View Full Version : The Light Assault nerf is resented.

2013-04-18, 12:56 PM
The class is weaker in every way than other classes(excepting infiltrators) - except that we have jump jets.

We have no other good feature at all. The only other unique thing we have is "adrenaline" which is actually a worse than the standard suit upgrades.

I suspect it was done because LA tend to get more kills than many other classes.
But since out class offers no utility and has no defensive ability - it stands to reason that players use the class for the only thing it is capable of - killing enemies.

And of course even though our nerfing our only uniquie ability - they decided to delay LA improvments.

Im annoyed.

2013-04-18, 12:59 PM
The class is weaker in every way than other classes(excepting infiltrators) - except that we have jump jets.

We have no other good feature at all. The only other unique thing we have is "adrenaline" which is actually a worse than the standard suit upgrades.

I suspect it was done because LA tend to get more kills than many other classes.
But since out class offers no utility and has no defensive ability - it stands to reason that players use the class for the only thing it is capable of - killing enemies.

And of course even though our nerfing our only uniquie ability - they decided to delay LA improvments.

Im annoyed.

I'm fairly sure smoke and C4 would classify as utility, and that's ignoring the jump jets which do indeed make the class. LA was and still is the best class.

2013-04-18, 01:03 PM
You can't say "LA is the weakest class..... maybe we're being needed because we get so many kills"........

2013-04-18, 01:08 PM
1 All combat classes get c4

2 Smoke? Really? If you are with a unit that wants smoke - you get an engineer with the underbarrel launcher - because its about 100% better and costs no resources.

I didnt say it was the weakest class. I said except for the JJ it is - so its annoying to nerf the one thing that is good.

2013-04-18, 01:12 PM
As if Jump Jets were this pointless, trivial thing to be glossed over in a comparison.

2013-04-18, 01:23 PM
What nerf?

Am I missing something here? All I spot in the patch notes is an increase in jump jet volume.

Infantry Updates
•Active Heavy Assault Shields and flak armor will no longer stack.
• Jump Jet audio has been increased in volume.
• Grenades are now thrown directly at the aim point. The arc has been slightly modified to work with this change.
• Tanks mines have been increased in size.
•Removed the forced weapon swap after deploying an object.
• Lock-on rocket launchers can no longer lock on to turrets.
• The repair tool targeting now functions similar to the heal tool.
• All extra VS damage scaling at range has been removed. VS minimum damage now matches the damage scaling of the other two factions.

Edit - and as an avid MAX fan, I consider LAs to be one of the biggest threats to me. Not that I'm complaining about this; seems fair enough; and I've pulled LA + C4 to take out a few MAXes in my time too.

2013-04-18, 01:34 PM
The class is weaker in every way than other classes(excepting infiltrators)

LA tend to get more kills than many other classes.

hay babby

wat r u wearings

2013-04-18, 01:39 PM
What nerf are we referring to here?

2013-04-18, 02:02 PM
it can't be the fact our JJ's now make some noise is it?

2013-04-18, 02:09 PM
it can't be the fact our JJ's now make some noise is it?

Stealth ambush nerf really. Pretty hard to react to something you don't hear coming.

2013-04-18, 02:10 PM
Ok, remove the jump jet sound and remove the infiltrator cloack sound, everyone will be happy.

2013-04-18, 02:11 PM
The class is weaker in every way than other classes(excepting infiltrators) - except that we have jump jets.

Wow. Try this on for size:

"The new 1200hp mustang is slower in every way than other cars, except for the engine."

But since out class offers no utility and has no defensive ability

C4 with jump jets are HUGE. Turrets are your BITCH. And you can hop down, restock, and come back up again. YOUR BITCH!

And jump jets ARE a defensive ability. We can dodge VERTICALLY, which throws many people off. Splash damage? Ha! Vertical flanking is pretty huge too. LA can get up on the roof where a lot of normal cover is worthless.

And of course even though our nerfing our only uniquie ability - they decided to delay LA improvments.

Assault != Stealth.

I would like to see differences in the empires' LA jets:

TR: Meduim audio, medium visual. Like it is now, more or less... maybe a little smoke trail.
NC: LOUD, but little or no visual component.
VS: Silent, glowing light trails. Pretty awesome during the day, BALLS at night.

Im annoyed.

Me too, but about something else entirely.

2013-04-18, 02:13 PM
Ok, remove the jump jet sound and remove the infiltrator cloack sound, everyone will be happy.

While we're at it, let's get MAX footsteps to sound like normal infantry footsteps and equip all our vehicles with better mufflers. And that magrider hum? Gone.

