View Full Version : Outfit Fun Events

2013-03-29, 01:41 PM
I took part in some fun Outfit events run by Imperial Reach last night, things like Mosquito Races etc. They were a blast! Was a fun way to mix things up in the game.

How many Outfits out there do these things and what sort of events do you do?

2013-03-29, 01:46 PM
Anytime the VS capture a continent on Waterson someone always seems to come up with a race of some sort. Best one I was apart of us a Lightning race from the NW Warpgate on Esamir to Ymir. The problem was the TR/NC were both making their way to Eisa(as VS were leaving for Amerish) and we ended up running about 60+ Lightnings through a rather large fight of NC/TR. Was hilarious to see people start shooting at the lead Lightning and then turn and run when another 50 lightnings came into sight.

2013-03-29, 01:51 PM
We run Scythe precision flying events on a fairly regular basis, but those are internal. If there was interest, we'd totally open them up.

Here's the first one we recorded after launch. We were all quite a bit slower back then. :)


2013-03-29, 01:52 PM
We used to do Sunday ops that we called Sunday Funday in PS1. Last Sunday I ran them again, all day, things just like that. We had Flash, Sunderer, and Galaxy races. We did some squad-sized exercises, like breaching tactics. We had parties under the sea, and monster(easter egg) hunts. The week before we had a VIP event for SC, in celebration of the release of the new Flash. We had another assassination event where somebody in the outfit won SC for a confirmed kill of Total Biscuit.

My favorite new op is Random Guy VIP. You find some random crazy, that's babbling in chat about something, usually proximity chat. Then you send a whole squad to track and protect him, and obey his commands. It's great fun when they're drunk...

The op idea we've had that I want to try the most is the Loverboy, where we try to recruit TR and NC females to VS. I think VS on Waterson already has the most women, but we can never have too many.

2013-03-29, 01:55 PM
Flash Death Race - Racing ATV's through enemy territory.

Iron Man Race - Infantry foot race through enemy territory.

Galaxy Wrestling - Wrestling Gals, to the death.

MAX Crash Mania - All MAX race trough enemy territory.

Thread the needle - Attempt to fly ESFA through the the vehicle bay of The Crown.

Dark Skies - Massive Galaxy swarm to mow enemies with.

Sundy Race - Self explainitory.

We do a lot of whacky things for fun. Especially our Science Team. We're the ones who put the Sundy Spawn in a Biolab and made a movie showing how.

We also have 8 training courses a week on different subjects that are focused on learning, but are also fun.

And of course, there is our Saturday Ops at Noon PST.

2013-03-29, 02:09 PM
Ghosts of the Revolutions has run our "Sunday Fun Raid" on Sunday evenings for as many years as I can remember.

The officers choose three themes from our master list every week, then the members vote on which one they'd like to do.

Themes include such classics as a Flash death race through enemy territory, the "Beggars Canyon" Scythe obstacle course, "Protect the Princess" which is similar to what ill described above, our patented Rick James MAXperience, and a load of other themed events that our members think up.

We're just saddened that with no Flail in PS2, there won't be any more Over the Rainbow artillery nights :(

2013-03-29, 02:11 PM
Ive never made it to saturday ops 8 (. Ive worked every saturday and most sundays for the last eight months.

2013-03-29, 02:21 PM
I'm in VG. When isn't there fun?

We've done a few things before from Flash death races to Galaxy Combat. Couple of times, there have been duels. Really happens on a whim, most of the time, rather someone organizing it.

2013-03-29, 02:22 PM
BRTD does Monday Night Madness.
Outside of typical races and such there's usually things like 'find the damn dirty cloaker' where a single infil will hide out in a random outpost and the first one to find and kill him wins. 'Highlander' events...mostly us just running in circles with knives yelling about how there can be only one, 'last one to get weapons locked wins', things of that sort.

Events are planned to be fun and educational. Having a good time and throwing some knowledge at the newer players, outside of the recruit training that they've already gone through, helps make people feel like a team.

2013-03-29, 02:34 PM
On Briggs we are starting to organise goofy events during the week between factions. Shit is fun as hell. So far we have had a flash and sundy destruction derby and galaxy pirates.

2013-03-29, 02:53 PM
"Galaxy Pirates"!? Do tell....

In case somebody is missing the point here. Not only are these events fun, they also promote teamwork and coordination and give officers a really goo idea of who is good at what.

I also love "Protect the Princess". Sounds like a hybrid of Random VIP and Loverboy.

2013-03-29, 02:54 PM
I'll divide these up into things you do as team vs team and free for all. We do these every Thursday at 8PM EST (ts.imperialreach.com:7057). You should try some out with your outfit and join our Fundays too for more ideas! If you want more let me know, ive got a few more pages of this. (we really like fundays)

Gal Wrestling: Choose most empty warpgate. Gals face off at around 2-300m. Touch the ground, touch a pubbie, or leave warpgate and you loose. Good for team v team or elimination brackets

Old West shootouts: Two squads enter small base and fight via singleshot pistols or knife.

The amazing race: all out race via (blind)checkpoints across a continent. participants are hot dropped in a zone and need to fight and race their way to checkpoints. After reaching a checkpoint they are given the next via in game text or riddle possibly(???) so others behind do not hear on teamspeak. Players may use any means to get their. TK not allowed.Random teams possible to make it difficult.

