View Full Version : I would love the ability to sell certs back

2013-04-19, 08:15 PM
I´d love it if anyone could sell certifications back, so that you get (maybe half of) the Cert Points or Seven Cash back.

It´s because i purchased the first Pumpgun for the Vanu souvereighnty (with 1000 Cert points...), that looks awful, and now i am annoyed that there is a new Pumpgun with that very cool design :cry:

I know, it´s my own problem, but maybe it would be a nice change?

2013-04-19, 08:36 PM
I see your point, but if they give you station cash you have less reason to give them real cash. If you can re-cert, then you have less incentive to keep playing (no need to grind).

2013-04-19, 08:45 PM
Hopefully in the next update there will be an item we can 'purchase' in the Depot that will allow us to re-cert a character.

I think because we have earned and not bought our certs we should have +/- slide bars, but restricted to class or vehicle.
So if you spend 400c on eg. a speed chassis for the flash and think 'was a weeks gaming worth 5 kph':D you can back it off and put it on radar maybe.

The VR Training Area is there now to help make the right choices:D

2013-04-19, 09:51 PM
I want the ability to gift certs.

200 certs/day for each VS who plays on Amerish on Waterson.
May cost me.. 600 certs a day tops!

2013-04-19, 11:16 PM
I see your point, but if they give you station cash you have less reason to give them real cash. If you can re-cert, then you have less incentive to keep playing (no need to grind).

Neutral Calypso
2013-04-19, 11:47 PM
They will EVENTUALLY start selling cert resets. Or so they say.

2013-04-19, 11:54 PM
Or... we can get frustrated and pissed off that every time we spend SC on a weapon they come out with another that is essentially superior. Then rather than spending money on new weapons we get fed up and just stop buying new stuff all together. I've got a bit of station cash left, and i'm happy they finally have a VR and proper stat comparisons but there is a LOT of stuff I bought prior to those things and the bitter taste in my mouth wants me to simply not spend any more money.

2013-04-20, 01:17 AM
One of my outfit member today bought his first weapon ever, using certs.
When he said I spent 1.000 certs in a weapon and I didn´t like it, I said, dude, we have VR, why didn´t you check it before buying?
Well, all TR weapons can be put in good use, let me see what did you got.
Paid 1.000 certs and got the ns-15m.
Dude, yeah, you are level 20, just unlocked your first weapon with certs and got the worst one, no really wtf were you thinking?
You can place a soft point ammo, compensator and fore grip and try to live with it, but it really sucks for the TR, even the default t9 carv weapon is better.
I don´t know if he will keep playing after spending most of his certification points in a useless weapon, an because he is a free user, there is no way he will ever get rid of that junk.
I always give the same advice, the starting weapons are good, when you got all the skills of the class (maybe 2 classes) you use one level under the maximum one, and picked a vehicle to spend some certs on it so you don´t need to be infantry all the time, go to the VR, check the internet, ask for my opinion and them, buy a weapon!
But some people are just plain dumb, one of my outfit member wanted a close quarters weapon for his light assault, I always advice for the Lynx, people use it people love it, or a shotgun, but some people just hate shotguns, so get the Lynx. After they get the lynx they spit on the face of smg users easily.
So, that plain dumb guy from my outfit wanted a silenced weapon for long range for his light assault, I just said, dude, you are doing it wrong! You are supposed do be them close, but if you REALLY want that, the Jaguar is a better option than the Lynx for that, because it have more predictable recoil, and less damage drop off, the t5 amc don´t have suppressor, but be advice, the Lynx can win with a smg fight easily, but not the jaguar.
So, he appears with a Trac 5 S unlocked, just said to him, dude, I won´t say anything, but why did you unlocked the only weapon nobody on the outfit told you to do? You were on the last hour on the VR training, got advice from 3 LA users, got my advice and did what nobody said you to do? Also, you are using with a foregrip, the default trac 5 is better for what you are going to use it!
Sometimes I really want to just type /outfit disband and start playing with pubs forever, sometimes I really think most pubs really listen to me more them some of my outfit members.

2013-04-20, 10:51 AM
Not being able to refund a SC item is perfectly fine for me, as I want to say that 30% of purchases would be refunded just out of Buyer's remorse alone,

On the other hand I would really love it, if you would get like a 30 minute - 1 hour window to 'Undo' any certs you spent. As for some players, you really can be talking about mistakenly wasting weeks worth of progress.

For me it's not so bad, being a paid player, spend 500 certs on something I end up almost never using? Damn, I just wasted a couple hours of play, I'll use it eventually I guess /shrug.

Some cert expenditures can't really be tested, I wish in the VR you had access to every rank of abilities, not just the top rank, as you cant judge if those 500 certs are really quite worth it to jump from second to last, to last rank on the Repair gun. I'm going to get it anyway when I have 500 spares, but it's not the top of my priority, and there are alot of situations like that, such as, should I spend those 500 certs on that extra rank of Magburner, or will the shorter cooldown not make much of a difference?

Just the small stuff that annoys me some times.

2013-04-20, 11:22 AM
Hey, i checked the Weapon, but when i bought it, the other Pumpgun wasn´t in the Game! I also used the VR Training to compare weapons!

So, it would be fair if i could sell it, and get back minimum of half of the certs i spent.

And, the same could be cool for Seven/Station Cash.

Emperor Newt
2013-04-20, 12:24 PM
Just did the math some time ago (playing since beta/release) and I have about 1,5k certs (only because I do not buy the high level stuff until I have enough certs to spare) sitting in stuff I will most likely never, ever use again. But the same goes for SC. There it's about 3000 SC (everything spend before we got VR)

Buyers remorse is quiet the b* in this game and actually currently holding me off spending/buying more SC and only spending certs very, very carefully.

I would very much like a one time, even payed, refund option for both. It's not like SOE has much to loose. A purchasable refund would take sc out of the system and people would be more happy with the game if they feel their money well spent. I also think that this might be a psychological benefit to the game.
Currently me (and many in my outfit) hold back their purchases because there are so many changes made it's hard to tell if you will continue to use the weapon you just spend 700sc on. Especially after a few months because there will be another flavor of the month around the corner or simply balance changes.

Everyone in our outfit has been "burned", some more some less, by this and it surely leads to you (us) being more careful about your spendings. Of course for a customer this is a good thing, but for SOE it surely would be better if customers would be more... "open" on how and how much people spend their sc. And now, after the first months, I don't see this happening in our outfit anymore. During the last patches everybody jumped to buy specific weapons, but especially since the smgs people are way more carefull now.
In our outfit forums we have a huge "weapons testing and review" thread and the first rule in this thread (added only lately), repeated several times is: "WAIT! (for at least one month)". Simple but effective golden rule.

2013-04-20, 12:43 PM
I wouldn't mind seeing a short timer that allows you to unlearn something and get the certs back. Total refunds after the fact and even for SC would be a bit to far imo.

2013-04-20, 04:26 PM
Also I just noticed that I had night vision for my zephyr and had infra vision for my zephyr px.
Now, both got night vision! I really don´t know if I should open a support ticket for just 150 certs when I have 22k of it.