View Full Version : Convince me to leave the NC6 Saw

2013-03-23, 05:51 PM
awww the NC6, my first Auraxium medal, so many good times together. But the honeymoon momment has sadly come to an end, I need something new again, the Saw just doesnt do it for me anymore like it used to.

Now that I bought the Phoenix, started playing Heavy again, but I can't seem to find a reason to upgrade my LMG aswell. I tried VR'd the Anchor and while its a CQC beast, its clip size and lack of long range doesnt suit my playstyle. I impulse bought the EM1 on daily sale a while back and its been collecting dust ever since, its like a blitz bb hose with a 100 rounds, meh. I tried the EM6 and liked its accuracy over the saw, but it wasnt enough to dump my precious saw for.

If I was forced to pick, would probably go EM6 (grip,comp,3.4x, hva). For those who have gone this route, did you feel it was a straight upgrade from the NC6, what did you find lacking about it? just trying to weigh the pros and cons before I blow another 700sc for my HA.

2013-03-23, 06:29 PM
Fully upgraded the EM6 and SAW are highly similar IMO. I like the EM6 slightly more It seems easier to kill at range but its probably not.
Although I do use 1x scopes.

I really dont like the Anchor the slant recoil on it is miserable at range for me. And the GD-22 is easy to use with no attachments but upgraded its nothing special.

2013-03-23, 07:07 PM
The EM1 is smooth, sexy and has really nicely controllable recoil. 100 round drum with a reflex scope and front grip makes it a really nice suppressive fire and cqc gun for those ranges that shutguns don't do well at. That, or the GD22. The GD22 is like having an AR in an LMG

2013-03-23, 07:39 PM
Every time I stop using the SAW, I pick it back up again within 24 hours.

2013-03-23, 07:57 PM
I started with the EM6 (grip,comp,reflex) and was very happy with it (Auraxium) provided it had those attachments.
Now I am trying to get use to the GD-22S with a similar setup.