well u better find a good janitor if they are in a base.
kid klash
2003-04-01, 02:05 PM
IMHO, i'd say that the pheonix is the best of em because human inteligence can beat the lock-on thingy anyday.
2003-04-01, 03:11 PM
The human factor is usually what ruins everything. In my opinion, the Striker and Lancer are probably the most effective AV weapons. The Striker because by having a weapon that does not need human control, the speed of it's projectile can be greatly increased, all of this is guesstimated of course. Plus there seems to be a clip of some sort on the Striker, maybe it can lob a few rockets off in a short amount of time before needing to reload.
The Lancer is one of the fastest weapon, I believe only the bolt driver is faster. Coordinated attacks with something that accurate and fast is, well, destructive.
The Phoenix does seem good, but the fact is, while in fly-by-wire mode, the speed of the rocket probably dramatically slowed. In the fileplanet video, it seemed a lot slower then what i would have expected. Not to mention the person is vulnerable while in this state.
2003-04-01, 03:22 PM
The trick to using a guided-by-wire rocket against players is that:
1: you need to make your first shot count, because your opponent could easily follow the smoke-trail back to you.
2: While the Phoenix is supposed to be immensely powerful, it is only a one shot weapon, and to get the maximum effect you need to be fairly on target.
3: you need to anticipate their movements and react accordingly. IE if you think they are going to turn left, aim slightly left.
2003-04-01, 03:28 PM
The problem is Sando, you are thinking as if it is you versus another person. But in fact theres at least a squad worth of people around you, yes, you would have friends there, too. But someone could easily see that you are in Fly-by-wire mode and take you would with no resistance.
2003-04-01, 03:44 PM
Dont forget the rocklet. THis isnt really a anti tank weapon but it is probably going to be a great suppression weapon. I've heard that it can be loaded with a lot of different rocket types as well.
2003-04-01, 04:14 PM
amendment to my suggestions:
4: Launch from behind as much cover as posible. that way, you arent hit as easily when flying by wire.
2003-04-01, 04:17 PM
Get the NC defenders to spam phoenixes at the attackers... good luck beating 20 NC's spamming phoenix rockets over the walls at annything that moves near the base they're defending.
2003-04-01, 05:30 PM
That would actually be incredibly powerful, I still think that the striker will be best av, then lancer, then phoenix even though im nc. The only real reason I'm NC is I like the colors, and I like the gauss. I plan to be assaulting bases, so the assault rifle really matters to me... I still don't understand why in the polls there are so many pilots, if you really like flying that much, play a flight sim, not an fps.
2003-04-01, 05:34 PM
The Phoenix isn't designed as an anti-personnel weapon, so it's not going to be any good at it. None of the anti-vehicular weapons will be. That's why they're called anti-vehicular. The last thing the developers are going to do, I'm sure, is turn the game into a rocket launcher fest.
2003-04-01, 05:37 PM
Zatrais, two words.
Air Strike
2003-04-01, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by Warborn
The Phoenix isn't designed as an anti-personnel weapon, so it's not going to be any good at it. None of the anti-vehicular weapons will be. That's why they're called anti-vehicular. The last thing the developers are going to do, I'm sure, is turn the game into a rocket launcher fest.
Theres a movie of a guy getting hit by a shot of a AV VS MAX. He loses alott of health. Annyways, you don't know how good the phoenix is at killing infantry, unless you're a beta tester.
And DuDeMan, the phoenix is an AV weapon... those planes would go down hard and fast.
2003-04-01, 05:42 PM
That's what I'm hoping, Warborn. I wonder how much damage a rocket would do to an infantry? 50 hp? 30 hp?
Also, I would really like to know how many rockets it would take to beat down a tank? Or a reaver? I think it'd be unfair if it took like 5 to take down a reaver, meaning it would take a squad of infantry just to take down a 1 man flying unit. 5 people take down 1 person. That's what i'm worried about. I still think there needs to be some kind of anti-air weapon that could take a reaver down in 2 shots.
2003-04-01, 05:53 PM
Which one Zat? If you're talking about the fileplanet video, I'm pretty sure he got hit by a bolt driver, and then a AI VS MAX finished him off. Why AI? Because the AV MAX does damage over time, which would probably make the rate of fire slow, while the MAX in the video had like full auto.
2003-04-01, 05:55 PM
Not the fileplanet video, that guy gets sniped and a AI VS MAX on him.
Its in one of the gamespot vids.
2003-04-01, 05:57 PM
Oh yeah, but that's old school man.
Old school.
2003-04-01, 06:01 PM
It did less damage than the AI weapon would over small timespan BUT devs has also stated that AV weapons (least on MAXs) will be efficient enough to let them defend themselfs against infantry.
2003-04-01, 06:06 PM
It won't be efficient, no way the devs would make a weapon designed to take out vehicles still do well against infantry. Yes, a well place AV MAX could take out an infantry or two, but other then that, if it's just wondering in an open area, I think infantry has a great chance of taking them out.
AV weaponries.
2003-04-01, 06:14 PM
And based on what i've seen i think you're dead wrong. Just because the vid is old dosn't mean it's invalid. Also been said by devs that they won't be defenceless against infantry no matter what the config. PS isn't a pure paper, rock and scissors game from what i've gathered.
Annyways, as for infantry versus a MAX, course infantry can kill a MAX whitout to much problem, just need some AV weapons. Decimators for instance hehe. Or some AP rounds in your weapons.
Think of it like this, you can't make MAXs become to specialised else they would be WAY to good at the thing they're specialised in.
2003-04-01, 06:18 PM
The thing is, they ARE good at what they are specialized in. AI TR MAX mow down infantry like there's no tomorrow. Now, I don't know about you, but I would NOT want a twin chaingun welding MAX being able to take down vehicles and aircrafts well. Yes, they would probably do some damage, but come on, that IS why there are specialized MAXs right?