2013-04-18, 02:13 PM
Stealth ambush nerf really. Pretty hard to react to something you don't hear coming.

fire your gun to cover the noise ;)

still it's only loud at the start they get quiet enough once you're going, you can still stealth people, just need new tactics is all.

2013-04-18, 02:41 PM
In large battles the extra scream of LAs jump jets will hardly be noticable. But I have to agree that in small ops this really is a game changer.

2013-04-18, 03:07 PM
The lamenting of the TR and VS womenses is still louder probably. ;)

But yeah, small ops, think small holds and all, they'll hear the jetpacks coming better and would be more spatially aware of them.

2013-04-18, 03:10 PM
I'm fairly certain I'd still get tons of kills even if it made a giant loud diesel engine noise. Most of the time I bomb vehicles from higher up, and anyone not expecting LA shotgun to the face inside is out of their mind. It's just a question of moving quickly and having good reactions. And if there's a lot of guns and explosions going off it won't be such an issue (biolabs, I'm looking at you). In smaller ops sure, but most of the time it seems both sides know where the other is. It's just the Phobos has a much faster TTK in close. We'll adapt and it'll be business as usual.

2013-04-18, 06:27 PM
Much Ado about nothing

2013-04-18, 06:27 PM
If you think the LA is the weakest class you are not utilizing it anywhere near to it's full potential. We're at the top of the food chain in base fights, heavies following closely behind.

2013-04-18, 07:57 PM
Someone in IRC thought they were nerfed also.. I just don't see it.

2013-04-18, 08:10 PM
I havn't heard the new sound, but if it is the one from test, I can assure you it is a major change that removes a whole lot of sneak attack options where the presence would be unknown. Much like an infil without the cloak sound, you would not get early warning of an ambush.

Which is why most ps1 vets would rather see only pistols with low ttk on an infil, to balance out stealth and poor killing power with reaction time and low health. Shotgun light assaults especially are much in the same category, it will be harder to sneak up on AMSes, get away or into a camp or flank position, without risking spoiling the surprise.

It stops you from silently flying to a window and fire inside.

Sneaking up on tanks will also be harder, as will sneaking around the underside of a bridge.

That said, it isn't gamebreaking.

The Magrider strafe acceleration doubling (5/km^2 to 10km/s^2) and the increase in strafe speed by 33% surprise me tbh. Dumbfiring is hard enough at the current rate.

Neutral Calypso
2013-04-18, 08:15 PM
I thought I sensed my jumpjet fuel draining faster than before, but I suppose it might just be in my head.

Babyfark McGeez
2013-04-18, 08:16 PM
You forgot the most important point: Fezzes...i mean Light Assaults are cool.

And this forum could use a strikethrough tag. Or i didn't find it. :p

2013-04-18, 08:27 PM
Someone in IRC thought they were nerfed also.. I just don't see it.

The nerf is the added load bang every time you hit JJ

Its bad that it gives you away but probably worse is that its just extremly annoying to hear "bang bang bang" every time you fly somewhere.

2013-04-18, 11:08 PM
Ok, remove the jump jet sound and remove the infiltrator cloack sound, everyone will be happy.

But then Light Assault would still be a better infiltration class than Infiltrators.

I havn't heard the new sound, but if it is the one from test, I can assure you it is a major change that removes a whole lot of sneak attack options where the presence would be unknown.

We're talking about a person with a jet pack strapped to their back. How much sneaking do you honestly think they should be able to accomplish while using that jet pack?

If you want to be stealthy, play Infiltrator. Their noise only occurs during cloak and uncloak.

It stops you from silently flying to a window and fire inside.

Sneaking up on tanks will also be harder, as will sneaking around the underside of a bridge.

In any decent firefight, the sound from the jet pack is still easy to miss.

2013-04-19, 01:03 AM
I have noticed next to no difference in how people react to LA's buzzing around after this so-called "nerf."
People still react the same way when I place two blocks of TR grade C4 on their precious vannies. They go BOOM.

2013-04-19, 01:31 AM
LA is awesome.

2013-04-19, 01:56 AM
And this forum could use a strikethrough tag. Or i didn't find it. :p

You have to work for it google for like 5 seconds. :cool:

Emperor Newt
2013-04-19, 03:06 AM
TR: Meduim audio, medium visual. Like it is now, more or less... maybe a little smoke trail.
NC: LOUD, but little or no visual component.
VS: Silent, glowing light trails. Pretty awesome during the day, BALLS at night.

I would like something like that. A little bit more of faction specific flavor would be nice for the game.

2013-04-19, 03:54 AM
So all this fuss is about the louder jump jet noise! Of all the things to whine about.