Mosquito relay race: Flyers are given checkpoints at random and need to “check in” land with our man on the ground to be given the a mark. First person back to warpgate wins. Flyers who miss a checkpoint or skip will not have complete marks and fail. Enemy territory possible to mix it up. Checkpoints may be hidden, vague (checkpoint #3 is in crash site but no other details given), or hot (in enemy territory. Need three+ checkpoint markers with pen and pad to list who checks in. May also want upgraded flyer to observe.

Circle of DEATH: make circle of sunderers. Deploy only one! You die you respawn but stay outside of circle. Knife fight in the middle between team or free for all. We tried Max squad vs two infantry squads and it was good. Do 3-1 next time!

Pirates: Two squads load up in gals and meet two other gals at 900 feet facing eachother. Each team is on top of a gal and they need to board the other ship and knife the other team to conquer! Pistols/knife only! First team to kill the other wins!

Ocean’s 11(did I get the right reference?): up to four squads, minimum of two are in a race to cap a sector. Each squad will deliberate amongst themselves and pick (however many squads there are) points that they think they can capture. Each squad leader announces their pick (if same a coin flip is done). All squads start at gateway, launch and must go to, cap, and return in with all squad members. Anything between leaving and returning is up to them but all must travel to point (no sitting in WG). Hot dropping and redeploying are not allowed. Respawning is of course allowed to closest base. First one back wins.

Stacking contest: craziest/highest vehicle stack. I’m thinking prowlers on a gal crazy!

Flash races: Good for groups. Set up track turning points/corners/obstacles. Need funny and enthusiastic race commentator for Team speak. We do rules as no shooting and no performance upgrades. Ramming only.

Hill climb: Players are given the steepest hill with strict borders they may not cross. Players need to climb the hill, first one wins

Galaxy Rodeo: Now in order for this to work the Crown needs to be held by either the NC or the VS. So here’s the game: everyone pulls a Galaxy, at the same time, we all proceed to the Crown. The goal of the game is to circle the crown as many times as a possible. You have to stay within a few hundred meters, basically making tight circles. If you die to enemy fire or mid air collision, you’re out. Last Gal alive wins the Galaxy Rodeo

Treasure hunt: Players must find treasure. X number of hints are thought of before hand. Every 5 minutes a new hint is given. I've done this to the theme of The good, the bad, and the ugly complete with background soundtrack. We had to find the treasure (tank mine) planeted somewhere in Amerish. Little bit of channel hopping in teamspeak to give the cunning an advantage.

Auaxian Roulette : x flashes (members -1) each with c4 on the front placed by a random person, everyone has to run and get to a flash, whoever is left without one blows their c4 and the process repeats till there’s only 1 survivor.

We will be finding some folks randomly outside the outfit to protect soon. Just twelve folks keeping the VIP alive! Should be fun!

2013-03-29, 03:00 PM
Glad you enjoyed yourself Hamma...

2013-03-29, 03:07 PM
"Galaxy Pirates"!? Do tell....

In case somebody is missing the point here. Not only are these events fun, they also promote teamwork and coordination and give officers a really goo idea of who is good at what.

I also love "Protect the Princess". Sounds like a hybrid of Random VIP and Loverboy.

We decided a time and place where everyone would meet up and loaded up onto the top of galaxies and pretty much went at it, we decided 3 rounds but after 2 location changes due to gate crashers we decided to just buzz the crown in a bunch of galaxies. There is some video but the guy who organised it watched the entire thing from a spectators POV and is working his video over the weekend.
Planetside Australia: Operation Arrr is for Wreckage - YouTube

Emperor Newt
2013-03-29, 03:57 PM
From playing VS on Miller I know that the Rock Paper Shotgun people have their "Silly Monday" every week. It's more or less their own outfit thing but they don't mind people jumping in with flash death races through a prowler column and the like.

2013-03-29, 04:22 PM
Another fun one we've done: Smoke ops. Engis and LA smoke everything they can, and the whole squad runs around with IR optics.

Another idea for one I'd like to do called Defector. An outfit member comes to a friendly base as an enemy and we have to protect the defector, passively of course. You could surround him with MAXs as shields and see how many friendlies get grief-locked.

2013-03-29, 04:53 PM
Anytime the VS capture a continent on Waterson someone always seems to come up with a race of some sort. Best one I was apart of us a Lightning race from the NW Warpgate on Esamir to Ymir. The problem was the TR/NC were both making their way to Eisa(as VS were leaving for Amerish) and we ended up running about 60+ Lightnings through a rather large fight of NC/TR. Was hilarious to see people start shooting at the lead Lightning and then turn and run when another 50 lightnings came into sight.
Bah, that's nothing!
The Angry Army does Flash Races, either in VR or over enemy held Territory!
You don't just have to worry about getting their first, you need to get there ALIVE!

2013-03-29, 06:31 PM
Another fun one we've done: Smoke ops. Engis and LA smoke everything they can, and the whole squad runs around with IR optics.

Hot box the bio labs!

2013-03-29, 06:55 PM
It certainly was a good time last night. All of us in the CDL thoroughly enjoyed the shenanigans. Thanks RedOak and the rest of the guys in Imperial Reach for allowing us to participate in the fun! :D

I took part in some fun Outfit events run by Imperial Reach last night, things like Mosquito Races etc. They were a blast! Was a fun way to mix things up in the game.

2013-03-30, 12:03 PM
Galaxy Wrestling is pretty epic. :lol:

2013-03-30, 03:24 PM
Setting up a burster camp outside a gate is fun. Creates battles in random places