2003-04-01, 06:19 PM
I'm just worried that a max would take 6 rockets to go down. I mean 6 infantry vs. 1 max being equal is incredibly bad. I mean whats the point of infantry when there are squads of maxes, all different kinds. 10 infantry vs. 3 anti infantry maxes, 3 anti vehicle maxes, and 3 anti air maxes. Who wins? I think it'd be good if you could take down a max with 2-3 rockets.
2003-04-01, 06:23 PM
And on top of what Veno said, PS is about strategy and team work, if a MAX specialized for taking out vehicles could take out infantry effectively, then all you would need is a bunch of AV MAXs without the need of AI.
2003-04-01, 06:29 PM
I'm not worried av killing infantry or ai maxes killing vehicles. I'm worried about infantry being pointless when squads of maxes can take out the same number of infantry.
2003-04-01, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Venoxile
I'm not worried av killing infantry or ai maxes killing vehicles. I'm worried about infantry being pointless when squads of maxes can take out the same number of infantry.
Squads of MAXs will be screwed blue if they don't have any infantry with them, both for repairs, healing, and for opening doors, hacking bases, and that kind of thing. I know if I was against a half-dozen MAXs and they had one infantryman with them, I'd do whatever I can to kill the infantryman, as the MAXs might as well pack it up and call it a day without infantry support.
Originally posted by Venoxile
That would actually be incredibly powerful, I still think that the striker will be best av, then lancer, then phoenix even though im nc. The only real reason I'm NC is I like the colors, and I like the gauss. I plan to be assaulting bases, so the assault rifle really matters to me... I still don't understand why in the polls there are so many pilots, if you really like flying that much, play a flight sim, not an fps.
hey if you dont wanna be in the air, you can be on the ground being shot at :D
2003-04-01, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Spike
hey if you dont wanna be in the air, you can be on the ground being shot at :D
Yeah... that's what I was saying, I'd rather be in the front lines on the ground then in the air.
2003-04-01, 11:52 PM
I don't think the whole "wah, 6 guys to take out 1 guy" argument is a very valid one. :P
The MAX has a lot of disadvantages. It's slow. It takes a lot of preparation (you can't just spawn it from an AMS, so you need to get a ride). These disadvantages mean that, yes, maybe it will take a lot of infantry to take out a MAX. They're apples to oranges. In a different situation, one infantry might take out one MAX with no trouble -- in fact we have heard of this happening!
A player in Reenforced armor can call his own shots -- get in a buggy, drive around at very high speed, snipe some enemies, get out, assault a base, fly a guided missile, hack into a base, repair people, resurrect people . . .
A MAX armor has one ability, one option. No sneaking. No breaking into bases. No easy play time -- you get into your MAX and get a ride with someone, or you walk.
Same with an Agile armor. They can pilot, but there's nothing that an Agile can do besides that that a Reenforced armor can't do better. Piloting is their ONLY ability -- and so, if they meet you one-on-one and they're in their Reaver and you're out in the open, one-on-one, they SHOULD win. And if you don't have AA, they should win even if there are 6 of you, unless you get to some cover, or they really suck.
I don't think any player's weapon should take down a Reaver in 2 shots. Stop and think about that. Almost anyone could get off two shots at a Reaver in the course of a fight. :P I think that it should take at least 4 or 5 shots from any homing missile, *maybe* 3 shots from a Phoenix. The Pheonix is the one weapon I can see justifying 2-shot kills on a Reaver . . . but the thing is, for those other weapons, you can shoot over and over and over, and it's harder to aim a ship than it is a gun -- which means that even in the open, if you have a strong, fully loaded AA weapon, you probably have a chance.
If you have any cover around at all, then the odds become extremely even. And if there's significant cover, and multiple people with AA weapons, the Reaver would have a tough time doing anything, because you can always duck behind cover -- whereas aircraft are just ripe, juicy targets waiting for someone to pluck them out of the sky.
2003-04-02, 03:56 AM
I do understand that there is importance in making sure that things are balanced, because the object is to have fun, and not make a war simulation...
But an anti-vehicular missile that hits someone in reinforced or less armor should vaporize that person. Can only stretch believable reality so far. Yes, it would mean that people using missiles could make 1-shot-kills...but they do this at the expense of an expensive and can't-carry-very-many piece of weaponry. Make AV weapons use some future version of shape charge warheads, so they have minimal splash damage, and that would make killing infantry with one require a direct hit, which should be pretty difficult. That would be decent balance.
2003-04-02, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by Ouroboros1
The thing is, they ARE good at what they are specialized in. AI TR MAX mow down infantry like there's no tomorrow. Now, I don't know about you, but I would NOT want a twin chaingun welding MAX being able to take down vehicles and aircrafts well. Yes, they would probably do some damage, but come on, that IS why there are specialized MAXs right?
They are specialised yeah, thats the point of MAXs. But they are not OVER specialised in their field. Because if they're overly specialised they would have to be absurdly powerfull in what they're specialised in. You won't be as helpless as a kitten if you face infantry in an AV MAX.
Hell, theres a shot of a TR AI MAX killing a NC MAX.. Obiously the other types does damage to targets they're not specialised to bring down.
Just because something is specialised in something dosn't mean they can't do jack shit to annything else. Just means they do a better job killing what they're specialised in.
Also on a side note, getting a phoenix rocket rammed up you ass as infantry should hurt.... It's a rocket. Same whit the other AV weapons.. Getting grenades in your face should hurt.There has to be some realism in weapons, else the game gets to wierd and you might aswell run around playing paper, rock, scissors.
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