Non issue is non issue.

2013-04-19, 04:12 AM
We're talking about a person with a jet pack strapped to their back. How much sneaking do you honestly think they should be able to accomplish while using that jet pack?

If you want to be stealthy, play Infiltrator. Their noise only occurs during cloak and uncloak.

In any decent firefight, the sound from the jet pack is still easy to miss.

Hey I'm just evaluating objectively, already said I don't think it's gamebreaking and I haven't played aside from the test server, where there's only a few opponents. I'm only saying it IS actually a bit of a nerf where others thought there was none at all.

If anything, I'd hope the infil's stealth would become more appreciated, I'm an infil at heart after all. Now all we need is an infiltrator class.

2013-04-19, 04:31 AM
The LA is already tactically OP. It deserved at least the sound of the jetpack.

It is quite fun also hearing the "bang" every time, but I think it is also quite distracting.

We all must get used to it.

2013-04-19, 04:34 AM
C4 with jump jets are HUGE.

No, they really aren't. They are a niche, one-trick pony.

Turrets are your BITCH.

Oh hey, congrats. You managed to take out a single turret, one of those things people almost never use anyway due to the conception that they are death-traps and redundant now that anyone can be a heavy assault and be granted access to the best AA in the game, and which can be repaired in 30 seconds as soon as you leave.

And you can hop down, restock, and come back up again. YOUR BITCH! Yeah man! You can hop down and huff it all the way back to your sunderer, hoping you don't get shot to pieces on the way there, and hoping that your sunderer is still there in the first place. And then, once you re-stock, you can huff it allll the way back to your troll position, again hoping you don't get shot in the process or that the area isn't swarming with enemies now. Talk about efficiency.

Vertical flanking is pretty huge too. LA can get up on the roof where a lot of normal cover is worthless. Yep! And you can even get four or five kills before you run out of ammo and become completely useless. That'll really help out in a battle where the enemy respawns infinitely and numbers in the multiple dozens.

Let's not kid ourselves here. Light Assault is the only class I play on my NC account (it's my favorite in the game with medic as a close second), but I have no problem admitting that it's an extremely niche and ultimately irrelevant class. It's utility isn't nearly as widespread as that of the "holy trinity" classes: Medic, Heavy Assault, Engineer. As far as "okay guys, time to defend/assault this base. Everyone change to ____", Light Assault joins the Infiltrator in the ass-tier.

- - - - -

I don't really care a whole lot about the jetpacks suddenly being loud, no one ever pays to attention to noise in this game anyway since battles are always so loud. It's undeniable that this is a straight nerf to a class that isn't all that useful as it is, though. "If you want to infiltrate, play an infiltrator!" is all well and good except that infiltrator is the only thing Light Assault is good at. Making one class more useless to make an equally useless class seem not quite as useless isn't logical. If people want infiltrator to be played, the secret is to give the infiltrator utility that actually makes it useful.

2013-04-19, 04:46 AM
The only thing that I have an "issue" with is that the "bang" seems to be just a wee bit delayed.

2013-04-19, 04:54 AM
I didn't hear anything new in the game last night. I guess I have to remember this today and see how loud it is then. I use my sounds a lot while playing, so it's funny that I didn't hear it. :O

Tom Peters
2013-04-19, 06:12 AM
Most players don't even make good use of sound.

2013-04-19, 06:24 AM
Indeed. Very rarely do most people ever pay attention to the background noise. If anything, the only did they do is when there is none and there suddenly there is.

In the middle of a battle you'll probably be hearing that bang 30 times, and the majority of those times will be from your own allied LA.

2013-04-19, 07:53 AM
I haven't played the new update a lot yet, so I didn't get a chance to hear the jump jets' new sound(s). But I'm sure that they are well overdue. Why complain? You have next to no control over it (besides coming up here, complaining, and HOPING that the devs read your complaint and see it viable enough to fix it), so it's pointless to argue about it... ;P

Plus, I'm pretty sure that the devs only pay attention to posts by higher ranking forum users (Seargent Major and higher maybe?) and higher ranking BRs when deciding what change to implement next...

2013-04-19, 08:04 AM
I haven't played the new update a lot yet, so I didn't get a chance to hear the jump jets' new sound(s). -snip-

Plus, I'm pretty sure that the devs only pay attention to posts by higher ranking forum users (Seargent Major and higher maybe?) and higher ranking BRs when deciding what change to implement next...

I switched to LA last night and was initially startled by the new noise, but it is on no great concern; didn't stop me jetting up and over the rooftops to drop C4 on a Sunderer...

And your second paragraph - where did you get that idea from? There's plenty of rubbish posted by some of the so called higher ranking forum users (no names mentioned). I'm sure that the devs are more discerning; certainly hope so!

2013-04-19, 08:08 AM
your second paragraph - where did you get that idea from? There's plenty of rubbish posted by some of the so called higher ranking forum users (no names mentioned). I'm sure that the devs are more discerning; certainly hope so!

I don't know, I've just noticed that thing that the higher up people suggested got implemented, but not the lower ranking ones. Plus I think I saw someone mention it before, but don't quote me on that one. :P

2013-04-19, 08:08 AM
No, they really aren't. They are a niche, one-trick pony.


Let's not kid ourselves here. Light Assault is the only class I play on my NC account (it's my favorite in the game with medic as a close second), but I have no problem admitting that it's an extremely niche and ultimately irrelevant class. It's utility isn't nearly as widespread as that of the "holy trinity" classes: Medic, Heavy Assault, Engineer. As far as "okay guys, time to defend/assault this base. Everyone change to ____", Light Assault joins the Infiltrator in the ass-tier.

I lol when you say that LAs are a one trick pony and then go on to say that it is your favourite class.

And the last comment quoted is simply untrue; LA + C4 is excellent for taking out that hidden Sunderer, can really rip the heart out of an attack.

2013-04-19, 08:15 AM
I don't know, I've just noticed that thing that the higher up people suggested got implemented, but not the lower ranking ones. Plus I think I saw someone mention it before, but don't quote me on that one. :P

I would agree that some of the so called "higher up" people do put forward some valid points in an eloquent manner, but I would like to think that it is this that get's their posts noticed, rather than their forum rank.

I'm a great disrespecter of forum rank in any case, what does it means other than that someone has put up a lot of posts?

2013-04-19, 08:27 AM
I would agree that some of the so called "higher up" people do put forward some valid points in an eloquent manner, but I would like to think that it is this that get's their posts noticed, rather than their forum rank.

I'm a great disrespecter of forum rank in any case, what does it means other than that someone has put up a lot of posts?

I know what you mean... Honestly, I don't take lower-ranking posts seriously unless I know it's someone with either an extremely valid point, or a higher BR for some reason... GAH! I need to stop being so skeptical of lower ranks. >_<

2013-04-19, 08:44 AM
IMHO, I absolutely love the new sound. No one is able to hear it still, so it doesn't deny me anything in the long run. I find it as a buff because I get to hear this badass BANG every time I take off. And for those who do hear it-they know that they are about to die >=D

2013-04-19, 09:28 AM
You have to work for it google for like 5 seconds. :cool:
Or just quote your post be a genius like myself!

I would like something like that. A little bit more of faction specific flavor would be nice for the game.
Plus one for Vanu Dub-step Sub-woofer Jet Packs!


Most players don't even make good use of sound.
I can hear them... I CAN HEAR THE ENEMY!!!

2013-04-19, 09:54 AM
I can't!

It's quiet... TOO QUIET! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!? :eek::huh:

2013-04-19, 11:06 AM
I switched to LA last night and was initially startled by the new noise, but it is on no great concern; didn't stop me jetting up and over the rooftops to drop C4 on a Sunderer...

I fully agree with your position.

It is mainly a sound noise for the people that use it. On the gameplay side it was due, long due.
Mobility must have a price, and the price is "BANG! phewwww phewwww phewwww"


2013-04-19, 11:24 AM
I'm liking the idea of better faction specific noises for the jump jets,

VS should sound sci-fi of course

NC should be like a muscle man car with racing carburetors

& TR should have a something that redirects all the gas and pressure into a device that when spun wails out very patriotic phrases.

"Death to the traitorous VS"

"Only good NC is a Dead NC"

& the so forth, which to my mind sums up our faction differences nicely.
Doubt I'd ever get sick of listening to it

2013-04-19, 12:09 PM
I'm liking the idea of better faction specific noises for the jump jets,

VS should sound sci-fi of course

NC should be like a muscle man car with racing carburetors

& TR should have a something that redirects all the gas and pressure into a device that when spun wails out very patriotic phrases.

"Death to the traitorous VS"

"Only good NC is a Dead NC"

& the so forth, which to my mind sums up our faction differences nicely.
Doubt I'd ever get sick of listening to it

This would suit the TR better ;)
StuKa Ju 87 siren (psychological effect) - YouTube

2013-04-19, 12:13 PM
This would suit the TR better ;)
StuKa Ju 87 siren (psychological effect) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZZ504TGDpE)

OYG I've wanted that on my Mossie since day 1 :lol:
heck yeah I'd have that on my JJs too

people always say but what if your trying to stealth, I ain't into back door shenanigans. My TR approach has always been to punch you in the face and explain why I'm punching you in the face ;)

2013-04-19, 12:54 PM
I bet some pilots would spend SC on a Stuka siren; probably regarded as politically incorrect though :rolleyes:

And agreed; there's a time for stealth and there's a class for stealth too, but LA is about rushing (the clue is in the name) :)

2013-04-19, 12:57 PM
I bet some pilots would spend SC on a Stuka siren; probably regarded as politically incorrect though :rolleyes:

Aircraft don't do politics.

2013-04-19, 01:09 PM
Aircraft don't do politics.


Honey Badger don't give a damn.

2013-04-19, 01:10 PM
All I see the JJ Noise is another tool when you think about it. If the enterprising player is listening for you, trick him with your JJ and hit em from another angle. There is only so long you can be stealthy for before they know you are around murdering their friends.

2013-04-19, 01:22 PM
Aircraft don't do politics.

True dat.

2013-04-19, 02:01 PM
All I see the JJ Noise is another tool when you think about it. If the enterprising player is listening for you, trick him with your JJ and hit em from another angle. There is only so long you can be stealthy for before they know you are around murdering their friends.

Often it is just as stealthy to just run into pack of enemies. There is great chance that nobody shoots you. LA could as well have a "ALERT ALERT LA FLYING HERE" sound with all kinds of blinking lights attached to him/her and there would still be a chance to be stealthy.

2013-04-19, 02:13 PM
I lol when you say that LAs are a one trick pony and then go on to say that it is your favourite class.Why?

And the last comment quoted is simply untrue; LA + C4 is excellent for taking out that hidden Sunderer, can really rip the heart out of an attack.

Obviously you don't even play the class. 2xC4 will not destroy a sunderer that has full health.

So congratulations. You huffed your ass all the way over there and managed to *almost* do what a heavy assault or an engineer with a mana turret could do from 200 meters away. And that's assuming you don't just get shot by someone spawning from the sundy as you approach, which is what happens about 50% of the time.

2013-04-19, 02:22 PM

Obviously you don't even play the class. 2xC4 will not destroy a sunderer that has full health.

So congratulations. You huffed your ass all the way over there and managed to *almost* do what a heavy assault or an engineer with a mana turret could do from 200 meters away. And that's assuming you don't just get shot by someone spawning from the sundy as you approach, which is what happens about 50% of the time.

C4 + ubgl = dead sunderer ;)


2013-04-19, 03:28 PM
Obviously you don't even play the class. 2xC4 will not destroy a sunderer that has full health.

So congratulations. You huffed your ass all the way over there and managed to *almost* do what a heavy assault or an engineer with a mana turret could do from 200 meters away. And that's assuming you don't just get shot by someone spawning from the sundy as you approach, which is what happens about 50% of the time.

Most of the time that I pull LA it is to destroy Sunderers, and whilst 2xC4 will not destroy a full health Sunderer on it's own, it will get one down to perilously low health and I get the crit assist. Or someone will have already damaged it, and my C4 finishes it off. Job done either way; attack crippled.

This is a team game you know.

2013-04-19, 04:48 PM
While we're at it, let's get MAX footsteps to sound like normal infantry footsteps and equip all our vehicles with better mufflers. And that magrider hum? Gone.

and give infy's shotguns back lol

2013-04-20, 10:48 AM
The Light Assault "nerf" is overblown. You've got a turbine strapped to your back. You're gonna make noise. Deal with it.

2013-04-20, 11:25 AM
Most of the time that I pull LA it is to destroy Sunderers, and whilst 2xC4 will not destroy a full health Sunderer on it's own, it will get one down to perilously low health and I get the crit assist. Or someone will have already damaged it, and my C4 finishes it off. Job done either way; attack crippled.

This is a team game you know.

We just have one place some stuff then die while taking out as many as possible with a machine gun while we have another player finish it off, usualy by setting all explosives off at once.

2013-04-20, 11:30 AM
Most of the time that I pull LA it is to destroy Sunderers, and whilst 2xC4 will not destroy a full health Sunderer on it's own, it will get one down to perilously low health and I get the crit assist. Or someone will have already damaged it, and my C4 finishes it off. Job done either way; attack crippled.

This is a team game you know.

My current recipe is

Attach both C4 to Sunderer
Run 10?m away
Use both UBGL rounds to the rear (I only manually detonate C4 if I needed to place it on top)

2013-04-20, 12:46 PM
Not to derail the thread.. but here are some of our BBCODE options. :P
